Chapter 664
"Yeah, that being said, even I understand that sooner or later we're going to have to face those monsters out there.

This base was blamed for our drilling once, but there is no guarantee that they will not drill in a second time. "

Han Xiaochen was a little worried, his watery eyes could no longer see the clarity and brightness before.

"The key is that even if the monster won't sneak in, the people in our base have limited food. It's impossible for us to be like a dead city here. We'll be here forever!"

"Han Xiaochen...

For the time being, this is the only way to go. It is because of close contact with those monsters to kill them that they know what kind of indescribable but extremely crazy regenerative ability those monsters have.

As for these ordinary supernatural beings, if you go to kill them, you can only die.

Of course, even so, I am also training those ordinary supernatural beings crazily.

How much can this person live by then, or which one can live?Then it depends on their own ability. "

Mo Shen said indifferently, as if those who blamed me were like Lou Ye to him.

"Han Xiaochen, you guys are all right, you went outside to fight those monsters!"

At this moment, the exhausted Xiao Ye came over.

"I didn't play with those things much. It's almost these two men who are killing the monsters outside."

Han Xiaochen shrugged his shoulders with a somewhat helpless expression.

"And what I can do is only within my ability. I used to think that the extension ability of my space ability is very powerful.

Only now do I realize that I am nothing in front of those overwhelming monsters! "

"Don't say that, Han Xiaochen, after all, you are still a wood-type supernatural being, and now everyone is trapped here.

Now you have to raise your wood and water supernatural powers to survive. "

Mo Yan said meaningfully.

That's right, if everyone is trapped in one place and cannot go, then they must have enough food and water to survive.

And as long as there is a seed, a capable person can produce many edible plants endlessly.

And not to mention that the water-type supernatural being can release water to everyone again and again.

Without these two things, everyone would die of thirst and starvation if they were not killed by those monsters outside.

"Somehow, I have a different opinion."

This guy Zhao Ye came over quietly.

"Husband, why are you hurt?" Han Zhennuo could tell at a glance that something was wrong with her husband, as if she was overwhelmed.

Even the internal organs are somewhat damaged.

"It's okay, just try the ones outside...

But this situation is more serious than I imagined. "

Zhao Ye smiled faintly, but let his wife grab him and treat him.


Obviously his healing ability is better than his wife's, and he still has healing elixir in his hand

"I don't think it's a problem for us to give these people in the base such free food and drink.

As for everyone, sooner or later they have to face the monsters outside, just like the end of the world just broke out, and everyone has to face the zombies, zombies, animals, and mutated animals and plants outside.

Although the monster this time is more disgusting, it is also quite powerful and not easy to deal with.

But sooner or later, everyone will have to face those monsters, at least like before, this group of people or teams should go out and kill those monsters. "

After Zhao Ye finished speaking, the people around him gasped.

But everyone has to admit that Zhao Ye's view is correct.

"There are many ordinary people who have gained positive energy since the end of the world broke out, how many of them are just lingering on their last legs but refuse to go out!
In fact, how many positions can our base provide for ordinary people to make a living?

To put it bluntly, the food and water for their livelihood were obtained from the outside by us supernatural beings desperately.

But now most of these supernatural beings are hard to protect themselves, what kind of abilities can be used to protect them? "

Zhao Ye twitched the corners of his mouth, and the extremely cruel words came out of his mouth again.

"Zhao Ye, what you said is very true, but it's difficult for us to deal with those outside.

Not to mention those ordinary supernatural beings, and those ordinary people.

Although our base has distributed food to everyone, there are still more women, and those low-level female supernatural beings have already started a flesh and blood business. "

Li Na frowned, although what he said was common in the past, but now more women have joined the ranks.

And it seems that those women don't care about the so-called one-for-one couple.

As long as any man is strong, they will madly lean towards those men, and even give everything for it.

The ridiculous thing is that it's not just women who do this, but also those with better faces.This mouth is sweet enough, and young men often do this kind of thing.

And there is no distinction between men and women who they want to hug their thighs.

As long as the opponent is strong and they feel that the opponent can protect them, they will do so.

"There's no way to do this? It's impossible to raise idlers anywhere, although the way those people do it is more unacceptable to your wife, right?

But it's also because they found a way to be where they belong.

As for them, they don't have the ability to survive alone, and it's nothing to exchange their bodies for a bowl of rice or a bottle of water.

What is this dignity in front of this life? "

Mo Shen said lightly, my wife is too, too innocent, and she is obviously not young anymore.

But there is no way, no matter where my wife's living environment is, I really can't meet those black people, and even say how those people who can't see hope live in a dark environment.

You must know that there are many people doing this kind of thing in the interface where they are even before the end of the world, but it's just that my wife has too little contact with it.

"But..." Li Na let out a sigh, but said nothing further.

I don't have such a great ability to support all the people in the base.

What's more, if you desperately raise them for nothing, nothing will happen to them in the end.

After all, Li Na has seen how terrifying this human heart is once or twice.

"I think those people are wasting their efforts in vain. The strong they think may have to face the monsters outside...

It may not be able to last for a few minutes! "

Zhao Ye laughed mockingly.

His wife's healing energy is really comfortable, and now he feels his internal organs are warm.

If something uncontrollable really happens, Zhao Ye knows that his greatest ability is to protect his wife's survival temporarily.

For the others, I'm sorry, not to mention that he was originally a cold-hearted person, even if he wanted to, he didn't have the ability, and maybe because of reasons beyond his control, everyone took their lives together.

"Actually, those monsters outside are not completely incapable of attacking, but there are too many."

Han Xiaochen rubbed his eyebrows and looked at everyone very distressed.

"At least you don't see that thing outside can fly right now?

Then shall we send the helicopter with the strongest protection to bomb them? "

When Han Xiaochen finished speaking, he shook his head like a drum.

"It doesn't work, there are too many mutated birds outside, there are only so many things.

Once the helicopter is sent out, it will probably be destroyed by those attacks.

Why do I feel that in the future, except for those with wings, it will be very difficult not to want to live! "

(End of this chapter)

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