Sales start with being rejected

Chapter 2 Overcoming Self-Rejection—Success Begins with Saying Yes to Yourself

Chapter 2 Overcoming Self-Rejection—Success Begins with Saying Yes to Yourself (1)
Sales is a profession that is constantly faced with being rejected by customers. However, the reason why some salesmen are rejected by customers is that not opening the door to strangers is a factor, and the more important reason may be that you hesitated when knocking on the door. , you are rejected by yourself.In fact, many salespeople have a tendency to self-rejection, which is a huge obstacle to successful sales.Therefore, adjust your mentality, overcome self-rejection, and constantly cultivate your self-confidence, courage, responsibility, initiative, persistence, ambition, and tolerance. Encourage yourself, believe in yourself, and say "yes" to yourself at any time , to embark on the road to success.

Making excuses - a stumbling block on the road to success

Sales is a stressful job.In the face of pressure, many salespeople, especially those who have just entered the industry, always have a mentality of evasion, and do everything possible to find some excuses for themselves in order to have a high-sounding reason not to do business.The reason why sales champions become champions is not because they fail less, but because they fail enough and are rejected by customers enough, so their transaction volume is enough to support them to become sales champions.But most people always make excuses, unwilling to try and fail, and lose the chance of success.

Successful people look for reasons, and unsuccessful people look for excuses.If we can find out the reason of failure and keep improving, success will be closer and closer to us.On the contrary, if we blindly find excuses to extricate ourselves from our failures, success will be farther and farther away from us.

Excuses are everywhere if you look for them.If you fail to do something well or complete a task, there are thousands of excuses out there to respond to you, support you, and support you.Instead of actively and proactively solving problems, they try every means to find excuses in exchange for understanding and forgiveness from others, resulting in no performance in work and a waste of business.

The only advantage of looking for excuses is to cover up your own faults, transfer the responsibility you should bear to the society or others, and get a temporary psychological balance.But in the long run, because there are all kinds of excuses to find, people will neglect their efforts, stop trying to find ways to succeed, and spend a lot of time and energy on how to find a suitable excuse.

Such a person is doomed to be a loser who achieves nothing, and is doomed to fall in his own "excuse".Next, let's expose the so-called reasons for the salesperson's self-refusal to sell one by one (in fact, it is not true at all).

i have no experience

One of the most used excuses by salespeople is: I have no experience.True, lack of experience does hold many back.But we're also all aware of a disturbing fact: to get experience, you need a job; to get a job, you need experience, and it's a vicious cycle.It is possible to say that you can do a good job in sales with experience.The more experience you have, the higher the possibility of sales success, but experience is accumulated.Anyone engaged in sales work starts with no experience, so lack of experience should not be a reason for us to refuse sales, but lack of experience should be a motivation for us to actively sell.What's more, inexperience means you're young, and youth is often an asset. Bravery, guts, instinct, or creativity can make up for lack of experience.

i'm afraid of failure

Of all the fears, the fear of failure affects the salesman the most. This anxiety takes root in the soul of the salesman and makes the salesman powerless.The fear of failure stems from past failures, from the lack of self-confidence instilled in the salesperson unconsciously, and the pessimism about sales has deepened the fear of the salesperson.This fear is only occasionally manifested publicly, but there are times when the salesperson is not aware of this fear, and this fear is quietly covered up by the salesperson.So, salespeople will never admit that they are afraid of failure in their efforts to sell.

Why haven't you been successful yet?It could be that you're stuck in the subconscious of wanting to fail, and if your success keeps slipping through your fingers, you should ask yourself if you can get rid of this syndrome, if your destiny will keep you forever Do nothing.Don't worry, you should consciously save yourself and firmly believe that any procedure can be reversed.Even the most powerful and powerful negative programs can be changed, quickly and completely.

When Yuan Yiping, the "God of Sales", was 23 years old, he left his hometown and went to Tokyo to fight the world. At the age of 27, he joined Meiji Insurance Company as a "trainee salesman".At that time, he was not officially hired, and he just wanted to give him a try, but the real life problems at that time forced him to breathe. He didn't eat Chinese food because he had no money to eat; he didn't take the tram because he didn't have money to take a ride. , but he changed "no money to eat" to "I don't eat" and "no money to take" to "I don't take" and saved time to visit customers.After seven months of rent arrears, the park became his home and the bench became his bed.But his heart is shouting: "Yuan Yiping, don't be discouraged; the unique Yuan Yiping in the world, cheer up; show more courage and fighting spirit, Yuan Yiping is upright; Yuan Yiping is I will never give in; Yuan Yiping will never be defeated! Do it! I will continue to work bravely.” Just when he was the most impoverished and down to sleep in the park, he met the chairman of the Sanye United Association and learned from him There was insurance there, and after his introduction, Yuan Yiping quickly got on the line with many companies in the Sanye United Association and gained many potential customers. From that day on, Yuan Yiping became successful.

