Chapter 679
Han Xiaochen's smile became more and more beautiful, although Han Xiaochen was born with original sin.

But ah, Han Xiaochen's body and appearance really absorbed all the advantages of his parents, it's really beautiful.

Otherwise, Mo Yan would not have fallen in love with his first love just because of his beauty and because he looked exactly like that person.

So sometimes, this person's appearance is also very important.

However, it was Han Xiaochen's beautiful smile that made Yang Chunfen shiver.

Just this kind of cold, as if it came out of the soles of the feet, freezing to the bone.

When she went outside to kill zombies, she had never experienced such a horrible experience.

"Han Xiaochen, you are not my daughter, you are Han Xiaochen, my daughter died a long time ago, are you tmd you a devil?"

Yang Chunfen fought a cold war fiercely.

"Yeah, I was originally Han Xiaochen! This is the name my former master gave me!

My master wishes me to forget everything, and to face the morning sun forever.

Speaking of which, my former master treated me really well, and gave me a fatal blow. "

Han Xiaochen looked at the shivering woman in front of him with pity.

At the beginning, when he was a little conscious, he hid in this corner, probably trembling with fear from this woman for a long time.

And back then, I had been abused and insulted for a long time, and my body was seriously injured, and I never got better from minor injuries.

If you are sick, no matter how many illnesses you have, you have to fend for yourself and get over it.

No matter how sick you are, you still have to do housework and get beaten.


Sure enough, he also has the gene of that devil, right?

Killing one's mother in person, unexpectedly so and so, unexpectedly being able to be so peaceful.

Shouldn't it be said that it is parallel to me, and I am a little excited in my heart, I can't let this woman die so quickly.

"Woman, I want to seek justice for your daughter, what she received at the beginning, and then send you on your way, don't thank me too much!"

Han Xiaochen's smile is getting more and more beautiful, if it is really beautiful, it can dim the world.

It is said that the reason why there was no devil Satan at the beginning had such a frozen face.

That's because he was the number one angel before God that day.

But he didn't completely obey the order and wanted to keep his consciousness, so he was thrown into the abyss by God and became an out-and-out devil here
So every devil has a tragic experience that is unknown!

In fact, the devil not only has always had this beautiful face, but also once had the kindest heart.

However, it is forced by the situation, as a last resort, I can only survive in the form of a devil!

"Han Xiaochen, are you a devil?

You will die badly?
My old lady knew that she should have killed you in the first place, at least after you were born, you should have strangled you right then and there. "

Yang Chunfen's lips trembled this time, and her face also became ghostly pale.

"How do you know? I was originally a devil! And I'm already a devil, so why should I die?

Han Xiaochen laughed wildly, and lightly used his supernatural power on Yang Chunfen's chest with his hand.

Absorb the energy of the opponent's life, ha...

After this water system ability reaches that absolute height, it can absorb the water of any object.

Then after the wood element reaches a certain height, it can absorb the vitality of people for its own use.

Moreover, it can also allow that person to enjoy the extremely painful feeling before death.

It felt like there were tens of thousands of knives scraping all the meridians on that person's body again and again.

But that person will not die immediately, and this person will also have hallucinations.

That's what he's hallucinating.He thought that she was abused and abused in the most extreme way.

When this illusion disappears, the person will die.

As for when this person will die, it depends on the ability and will of the wood-type supernatural being.

"Han Xiaochen, you will die badly, I curse you to be tortured for life after life, and become this unbearable adulterous child for life after life.

Life after life is humiliated by others, life after life will not end well.

Han Xiaochen, no matter what, I gave you this life!
How dare you treat me like this, it seems that I didn't torture you hard enough! "

Sure enough, Yang Chunfen was in the illusion, thinking of being tortured by Han Xiaochen in the most extreme ways.

How can there be any mother-daughter relationship like this, really there is no such thing.

Isn't it ridiculous to be asked for something like this?
"Han Xiaochen, why didn't my mother strangle you to death, why didn't she just sell you to that dirtier and vicious place.

You should be like those beggars before the end of the world, the eyes can't see the disabled body, missing arms and legs.

Then the parts in the body are also missing, and then I go to kneel on the street.

Just suffer day by day like that, it’s good to exhaust your life day by day like that. "

Yang Chunfen laughed wildly, it seemed that only such a crazy laugh could relieve her pain so much.

"Really? I'm sorry to disappoint you!
Although that man hurt me a lot later, but no matter what, the kind of thing you imagined did not happen.

It seems that you should regret it. If I want to stay in my hometown, I will be kidnapped by the people in my hometown with various morals. Although it is okay, I still have to take care of you and be angry with you.

You know how I live around that man?
Let me tell you, after I got there, my life was better than those rich ladies.

There are a lot of people around to serve, eat well and wear well, and live in a manor that is the kind of manor that you can't even dream of, even more advanced than my current villa.

Then, that man taught me a lot of life knowledge, and invited countless tutors to teach me the knowledge in the books.

He even sent me to school, let me tell you, it's still a prestigious university!
Do you know how much sponsorship fee that man paid to send me to college?
Let me tell you that it scares you to death. When I was sent to college, Jiangsu’s sponsorship fee was 5000.

You don't know how hard those teachers tried to teach me after I went to college.

How good is their attitude towards me, as long as I have a little idea, they will sacrifice their time to give me a little trouble.

Whether it's true or false, all the students in this school have a very good attitude towards me.

Because at that time, I had already got rid of my inferiority complex, and I was wearing those high-end customizations, and I had countless pocket money in my hand.

Not to mention, they have been guessing that I am the daughter of some important family. "

Han Xiaochen has already learned sound transmission, her words are not loud, but every word is knocked into Yang Chunfen's mind
"Sister... sister, why are you here? You don't know that Mom and Dad have been talking about you."

Coincidentally, Han Shitao came, and he looked at Han Xiaochen with surprise

"What are you doing? Why do I see that my mother's face is not good?"

There is an advantage to tidying up people like this. You obviously let him experience great pain that empathizes with him.

But it seems to outsiders that you didn't do anything, just sitting here and drinking tea leisurely.

(End of this chapter)

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