Sales start with being rejected

Chapter 10 Responding to Customer Rejection——Success Begins with the Customer Saying "No"

Chapter 10 Responding to Customer Rejection——Success Begins with the Customer Saying "No" (5)
This method is to indirectly deny the customer's opinion, which is more tactful.For example, when a furniture salesman sells wooden furniture to customers, the customer said: "I am not interested in wooden furniture, they are easily deformed." The salesman immediately explained: "You are very right, if you compare it with steel products Compared with wooden furniture, it is indeed easy to distort and deform. However, the wooden boards we make furniture are specially treated, and the coefficient of distortion and deformation can only be measured with precision instruments." In this way, it not only leaves "face" for customers , and easily dispel the doubts of customers.

However, the processing method is applicable to purchase refusals caused by customers' ignorance, prejudice, one-sided experience, insufficient information and personality.When using the but-handling method to deal with customer rejection, first express your understanding of the customer's rejection, or simply repeat it, so that the customer's psychology has a temporary balance, and then change the topic to refute the customer's rejection.Therefore, the handling method generally does not offend customers and can maintain a relatively good sales atmosphere; while repeating the process of customers rejecting and expressing sympathy gives the salesperson a chance to dodge, allowing the salesperson to have time to think, analyze, and judge. The nature and origin of customer rejections.But the handling method makes the client feel respected, recognized, and understood. Although the rejection is denied, it is acceptable emotionally and ideologically.Using the but-handling method to deal with customer rejection is more tactful and sincere than the rebuttal method, and the effect received is better.For example:
Customer: "This amount is too large for me to pay immediately."

Salesperson: "Yes, I think most of you are not easy to pay immediately like you. If we can match your income situation, we will pay more when you send year-end bonuses, and the rest will match your monthly salary. Income, if you pay by installments, then you will not have to pay at all.”

People have a common characteristic, no matter whether they are justified or not, when their opinions are directly refuted by others, they will always feel unhappy and even irritated, especially when they are directly refuted by a salesman they have never met before.Therefore, when expressing different opinions, the salesperson should try to use the syntax of "yes...if" to soften the spoken language of different opinions.Use "yes" to agree with the customer's part of the opinion, and "if" to express whether it would be better in another situation.

Please compare the two statements below and see if there is a world of difference.

A: "You don't understand my opinion at all, because the situation is like this..."

B: "In all fairness, under normal circumstances, what you said is very correct. If the situation becomes like this, do you think we should..."

A: "Your thinking is wrong because..."

B: "It's true that you have such an idea. When I first heard it, I had exactly the same idea as you, but if we get to know it better..."

Get into the habit of expressing your different opinions in the way of B, and you will benefit a lot.

"Yes...if..." is derived from the syntax of "yes...but...", because the word "but" is too strong when it turns, it is easy for customers to feel that you said "yes" It does not contain much sincerity, you emphasize the appeal behind the "but", so when you use "but", you should pay more attention, so as not to lose the original intention of dealing with customer rejection.

However, the processing method requires the salesperson to admit the customer's rejection first, so this may bring a series of problems: it will weaken the persuasion power of the salesperson and the salesman; it will increase the customer's confidence in rejection psychologically; it will prompt the customer to make more rejections; It may even cause customers to lose confidence in buying.Because the handling method requires the salesperson to avoid directly refuting the customer's rejection, but to avoid the content of the customer's rejection and change the angle of conversation, it will make the customer feel that the salesperson is playing with words and skills, and is avoiding contradictions; Staff is unreliable.Since salesmen have to deal with customer rejections in a roundabout manner, it also increases sales difficulties and reduces sales efficiency.

The salesperson should pay attention to the following aspects when using the but processing method:

(1) Clearly express agreement with the customer's point of view, which seems to be in favor, so as to maintain the customer's self-esteem, and then make a fuss behind the "but", tactfully deny the rejection with relevant facts and reasons.Using this method can make it easy for customers to accept negative opinions from salespeople.

(2) Sales can use euphemistic language.Clarifying one's views in a tactful tone and intonation is conducive to creating a harmonious atmosphere for negotiation.