So, the salesperson does what you fear the most and manages your fear.If you fear an aspect of selling, such as a price rejection from a customer, you need to face it in order to be successful.You have been afraid of many things, but once you do these things, it is much easier than you think.Every time you force yourself to do something you're afraid of, it becomes easier to do it in the future, until one day you forget that you were afraid to do it only a few months ago.

Whether a salesperson can overcome rejection and achieve sales success is inseparable from whether he has a correct attitude towards failure.

I don't have that much energy
This is an excuse we use a lot.Yes, any action requires the energy of a local, especially a psychological manager.Lack of energy, and ultimately low motivation, can seem like a vicious cycle that is hard to escape.Everyone needs to have a small spark to ignite the dormant energy in their own vest, because the potential energy we have is huge.For some, this energy is still dormant, waiting to be activated.This is the only difference between those who achieve great things and those who fail or experience only mediocre success.When Qiu Bojun was developing WPS, he locked himself in the room for hundreds of days!During these days, he worked almost every day until two or three o'clock in the night. Qiu Bojun finally couldn't take it anymore, the hepatitis relapsed, and he died.He was admitted to the hospital, but he was seriously ill, but he dared not rest, for fear of losing inspiration for his creation.He asked someone to report the computer to the ward, and it had been compiled and programmed. In the first half of 1989, Qiu Bojun not only completed the original plan, but also Xishan DS4.03.It can be seen that the potential energy possessed by people is huge.Therefore, people must train more of these managers. The speed and degree of your success are directly proportional to your useful energy.

In short, the salesman's seemingly reasonable and effective excuses are actually untenable.You may be wondering how powerful these excuses come from within us?Deep in our hearts, it seems that there is always a force that makes us blind to the reasons for our failure.But successful people can control this power, which is what makes great salesmen great.

A good attitude - the paving stone on the road to sales

Sales is a career full of longing and dreams, and it is also a career where challenges and opportunities coexist.It's easy to be a salesperson, but not so easy to be a good salesperson.In sales work, in addition to requiring the salesperson to be able to "travel thousands of miles, speak a thousand words, and endure untold hardships", it also requires the salesperson to have a good attitude. Having a good attitude does not necessarily mean "winning" , but the salesperson who will "win" must have a good attitude.Only by establishing a correct sales mentality, daring to face failure, daring to struggle unceasingly, and daring to take immediate action, can we embark on a perfect sales journey.

In daily work, many salespeople always seem to be particularly interested in the improvement of sales skills. They have a wrong idea that sales is a job that relies on skills to win.In fact, skills are only one aspect, and the improvement of sales performance is determined to a greater extent by mentality.A person with a positive attitude can achieve impressive results even with mediocre skills.Therefore, to become an excellent salesperson, the most important thing is to establish the correct sales mentality.

Chen Anzhi, the world's marketing master, once said in "Super Marketing": "Attitude determines everything, skills and abilities determine victory or defeat." Different attitudes determine different lives and endings.

Success comes from mentality.Almost all good salesmen have one thing in common, that is, they have a positive attitude.They use a positive attitude to control their own lives, and use an optimistic spirit to face all possible difficulties and obstacles in the sales process, so as to ensure their continuous success.So, what kind of mentality should a good salesperson have?No matter what kind of sales job you are engaged in, in order to reach the peak of sales performance, the following eight "hearts" must be cultivated: self-confidence, courage, responsibility, initiative, perseverance, ambition, and tolerance.

But in real life, there are many salespersons who are generally spiritually empty, leading with inferiority complex, lost soul, disappointed and pessimistic attitude and negative and decadent life. The consequences can only go from one failure to another, or even stay forever. In the past failures, no longer strive.

A salesman whose life is relatively poor, complains every day that he is "unrecognized for his talents", and fate is playing tricks on him.

On Christmas Eve, every house is decorated with lanterns and streamers, full of festive and lively atmosphere.A salesman sits on a chair in a park and begins to reflect on the past.On this day last year, he too was alone, spending his Christmas drunk, with no new clothes, no new shoes, let alone a new car, or a new house.

"Ah! This year I'm going to wear these old shoes again for Christmas!" He said as he was about to take off the old shoes.At this time, he suddenly saw a young man walking past him in a wheelchair.He had an epiphany: "How lucky I am to have shoes! He doesn't even have a chance to wear shoes!"

Afterwards, the salesman treated everything with a positive attitude, worked hard, and strived to be the best.Years later, life finally changed before him, and he became a millionaire.

It can be seen that the relationship between positive attitude and success is complementary.A salesperson who always has a negative attitude is hard to get the favor of success.

Mentality is the view and attitude of salespeople towards sales work. It is the basis for all actions taken by salespeople, and it also determines the way salespeople use to create their own lives.Although we cannot change the established environment, there are some factors that we can decide, and more importantly, we can change our mentality.What kind of sales method we choose, what kind of customers we choose, and what kind of situation we express in, all these will affect our sales results.If you want to do a good job in sales, you must carefully treat every choice you make, pay attention to cultivating the above-mentioned good attitudes, and make yourself stronger in your heart, meet various challenges in work and life, and make yourself a learning leader. A sales expert with strong ability, business ability, and ability to withstand pressure.

