Chapter 680
Han Xiaochen glanced at Han Zhitao coolly, with a sarcasm on the corner of his mouth
"Sister? Ghost sister, do you have a sister?
How dare you, a lowly ordinary person, come to seek my relatives? "

"Sister, how can you deny me? I'm your younger brother. Even if you have a problem with Mom, we sisters don't have any problem!
Sister, I heard that you are very powerful. Whether it is a high-level ability user, or a dual-line, or a space ability, you are almost at level 30. "

A trace of cruel resentment flashed in Han Shitao's eyes, but he restrained himself.

If this is in the face of the previous words, this dead woman must ruin the joint beating of her family.

Don't annoy him now, if you annoy him, the long-term meal ticket will be gone.


With the space approaching level 30, how many good things must there be in the space of the supernatural being?

This dead white-eyed wolf is so good, he doesn't take care of his family at all

It seems that my mother didn't beat him hard enough before!
So when he thought of this, he didn't care about his sister's sarcastic remarks, and there was an extremely hypocritical smile on the corner of his mouth.

"Girl, girl, are you back?" Han Xiaochen, the adoptive father, came over tremblingly.

Han Xiaochen glanced lightly at her adoptive father.

In fact, this man is quite tolerant, although he often beats and scolds that woman.

But maybe he wasn't the reason for her birth. He really didn't move a finger of his own, but his own mother would beat him to death whenever his face became unhappy.

But what?When he was about to die, this man didn't say anything, he always treated him like air.

But after many years, I would forget that there was such a person in the world, and he was able to put on such a false appearance.

Sure enough?Sure enough, everything about this man is just pretending.

What about yourself?
No matter what, I can't blame this man.

A rather pitiful backer, at least he didn't abuse himself even though he ate a bite of food, but it's not a good habit for him to ignore himself.

Well, if I don't reward or punish him, I'll treat him as a stranger, just like he treated me before.

"Ah! Ah!" Yang Chunfen finally let out a very miserable smile.

The corners of Han Xiaochen's lips curled up slightly, what is this, I let this woman experience the extreme, only after the pain...

Let the devil be the devil, let the devil be the devil, anyway, I don't have much love in my heart.

So what if I can live comfortably, let myself not leave demons behind, and fall into hell?

Who is your own demon?Isn't it the woman in front of me?

She gave birth to herself, but all her sufferings were also brought about by her.

I don't resent him, I once poisoned myself, but I resent him for the cruel abuse he has continued for more than ten years.

hate it?hatred.

Han Xiaochen hated the woman in front of him, hated him so much that he could eat her flesh raw and drink up his blood.

But after all, I am not a vampire, after all, I still have humanity, no matter how hard my heart is, I can't do this kind of thing.

But after so long, I have given this woman so many ways of life.

But she just wanted to make trouble for herself again and again, so this time it really should be over,
I have wanted to commit suicide countless times since I was a child, but it just didn't work.

In fact, if he died at that time, he would die. After all, he had been living in the darkest hell and could not see any light.

Can happen.Because of this woman's viciousness, although he was sold.

Although my heart was bloody from being hurt later, no matter what, I have seen the light after all, and I can feel the love of this friend for me.

I want to live, I don't want to die.

But if I want to live, there are obstacles in front of me. For me, the biggest obstacle in front of me is not those extremely powerful and extremely fertile monsters.

Nor is it the bad weather outside, nor zombie animals and plants, nor those mutated animals and plants.

It was the woman in front of him, and the woman in front of him was his demon.

It was him who would fall into a nightmare every time he really took a rest.

Every time the nightmare is a skinny little girl with injuries all over her body, the little girl runs away desperately in front.

He didn't know the reason, but his pace towards the takeout was very slow, even though he was working hard, even though he was already sweating profusely from exhaustion.

My own mother in the back chased after me with a kitchen knife, as if she was about to catch up with me in a second, and what would happen if I caught up with me.

It seems that every time I feel how big this woman is, I will be overwhelmed by him, and I will not let myself die, and then sprinkle salt on all my wounds.

I have grown up so much, and I will always have such a nightmare forever.

Even when that man treats himself very well, even when he is the happiest.

As long as I close my eyes at night, I dream of this kind of dream. Occasionally, the scene will change, but there is one thing that changes the soup, that is, being chased and tortured by them in my hometown.

It is too tiring to enter the end of the world, plus the shuttle of two pieces.

There are very few times when I can really rest, but when I really fall asleep, I still have this kind of dream.

But even so, he didn't find trouble with this woman, but this woman kept finding fault again and again.

This is a man who has to be trustworthy. Since you sold it, it is natural that you sold it all at once.

But why do these women think that he gave birth to himself, so he can break his promise no matter what he does, but how is this possible?
If he doesn't know him well, can he just let him?Then let him jump in front of me again and again to make myself have nightmares.

Then let his cultivation stagnate because of the demons he left behind?


I really am not a good person, not a good person.

Sure enough, he has the genes of that man, bloodthirsty and cruel in his bones, and his three views are extremely wrong?
Otherwise, how could I want this woman to die, and I had to torture her enough before letting her die.

"Girl, what's the matter with you? And your mother, what's the matter? Are you sick?
I heard that you have already bombed the mission, you go to the healing powers in this base, and see your mother's illness! "

Han Xiaochen, the adoptive father, looked at Han Xiaochen carefully

After all, this is a mother and daughter, no matter how severe the abuse is, it doesn't matter.

What about having a blood relationship?It is impossible to be an enemy, and I am different.

It's just that it was difficult for me back then, and I wasn't his own, so it's a problem to control too much, and it's also a problem to control too little.

Especially a stepfather, if you care a little more about this adopted daughter, people will gossip.

Han Xiaochen glanced at his adoptive father mockingly, and smiled coldly

"Sister...sister, what's going on with you?

Is there any more?What's wrong with this?How could this not be done by you?It's because my mother has been hungry for too long.

By the way, sister, I'm very hungry, find something to eat! "

Han Xiaochen glanced at Han Shitao mockingly: "Why do you want to beg for food with me? Nowadays, beggars have to pay the price."

(End of this chapter)

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