Chapter 678
"Yes, maybe so, maybe not, if everything in the world can be entrusted to become human beings.

So when some people have some kind of thought that shouldn't be there, they no longer belong to human beings. "

Mo Shen said lightly

This kind of person, who has been in the dark for a long time, has seen too much, even in a peaceful age.

There are those gangsters and ruffians who go to tease them when they see that their big girls are beautiful.

And if there are some big girls and little daughter-in-laws who are all beautiful, if they are alone at night.

What those people did was not molestation, rape, kidnapping, trafficking, or even direct killing.

What can't be done?

Not all those who wear human skin in this world can be called human beings.

As for the one who hasn't found the murderer today, maybe those victims didn't hinder him, or even have nothing to do with him.

The point is that some perverts in this world take pleasure in torturing people with this cruel method.

It's not that I haven't seen this kind of people before, and I even played against them.

"Okay, let's not talk about this person anymore, just be careful in the future.

The French Open is wide open, and it's not leaking. With our base monitoring so tight, I don't believe he can't show that stuff. "

Li Na gritted her teeth, even if she felt that there was no way out for everyone, she didn't need him to help everyone end it.

Even if anyone really wants to end it early, don't use him, and don't use his grandson to make the decision for others, let alone those victims, who were persecuted extremely cruelly and for a long time before they died, so...

"Don't you know that person is like this?

Force women, and then you can get supernatural powers, let alone organize a mercenary group! "

Han Xiaochen's expression is leisurely. In fact, he should send him on the road with his real blood father!
Don't say what you should do if you are related by blood, just that man should really go to hell a long time ago to make all those who were killed by him, and those who may be killed by him, feel at ease.

And what about his biological mother?It seems that I can't keep him anymore.

My biological mother.A poor person must have something to hate, but I have long since ceased to owe him anything.

In fact, sometimes I think about it, if this woman really has an abortion, it would be a good thing to get rid of herself.

But it's a pity, who made us born, who made us...

"Han Xiaochen, you have to think about everything!

Sometimes this life is alive, it doesn't mean that you can live well with a soft heart.

You have to be able to see through everything, and you must be hard when your heart should be hard, otherwise you will be coerced by others for the rest of your life. "

Li Na looked at Han Xiaochen leisurely, as if she was talking about Han Xiaochen, but also about herself.

I gave that family a lot of crystal nuclei, but now they say that there are less crystal nuclei.

And the old lady didn't use the crystal nucleus that I gave. It is said that it was used a lot by everyone, and it is said that it was given away by the old man. I don't know how much it wasted.

It seems like they feel...

so.That family has always been ups and downs for so many years since I was a child, and I always blame others, saying that the other party is sorry for him.

In fact, just like them, no one really cares about them, and they can't help them up!

I don't know what the old man thinks, he tortured and abused and blamed his wife all his life.

It also ruined his daughter's life by [-]% to [-]%. What about this son?

7788's son's life was also influenced by him, and life has always been very difficult.

Whose fault is this?
In short, it has nothing to do with me a long time ago, right?

But forget it, now, in this situation, no one knows what will happen in the future.

I don't care about myself...

Fortunately, in this life, my husband loves me so much, and my babies are also very cute and well-behaved.

Zhang Yueying and his father's family are also doing well.

"Li Na, actually, I am more vicious and ruthless than you imagined.

So you don't have to worry about me! "Han Xiaochen raised his lips, revealing such an extremely cold smile.


"Han Zhaodi!" When Yang Chunfen's stomach was rumbling with hunger, she stood up in a daze.

But suddenly found that her daughter was standing in front of her like a ghost.

"Han Zhaodi, you dead girl, are you finally here?

Hurry up and eat, I know you are a space power user, and there are still more, and you need crystal nuclei.

By the way, I don't want to live here, I want to live in your big house.

You are so warm and comfortable there, why should I be wronged here?

By the way, you still have to find someone to take care of me. Who knows if I can live in the future, the base is dead now. "

Yang Chunfen looked at Han Xiaochen with a ferocious face, and kept talking for a long time, with a vicious voice.

But everything is asking Han Xiaochen to do something.


Don't dream, woman, the moment you poison me to kill me, I have nothing to do with you.

Especially since you traded me for money, no matter for any reason, you have nothing to do with me long ago. "

The corner of Han Xiaochen's mouth faintly hooked into a beautiful smile, but his eyes were icy cold.

It shouldn't be said that it was cold, but that she looked at Yang Chunfen as if she was looking at a dead person.

"Han Zhaodi, how can you do this?

No matter what, I am also your own mother, you crawled out of my intestines.

There is no sky, no earth, no me, no you, haha...

Don't you supernatural beings, especially high-level supernatural beings like you, pay attention to cause and effect?
As for you according to the relationship in the UK, you owe me your whole life, forever and ever. "

Yang Chunfen laughed wildly, her eyes were red from laughing.

Ha ha…

My life was ruined because of this dead girl, but now I have to give birth to this dead girl because of myself. After all this karma, I want this dead girl to support me in the old age.

But isn't this damn girl lying to herself in everything?Don't they all deserve their share?

This damn girl, even if she gave herself everything in her body, she couldn't cover up the original sin of her birth.

"Yang Chunfen, you may not know, but I seem to have awakened my mind reading skills!

So whether you speak or not, I can know what is in your heart. "

Han Xiaochen looked at the crazy woman in front of him with four smiles.

"Cause you talk about cause and effect with me?
Ha ha…

If we want to talk about karma, I should also thank you, thank you for personally cutting off the karma between you and me.

You want me to support you, right?
Do you think this is possible?
The wife of the original leader of the base felt that no matter what, you gave birth to me, so she allowed you to stay in the base like this and live on.

And I just told him that all the preferential treatment for you will be cancelled, just treat you as an ordinary person.

No, you are not as good as ordinary people, because you also cannot get the benefits of ordinary people.

Of course, I listened to people's advice to eat enough. I listened to their advice and decided not to send you on the road now.

I heard that you still have power mutations, you owe me so much, especially you owe me twice.

The time you poisoned me, our mother-daughter relationship completely disappeared, but you just sold me secretly once.

I have always wanted to avenge this revenge!
Why didn't you tell me before, since my narrow escape has nothing to do with you. "

(End of this chapter)

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