Chapter 671
Although, I have the dharma clothes of the cultivation world, but these things are not useless to me, an extra layer of protection is always good.

Especially Han Yinuo should also need this.

Yu Momo won't play for the time being, but there is no need for this.

But I should also save it for those who need it, but no matter what I do, I have to put it on myself.

Then I should give that one to Mo Shen, and let Mo Shen throw it into the research institute to study it carefully.

But forget it, I might as well spend this high price and Han Sitong's husband to buy it!
Anyway, as far as I am concerned, it is not too easy to get money in today's society.

Even if you have nothing in your hands, if you buy some rare flowers and trees that are dying, if you successfully give birth to all of them, you can exchange for a large sum of money, right?
However, Han Sitong found that his kindness seemed a bit superfluous.

"Han Xiaochen put this on, and the others are going to practice outside. I also prepared a suit for each of them."

After Mo Yan came to Han Xiaochen's room, it was as if he had entered his own home.

Just throw Han Xiaochen such a high-tech protective suit directly.

This protective suit is light and soft, and the movement is not restricted at all.

The most important thing is that no matter how much you try, you can neither pierce nor break it.

And this thing can really wrap the feet from the top of the head.

But for some reason, you can still breathe, and it feels like this is too high-tech.

"Han Xiaochen, hurry up and put it on, even though we are going out for a trial, we also have to protect our own lives.

Just this thing!It can save your life to a great extent.

But when you encounter a monster that is too powerful, even if he can't break through the protective clothing, it may shock you to pieces, so you can't be careless. "

Han Xiaochen heaved a deep sigh of relief in Mo Yan's business-like expressionless expression.

"Mo Yan, thank you!

But things like yours should be very precious, so they can't be mass-produced, right? "

"That's natural, the more precious something is, the higher the price you have to pay.

It's impossible to get a share of the base's staff, and even if you want to arm all the high-level superpowers of Gigi, there is not that much amount.

All I can do is try my best to protect these people I care about. "

Mo Yan is not only for the base of the imperial capital.Befriend him 10 points, and he also values ​​​​this kind of protective clothing for a few people.

And for those in his base, use a special way to let those people arm themselves well.

Of course, even so, Mo Shen paid a very high price to get his protective clothing.

No matter who these two men are, they are not the kind of selfless and dedicated guys.


After going out to kill for a while, he became dizzy and stared at him.

Han Xiaochen felt that his hands were going numb.

Fortunately, okay, this protective clothing is strong enough, okay, okay, I still have room.

Otherwise, it would really die in the hands of these monsters.

Even if I have protective clothing, but if they really swallow it, I still have a fart!

Isn't this Han Xiaochen's nose able to breathe?So it is inevitable to smell the extremely disgusting smell of that monster.

Just this smell is 1 times more disgusting than the smell of that rotten zombie.

And that guy Mo Yan seemed to be able to kill those things with ease.

It's getting faster and faster, and it can even help Han Xiaochen solve some of the burdens around him.

Of course, after those monsters fell down, or were seriously injured, they would be put away by Mo Yan directly.

Han Xiaochen blinked, she always felt that Mo Yan's secret seemed to be stronger than her own.

"Han Xiaochen, what are you doing, are you courting death?"

Han Xiaochen.After such a dazed effort, he realized that a monster was flying over his head.

But it's okay, Mo Yan cut off that guy in half at once, and then directly took it into the space.

"Mo Yan, I'm sorry, I'm too tired. Shall we go back to the base to rest for a while?"

Han Xiaochen felt that he hadn't been so frightened for a long time.

These monsters are like the tide, obviously their intentions can be powerful, obviously their experience in dealing with enemies includes hacking, killing, loss and mutation, the experience of animals and plants is already rich enough, and even the means are spicy enough.

But I feel sorry for these monsters. I'm like that fledgling who has never killed a zombie, like an ordinary person, what the hell, this is simple.

"Han Xiaochen, don't shrink back, you can still persist!
Do you think you can retract into space or teleport back to base no matter what the situation is?
I think your method of killing monsters requires practice, the more people are under such extreme fatigue.

The more you can realize your potential. "

At this time, Mo Yan was like that absolutely cold and ruthless instructor, he had no such thoughts of pity and pity at all.

He really practiced to death the student he thought he was looking for.

But this is the only way to train the world's top killer.

cough cough...

No, she is the top female powerhouse in the world who can kill those monsters like numbness but will never bring harm to herself.

Han Xiaochen took a deep breath, and continued to slash those monsters with his flying sword.

He was also desperately absorbing this crystal nucleus to recover his energy.

This feeling is so fucking, so sour.

It's been a long, long time since I've experienced this feeling of being attacked.

Especially if I was caught or swept by a monster, even if my clothes were not torn, my body would still be hot and painful.

what a...

Han Xiaochen just wanted to scold her, and then at the last moment.

At the end, several monsters were about to grab Han Xiaochen's face.

Han Xiaochen used the last bit of strength, using space confinement.

Mo Yan also quickly flew to his side, and we didn't even look at the imprisoned monsters, and directly put them into the space.

That's right, this kind of thing is complete, and it can indeed sell for a good price.

But this is the kind of thing that urgently needs the huge energy in oneself to do it.

"Han Xiaochen, take a rest in your space for a while, if you stay now, you will definitely hold me back."

Mo Yan's voice sounded like the sounds of heaven.

Han Xiaochen also hurried into the space, but the moment he entered the space.

Han Xiaochen was spread out in the space, unable to move at all.

The specific small robot in this space is said to be the latest special product given to her by Han Sitong, which has not yet been released.

Pidian'er Pidian'er ran over to give it, but tilted his head, and the LCD panel on his head drew many, many black lines.

Then help Han Xiaochen.Take off this protective suit.

It was only then that Han Xiaochen was fed the energy liquid in his mouth.

Then, finding that kind of wet towel, Han Xiaochen wiped his face and body.

Then the little robot found the healing water that Han Zhennuo had condensed for himself before, and put it in a big tub.

After wiping her body, Han Xiaochen felt better.

Han Xiaochen exhaled, his spatial ability is so powerful.

Even with this powerful golden finger, he was beaten so embarrassingly by those monsters.

It would be even worse for Han Yinuo and Li Na, right?
(End of this chapter)

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