In the sales process, there are many mediocre salesmen, mainly because they have problems with their mentality.When encountering difficulties, they always choose the easy way back. "I can't do it anymore, I'd better shrink back." As a result, I fell into the abyss of failure.When encountering difficulties, excellent salesmen can still maintain a positive and optimistic attitude, and encourage themselves with the ideas of "I want! I can!" and "There must be a way", so they can try their best to keep moving forward until they succeed.

Zhang Hua and Li Ming are two salesmen of the same company.One day, the two of them went to a supermarket to sell products at the same time. Zhang Hua saw that this supermarket already had a lot of similar products, and the sales were quite good, and the profit was higher than his own products. It is difficult to persuade the boss to buy goods, even if they buy goods, it may not be easy to sell; Li Ming also saw that there are many similar products in this supermarket, and he thinks this also proves that the sales of such products in this store are relatively prosperous, and there is a large development potential.It is understood that the best seller in this store is XX brand. Although there is a gap between their own products and XX, they also have unique advantages.Therefore, Li Ming tried his best to persuade the supermarket owner to purchase, and at the same time formulated a corresponding promotion policy for XX products. Soon this supermarket became the company's model store.

This story fully illustrates a truth: only a salesman with a positive attitude will find opportunities in the "impossible" and create sales miracles.

A positive attitude can make failures and frustrated salespeople see the hope of victory, refresh their spirits and analyze the reasons for failure objectively and calmly, so as to improve their sales level and move from failure to success.A negative and pessimistic attitude will make the salesperson indulge in the strong frustration of failure, self-blame, and low self-esteem, and gradually lose confidence and give up.

A positive attitude is the same as a negative attitude. They can both exert a force on people, but the directions of the two forces are opposite, and the point of action is the same, which is yourself.In order to improve sales performance, in order to achieve professional success, you must maximize the power of the positive attitude to counteract the reactionary force of negative attitude.As long as you have a positive attitude, you can be invincible in the sales process and embark on the road to success.

For failed salesmen, once they encounter setbacks, they choose to retreat, and they always attribute the setbacks to the external environment and others. There are also various excuses and reasons for complaining. loser in .Successful salesmen are different. They dare to face all kinds of setbacks in the sales process, and they will not find excuses and reasons for their failures. Instead, they will continue to find ways to break through their own limitations, and they are 100% responsible for their actions. Responsible, and thus successful.

Confidence - ignite the passion of sales

Insufficient self-confidence is one of the most likely psychological problems for salespeople in sales work.Lack of self-confidence is like a rocket's booster fuel shortage. When it flies into the air, it will gradually lose power and finally fall down.If a salesperson does not have enough confidence in himself, or in his company and the products he is selling, he will lose motivation in sales and put his progress on hold.Moreover, without self-confidence, it is difficult to infect customers, and even cause and increase customer suspicion.Therefore, being able to be full of self-confidence often directly affects the success or failure of sales. It can be said that whether a salesman can sell with full confidence is a psychological factor that is a prerequisite for his success.

Generally speaking, the reasons for the lack of self-confidence of salespersons mainly come from three aspects:

First of all, I don't have enough confidence in myself.When such salespeople are engaged in sales work, they often have the feeling of "more than enough energy but not enough energy". They often feel that their own conditions are poor, doubt their sales ability, think that they are not suitable for sales work, and then feel slack; or It is because of their own personality factors. After suffering a little setback, they have a serious sense of frustration, and easily choose to give up, but dare not continue to fight.

Second, lack of confidence in your company.Salespeople sometimes cannot get the proper sense of security because they have certain doubts about the strength, prospects, and reputation of their company or enterprise; or they cannot get the corresponding environment and opportunities provided by the company for themselves. Companies lose confidence.This prevents the salesmen from gaining the necessary sense of belonging and security, thereby reducing their enthusiasm for work, and their attitudes become negative and slack.

Third, lack of confidence in the products they sell.Commodities are the most direct transactions between salesmen and customers, and the quality of products also has a great impact on the psychology of salesmen.If the salesperson feels that the product he is selling is of low quality, too expensive, or uncompetitive compared with similar products, he will lose confidence in the product.When doing sales, I also feel unsure, lack confidence, fear that customers will be critical, and fear that customers will find too many faults and lose face.

The above factors will have an impact on the psychology of the salesperson, making the salesperson lack self-confidence. Since the heart is full of various concerns and the heart is not at ease, the salesperson cannot normally develop his potential when facing customers, which will affect sales. make it difficult to work smoothly.Only by overcoming this lack of confidence and working with a positive attitude will the salesperson achieve good results.

(End of this chapter)

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