Chapter 676
"By the way, what do you want to do with that woman Han Xiaochen?" Li Na still mentioned Han Xiaochen's biological mother.
After all, it's up to Han Xiaochen to decide how to solve or arrange for that woman.
"How to solve what?" Before Han Xiaochen could speak, Zhao Ye snatched the conversation away and snorted coldly

"If you want me to say it, I'll just throw that woman outside. This kind of woman is a waste of resources in our base and provokes the scourge of our active disharmony."

"Husband, I see what you said!" Han Zhennuo lazily leaned on Zhao Ye, but glared at him.

"Oh! My wife, why are you staring at me? Why do you think I shouldn't say this?

People can't tell the truth these days, can they?

In fact, what should not be said is the truth, what you hypocrites dare not say.

That woman has had a few fights, and I should say she should have died long ago.

Killing her is easier than killing an ant!

Is it worth making that woman disgust everyone?Does he deserve it?
Even said that this woman is worthy of being a human? "

Zhao Ye's disdainful voice was still so arrogant.

Han Xinuo looked at Han Xiaochen worriedly

"Okay, I have no problem!
I only belong to myself, I am actually a lonely person, I don't know who that person is.

But it's really annoying, maybe one day that woman will bump into my gun again, and I will send her to heaven directly! "

Han Xiaochen's cold voice made these people feel a little uncomfortable.

"Han Xiaochen, don't don't don't you can't do anything.

There is no need to get that woman out, just let him fend for himself.

Don't worry, I won't let that woman appear in front of you again in the future. "

Li Na coughed lightly twice, no matter what it is, she can't kill the person who gave birth to you with her own hands.

If it doesn't work, just let that woman fend for herself.

You can ignore him, but if you kill her with your own hands, that won't work.

"Li Na, I know you are doing it for my own good, but I also want to advise you, we have to be more ruthless as women.

Especially those people who think they are good to you, but in fact, they push you into the fire pit again and again, and even push you into hell, so that you will never recover.

Why?How about being merciful to them again and again!

I can experience it, being kind to those people is like handing them a knife and asking them to kill us.

But why do we do that?Why split them with a knife and let them kill us?
Obviously we are already living a very difficult life, struggling every day.

It was so hard to save my life, I wanted to enjoy it in the base, but in the end, I had to be killed by them, it was not worth it. "

Han Xiaochen sneered, Li Na noticed it, not only Han Xiaochen's face was cold, but his eyes were also cold.

If he really had murderous thoughts about that woman, Li Na couldn't help feeling cold all over.

But she suddenly felt relieved, not all parents in this world really love their children.

Even some parents.Children are their cash cows, objects of oppression and bullying at will.

Especially when Han Xiaochen had been there for many years, and was cruelly abused by that woman.

Inserting steel nails into her body, or even beating and swearing for a long time, let alone her biological mother.

As far as being close to the prison, those heavy-duty prisoners may not have suffered as much damage as Han Xiaochen.

And let alone that woman.Because he was stimulated, he wanted to kill Han Xiaochen with poison, but the poison did not kill him, and he used this method of moral kidnapping to escape punishment.

She made such an appearance of reforming herself, but if this woman could change hands, Han Xiaochen would be sold to an unknown organization.

Fortunately, Han Xiaochen was bought by Mo Yan, and he lived a good life afterwards.

But what if not?Then it may not be the end of the world, Han Xiaochen may have died long ago after being tortured and mutilated even more cruelly.

In other words, many of Han Xiaochen's organs will appear on the rich people.

Or Han Xiaochen.He may be alive with his last breath, but his eyes are also blind, his legs are also lame, and his body is missing parts.

Then go begging or something.

Of course, it is also possible that Han Xiaochen.She was controlled by some illegal organizations abroad, and then forced her to sell herself.

Even doing some activities that violate the law, but still hang your head on your belt.

Before and after Han Xiaochen was born, that woman never thought of letting Han Xiaochen.I can live a good life, and I have never even had such a good treatment.

If this is the case, the two people had no relationship at all when they bought the wheat.

And now this woman is here to play again, and to ask for benefits, it is indeed too much, and it is indeed damned.

But, if Han Xiaochen killed that woman himself, he would be burdened with too much karma.

But if the base or this group of friends help to kill the woman.

But no matter what, she is Han Xiaochen's biological mother.

Everyone was actually worried that Han Xiaochen would blame everyone when he dreamed back at midnight.

After all, this blood relationship is really the warmest, coldest and most difficult relationship in the world.

The cutting is constant, and the reasoning is still chaotic. I really don’t mean that you can really get rid of it completely.

"You women, talk about business, what does that woman do when you talk about business?
Isn't it easy to let that woman be honest?I'll just find someone to keep it under control.

It doesn't matter if you don't want that woman to live too happily, let him eat three-thirds full every day, and give him water, just don't let him die of thirst, isn't that all right?
If you really feel puzzled, then just don't let anyone talk to that woman.

It's not good to shout and kill, especially the survivors of our base. "

Mo Shen looked indifferent,
"I'll go, Mo Shen, you're dark enough, cruel enough and sinister enough, but I like it!"

Han Xinuo's eyes lit up immediately.

It's good to clean up people like this, and let him eat and drink without beating or scolding, and the environment is safe.

No one can say that Han Xiaochen is not filial, right?

After all, in the current base, no one with supernatural abilities can go out to do missions.

It's still hard for me to live, but I still give this woman food and drink, and provide him with a relatively safe environment.


This trick is really wonderful, wonderful.

But, that's it, I also feel that it's a bit cheap for Han Xiaochen's damn biological mother.

"What is this? You, honestly, if you dare to commit the crime of killing our own people.

At that time, I will have more fresh tricks to deal with you. "

Mo Shen smiled meaningfully at Han Yinuo.

Han Zhennuo trembled, and threw himself directly into her husband's arms.

"Husband, our leader is so scary, how about the two of us..."

"That's easy, just wait, it won't work for a while, there are too many monsters outside now, wait for us to stabilize.

As for this leader, if he dares to scare you again, my husband will take you out to set up your own family! "

As soon as Zhao Ye stretched out his hand, he hugged his wife tightly, stretched lazily, and then looked at Mo Shen provocatively.
Mo Shen raised his eyebrows: "Okay, everyone, stop making trouble, it's still important to get down to business.

In a while, let's sum up the experience of this enemy.

Then, take a rest and practice quickly.

There is already a knife hanging around this neck at any time, it is impossible not to work hard now! "

(End of this chapter)

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