Sales start with being rejected

Chapter 1 Introduction When Sales Meet Rejection

Chapter 1 Introduction When Sales Meet Rejection

Sales is a career full of longings and dreams. It is also a career with both challenges and opportunities, and it is also a career that must constantly face rejections—salespeople must always face double rejections from themselves and customers.It is not difficult to become a salesperson, but it is not so easy to be a good salesperson.To do sales work, in addition to requiring the salesperson to be able to "travel thousands of mountains and rivers, speak a thousand words, and endure untold hardships", it also requires the salesperson to have a good attitude, master superb sales skills, and be able to work hard in this difficult situation. In the midst of rejection, overcoming yourself and achieving yourself is the only way for salespeople to succeed.

Where there is sales, there must be resistance. If everyone is queuing up to buy the product, then the salesperson is of no value, so it is only natural that sales encounter rejection.By choosing a job in sales, you also choose to dance with rejection.

encounter self-rejection
Fear will die if you are brave enough to do what scares you.

- Emerson

Sales is a job that is prone to self-rejection.Many salespeople have varying degrees of self-rejection.They tend to see things with the notion of "can't".For difficulties, they always say "impossible" and "impossible".Some salesmen hesitated when they walked to the customer's door, fearing to go in and be treated coldly by the customer.As the saying goes, "a slight difference is a thousand miles away".The subtle psychological differences of salespeople make the huge difference between sales success and failure.Self-rejection constitutes the greatest obstacle to sales success.Self-rejection makes salesmen avoid difficulties and setbacks, and cannot exert their abilities.

Konosuke Matsushita said: "Self-rejection is the enemy of salesmen and a stumbling block to success."Any salesman who has a tendency to reject himself will have no hope of success in the sales industry.

Indeed, selling is a stressful job.In the face of pressure, many salespeople, especially those who have just entered the industry, always have a mentality of evasion, and do everything possible to find some excuses for themselves in order to have a high-sounding reason not to do business.

Successful people look for reasons, and unsuccessful people look for excuses.If we can find out the reason of failure and keep improving, success will be closer and closer to us.In the face of self-rejection, make your heart stronger. Only by establishing a correct sales mentality, daring to face failure, daring to struggle unceasingly, and daring to take immediate action, can you embark on a perfect sales journey.So, what kind of mentality should a good salesperson have?

No matter what kind of sales job you are engaged in, in order to reach the peak of sales performance, the following seven "hearts" must be cultivated: self-confidence, courage, responsibility, initiative, perseverance, ambition, and tolerance.

Any salesperson, only by establishing a correct sales mentality, will have a passionate attitude to open up the market, will actively overcome difficulties, will then have excellent sales skills, and will take the initiative to create better performance.This book starts with the analysis of the positive mentality that is conducive to the improvement of sales performance, and helps the salesperson to break the old thinking, establish a positive sales mentality that is more conducive to stimulating fighting spirit and courage, and finally achieve the improvement of the overall quality.

Rejected by customers
Successful sales receive twice as many rejections as unsuccessful sales.

— Brian Tracy

As you prepare to go into sales, keep in mind the fact that the world's highest-paid salespeople close most of their deals by the fifth meeting.

Every rejection is not a failure. The reason why you can achieve a certain performance is not the result of one successful sale, but the result of being rejected many times. Therefore, every rejection is valuable.If you make 10 phone calls and meet 3 customers, and only one customer buys in the end and earns you 500 yuan, then you have to calculate that each of your calls can actually earn you 50 yuan, Each of your visits can make you 166 yuan.There is no sense of failure if you face rejection like this, because every call and every visit counts.Your income does not come from one of your transactions, but from your total visits.

Studies have shown that in successful sales cases, the same customer is finalized after five visits by the salesperson, accounting for 80%.It is a pity that 80% of the salesmen do not visit customers more than five times.So, if you want to increase your business, it's very simple, just visit the same customers repeatedly.When you are away from the customer, keep in touch with the customer by letter, phone call or email, because frequent contact can build the salesperson's self-confidence.

Joe Girard said: "After I've been turned down seven times, I start thinking: 'Maybe he's not going to buy it.' But I have to try three more times."

Therefore, since you accept sales as a profession, you should dare to bear the reality that you have not signed a contract for many days, dare to face all kinds of setbacks and failures in the sales process, dare to face up to the customer's rejection, and put the customer's Refuse to turn into motivation to constantly hone yourself, strive to improve your own quality, improve your sales skills... When you dare to face these setbacks and try to find a way to solve them, you have already embarked on the road to success in sales road.

There is a popular saying in the army: "The usual requirements are called training, and the special requirements are called tempering."The same goes for sales.If you treat the customer's rejection as an antibody that you usually have immune function, why worry about these external setbacks will hit you.The salesperson should become more frustrated and courageous, and take the customer's rejection as a training of his sales skills.Only with superb sales skills can a salesperson cope with the different needs of the market and resolve various rejections from customers.Therefore, starting from dealing with customer rejection, this book describes various methods to resolve customer rejection.The book selects a large number of persuasive classic examples and integrates the successful experience of sales elites for many years.It expounds in detail the skills of network, speaking, manipulating, creativity and thinking that have been repeatedly won in the sales work.The whole book has a clear context, easy-to-understand language, and practical methods and skills, which can solve the practical difficulties of readers and friends.

Salespeople must cultivate their mentality internally and practice their skills externally, so that they dare to face rejection, overcome rejection, and make themselves friends with rejection.For an excellent salesman, what he should do is to constantly motivate himself and keep saying to himself "I can do it! I can do it! I can do it!" He should actively strive for all opportunities that can keep him away from rejection , Let the accumulated successful experience become a deadly weapon to overcome rejection, so as to achieve your own brilliant sales process!
(End of this chapter)

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