Sales start with being rejected

Chapter 4 Overcoming Self-Rejection—Success Begins with Saying Yes to Yourself

Chapter 4 Overcoming Self-Rejection—Success Begins with Saying Yes to Yourself (3)
So why are salespeople who take on the challenge able to do it?This is because they always have a strong sense of responsibility in the process of work.If you also want to do this, then you must also have a strong sense of responsibility. This sense of responsibility is mainly manifested in the following points in daily work:

First of all, as a salesperson, you must take on the responsibilities you should do.In the process of work, try to fulfill the responsibilities that you should do. This is what every salesperson should do. This kind of performance of being responsible for work is actually responsible for yourself in the final analysis.If a person procrastinates in his work, deserts at will, and avoids difficulties when encountering difficulties, then this person is not only irresponsible to his job and the company he works for, but also lacks responsibility for his own development.If a salesperson evades the responsibilities he or she should fulfill, what will he (she) rely on to seek a prosperous future career?
Second, take the initiative to take responsibility for what you can do.Don’t leave it to others if you have the ability to do well, and don’t push it to others if you have the ability to overcome the difficulties. Do your best to fulfill your responsibilities without worrying about whether the responsibilities belong to you or not. In addition, this is a manifestation of a higher level of responsibility.

Whether it is the internal job responsibilities of the company or other responsibilities in the process of communicating with customers, the sales staff should treat them with such a serious and responsible attitude.If you can take the initiative to take on more responsibilities at work, and if you can do as much as you can in the process of interacting with customers, then you will definitely gain more.

Aggressiveness – inspires the desire to succeed
All achievements and all wealth start from the same idea, that is, a positive and enterprising idea. Only when driven by a strong enterprising spirit can people have a strong motivation to move forward.If a person does not even have a little bit of aggressiveness, then this person will not have the slightest enthusiasm in doing anything, let alone form the motivation to move forward.The sales work is full of hardships and tribulations. If there is no continuous and strong enough motivation to promote the sales staff to continue to carry out positive actions, the work of the sales staff will be difficult.

Ms. Wang was originally an ordinary female worker in a state-owned enterprise. In 1999, her enterprise carried out a comprehensive reform. She was 38 years old in that year, and some workers were laid off.Ms. Wang's husband used to be a contract worker. He was laid off in 1995. After he was laid off, he set up a pancake stand. The business barely covered part of the family's expenses, and Ms. Wang's salary was basically used for the children's education.Ms. Wang's layoff was a big blow to this not-so-well-off family, and Ms. Wang's mood was also very depressed.

Later, Ms. Wang thought that negative thinking would not be of any benefit to her difficult situation, and her husband also told her that in order to improve her life and mood, she must face it with a positive attitude Everything in sight.Gradually, Ms. Wang's thinking became more positive, and she also told relatives and friends around her that she was eager to change the situation of herself and her family.In fact, Ms. Wang also has such conditions. She used to be a business backbone in a state-owned enterprise and had very good human resources.Later, she entered a private enterprise as a salesperson under the introduction of a friend.After joining this sales team, Ms. Wang's mood changed significantly, and she became more active and enthusiastic.Moreover, when meeting friends, she often introduces her products endlessly, and many people who have had contact with her can feel a strong desire for success from the heart.

In fact, Ms. Wang's desire for success is very simple, that is, she hopes that the children who go to junior high school can go to a good high school and university, and they can also own a good car, which can facilitate family travel.To realize this wish, Ms. Wang must work hard and achieve more results, so from the day she joined the ranks of sales, she often sells to her friends and hopes that they will introduce more customers to her.

At this time, Ms. Wang has completely got rid of the previous depression and entered a very active and diligent state.Her strong desire for success is the strong driving force for her to create higher performance.

Aggressiveness is a strong desire to achieve what one desires.From a large perspective, the aggressiveness of salespersons can be said to be a strong desire to succeed in their own sales career, while from a small perspective, it refers to the salesperson's enthusiasm for sales in each specific sales activity. A strong desire to succeed.

Maybe when some salespeople see this, they will think with disdain: "Who doesn't want to succeed? Not only salespeople, but people in any industry, who would want to fail?" Indeed, any salesperson All employees will expect their sales career to continue to make greater progress, and they will hope that each of their sales activities can achieve transaction success.However, this kind of expectation and hope in the ordinary sense does not represent aggressiveness. Only when the salesperson has a strong desire for success in his sales career and specific sales activities can he stimulate his aggressiveness, and then it is possible to have a positive attitude. Aggressive forward drive.

