Sales start with being rejected

Chapter 11 Responding to Customer Rejection——Success Begins with the Customer Saying "No"

Chapter 11 Responding to Customer Rejection——Success Begins with the Customer Saying "No" (6)
Sometimes, customers are accustomed to a certain purchase mode, accustomed to the purchase and consumption of a certain product, so they are unwilling to accept the product sold by the salesperson, and therefore refuse.At this time, it is impossible for the salesperson to try to change the customer's rejection in a short period of time. If you act too hastily, it will make the customer resent or stubbornly insist on rejection.In this case, the salesperson can leave a period of time for the customer after demonstrating and proving the product sold, allowing the customer to digest the salesperson's sales proposal by himself.

"Not dealing with it temporarily" can allow customers to have sufficient time to consider and make decisions, avoiding the ills caused by hasty decision-making; it can allow customers to have time to further understand the product; it can allow customers to actually identify products, try consumption, etc. .In this way, customers can be relieved of many implicit rejections.Because there is plenty of time and the customer is given full freedom of choice, the customer can feel the salesperson's respect and trust for him.Therefore, customers will also trust and respect the salesperson, and are willing to buy the salesperson's products.However, the method of not dealing with it for the time being will reduce the sales efficiency, and it will give competitors an opportunity to take advantage of it. During the delay and waiting process, some unexpected things will appear, and the previous sales efforts will be in vain.

The following issues should be paid attention to when applying the temporary non-processing method:

(1) The salesperson should leave the evidence and available information to the customer, so that the customer can understand and learn when they have time, and provide a basis for the customer to make decisions.Before leaving the customer, the salesperson should summarize the results of the interview and the customer's remaining rejections, and make an appointment for the time and method of the next meeting with the customer.

(2) The salesperson should show full confidence and not appear hesitant or procrastinating.We must believe that products that meet customer needs can be accepted by customers, and we must believe that sincere sales activities can achieve results.

In short, there are various ways to deal with customer rejection, and they should be used flexibly according to specific circumstances such as customer rejection, environment, time, and location.At the same time, for different customers' reasons for rejection, only one method can be used, or several methods can be used simultaneously.

Real knowledge comes from practice—practical skills to eliminate customer rejection

What to do when a customer says, "I'm busy"

"I'm very busy now, please come back another day!".How do you "handle" when a client refuses like this?

Usually, it's just an excuse from the client, or he's lying.Therefore, you have to quickly (remember, it's a blink of an eye, not two or three minutes) and accurately see whether the other party is "really busy" or "fake busy".If the other party is "fake busy", it is relatively easy to handle; if the other party is "really busy", how should you "cope"?There are the following two methods:

1. "Agreed Time" Negotiation

"I see that you are so busy with work, I'm really sorry to disturb you. How about it! Just 5 minutes, please take 5 minutes to listen to me, okay? I'll leave immediately after I finish speaking."

For a really busy customer, if you make an appointment with him for "5 minutes" in advance, he may also be willing to take the 5 minutes to listen to your explanation.Otherwise, the mentality of "I don't know how long this person will talk to me" will make him hesitate.

2.leave in time
When a client declines, start by saying, "I'm sorry to bother you. Then I'll come back another day."

Don't wait for the customer to say, "I say no, I don't!" before leaving.

The important thing is that you have said "Come back sometime", not only telling yourself, but also telling the other party: Soon, you will visit again.At the same time, you must remember to leave with a good attitude and don't make the other party feel disgusted.

An insurance salesman went to a family to sell business.

"My family's income is only enough for daily expenses, how can I have money to buy insurance?"

When the customer refused in this way, the salesman still "persisted in the end" and refused to give up.

"I'm not free right now, the kids are all at work, and I'm busy cooking, so please come back another day!"

When the client said so, he still "persevered to the end" and did not relax at all.

The result, of course, is that the business is unsuccessful and annoying.

In fact, when a salesman sees the other party with wet hands and standing on his side, he should know that the other party is really busy and cooking.You should leave at the right time, and tactfully leave an excuse to come back next time.

What to do when a customer says, "You can come back another day"

In the sales process, you may often encounter such customers: "Please come back another day! I won't buy today", "I don't need it now, let's talk about it in a few days!"

