Chapter 677
"Yeah, nowadays, it's really hard for us to live!
Especially the majority of the masses who are not as good as us, it seems that they are really living a life without tomorrow. "

Han Xinuo was very depressed when he said this.

In today's battle, if there is no husband, he will protect him so closely.

Let yourself have great abilities, and you may not even have the chance to escape back to this space in an instant.

The danger is simply too great.

It's so big that I don't want to go out anymore.

But the fact now is that I have to go out and work hard.

After all, if you hide here, you will die, but if you go out and fight, you may have a chance.

"Han Xinnuo, what about you? Don't keep trying to say such frustrating words here!

You are still not confident if you have such strength. If those who are not very capable in the base hear this, they might as well commit suicide right now.

If it's this class, the people in our base don't have to go out to work, and they can all commit suicide collectively. "

Mo Yan glanced at Han Zhennuo with a half-smile,

"Zhao Ye, you have to take good care of your wife. Besides, your wife is not weak in her own strength. When she needs to be violent, don't always retreat!"

How could God Mo not see it?

After Han Qinuo went out, he was frightened like something.

If Zhao Ye hadn't been protecting him so desperately, maybe this woman would have no chance of escaping back to her own space.

With such formidable strength, if you don't work well and are still so timid, how can you do it?
What's more, even the timid can be exercised.

He was just worried that Zhao Ye would not be willing to part with his wife, otherwise he would give that woman to him.

I promise to train this woman in 10 days and half a month.

Zhao Ye just gave a slight chuckle.

"Mo Shen, there are so many people in our imperial base, it's enough for you to work hard, and my wife won't bother you."

They are all smart people, Zhao Ye can see what Mo Shen is planning at a glance.

"Mo Shen, you should know what family I am from, and how our family's intensive training team was trained, you are not completely ignorant, right?

So, if I have this idea, in fact, if you do, I will too! "

Only then did Mo Shen nod his head, Zhao Ye.It's normal to be reluctant to have such a precious wife after all.

Besides, just like what that kid Zhao Ye said, isn't the method he used to train his subordinates still quite cruel?

It was not easy to solve the problem of being dark under the lights before!

"Han Xiaochen, that's all there is to this thing!"

As soon as the two men were talking, Han Xiaochen stood up and handed the ghost vine to Li Na.

"Li Na, from now on, you will call this thing the Nether Ghost Vine, which is a proper name.

Also, this thing is very powerful, but it depends on whether you can cultivate it to grow stronger. "

Han Xiaochen was a little bit reluctant, looked at Li Na with some heartache and said
"Well, the name Nether Ghost Vine really fits very well.

What's more, it's specifically for the monster outside that seems to come from hell.

Isn't it just the Nether Ghost Vine, which can eliminate all monsters?

It's this little thing, it looks so fragile, like a newborn. "

Li Na couldn't help but twitched the corner of her mouth.

"Don't worry, I will take good care of him, the strongest thing that loves him is the best nourishment for him.

We must let him grow up as soon as possible so that he can serve us. "

That's what Li Na said, but she really didn't know what to do.

Can this space of my own cultivate and mature this thing?
It should be possible, isn't it said that this aura is effective for everything?
"Eh? I have a different opinion, do you want to hear it?"

Han Xinuo tilted his head and said thoughtfully.

"Han Zhennuo, you said...

Now it is in the experimental stage, we can all speak freely! "


In fact, those crystal nuclei that need to be purified, isn't what needs to be purified on this body is that kind of tyrannical energy?
I feel like this little bean sprouts, oh!If you don't have ghost vines, you should just absorb them for energy, right?

Otherwise, if you think about it, the ghost vine just listens to this name, and it doesn't look like a serious product.

If you want to come out, you should come out, like the demon world or the ghost world.

Of course hey, this is just my thought. "

When Han Xinuo said these words, he scratched his head in embarrassment.

But Li Na became thoughtful, "Don't talk about this method, we can still try.

If this Nether Ghost Vine can still absorb those tyrannical energies, this is really good news!
Firstly, it can purify the crystal nucleus; secondly, it can also go out to kill monsters. It really serves two purposes! "

"There is a situation outside the leader!" Xiao Ye came in with a headache.

"what's the situation?
The monster came in? "

Mo Shen felt a little overwhelmed by the monsters outside, and his judgment was not very good.

Xiao Ye shook his head.

"I don't know what happened recently, but nearly 200 young and middle-aged men have died in our base.

They all died of murder, their hearts were ripped out, and their deaths were quite tragic.

It can be seen that they were tortured to death, but so many people died without finding the murderer, there is really no clue at all. "

Xiao Ye felt that he was going to fuck up like a fucking dog.

He has always been omnipotent, but he was played around by that thing who didn't know if it was a human being or some kind of goblin.

These are all young and strong men, and almost all of them are male supernatural beings with relatively strong offensive power.

They all died so miserably, what did this do?

"Okay, I'll show you in a while, who is so bold, now at the critical moment of life and death for all of us human beings.

Still fighting here! "Mo Shen's face is also very ugly.

Damn, as long as this person is caught, he will be given the cruelest punishment in this base, so let everyone watch and watch.

Originally, such a heinous crime should have been sentenced to death no matter which dynasty it was in.

But even if he is given the death penalty, he must suffer extreme pain during his lifetime.

"The key is the fuck, I haven't seen any signs of these people fighting with others.

But those people were definitely tortured to death by Ning, even if they saw those disgusting Bala zombies and those monsters outside, they were so miserable.

But I still want to throw up now, it's so fucking disgusting. "

Xiao Ye, who has always been well-informed and has existed for thousands of years, will be like this, let alone others.

"I go…

Is there still such an anti-human being at this critical moment?

But what the hell did that do?

You can't even find Xiao Ye? "

Han Xiaochen was also very surprised.

Han Xiaochen knew almost everything about Xiao Ye, but it was only because he knew that he felt it.

The ones that even Xiao Ye couldn't find out were just too much?

"Hey! What kind of bird is there in this forest? I wonder, what is this? Who has awakened some inexplicable ability.

Then, this person may have some enemies, and then began to take revenge.

It feels like the kind that was bullied too hard before, so, with the ability, it will retaliate against society against humanity.

But even so, this revenge is too cruel! "

Li Na clicked twice

(End of this chapter)

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