Sales start with being rejected

Chapter 3 Overcoming Self-Rejection—Success Begins with Saying Yes to Yourself

Chapter 3 Overcoming Self-Rejection—Success Begins with Saying Yes to Yourself (2)
Wang Hua joined an insurance company because the insurance company was a Sino-foreign joint venture life insurance company that had just entered the Chinese market and was in its infancy. The development in all aspects was not perfect at that time, which made Wang Hua lack a certain sense of security in his heart. Afraid that the company claims to be quite strong and has a huge potential market on the surface, but he dare not believe it. He always has a skeptical attitude towards the company, and it is always difficult to settle down in his heart.So the previous ambitions before joining the company were gradually discarded, and the enthusiasm for work was greatly reduced.Although everything in the company is gradually getting worse and there are more and more salesmen, Wang Hua is becoming less and less confident.Every time he went out to meet clients, he always felt uneasy, afraid that Kehe would ask about the company's situation, and expressed doubts.Therefore, when he promotes the company's various insurance products, he is always evasive, and it is difficult to gain the trust of customers.Eventually the transaction failed.In the end, Guo Hua had to leave the company, one year after he left.The company has been greatly developed and widely accepted by the market.So Guo Hua regretted it.If you stay by yourself, do a good job.He must be the department manager of the company now.

Without a clear understanding of the company's specific situation, Wang Hua easily lost confidence in the company, and under the influence of negative psychology, he became depressed, cowardly in words and deeds, and passively slowed down, which made the work messy and dampened his self-confidence even more, and finally chose Leaving, but missed a good development opportunity.This is the result of lack of confidence.

No matter what the situation is, the salesperson must learn to cultivate his own confidence, correctly understand the industry he is in, so that he can have a full understanding of the sales work, find the combination point between the two, and play a role in it. out of their own strengths.In terms of understanding the company, we must sincerely cooperate with the company and strive to safeguard the company's interests. This will not only reflect our own value, but also be recognized by the company, increase our sense of belonging and security, and make ourselves more interested in the company. full of confidence.In addition, salespersons must be familiar with the products they sell, grasp the performance and quality of the products, and analyze their advantages and disadvantages, so as to maximize their strengths and avoid weaknesses in sales, win the trust of customers, and cultivate their confidence in the products.

Believe in yourself, believe in your company, and believe in the products you sell. This is the primary guarantee for a salesperson to devote himself wholeheartedly to the sales work.Only a confident salesman will treat his work and customers with full enthusiasm, and go all out for every aspect of the work, so that he is getting closer to success.

Only with a positive attitude can we make greater achievements.Positivity comes from confidence. Only when a salesperson is full of confidence in himself, in his company and in the products he sells, can he actively strive for, struggle persistently, face bravely, and be full of passion and motivation in sales work. It is the power of faith.Overcome the psychological weakness of lack of self-confidence, improve one's own psychological quality, increase the motivation to move forward, face work and customers with a positive attitude, and strive for success.

There is such a story, in the final of a World Excellent Conductor Competition, Seiji Ozawa conducted the performance according to the score given by the jury, and keenly discovered the dissonant sound.At first, he thought there was something wrong with the band playing, so he stopped and played again, but it was still wrong.This made him firm that the score was problematic.At this time, the composer present and the authority of the jury insisted that there was nothing wrong with the score and that he had made a mistake.

In the face of a large number of music masters and authorities, he thought twice, and finally he said loudly: "No, there must be a mistake in the music score!" As soon as the words fell, the judges on the jury table immediately stood up and gave warm applause. , Congratulations to him for winning the competition.

It turned out that this was actually a "trap" carefully designed by the judges to test whether the conductor could still insist on his correct proposition when he found an error in the score and was "denied" by an authority.Although the first two conductors who participated in the finals also found errors in the score, they were eventually eliminated because they could not stick to their opinions.However, Seiji Ozawa won the crown of the World Conductor Competition because of his confidence.

Self-confidence is the affirmation of one's own ability and the trust in the work one is engaged in. A salesman cannot make a decision easily because he suffers a little setback or does not have a comprehensive understanding of some situations, and feels that he is not suitable for sales. Unable to achieve the goal of successful sales, but choose to give up, or have a beggar mentality, think that sales are begging, ask others, ask others to help you with a certain thing, and then are very afraid of customers’ objections when selling, and are afraid of customers’ opinions on the product. certain opinions.Once you hear objections, you may even realize that the deal is going to fail.

In fact, salesmen are not humble beggars, but noble messengers.When a salesman visits a customer, he does not ask him to buy a product, but introduces or recommends a product that is useful or beneficial to him. Just like a doctor visiting a doctor, it brings convenience and benefits to the patient.Therefore, the salesperson should face the customer with the mentality of a messenger, so as to find confidence and see the hope of success.

A person without self-confidence is not easy to succeed in anything.Self-confidence is a prerequisite for success.Only when you are full of confidence in yourself, can you behave generously and confidently in front of customers, your confidence can infect and conquer consumers, and customers will be full of trust in the products you sell.