Compensation method

Compensation treatment is a treatment method in which the seller uses other strengths of the product to make up for the shortcomings involved in the rejection.For example:
Customer: "The design and color of this leather bag are very good, refreshing, but the leather is not the best."

Salesperson: "You have good eyesight. This leather material is indeed not the best. If you choose the best leather material, the price will probably be more than double the current price."

When a client's objection is based on fact, you should admit it and accept it. It is unwise to forcefully deny the fact.But remember, you have to give the customer some compensation, so that he can achieve psychological balance, that is, let him have two feelings: the feeling that the value of the product is consistent with the price; the advantages of the product are important to the customer, and the advantages that the product does not have are important Customers are less important.

There is no perfect product in the world. Of course, the more advantages the product has, the better, but there are not many key points that really affect whether customers buy or not. The compensation method can effectively make up for the weakness of the product itself.

For example, when a customer thinks that the car body is too short, the salesperson can tell the customer that "a short car body makes it very convenient for you to park. If you have a large parking space, you can park two cars at the same time."

The scope of application of the compensation method is very wide, and the effect is very practical.The main difference between it and the "but treatment method" is the second half, but the second half of the treatment method is to deny the customer's rejection immediately, while the second half of the compensation treatment method is to point out the advantages of the sales product to compensate the customer's feeling. insufficient.Its advantage is first of all to admit the customer's point of view without indirect negation, giving people the impression of seeking truth from facts and increasing the sense of trust; secondly, by highlighting the advantages of the product, it is easy for customers to get psychological balance and make customers feel that buying this product is a Cost-effective, conducive to business.

However, since the compensation method needs to first acknowledge and affirm the customer's refusal, and cannot solve it in a timely manner, it may have some negative effects, which may cause customers to lose confidence in purchasing.Abuse of compensation law to indiscriminately affirm customers' rejections may lead to misunderstandings by customers and turn invalid rejections into valid rejections; it will encourage customers' psychological tendency to insist on rejections, and even increase customer rejections and increase transaction resistance.If the salesperson cannot make the customer realize that although he has purchased a rejected product, but can be compensated in terms of interests, the customer will not buy it.

Therefore, the following issues should be paid attention to when using the compensation method:
(1) The salesman can only admit true valid refusals.

(2) The salesperson should admit and affirm the customer's rejection realistically.

(3) The salesperson must promptly propose the relevant advantages and benefits of the product and transaction conditions, and effectively compensate the customer for rejection.

make up your mind

Calculation refers to the method of dealing with customer rejections by salespeople directly using customer rejections to convert.From the perspective of modern sales theory, customer rejection has the duality of being both an obstacle to a transaction and a signal to a transaction.The customer's rejection raises a practical question and opinion about the customer. If you can use the correct and positive side of the customer's rejection to overcome the wrong and negative side of the customer's rejection, you can turn the obstacle into a signal and promote the transaction.For example:
Customer: "The price has gone up again."

Salesperson: "Yes, the price has increased, and it will increase in the future. If you don't buy now, you will lose the opportunity."

(This is for intermediaries. If it is for final consumer customers, it should say: "If you don't buy it, you will suffer even more.")
This method is very effective.For example, the customer said: "The product cannot be sold, and I dare not buy it." The salesperson can tell him that it is because he did not buy the product he sells, and if he buys the product he sells, it will be sold goods, it can drive the sales of other products.

The counting method is mainly to use the customer's rejection itself to be beneficial to the business to deal with the rejection, and convert the reason for the customer's refusal to buy into a reason for persuading the customer to buy.

A salesperson sold the "Smurf" restaurant wireless call system to a restaurant owner.The customer refused and said: "Our business is not good, why do you still use this?" The salesman replied: "This system is to reduce your operating costs, improve service quality, increase turnover, increase return rate, and improve corporate image."

