Chapter 681
"Han Zhaodi, what do you think you are?
Hurry up and hand over your food, or I will kill you.

Don't forget who you are, you were born with original sin, and your dad, tmd is the rapist.

Because of you because of how miserable your father and child are?Isn't this bad personality all caused by you?

Because of you, I have been unable to raise my head to be a human being since I was a child. "Han Shitao immediately went crazy, yes, he can bear it for such a long time, it is not bad.

One must know that Han Xiaochen in the past saw him like a mouse seeing a cat, and was so frightened that he shivered.

But now, this woman doesn't think much of him at all.

"It's really noisy. It's been a long time since anyone dared to provoke me like this."

Han Xiaochen raised her slightly pale lips, and Han Shitao fainted like a dead dog in an instant.

"Girl, what are you doing? Why did your brother faint?"

Han Xiaochen's adoptive father's eyes widened in an instant.

"Oh! He is so annoying, and what I hate most is that someone is so annoying in front of me.

And he is considered a personal attack, if I hadn't listened to the leader of our base and killed innocent people in the base.

This kid must have been thrown out for those monsters by now. "

A very sweet smile appeared on the corner of Han Xiaochen's mouth, as if he was saying that the weather is good today and the cakes are delicious today.

Han Xiaochen's adoptive father took a deep breath...


How could I have forgotten that the girl in front of me is one of the most advanced supernatural beings in the base.

The supernatural beings who died in his hands, as well as the monsters outside, and even zombies and mutant animals are countless.

After experiencing long-term killing like this, even a woman has become ruthless a long time ago.

It is said that the more advanced the ability user is, the less he will pay attention to ordinary people and low-level ability users.

Although the base has regulations that prohibit infighting, none of them will end well.

Basically, they are restrained in the base, but when they leave the base, they will be directly fed to zombies by those people.

Not to mention that in the base, they will also use other methods to deal with you, such as making you unable to find food and water no matter what method you use, that is the rhythm that makes you starve to death.

The leader of the base just stipulates that there is no reason for not being allowed, so he just hits this ordinary person and ordinary supernatural being.

But it didn't say that people use roundabout methods to deal with you. What is the scariest thing about this person?It wasn't that he was beaten and abused, but that he was starved of food and water for a long time, so he died of thirst and starvation.

Originally, it was extremely difficult for ordinary people to obtain those, but being obstructed by those people, there was really no way out.

How did I forget?How did this girl leave this house in the first place?

How could I forget, how was this girl treated when she was a child?
It is said that the child is almost conscious at the age of three, and even has the level of perceiving good and evil in the outside world.

But my wife has tortured this girl for more than ten years, and tried every method.

Kick the body with a high-heeled shoe, just kick the high-heeled shoe like a knife, and it can stab the child.

Then, he poured hot oil on the child, stepped on the child's head and hit the wall.

What's more, if one day you are unhappy, no matter what you have in your hand, you will greet this girl.

To say this level, it should be impossible to say who doesn't hate, even if it's his own.

What's more, that woman never showed any kindness to the child.

Even if he didn't hit the child one day, the child would have to be grateful.

I'm afraid this child's mind has been distorted since he was a child, right?Especially that woman, who almost poisoned the child to death.

Even after everyone persuaded the child to let his wife not go to jail, he would directly contact his wife, and even the frantic contact sold the child.

A teenage girl, who could be the one who bought her?

Although he said he was honest and useless, it wasn't that he didn't understand the dark side of society at all.

Either it's the kind of bachelor who can't marry a wife, or the kind of big man who secretly has some unspeakable perverted hobbies.

and then...

So this girl has become so big now, she even changed her name.

"Han Xiaochen, have you changed your name now? The name Han Xiaochen sounds very nice!
Then what did you do when you came back?

Your mother regrets it now, but it's up to you whether to forgive or not. "

Han Xiaochen, the adoptive father, thought about it, and then said tremblingly.

"What do you think I'm here for?
I was invited by that woman, who came to me again and again.

I'm afraid it's impossible for me to completely forget all the unpleasant things in the past, isn't it?

Thank you for reminding me over and over again how I was treated from childhood to adulthood.

Thank you, it is because of your reminders again and again that I can be so brave outside.

I thought those high-level zombies outside were you!
Just kill and kill all the people in this world who have humiliated me, you know?That feels so cool!

You know what it's like to slash this knife over a zombie's head?

Do you know how exhilarating it is to feel so smooth even though it smells bloody?

You know those who are both human beings and supernatural beings, but instead want to fight against the same kind, those whose heads were chopped off by me.

Do you know how beautiful the scenery was when I chopped off their heads?
That scenery is just like the kind of spirit that I imagined in my heart again and again when I was a child, so that I can survive.

It's really beautiful and red, just like the most beautiful sunset in the world.

The beauty of the bright red is delightful and dazzling, and even more beautiful is the beauty that makes people linger!

Especially you know what?I like the smell of stars the most, it's simply the best smell in the world! "

Han Xiaochen's expression became more and more crazy, and his eyes became redder and redder.

Han Xiaochen, the adoptive father, was scared to the extreme this time, when suddenly there was a stench.

Han Xiaochen covered his nose in disgust. As a supernatural being or an advanced supernatural being, his senses have always been quite sensitive, okay?
In the past, this man really fit his personality as an honest and useless waste.

What a wimp who only beats his wife and children and can only be a man.

"Girl girl, if you want to take revenge on others, don't take revenge on me, I haven't hit you before, have I?
Girl, girl, you have been aiming at me for so many years, I will take care of your food, so just let me go this time, okay? "

"Tch, I'm still dirty after killing you, where are my hands! You just take care of it, do you deserve it? Do you deserve to die by my hands?"

Han Xiaochen sneered coldly, but suddenly froze.

The woman Yang Chunfen suddenly disappeared.

Obviously, within a few minutes, this woman deserves to die.

But why so...

"Han Xiaochen, when are you still playing now, hurry up and follow me."

Mo Yan's cold voice tinged with concern rang out.

Han Xiaochen raised his head, okay?This guy Mo Yan actually appeared directly in front of his eyes.

(End of this chapter)

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