Bravery - overcoming all fear
Every salesperson has a dream of one kind or another, but the vast majority of dreams are stranded. The main reason is the lack of a brave heart, wanting to do something but not daring to do it, and the result is nothing.In the work of every salesman, there will be many moments of fear of not being able to do it, so they are stuck in a prison, and they are bound to turn their infinite potential into limited achievements.As a salesperson, please remember one sentence: success is by your side, see if you have a brave heart to pick the fruits of victory.He who loses money loses little, he who loses health loses much, and he who loses courage loses all possibilities.

Salesman is a relatively free profession, and its freedom is mainly manifested in time: no one stipulates your commute time, and no one stipulates that you must sell products to customers today.

Salespeople must also have a brave heart.People who are engaged in sales activities, so to speak, are the people who deal with "rejection".In real life, when a customer sees a salesperson coming to sell products, he will go out to greet him with a smile and say: "Welcome, welcome, you came just in time", "It's a timely gift", and then take the initiative to pay and close the deal.If so, there would be no need for a salesman.From knocking on the door by the salesman, opening the door with the customer, advancing and retreating with the customer, until closing the deal and resigning, every level is full of thorns, and there is no smooth road to walk.

Someone compares sales work to a war, and quotes an officer who lost a leg in the war to describe the horror of the "invisible enemy": "The most terrifying thing is the enemy invisible to the eyes. See with the eyes When fighting with an enemy that can be seen, I feel a sense of fulfillment in my heart; but when fighting in a dense forest, I can’t see the enemy, and I rush in without resistance. The time passes by 5 minutes, 10 minutes, and the silence is terrifying and suffocating.

Terror has become the enemy of our hearts
Salesmen also have two major enemies: the visible enemy - competitors; the invisible enemy - themselves.If a salesperson does not have a tenacious fighting spirit and a belief in winning in the face of rejection day after day, he will inevitably have the evasive thought of "I am too shocked, I really can't hold on!" One of the unseen enemies.In order to defeat this invisible enemy, there is no good way except for the salesman to cheer himself up.

Sales is a profession that only the brave can engage in.People who do sales, so to speak, people who deal with rejection.

Selling is selling products to people who are ready to reject you, and getting people who don't want to buy things to buy your products, you can imagine how difficult it is.Therefore, sales is a high-risk business, which cannot be tolerated by some cowardly people. Only the brave can hope to make great achievements in the sales industry and achieve a brilliant life.

There was one time when Jeff Heiferm was just starting out in sales.He heard about Carl, the president of Pepsi.Willeup will speak at the University of Colorado.So, Jeff found the person who arranged the itinerary for Mr. Carl, hoping that the other party could arrange a time for him to meet with the president of Pepsi.But the person told Jeff that the president's schedule was very tight, and he could only meet with Jeff 15 minutes after the speech at most.

So, on the morning of Mr. Carr's speech, Jeff waited outside the auditorium at the University of Colorado, waiting for the president of Pepsi.

The voice of Mr. Carl's speech kept coming from inside. After an unknown period of time, Jeff suddenly realized that the scheduled time had arrived, but Mr. Carl's speech was not over yet, and he had already spoken for 5 minutes.In other words, there are only [-] minutes left to meet with Karl.He had to act decisively and make a decision.

So he took out his business card and wrote a few words on the back to remind Mr. Carl that he had an appointment later: "You have an appointment with Jeff Heiferne at 02:30 p.m.," and he made a Taking a deep breath, he pushed open the door of the auditorium, and walked directly to Carl from the aisle in the middle.

Karl was still speaking, but when he saw him approaching, he stopped.At this time, Jeff handed him his business card, then turned around and walked back the same way. Before he reached the door, he heard Carl tell the audience that he was late for his appointment. Thank you for coming to listen to his speech today. Good luck to everyone.After speaking, he went outside to meet Jeff.

At this time, Jeff sat there, his whole body was tense, and his breathing almost stopped.Carl looked at the card and said to him, "Let me guess, you're Jeff, right?" So they found a place on campus and chatted comfortably.

As a result, they talked for a full 30 minutes.Carl not only spent precious time telling him many wonderful and moving stories, but also invited Jeff to New York to visit him and his working partners.However, the most precious thing he gave Jeff was to encourage him to continue to develop the previous fearless courage.Carr said: "No matter in business or any field, the most important thing is 'courage'. When you want to achieve something, you should have the courage to take action, otherwise nothing will be achieved in the end."

In the sales process, the first thing a salesman sells should be his courage. This is a magic weapon that everyone engaged in sales must keep in mind.

Every salesperson has an idea to improve sales performance, why most ideas are stranded?The main reason is lack of courage, wanting to do what you dare not do, and the result-nothing can be achieved.In every salesperson's job, there are many moments when the fear of not being able to do it is faced, so the ground is locked, and the limitless potential is turned into a limited achievement.

For salesmen, the most courageous thing is to dare to face the rejection of customers.Sales is a profession of selling oneself, and it is a profession of bravery.When salespeople sell products to others, they are dealing not only with others, but also with themselves.Some salesmen, when they are rejected in the sales process, often have a psychological barrier and are afraid to sell goods to others.