Some salespeople also questioned, isn't it easy to have a strong desire for success?This is easy to do, but even with a strong desire to succeed, how do we turn this desire into motivation?In fact, not every salesperson is born with a strong desire for success, it also needs to be cultivated, and it also requires a certain amount of effort to turn this desire into a driving force for progress.To this end, some sales psychologists suggest that salespeople who do the following will help them have a stronger and more durable driving force in their work:

First, fuel your desire to succeed with something more substantial.Any salesperson who stands out comes from a strong desire to succeed.The initial starting point of this desire is likely to be the desire for money or material, that is, how much material gains can be obtained after selling as many products as possible, so as to make their personal and family life more perfect and happy.This desire to succeed is the impetus that drives salespeople forward.And if we use some illusory and meaningless things as our starting point, then it will be difficult to stimulate our desire for success, so the motivation to move forward will not be formed.

Therefore, salespeople might as well use more substantive things to stimulate their desire for success in real life and work, such as starting from a certain amount of commission or ranking of sales performance, to stimulate their desire for success step by step, and then Determine a more ambitious goal.

Second, be as passionate about your work as possible.In daily sales activities, whether the salesperson puts enough passion has a great impact on the specific sales performance.Those salespeople who lack passion often have difficulty forming a desire for success. Even if these salespeople desire success, the desire in their hearts will not be very strong, and it will be more difficult to last, while those salespeople who are full of passion can be more active. Develop a strong desire to succeed, and once formed, it will be maintained under the mold of passion for a long time.Successful salespeople must be full of passion.Passion is a symbol of vitality. Only with passion can there be a spark of inspiration, a distinctive personality, a strong appeal in interpersonal relationships, and the courage and methods to solve problems.Passion is also the source of motivation, even if you are a salesperson with a strong desire to succeed, if you lack passion in your subconscious, then you will never take truly effective action.

Without passion, it is impossible to be excited, to devote oneself wholeheartedly to work, to creatively solve difficult problems at work, and even less to have the strength and courage to keep moving forward.It can be asserted that it is difficult for a salesperson without passion to create outstanding performance at work, and those salesmen who have achieved great success can always turn their subconscious passion and belief into superconscious decisions and actions to achieve their goals.Sales work requires passion, the desire to succeed needs passion to water, and outstanding performance depends on passion to create. Therefore, salespeople must be as passionate as possible in their work.

Perseverance - tap the infinite potential
Impetuous work and lack of perseverance are also the most common psychological problems for salespeople at work.The customer base that sales work faces is very extensive. The salesperson will meet all kinds of people, some are very easy-going, some are very picky, some are just looking, and some are really buying.Therefore, there are many people who come to patronize, but there are not many final transactions. This is a very normal phenomenon.It is impossible for every customer who patronizes to buy your products without hesitation.The job of the salesperson is to win more customers among all possible customers to realize the transaction. This is also a very challenging point of the sales work, which will attract people with lofty ideals and scare away those who have no ambitions.In the sales work, it is impossible for the salesperson not to be rejected by the customer. Even so, the salesperson should not be discouraged and continue to fight, fight, and fight again. There are fewer and fewer customers.

Without perseverance, "fishing for three days and drying the net for two days", or just trying to stop and give up halfway, it is difficult to achieve success in small operations.If you want to make a lot of money or achieve an extraordinary career, you can't do it without the spirit of perseverance. No one who likes to give up halfway can achieve great achievements.It’s like digging a well to get water. Although the site was chosen correctly, some people stopped digging after digging 3 meters, and easily concluded that “there is no water here” and chose to leave; some people dug 5 meters, They also gradually lost patience, feeling that they could not dig out water, and chose to give up; however, some people persisted and dug down vigorously. When they dug to 6 meters, they saw spring water gushing out.As long as they persisted for a while, they could dig water for a few more meters, but they chose to give up halfway, so they failed in the end.In fact, sometimes there is only a little distance between success and failure, excellence and mediocrity. Whoever has perseverance and can persevere to the end will win.

Perseverance is a necessary quality for success, and never giving up in the face of difficulties is a good psychological quality that a salesperson should possess.However, many salesmen lack perseverance in their work, and they will easily retreat when they encounter difficulties and problems, thus blocking their way to success.When some salesmen heard the words "Let me think about it" from the customer, they felt that the sale was useless, so they gave up their efforts to continue selling; Some salesmen find that their performance has not improved after working for a period of time, so they are disappointed and discouraged, give up continuing to work hard, and even think that they are not suitable for sales. Do sales, and finally choose to leave.These are all typical manifestations of the lack of perseverance of the salesperson. The lack of perseverance causes the salesperson to lose the spirit of persistence in the work, develop a negative psychology, and easily choose to give up.This is very detrimental to the short-term and long-term development of the salesperson, and it is worth reflecting on and trying to correct it.

Li Juan is a salesman of a well-known brand of cosmetics. One day she went to a lady's home to sell night cream, so Li Juan recommended a new product to her.She introduced to the lady that this is a new product newly launched, and it has very good moisturizing and whitening effects.Since it was a new product, the lady was a little skeptical, but still very interested, she asked the salesman to show it to her.

The lady asked Li Juan while watching: "Is the effect really good? Does it contain hormones?"

(End of this chapter)

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