Under normal circumstances, customers who make such excuses belong to the following two types of people: one is sensitive, can take care of the other party's position, and is very polite.One is indecision and cannot give the other party a clear answer.

1.How to deal with the first type of customers
This kind of customer looks calm and approachable, but in fact, it takes a lot of work to convince them.After a brief conversation between the two parties, if the other party's willingness to "please come back another day" remains unchanged, then you have to "change your strategy".

"I'm sorry to bother you. Then, I'll visit you another day."

It's not uncommon to be "closed" by clients during a first visit.Therefore, we have to make persistent efforts to conduct a second visit, but if the second answer is still the same as the first, then the hope of success in this business will be greatly reduced.

2.How to deal with the second type of customers

When this type of person refuses, you have to accept the other party's opinion humbly:

"Oh, it's like this, no wonder, now that prices are rising, anyone who buys something has to plan."

If you then say, "But..." the effect will be greatly reduced.In this situation, an experienced salesman should say:

"Consider? This is of course. An air conditioner costs thousands of yuan. No matter what, you can't just decide to buy it casually. The relevant state department once made a statistics. The statistics show that 76% of the families here have There is air conditioning, which is pretty amazing.”

The phrase "76%" will invisibly make customers have the mentality of "ah! Then my family is included in the remaining 24%", thereby arousing customers' desire to buy.

All in all, when faced with such excuses from customers, everything should be determined according to the actual situation, or "stick to the end" or "leave at the right time".Of course, the most "safe" method is to give the product manual to the customer first, and then go to visit after two days.

What to do when the customer says: "I want to look at other products"

When the salesman has just shown the product to the prospect and explained every advantage of the product clearly, the prospect says, "I'll look elsewhere." This is really a very frustrating thing.However, when faced with this situation, an excellent salesman will use various techniques to change the customer's view and complete the sale on the spot.

(1) Emphasize the quality of the product
When a customer makes an excuse such as "I want to look at another home", first of all, we must distinguish what he wants to see at another home?It is the price, the quality, or the service. Only after figuring this out can we prescribe the right medicine.

If the customer is out of price, you can say to him like this:
"Sir, everyone wants to buy high-quality and low-priced goods. If you go to other companies to see, their prices may be lower than ours. But I can say for sure that there is no second company that can do this We are here to provide you with such high-quality goods and excellent after-sales service at a favorable price.”

"I have never found any company that can provide the highest quality products and the best service at the lowest price, just as you certainly can't buy Bentley's product quality and service at the price of a Geely car."

After saying this sentence, it is best to leave enough reaction time for the customer.Because what you say is the truth, there is almost no way for customers to refute this fact.Then, next, you can say to the client like this:
"So sir, don't you think it's a good deal to buy our products and services at this price?"

Because the quality and service of your products do meet such prices, your customers should not give negative answers if they are not deliberately making things difficult.Then, you can go on to ask:
"Sir, you must consider the price when you buy goods, but it is not the most important thing. Sometimes it is worth investing more to get the high-quality products you really want. Don't you think so? Just like some companies purchase The people are just trying to get the lowest price possible from the supplier, regardless of the quality of the product itself and the after-sales service. We know that sometimes a low-priced product often creates more problems than it solves. And those senior buyers often rely on their experience and care more about getting high-quality products rather than those low-priced products.”

"Sir, I don't think you will disregard the quality of the product and the quality of the service just to covet that little bit of cheapness, right? You will definitely think about your long-term interests and will not give up, right?"

(2) Express understanding of customer requirements

A customer needs a laptop computer so that business communication can be more convenient and faster.He talked with the salesman on the phone, and after listening to the introduction, he said that he would ask other places if he thought of it.

In this case, you should try to get the customer to say the reasons for his real objection.You can try something like this:

Salesman: "You know, sir, just like you, many customers want to compare with other stores before buying our laptops. I'm sure you also want to buy better ones with the money you have. Laptops, and better after-sales service, right?"

Customer: "Of course it is."

Salesman: "Can you tell me what you want to see or compare?"

Client: "..." (The first and second sentences he said at this point should be real objections—unless he's just trying to get you out of the way).