In fact, the poor performance of salespeople is not necessarily the result of their laziness and incompetence. The real reason is probably their fear of self-selling.When they develop fear, they will perform worse in the next sales process.But if they don't even have confidence in themselves, how can others trust them?
Therefore, for a salesperson, a brave heart is very important. Courage is the driving force for your actions. As a salesperson, you should overcome your fear and let courage take root in your heart.

Doing anything is not easy, and sales are even more so.However, since you have the courage to accept the career of sales, you should dare to face all kinds of setbacks in the sales process, dare to face up to the rejection of customers, dare to bear the fact that you have not signed a single order for many days, and dare to face many people. Your cold eyes and discrimination... When you dare to face these setbacks and try to find a way to solve them, you have already embarked on the road to sales success.

Responsibility - Demonstrate professional quality
On the road of career development, we must endure many challenges. Challenges not only contain certain risks, but also hidden opportunities for success. Facing challenges, only by bravely standing up to meet them and taking the initiative to take on major responsibilities can we grasp success from them Opportunity.Bill?Gates once said: "If you have a strong sense of responsibility, can accept work that others are unwilling to accept, and experience the joy of hard work, then you will be able to overcome difficulties, reach the realm that others cannot achieve, and get what you deserve. It is not easy to do this, but as a salesperson, you must know the fact that it is impossible to achieve any career easily. For the development of the career and the interests of the enterprise, it is a heavy responsibility. This is something that all employees of an enterprise should try their best to do.

In the process of negotiating with a client on certain issues, the sales manager of a certain company, Jin, angered the client because of improper wording. This client is a business representative of a large real estate company. The company will lose not only this deal, but also many cooperations with this real estate company.If such a large customer is lost, it will have a great impact on the company's total sales, and the company will suffer immeasurable losses.

In order to reshape the friendly relationship with this big client, and to protect the interests of the company, the company held a special meeting and decided to send competent personnel to complete this important task.Every department manager and salesperson of the company participated in this meeting, but everyone who participated in the meeting knew that this task was difficult and risky, because once it was not completed, not only the fundamental purpose would not be achieved, but And it will also leave the impression of "pushing" in the company.Moreover, it is too difficult to really complete this task.We all know that reshaping a customer relationship is more difficult than initial customer acquisition, because it starts with eliminating a strong dissatisfaction in the customer's heart.And this work itself is full of challenges. While eliminating customer dissatisfaction, it is necessary to further strengthen communication and exchanges with customers, and achieve the goal of continuing to maintain long-term cooperation with customers.

Therefore, everyone who participated in the meeting did not dare to take orders rashly.When the company leaders raised this issue, everyone remained silent.Seeing this situation, the general manager of the company said something meaningful: "During the Second World War, General Patton, the most respected military strategist in the United States, once pointed out that in the course of combat, everyone must Shoulder your own responsibilities, go to the place where you are most needed, do what you must do, and never forget your responsibilities. General Patton also said that when the enemy comes, if anyone can take the initiative to volunteer to complete the extremely rich Challenging heavy missions, and can do their best to complete the heavy missions, then this person is the most admirable true hero. If a person is on the battlefield thinking about fighting away from the front line, he is unwilling to take risks to complete the mission , Put in effort, then this kind of person is a real coward, and this kind of person can only be spurned by people forever."

After hearing the general manager's words, the people attending the meeting couldn't help feeling embarrassed. Xiao Li, a salesman who had just been transferred from the company's project department to the sales department, was also deeply touched. He actually had the idea of ​​accepting this important task, because When he was in the project department, he had cooperated with that client in another project, and both parties left a good impression, but Xiao Li also had the same concerns as others, so he kept silent all the time.However, after hearing the general manager's words, Xiao Li felt that he could no longer remain silent, so he stood up and asked to accept this important task.

In this way, under the surprised and disdainful eyes of everyone, Xiao Li accepted the important task.Later, through hard work, Xiao Li finally won praise from customers and won a long-term cooperative relationship with customers for the company. Xiao Li also gradually changed from a salesperson to a department manager, and later became the sales director of the company...

For salespeople, taking the initiative to take on challenging tasks means taking the initiative to impose various risks on themselves, such as the risk of failure in the challenge, difficulties and setbacks in the work process, and so on. "I heard that some risks may make my work difficult. Because of the existence of these risks, most salespeople are unwilling to take the initiative to take on those challenging tasks, even when the company puts such heavy tasks on them. , they will also try their best to get rid of this heavy responsibility with some innocuous reasons. However, there are also such salesmen in the enterprise, they will actively and consciously undertake the heavy responsibility entrusted by the company, and they will also take the initiative to create for themselves Some challenging jobs, corresponding to the risks they face in completing these challenging jobs and shouldering great responsibilities, while completing these jobs and fulfilling the necessary responsibilities, they also have a great opportunity to successfully expand their future career development, and The knowledge, experience and abilities accumulated in the process of taking on heavy responsibilities have created favorable conditions for his future career.

(End of this chapter)

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