Chapter 675
As soon as Li Na moved her hand, several staff members came over, insulted the woman's mouth, and dragged her out.

"I solemnly declare today that that woman has nothing to do with me. When I meet you in the future, I will deal with business."

Han Xiaochen stated his thoughts again to these people.

"Well, Han Xiaochen, if this is your real idea, then it will be easier for us to do things in the future."

Li Na nodded expressionlessly.

"Han Xiaochen, since you're awake, come to my house and let's have a good meeting."

"Well, I do have something to tell you."

Han Xiaochen nodded, it is no longer a secret at this time.

What's more, I really don't have the ability to give birth to this special bloodthirsty vine.

Then, go and eat those monsters row by row.

"Well, come on, slow down, I happen to have some good pills at home, you can take a little, and your body will recover quickly.

Han Xiaochen, do you know?You have really brought great hope to our entire base and even the entire human race! "

Li Na has never praised anyone. Although her compliments are clumsy, they are all sincere.

"It's this thing. When I was fighting, I felt that this thing was very close to the ground, so I brought it over.

It's ok, ok, I feel like that's right. "

Han Xiaochen made up a lie on the spot about the source of this special bloodthirsty vine.

How about the few people present here, but there is no one who refute
No matter where this thing comes from, as long as it exists, it is a great blessing for all human beings and even all people at this low level!
As for such a heaven-defying plant, Han Xiaochen must have taken a lot of courage to take it out.

If ordinary people have such heaven-defying things, they must not have the guts to show them, right?
"That's it. At the beginning, I felt something was wrong with this thing. It turns out that he is really the nemesis of those monsters."

Take out the biggest one, which is the one released when fighting the monster.

Now this special bloodthirsty vine seems to be able to secrete a very special liquid just by pressing it lightly
But now this special bloodthirsty vine has grown to a size that is about the size of a child, but it doesn't look like a mimosa anymore.

Although this bloodthirsty vine has no flower stem, the leaves around it are intertwined with each other, and the shape is so mysterious and beautiful.

Not to mention this beautiful bloodthirsty vine that is the hope of the people of the world. At this time, his whole body is filled with emerald green brilliance.

Just because of the existence of this thing, he brought a feeling called hope to everyone in this room.

Isn't that right, the bloodthirsty vine exudes that dazzling luster now, although it doesn't bloom itself, its appearance is also beautiful.

Even if there is no end of the world, even if this kind of thing is not beneficial to human beings, there will be some big bosses who want to keep it.

After all, the source of this kind of thing is too rare, and even said that it was almost impossible to find it, and now it is found, isn't it?
"Han Xiaochen, is there such a thing? If there are more, I would like to try it.

But don't worry, I will never let him have the slightest damage to this kind of thing, can this save the lives of all of us? "

Li Na was silent for a while, but still said what she wanted in her heart.

It is said that I have never done such a cheeky thing before.

But what if I really want to try that special bloodthirsty vine in my own space?
It is definitely impossible to kill him in his own space, but with so much nourishment in his own space, it should be able to nourish things.

"Li Na, I got two in total, so I'll give you one, let's study it carefully.

But I think this kind of thing, in fact, if you can encounter it once, you need a second time, but I just don’t know how much it will cost us. "

Li Na understood what she meant.

There is no such thing as a free lunch in this world, and Han Xiaochen must have paid a huge price in exchange for this kind of thing.

And what do you have in your own hands?

That's right, there is one in my hand that has a different spiritual root attribute than my own, but it is definitely a good thing that fell from the cultivation world.

"Li Na, how about this, I will leave this one to you for safekeeping, I know you are the best.

Hope this thing works better in your hands.

And what I find worrying is that the bean sprouts are too small.

It will take until the year of the monkey to raise him, not to mention, those monsters outside wait for no one!

Before this bloodthirsty can grow up, the monsters outside of them may attack all human beings, and even completely occupy them. "

"Li Na, you don't need to explain, I know you are doing it for everyone's benefit, and ah, this kind of thing is really telling the truth, it's rare.

But I think he can play the greatest effect in your hands. "

Han Xiaochen looked at Li Na sincerely, but straightaway opened the box in his own space.

And as soon as the box was opened, I saw that this other fat, white bean sprout seemed to be still dancing without wind.

"Han Xiaochen, don't say you're lucky, then I'll give this thing a try.

Try to see if it can be spawned, two are too few, and the monsters outside are overwhelming, I feel that it is not an exaggeration to ask for this kind of thing to cost tens of thousands, hundreds of thousands, or even tens of millions.

"Madam leader, I know that you are the most powerful person. With your words, I think that the future of our mankind will get better and better."

"Okay, don't kiss my ass, how about you?

I think your body has suffered a lot, so you should take a good rest. This body is the capital of the revolution, so it cannot be ruined. "

Li Na smiled helplessly, but observed the little bean sprouts calmly.

"Not to mention this little bean sprout, I can feel the strong energy on him as soon as I touch it.

But this aura is mixed with this kind of strong energy, I really haven't encountered it once, not this is the first time. "

"Yes, yes, but this is Little Bean Sprout. This sucks my skills too hard. It only takes a few breaths, and I can't feed him enough."

Han Xiaochen also felt sorry for her.

"How about this, Han Xiaochen, after you go back, you can grow this thing as big as you can.

As for my wife, she will study hard and try to come up with a solution that everyone is satisfied with.

Of course, we have tried it now, what kind of attack power are those monsters outside?

So, no one can slack off anymore, we must practice hard, even if we work hard, we may not be able to truly retreat and live
But if we don't work hard, I'm afraid it won't be a few days before we all have to die! "

Mo Shen took a meaningful look at Han Xiaochen
Mistress?The halo of the heroine?

Ha ha…

Interesting, really interesting.

If it wasn't for his wife's considerable maintenance, this would be Han Xiaochen.

I'm afraid that I can't help but go to have a heart-to-heart talk with Han Xiaochen, even for my own use.

But this woman seems to be quite alert, even though she is acting silly.

But people know what to do and what not to do.

(End of this chapter)

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