Chapter 665
"Han Xiaochen, what you're saying is, I think the ones in our base that can produce mutated wings are amazing.

As for them, as long as they can fight those things in the sky, they will have less pressure to survive than ours! "

When Han Zhennuo said this, he didn't know whether it was envy or jealousy, and even said that there was a little embarrassment in his heart.

"Heh! There are indeed a few mutants with mutant wings in our base.

It's just that those mutated people's original attack power is not as good as that of supernatural beings, and they don't even have the courage to go outside to attack those monsters!
Of course, it is true that the moment they fly into the sky with their abilities, they will be torn to pieces by those mutant beasts in the sky! "

Mo Yan's voice was cold, without any emotion.

Han Xiaochen glanced at it in surprise, his expression was calm at this moment, and he also let himself feel such an unusual cruelty emanating from his body.Mo Yan of breath
Mo Yan's breath is really scary, I have almost never seen it before!
Even when she was abandoned by him at that time, this man didn't seem to be so cold to herself.

He just told himself lightly that he was out, and lightly told himself that he would give him money and a house.

Don't tell yourself that you are just a stand-in, his expression at that time was that of a faint without a trace of emotion.

At that time, he had an inexplicable feeling that if he did something bad to his beloved, he would let himself be torn to pieces amidst all the torture.

But one thing is good, even at that time, I didn't let myself feel the danger that he exudes now.

"Yeah, we have to think about things like this in the long run.

But this person cannot be kept in captivity for a long time, nor can he be trapped here for a long time without going out.

I really have to find a way, I see that after these people have almost trained, they can only..."

As the number one leader of this base, Mo Shen is the absolute leader.

The words he said decided everyone's fate. Of course, if he didn't make this decision, more people in this base might die.

In the face of such a great crisis for human beings, even if they are unarmed, they have to give their all to attack those monsters.

"I just don't know when I can find that specific bloodthirsty vine. It should be easier to find that kind of thing, right?"

Xiao Ye sighed faintly, but even if that thing appeared, it would be impossible to wipe out all the monsters outside at once.

It can only be said that that particular bloodthirsty vine is the nemesis of that monster.

"Xiao Ye, let's not pin our hopes on that kind of plant that we don't know if we can find it.

Even if that kind of thing is found, how many wood-type supernatural beings will have to be spawned to deal with the monsters outside.

And do you think those monsters outside can be wiped out just by finding their nemesis?I don't think it's possible? "

Mo Yan shattered everyone's illusions without hesitation.

Instead of putting this mind on that kind of thing, this person, why not try to find a way to save himself!

"Han Xiaochen, if you want, let's go out and rob and kill those monsters tomorrow.

I will protect you as much as I can, and you, you also need to adapt as soon as possible. "

Mo Yan sighed, even if his beloved woman has long since lost her heart, he is still willing to take him with her to make him stronger and have the ability to survive.

"I..." Han Xiaochen froze for a moment, he couldn't always let Mo Yan protect himself with his life again and again.

I owed him a lot before, so he severely abandoned himself during the engagement ceremony.

It feels like being abandoned by him is like being abandoned by the whole world.

But Han Xiaochen still couldn't say no to it. She would definitely not take a second to face those monsters alone.

I have to go back to the space immediately, if that's the case, I won't have a chance to practice.

"Han Xiaochen, you don't need to be burdened, it's my business to like you, not to mention that I was sorry for you at the beginning.

What I did to you was only out of morality to my friends, and it was also out of the so-called non-love feelings that I raised you to such a big age!
If you feel awkward in your heart, you can just treat me as your brother or your elder.

I swear that I will be a good brother to you, Han Xiaochen, didn't you say that before?You are the boss at home.

I didn't feel the slightest care from my parents for you. I always fantasized about having older brothers and sisters, but it's a pity that you don't.

No one has ever protected you, but I was able to protect you all the time. "

Mo Yan's expression was indifferent, as if he was really standing for a good brother who truly loves his sister.

Zhao Ye was a little bit surprised, when Mo Yan, a man who has no profit and can't afford to be early, who has always followed the principle of not killing himself for himself, turned out.

He actually became this shining holy father today!
Although he, the holy father, will only give Han Xiaochen this piss.

But what the hell, isn't it the behavior of a fool to love a woman and give everything for a woman without asking for anything in return?
But forget it, don't think about it too much?
If this guy Mo Yan is a fool, then the whole world will become mentally handicapped beyond count.

"Thank you Mo Yan!"

Han Xiaochen did not refuse, but his eyes were extremely complicated

It is indeed possible to call a man who treats you well and is older than you brother.

Even myself, I can respect and love it as my own brother, even.When this brother is in trouble in the future, as a younger sister, she is willing to do everything for her brother.

But what the hell, as my younger sister, I think it was the same as this now.Those who want to be older brothers are couples.

Oh no, she could also be said to be his canary, or the kind that had already had a relationship with him.

This feeling is really uncomfortable for my wife.

Why does Mo Yan treat himself like this?

I don't think Mo Yan is such a selfless person.

If he was that selfless, he wouldn't use himself as a double, or even possess himself.

If he is really so selfless, if he really loves that woman so much.

Doesn't that mean that he should silently guard his love in his heart and treat himself.Although she takes care of her, she will never touch her own.

But in fact this man.But he did everything, and when that woman came to mess with his engagement ceremony with him.

Not only did he not punish that woman, but he directly changed the object of engagement to that woman, and abandoned himself without any hesitation.

Mo Yan never thought that he, who had just become his fiancée, would be abandoned immediately, and when so many people watched
How hopeless I was, when I was pointed at by those people, it was as if I was stripped naked and thrown on the road.Pointing and pointing at everyone is like a woman who is abusing.

"This is the best, wife, I will take you to try it tomorrow.

When the time comes to die, we also have the means to save our lives. "

Mo Shen hugged his wife and smiled softly.

(End of this chapter)

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