Chapter 672
"Han Xiaochen? Han Xiaochen? Han Xiaochen? Please answer if you receive it, please reply if you receive it!

Tell you great news!
I've found what you want, and it's in my hands. "

Han Sitong, the baby koi, finally got Han Xiaochen the Nether Ghost Vine.

That's right, no matter where Han Sitong goes, no matter who he is with, he can forget those friends who treat her sincerely.

For example, Han Sitong's husband and friends, everyone with him is very lucky.

Han Xiaochen thought he was hallucinating, "Han Xiaochen? Han Xiaochen? Han Xiaochen? Please answer if you receive it, please answer it if you receive it!

Tell you great news!
I have found the Nether Ghost Vine for you, and it is in my hands.

You have to remember, don't call this thing called Bloodthirsty Vine in the future, it's easy to find in Bloodthirsty City, but Nether Ghost Vine is super hard to find! "

After Han Xiaochen listened to this news several times,
Especially my mobile phone, the one over there that was put into the space, kept beeping.
Han Xiaochen shook his head fiercely, only then did he realize that what he had dreamed of had arrived
"Han Sitong, don't leave home, I'll find you right away.


Thank you, I feel like I'm dying. "

Han Xiaochen took several deep breaths, hell

Han Xiaochen cursed secretly, that guy Mo Yan is still fighting those monsters outside!
But never mind, never mind, if that guy Mo Yan doesn't have the ability to save his life, he won't believe it even if he kills him
And if I quickly brought the bloodthirsty vine over, wouldn't everything be fine?
Han Xiaochen never thought that he would realize that he was really...

It's really taking things too simple, and the Nether Ghost Vine is indeed.The nemesis of those monsters outside is true.

But this also requires a lot of specific conditions, such as what can the ghost vine grow into?
For example, how many do you need?Only the Nether Ghost Vine can restrain the monsters outside.

Is Han Xiaochen capable of spawning a large number of them?What about ghost vines!

These are the unknowns!

"Han Xiaochen, why do you look so pale, do you want to call a doctor for you?"

Han Sitong looked at Han Xiaochen full of worry, but directly handed the Ghost Vine to Han Xiaochen

Because she knows how important these things are to Han Xiaochen?
What does Han Xiaochen desire for this thing?

"Is this what you want?, but I think we should call a doctor first. Everything should be healthy, don't you think?"

Han Sitong looked at Han Xiaochen who took over the ghost vine, his hands were still trembling.

This face was clear and white for a while, as if he was about to faint.

"Han Sitong, thank you for your kindness, I have to go back quickly, I have to go back and wait for help!
Also, thank you, without you, I might die right away. "

Han Sitong just watched Han Xiaochen eagerly, and suddenly ran out as if he had been injected with chicken blood, and quickly got into the car and galloped away.

Han Sitong shook his head helplessly

"Han Xiaochen, be careful, don't get too excited or anxious about everything.

Okay, okay, I won't say anything, you have to take care. "Han Sitong looked at Han Xiaochen's disappearing car with this expression, and smiled helplessly.
Han Xiaochen doesn't like to let himself find someone to follow him.

If this is the case, then I can only do it.

I can only bless him silently here, but if there is life-saving and good medicine, this person will gradually get better.

Han Sitong even felt that this might represent a great opportunity for Han Xiaochen under the extreme crisis, right?

Didn't this person say that wealth and wealth come from insurance?

In great danger you have to come here, then you can have the whole world

And in the great danger, if you can't make it through, then you will lose everything and even your life, and then directly fall into the eternal hell!
"Honey, that woman took what he wanted?"

While Han Sitong was in a daze, her husband gently hugged his waist from behind
Han Sitong raised the corners of his lips slightly, "My husband, but he's becoming more and more elusive. He came by my side, but I didn't feel anything at all.

Obviously my husband basically wears leather shoes, but why does everything he does so quietly?

If he wants to do something bad, it will be easy for him to find out, right?

"Yes, husband, I have already let him take it away, what? Do you have a different opinion, husband?"

Han Sitong's husband smiled wryly

"This thing has already been taken away, what else can I say?

You silly roe deer are too kind and too real?
Although the value of the ones that the woman gave you is not bad, but you said how many you got, didn't you throw them out for her in exchange for that? "

Why is my wife not like me?If I were to do business with my wife, I'm afraid I would have to lose even my underwear!

"Okay, my husband, people are waiting for this thing to save their lives, how can I raise the price of land?

I think it’s actually good to change people’s hearts sometimes.

Although in this society, there are many self-righteous idiots who have entrapped others to succeed, and they are happy as themselves.

But there are many, many people who are not that dishonest, nor are they that ungrateful.

I think Han Xiaochen will not let me down no matter what he does, of course my husband.

In fact, we already have enough, and I don't really care about these material help anymore. "

It may be that people have reached a certain height, or it may be that the economic foundation is so strong that Han Sitong has long been out of the category of having nothing to worry about.

Therefore, Han Sitong has been sublimated a lot in a certain way. Of course, the reason why he has been sublimated is because she has a powerful husband.

Her powerful husband can give her almost everything in the world, and he doesn't need it at all, and let her run around for life.

"Okay, since the thing is given to others, I will give it to you." Han Sitong's husband sighed helplessly.

"But my husband, I don't know, what if Han Xiaochen's stuff is not enough?
It has already cost such a sky-high price, and it seems that people don't care much about these things at all.

do you know?This feeling makes me actually feel a little bad.

It's like when I used to work and study in school.

Obviously I have tried my best to give up all the things I just bought.

But it turned out that it was only in front of the students that they were defective products that people usually look down on.

But now we are compared with the so-called person who can open a shop in the realm of comprehension.

Is that the case? "

"What are you thinking? My silly wife?

If there are really many different interfaces in the world, if your guess can really succeed.

Then our interface also has a lot of good things that make the cultivation world a vertical line?

If they can cultivate, they will naturally not be very interested in the development of science and technology, or the manpower and material resources they use are not enough. "

(End of this chapter)

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