In our daily life, we often encounter rhetoric similar to that of scheming.For example, when the supervisor persuades you to drink, and you say you don’t know how to drink, the supervisor immediately replies, “It’s because you don’t know how to drink, so you need to drink more and practice more.” Will say: "It's just that I'm in a bad mood, so I need to go out to relax!" These ways of dealing with refusal can all be classified as the scheming method.

Next, let's look at two more examples:

Customer: "Low income, no money to buy insurance."

Salesperson: "It's just that the income is low, so it is more necessary to buy insurance to obtain protection."

Customer: "My child is not even interested in school textbooks, how can he read extracurricular books?"

Salesperson: "Our set of readers is specially written to stimulate children's interest in learning."

Most of the refusals that can be dealt with by the method of counting are the refusals that customers usually do not insist on, especially some excuses from customers. The biggest purpose of this method is to enable the salesman to quickly state the benefits he can bring to the customer by handling the refusal. to get the customer's attention.However, there are limitations to the method of counting the tricks, that is, the salesperson directly uses and transforms the customer's rejection, which will make the customer feel that he is being used and fooled, which may cause the customer's anger and resentment, and may also cause the customer's disappointment or force The client raises a new more difficult rejection.Therefore, the following aspects should be paid attention to when using the counting method:

First, customers should be affirmed and praised to create a good sales atmosphere; they should be sincere in attitude and enthusiastic in tone.

Second, carefully analyze and use the customer's psychology, and only affirm and praise the correct part and positive factors in the customer's rejection.Therefore, the salesperson should use the contradiction of the customer's rejection itself to deal with the rejection.For example, the customer's main worry and doubt is the rise in price, so through analysis, he can understand why he should buy more when the price has risen.

Third, provide customers with the correct information so that customers believe that their purchase is correct.For example, if the salesperson believes that the price will rise in the future, and thinks there is a high probability, he can tell the customer with certainty that "the price will rise in the future", and he must not deceive the customer.Of course, risk issues should also be made clear to customers.

inquiry processing

There is a "why" mantra popular among salespeople, which actually refers to a strategy and method for salespeople to deal with rejections by questioning them.In the actual sales process, some customers’ refusal is just an excuse that customers use to refuse to buy; some refusals are completely inconsistent with customers’ real ideas; .In conclusion, in some cases, the type, nature and real root causes of customer rejection are difficult to analyze and judge.This is the uncertainty of customer rejection.The uncertainty of customer's purchase refusal increases the difficulty for the salesman to analyze customer's refusal and eliminate purchase obstacles, and also provides a theoretical basis for inquiry processing.

For example:

Customer: "I want you to drop another 10% off the price!"

Salesperson: "General manager XX, I believe you must hope that we will give you [-]% service. Do you want us to give you a discount as well?"

Customer: "I hope you can provide more colors for customers to choose from."

Salesperson: "We have selected five colors that are most accepted by customers. Do you want products in more colors to increase your inventory burden?"

There are several advantages to query processing.First of all, by asking, the salesperson can learn more about the customer, obtain more customer information, and lay the foundation for further sales; secondly, if the question is used well, it has the meaning of asking for advice, which can not only enable the customer to provide information, but also make the salesperson feel better. Keep up the good vibes.Asking questions allows the salesperson to have time to think calmly and formulate the next sales strategy. Asking questions can also enable the salesperson to change from passively listening to customer complaints and rejections to actively asking questions and discussing with customers.Therefore, asking questions is a widely used method of dealing with customer rejection.

However, in sales, the salesperson should also pay attention when using the inquiry method:

First, we should adopt a flexible and changeable method to inquire in a timely manner, identify favorable opportunities, and effectively guide customers to tell the real root cause of rejection.

Second, pay attention to sales etiquette and respect customers.The gestures, tone, and posture of questioning all affect the effect of the inquiry, and the customer should tell the root cause of the refusal when he feels respected and asked for advice.

Third, asking customers should be enough.Don't ask about the reasons why the customer is unwilling to explain or can't explain at all.

Fourth, we should pay attention to the specific analysis of specific situations, and use this method flexibly to deal with rejection.


