Chapter 674
"Han Xiaochen, hurry up, send your wood-type energy to this bloodthirsty vine, it will run out of energy, and I will warn you here."

Mo Yan didn't bother to ask Han Xiaochen more.How to attack? After resting for a while, this bloodthirsty vine came out as soon as he came out.

But it's a good thing anyway, isn't it?
"it is good"

Han Xiaochen didn't talk nonsense, and immediately sent wood energy to the little bean sprout desperately.

But small wood buds need a lot of wood energy to grow.

Han Xiaochen is really a little bit, I can't hold it!
It turns out that it would be very laborious for the little bean sprouts to devour them without supplementing the wood energy energy of the little bean sprouts.

Although he could feel it, Little Bean Sprout devoured those monsters, it seemed that he was also growing stronger.

But it seems that the energy of the monsters he sucked cannot be converted into his own use immediately, which is a little troublesome.

Suddenly, Mo Yan's eyes changed slightly, "Han Xiaochen, hurry up, I think the situation is going to be bad."

"En," Han Xiaochen broke out in a cold sweat for insisting.

Not knowing whether it was a hallucination or what, a picture suddenly appeared in Han Xiaochen's mind, only a small bean sprout.

Growing desperately, it slowly grew into a giant mimosa.

And it looks a bit like that piranha, and his body is full of emerald green brilliance, but it seems to have a very black air that is hard to detect.

"Han Xiaochen, let's go, I think you can't do it anymore, and I can't stand these monsters anymore."

Han Xiaochen felt that his eyes were staring at him again, and he was about to faint.

Mo Yan swished over and hugged her.

Han Xiaochen felt as if he was flying, and even saw Mo Yan flying towards the base of the imperial capital at an astonishing speed.

"Bean sprouts, I'm little bean sprouts!"

Han Xiaochen, who was in a coma, was still muttering to himself.

"Don't worry, you can't lose your bean sprouts and those monsters can't destroy him."

Mo Yan's voice was extremely cold, but if you listen carefully, you can find that there is still a lot of tension and concern in this man's voice.


"Mo Yan, I have something to ask you."

Mo Yan had just settled down Han Xiaochen, and when he left the villa, those people also came over.

But looking at the looks of those few, they are much better than Han Xiaochen.

After all, people felt that it was dangerous, so they hurried back without dying.

But myself and Han Xiaochen persisted for a while in order to test the special bloodthirsty vine that could devour the monsters outside.

Li Na's face showed a slight strange color at this moment.

Mo Yan lowered his voice:

"That's what you think, the monster's nemesis was found, but the monster's nemesis!

We are too weak, as for us, we just have a little more hope to survive. "

"Really? That's good.

So let's get together and have another meeting, but if Han Xiaochen falls asleep like this, let him sleep, I think this girl is exhausted again. "

Li Na nodded.

"Yes," Mo Yan said lightly.

"Mo Yan, you are Mo Yan, don't deny it, I have already inquired about it, it was you who bought my daughter back then.

It is absolutely true that Han Xiaochen is my daughter, why do you think you changed his name? "

Who would have thought that Han Xiaochen's own mother would come here so alive.

"Mo Yan, no matter what, I am also Han Xiaochen's biological mother, everyone knows that something will happen here soon.

So my own daughter, she can't ignore me, no matter what, I gave him a life, this is a fact that no one can erase. "

Mo Yan frowned, looking at Han Xiaochen's biological mother, he was really disgusted

"Woman, do you know that you are looking for death? Why do you feel that you are not dead enough to come to me to ask for death?

Who is your daughter?does it matter

When I bought that woman, I bought out all aspects of it, so what are you going to do now?
Well, let me tell you, I won't give you any more supplies, nor will I give you any preferential treatment.

If you can hurry up, don't start a killing spree like me. Killing a woman like you is easier than going outside and crushing a mutant ant. "

"Oh! Mo Yan, stop pretending to be a wolf with a big tail here, let my daughter say this.

Even if our mother and daughter have some misunderstandings, how can there be any overnight feud between mother and daughter?

As a daughter-in-law, can I still endure that my biological mother will freeze and starve to death here, or go outside, and be killed by those monsters outside if I don’t pay attention?
If that's the case, Han Xiaochen will definitely be struck by lightning, right? "

The initial consonant of Han Xiaochen is still croaking loudly here.

Mo Yan clenched his fists fiercely, but still didn't make a move.

This woman was really right about one thing.

That is, after all, she gave birth to Han Xiaochen, and Han Xiaochen couldn't get rid of her no matter what.

Besides, this practice should also pay attention to cause and effect.

What's more, Han Xiaochen didn't know what that woman meant.

No matter what I do, I can't help Han Xiaochen solve her biological mother.

Li Na's face at this time was as if she had eaten Xiang Xiang. How could Han Xiaochen's biological mother be more wicked than her own mother.

But I can't do anything to this woman, in case this will pay a huge price for the base.

What if Han Xiaochen, who brought life back to the base, couldn't bear her biological mother?
"Woman, you can go!"

When Han Xiaochen's weak voice came, everyone jumped.

Li Na looked at Han Xiaochen's face as white as paper with some distress, she must have been woken up!
This woman is really simple.

Don't you know that your daughter is out working hard?Really don't look down on your daughter at all, okay?

"Han Xiaochen, do you think you can get rid of my old lady by changing your name? Don't forget that you crawled out of my old lady's intestines.

My old lady is short of crystal nuclei and food, and my old lady is still short of a place to live. My old lady sees that the place you live in is not bad, so my old lady will requisition it for you.

Also, you have to be nice to your younger brother and father in the future, your father and younger brother will also move in later. "

Sure enough, this woman came prepared,
Li Na secretly regretted it in her heart. If she had known about this, she would never have treated this woman.

What the hell are you doing, the Holy Mother? Well, it's okay to cause trouble for Han Xiaochen.

"Madam leader, please send someone to drag this woman out, he has seriously affected my work and life.

And I have nothing to do with this woman, nor do I know her. "

Han Xiaochen's voice was cold, like that evil ghost crawling out of the 18th floor of hell.

"Also, I have no family for a long time, I am the kind of poor one who was sold out by this biological parents and given to others as a plaything.

So, I was originally a loner, let alone no mother, even everyone in my family has nothing to do with me. "

"Han Xiaochen, have you thought about it?"

Li Na took a deep look at Han Xiaochen
"Han Xiaochen, you damn girl, aren't you afraid of thunder? I am your own mother, and that is your own brother.

And how did your father treat you since you were a child, don't you have any idea in your heart?How kind your father is to you! "

Han Xiaochen, the biological mother, yelled hysterically again.

Han Xiaochen kept a cold face, said nothing, and winked at Li Na again.

As soon as Li Na moved her hand, several staff members came over, insulted the woman's mouth, and dragged her out.

(End of this chapter)

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