Chapter 661
"The corpse of this monster cannot stay here, there will be problems if it stays here.

What's more, I feel that the corpse of this monster may be of some use? "

Mo Yan smiled mysteriously and came to collect the corpses of these monsters more quickly.

Even some that were cut off and not completely dead but regenerated in half were also collected by him into the space ring.

And just like that, Mo Yan relieved everyone of a little bit of pressure.

Although everyone is trying their best to kill the monsters, this battle is also tragic.

Many ordinary supernatural beings died in this base, and most of those ordinary people died.

But there is really no way to do this. The base does not have such a great ability to equip all the ordinary people with that kind of advanced protective clothing.

In this way, after the battle went on for 8 hours without stopping, most of the monsters in this season were eliminated.

And the remaining small part has the high-level ability user, who will be annihilated when they recover a little.

Seriously, when everyone was able to take a breath, everyone lay on the ground and couldn't rest.

For this, I have to thank Mo Yan for putting all these things into his ring.

Han Xiaochen wanted to collect some, but was stopped by Mo Yan.

"Except for me, none of you should collect these things. Collecting these things in the space, I feel that it will have a bad impact on your space."

Han Xiaochen actually understands that it is definitely not good to put these things in the space.

After all, the origin of these things is quite disgusting, and now their corpses are indeed even more disgusting.

However, Li Na was still desperately trying to restore her abilities. After she had a little bit of abilities on her body, she threw light abilities on these fighters.

After all, fighting monsters, everyone in this battle has that kind of stain on them.

Not to mention the foul smelling gas, the most frightening thing was that his body was also infested by some of those monster gases.

But those things have very, very, very bad effects on the human body.

Han Xinuo and Zhao Ye still have a base, and other healing power users.

While desperately recovering, he was also desperately healing the people around him.

Not only the light system can be purified, in fact, people who heal supernatural powers can also be purified, but the speed and effect are a bit worse.

Han Xiaochen blinked, feeling that now is not the time to hide his strength.

She directly distributed some of the pills bought from the cultivation world to them.

Let them quickly recover their energy. For some reason, these ammunition in the cultivation world can really be used by these supernatural beings.

Especially the ones that Han Xiaochen took out were only qi nourishing pills for the disciples in the qi training period.

"Han Xiaochen, thank you!" Zhao Ye lightly said thank you to Han Xiaochen!

Han Xiaochen waved his hand to stop the others.

"Don't say thank you, now is not the time to say thank you, you are willing to thank me for my words.

When everyone is stable and peaceful, how about you, then prepare a thank you gift for me.

You must know that these are also extremely precious to me, if it is not for the major event of our human life and death.

I will never take it out even if I die. "

Han Xiaochen smiled helplessly, if it weren't for the fact that he was strong enough now, or if it wasn't for the moment of life and death for human beings.

She really wasn't such a virgin, and she didn't have the guts to show it.

"Han Xiaochen, don't worry, I have taken good care of the people in the base."

The implication of Mo Shen's words is very clear, you are willing to give such a heaven-defying good medicine for everyone.

The people in this base will know your favor, and I am in charge of them, so I dare not have other thoughts about you.

"Yeah, I know the leader, I know everyone, I know you better, and I know your abilities better."

Han Xiaochen smiled weakly and raised the corners of his lips. Damn, he also needs to recover urgently, okay?
What's more, the cultivation technique of my space spirit root is not so fast, and it is so easy to exert its power.

Otherwise, wouldn't it be easy to deal with these monsters?
But suddenly, Han Xiaochen felt that he should also let Han Xinuo find a chance to practice the spell of this space spirit root.

What if this Han Yinuo, who has the offensive space ability, can also practice this?
If one had practiced this spell, the attack power would be massive and doubled!
"Damn, I'm going to die of exhaustion. Everyone listen to my orders for a while. You just find a place to sit down obediently. I will send someone to distribute food to you."

As soon as Mo Shen's words fell, everyone in the base fell silent.

This is the benefit of having a high cultivation base. His voice is not very loud, but it can be accurately transmitted to everyone's ears.

Han Xiaochen also felt that he was exhausted to death, but as a space power user, he could eat food at any time, but he still waited to be with everyone.

Although some people are scattered in other places, they may not be able to see them.

Mo Shen, the food distributed this time is very rich.

Everyone shared two large pieces of chocolate, and a large piece of mutated animal meat.

Not to mention that there is such a large plate of fried vegetables with mutated plants.

This is thanks to the ability to have space, and it's thanks to the time to get it right, otherwise, so many people in the base who are familiar with these things and distribute them will exhaust people to death.

Han Xiaochen.He was also given such a share, and he was not picky eaters, so he ate them hungrily with everyone.

As soon as Han Xiaochen ate it, someone began to distribute the water.

And it was Li Wenna who distributed the water, Han Xiaochen understood after thinking about it, most of the water here should be purified by Li Wenna.

It's just a water-type power user who didn't drink hot water, but gave it to other people.

After all, the ability of the water system means that the artistic energy is about to be exhausted, and a little of this condensed is enough for him to drink.

Han Xiaochen was full after eating and drinking, and took a rest before scrambling back to his villa.

I didn't have time to hang out with my good friends, so I entered the space and took a deep bath for myself.

The same is true for other people, Han Xiaochen almost fell asleep after taking a bath.

But what did she remember?Only then did he put all the materials that Han Sitong had collected for him in the open space in the courtyard of the villa.

After sending a message to Xiao Ye, Han Xiaochen entered the space with peace of mind and fell asleep soundly.

Compared with them, Xiao Ye is indeed physically strong.

But after resting for a while, she was full of energy.

And since Han Xiaochen sent him a message, he naturally came over and quickly put those supplies into the storage ring.

In fact, Li Na and Mo Shen also brought in a lot of supplies, but this kind of thing is always not too much in a place like the end of the world, isn't it?

Then, Xiao Ye personally came to the largest restaurant in the base, and took this.The ingredients that can be eaten directly are all arranged.

Really at this stage, how about all these people!All these things eaten at the base are free.

It is even said that there is still an unlimited supply, and everyone must be full.

This rule applies even to ordinary people. Although it is said that ordinary people have little ability, there is one thing that everyone has to admit.

That is, the largest number of imperial capital bases are ordinary people.

There are so many ants that they kill elephants, especially this time ordinary people took up weapons in their hands to deal with those monsters, and they also achieved very good results.

(End of this chapter)

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