The so-called "ignore handling method", as the name suggests, is that when the customer raises some objections and does not really want to be resolved or discussed, and these opinions have nothing to do with the immediate transaction, you just agree with him with a smile Enough.Many experienced salespersons believe that most customer rejections are invalid, irrelevant rejections, or even false rejections.Although the reason for a customer's rejection is elusive, the salesperson can ignore invalid, irrelevant and spurious rejections.

When a salesman visits the boss of the dealership, the boss complains as soon as he sees you: "Why didn't you ask Jackie Chan to shoot this advertisement for the air conditioner? If Jackie Chan were to be found, I promise to buy more from you a long time ago."

When encountering objections like this, I think you don’t need to tell him in detail why you don’t find Jackie Chan and find someone else, because the real refusal of the dealership owner may be due to other reasons, all you have to do is smile and agree with him just fine.

For these customer opinions of "objection for the sake of objection" or "just want to show that your opinion is superior to others", if you deal with it seriously, it will not only take time, but also have the possibility of side effects. If there is no desire, you can use the method of ignoring to quickly divert the topic. The method of ignoring often uses the following methods:
Smile and nod to say "agree" or "I heard you".

"You're so funny!"

"Hmm! What a great idea!"

However, the ignoring method may make customers feel dissatisfied because their refusal has not received due attention; they are disgusted and even suspicious because of the salesperson's irrelevant answers and intentional "neglecting".Under normal circumstances, when a customer makes a refusal, he always hopes to get a reply, and the refusal is also the customer's initial reaction to the sale. The salesman takes an ignorant attitude towards the customer's refusal, which is inappropriate both emotionally and rationally; it should be pointed out that, In the eyes of the salesperson, irrelevant, ineffective and insignificant refusals, even inexplicable refusals, sometimes become or evolve into major obstacles to customers' purchases.Therefore, the disregard method cannot be abused.

The following issues should be paid attention to when applying the neglect treatment method:

(1) The Disregard Act applies only to irrelevant, invalid and spurious refusals.Therefore, salespeople must carefully analyze customer rejections.

(2) The salesperson must concentrate on and listen carefully to the customer's rejection.No matter what the customer's purchase rejection is, and whether the salesperson has made up his mind to ignore the customer's rejection, he must listen carefully to the customer's rejection.At the same time, pay close attention to the customer's reaction, pay attention to the customer's behavior and emotional changes during the rejection process, and understand the root cause of the customer's unexpressed and unexplained rejection.

preventive treatment

Anyone who has been in sales for a long time will find that no matter how careful and comprehensive you are, customers will definitely have certain objections to products.Therefore, some salespersons can predict some rejections and their content that customers will raise in advance, and deal with and explain them before the customer speaks, so that they can preemptively prevent customer rejection.Moreover, this method can shorten the sales negotiation process, save time and promote the transaction.

The preventive approach has its unique features.It can put the salesperson in an active position; it can make the salesperson show confidence in front of the customer; it can not only prevent the rejection that the customer may raise publicly, but also help eliminate the private rejection.Hidden purchase rejections are often the main obstacle for customers to purchase.If the salesperson can give prevention in advance, it can effectively promote the purchase of customers and create good conditions for a smooth transaction.Therefore, prevention is the best way to deal with customer rejection.

However, prevention is more difficult to apply in practice.First of all, if the salesperson pre-processes, that is, he puts forward a rejection, and then gives an explanation and rebuttal, if the tone and words are inappropriate, it will make the salesperson's sales aggressive, and the customer will feel increased psychological pressure and cannot bear it. .If customers therefore build up a defensive line of resistance psychologically, the transaction will become hopeless.Secondly, the salesperson preemptively raises some customer rejections, including irrelevant rejections that the customers are not aware of, which will cause customers to lose confidence in buying, and will cause the contagion and spread of rejections. Preemptive handling becomes a handle, which makes customers refuse to close the deal valid reason.

Therefore, the following issues should be paid attention to when preventing customer dissatisfaction:
(1) The salesperson must be fully prepared.

(2) Salespersons must downplay their own rejections to prevent customers from making new purchase rejections.

Leave it alone

(End of this chapter)

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