Chapter 663
But suddenly the monsters outside started to move and resisted strongly.

It even made a pretty penetrating howl.

Really, this sound is even more creepy than the evil spirits in hell.

Although Mo Shen said that he has experienced a lot, but
I was still shocked by this battle.

"Mo Yan, I'll help you."

Mo Shen also left the base in a flash, and went outside to rob and kill those monsters.

After all, this is a lightning-type power user, plus the ability of this comprehension practitioner.

Taking out the flying sword to cut those monsters is accurate.

And Mo Yan just nodded lightly, but it didn't affect his continuous fighting.

The sword went down in a hurry, and it disappeared immediately when the monster didn't move.

But there are too many of these monsters.

Li Na smiled helplessly, and stepped out.

"Hurry up, both of you, I can't keep my eyes on me, so I'll go back quickly."

As soon as Li Na finished speaking, the monsters outside were frozen again.

Otherwise, how can this space be used easily?

Although it is said that Li Na obtained this spatial ability, it seems a bit plundering.

But in the first place, this Li Na has the spiritual root of space, otherwise how could she be so lucky to be able to get the space.

And those many people who studied his space for so long, why couldn't they open it?

All of these are inextricably linked.

And these two men didn't talk nonsense, they just chopped like this desperately.

Indeed, the efficiency of chopping the moving ones and the non-moving ones is much worse.

Finally, after a few minutes, Li Na couldn't stand it any longer, so she also dodged back to the base.

But when she saw the desperate efforts of the two men outside, her eye circles were a little red.

The life and death of that guy Mo Yan has nothing to do with him, but if his husband is not for his own selfishness.

You won't come here so desperately, you have to build up the power here.

Don't say anything else, just say that my husband is also a heroic existence over there, okay?

And he already has quite enough, not to mention that their betrothal gifts have already surpassed this ostensibly richest man in the world.

"Li Na, you are here as soon as I think about it. I didn't expect these two Mos to have such a job in their hands, and to work so hard for so many people in the base.

If that's the case, then I have to help! "

Han Xinuo recovered quite quickly, and now he has come to Li Na's side.

"Han Xinnuo, don't be stupid, with your ability, can you hold it when you go outside?"

Li Na is in a hurry
"Li Na, what's the matter, you forgot, I have space, and at the moment of crisis, I can just enter the space directly.

Don't worry, I love my own life more than anyone else.

Besides, my spatial ability is also very high, okay?This space recognizes the progress of space, and even said that teleportation has been practiced perfectly, okay? "

While Han Qinnuo was speaking, he dodged outside and helped the two men outside.

However, there are too many monsters outside, so it can only be stopped for a few minutes at most.

While Han Yinuo was immobilizing those monsters, or in other words.

She also occasionally throws healing out during those times that I'm moving.ability.

Sure enough, this ability is also very lethal to those monsters outside.

And when she had the last bit of strength left, it was time to go back to the base.

"Han Xinnuo, you are very powerful and brave. You have changed so much. You are really getting better and better."

Li Na felt that she had almost recovered, so she stepped out and went out again.

It's just that the two men have been tirelessly going outside to kill those monsters.

But there are too many monsters outside, and they really can't kill them no matter how hard they try.

Moreover, the two men were also injured to varying degrees.

Li Na knew that she couldn't persuade the two men outside to play with space confinement.

They even make space cracks occasionally, although those monsters can't be killed directly with space cracks.

But after all, letting those monsters act and accept the ring can also let Mo Yan quickly give him that strange place.

It is said that the battle of the three of them is a bit too much.

This monster is like that flood, it really is flowing more and more.

Li Na also immediately felt that it was too much to bear, and when she wanted the two men to go with him.

Suddenly it felt like the monster was frozen again.

"Hurry up and work quickly, work quickly, don't stand still."

The desperate Han Xiaochen also came over.

He even hurriedly shot a healing elixir into the mouths of several people.

And it made the fight of several people persist for a while, it seems that these two men can't hold on anymore.

Han Zhennuo just jumped out, and hurriedly used his space key ability to bring them all back to the base.

And meanwhile those outside.Blame the powerful explosive force that occurred among me.

All of a sudden, the flames shot up into the sky, and the tissue on the monster's body was blown down again, this violent storm.

It's just that the monsters outside were killed enough, but it was filled by other monsters in just a few seconds.

It seems that these monsters are really endless.

The speed at which they appeared is simply faster than the speed at which the wood sucker can produce bean sprouts.


Han Xinnuo helped to bring these people in, which can be regarded as helping the aunt of these people.

Although they could go back by themselves, it was not as convenient as him.

Besides, the abilities on this body are almost used. When the energy on this body is insufficient, it is more difficult to penetrate the formation just to return to the base.

"Han Yinuo, are you still so good?

No matter what I do, I can't take people with me, let alone penetrate it! "

Han Zhennuo looked at Han Zhennuo enviously.

"Hey, Han Xiaochen, I am also very envious of you, but everyone has their own advantages, and there is nothing wrong with it.

We can learn from each other's strengths and deal with the monsters outside according to our respective abilities! "

Han Chunnuo's pale face giggled silly.

Immediately afterwards, the group got into the car and returned to Li Na's residence.

Han Xiaochen didn't hide his secrets, and divided the pill in his hands among several people.

"Han Xiaochen, I know it's not easy for you to get these things, and even said that this is a one-off deal.

You don't have to treat our class, we can recover by ourselves. "

Li Na sighed faintly, feeling a little selfish, obviously there are countless pills in her own space.

"So what if it's a one-off, we're all well, we can all live, this means that we humans won't have problems?

Not to mention, I simply don't have the ability to get myself out of the way.

Besides, even if it is really possible, all of you are gone, all human beings are gone, and I am the only one left. "

Han Xiaochen smiled calmly... "Compared to me, you are all heroes!

Only you guys dare to go outside..."

"Hey! Where are the monsters outside Han Xiaochen? We have to kill them to find out their characteristics.

Although it feels endless, after all, it takes time for those monsters to be generated, right?
No matter what, we can't sit still, can we? "

Mo Yan was very distressed, looking at the pale Han Xiaochen

(End of this chapter)

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