Salesman: "After you compare these aspects (say one by one) with other merchants, and find that ours is the best, I think you will definitely come back and buy from me, won't you, sir?" (Okay , now is the time for the client to express his intention.)
3.put on a high profile

"I'm sorry, I just want to try it, I want to look elsewhere."

"Since you have some doubts about the effectiveness of this product, let me compare the effect for you now. You see, this is 50 yuan, let's compare it with this [-] yuan (for demonstration). You see This effect is obviously different. If you still don’t believe it, you can go to another store to ask, anyway, my products are not afraid of trying or comparing. Even if you go to another store, you will come back again.”

Here, the salesman is putting on such a high attitude to the customers: our company's products are the best in terms of quality and price, you can go to any one to ask, which one you compare, and you will come back to us in the end purchased.In actual sales, this method is more effective. Once the customer hears the salesman say this, he will probably stop hesitating.

What to do when the customer says: "I have used it before and it doesn't feel good"

If the customer says: "I have used your products before, it is very bad. Although you said that it has been improved, I am very clear about the quality of your products." Facing such excuses from customers, many salesmen will often refute: "That's not the case." Then he talked a lot about the improvement part, and even had an argument with the customer, and his face was red.

The reason for this situation may be that the salesman is angry when he hears bad things about his product or company, but as far as the customer is concerned, no matter what objections he says, there is no malice. Malicious, why bother to communicate with the salesman face to face?So since the customer is willing to communicate with the salesman face to face, and can pick up his product to have a look, and then say some objections, all these behaviors show that he has a good impression of the manufacturer, the salesman, the product, and even has the desire to buy it. intention.

What we should understand is that most of the reasons why customers have objections are based on a certain misunderstanding and accumulated prejudice, so you must find out the real reason behind it, so that you can properly deal with it.At this time, you can try to solicit opinions from the other party. The methods of soliciting opinions from customers can be roughly summarized into the following six types:

(1) Open type, "What's going on here?" Ask in general.

(2) Semi-open, "Are you talking about products or after-sales service?"

(3) Affirmative type, "Which points are very good?" Only talk about the advantages.

(4) Negative type, "About which points are not ideal?" Only talk about shortcomings.

(5) Selective type, "Are you talking about operation, design, installation, or after-sales service?" Let customers choose among several questions.

(6) Mandatory type, "What do you think about failures?" Only focus on a certain point.

What to do when a customer says, "Then you just want to sell something"

Sometimes after the salesman introduces the product to the customer, the customer will ask disdainfully, "Then you are going to sell something? Are you advertising your product?" When faced with such questionable excuses from customers, How should we deal with it?

1.For the sake of customers

Customer: "Why should I help you launch this product? Am I advertising for you?"

Salesman: "Sir, you are not launching new products for us. Of course, some manufacturers hope to promote new products for them through retailers, which means that they do not understand the sales potential of this product, or they are unwilling Spend more money to promote new products, selling new products to retail stores means their work is done. So it's not for you to advertise us, it's for you to get a bigger profit opportunities. Because we have been carrying out various forms of promotions and providing strong advertising support, consumers will also associate new brands with your store based on advertisements or promotions, and he will definitely be interested in what is introduced in the advertisement I am interested in the product and try it."

Putting yourself in the shoes of customers is the premise of always being customer-centered. As a salesperson, it is very important to be able to think differently. Putting yourself in the shoes of customers means that you can stand in the perspective of customers. Think about the problem.Understanding the customer's point of view, knowing what the customer needs most and what they don't want the most, and thinking about problems from the customer's standpoint are important secrets to resolve rejection.

2.Indicates that the product quality is reliable

Salesman: "Of course I really want to sell my products! However, my products will only be sold to you if you think they are worth buying. Regarding this point, should we study together? Our villa is for residents You have considered everything in detail, and you have thought of everything you can think of for the customer. You can also see this, let's talk about the location first, within the third ring road, the transportation is very convenient..."

"And our building is designed by an internationally renowned designer with a unique style. Not only is the appearance impressive, but the internal facilities are also well-equipped, and the space is effectively used, and the bar, storage room and entertainment are also designed. room. Our villa is very close to shopping malls, clubs and other commercial service areas, and it takes only ten minutes to walk there.”

"Also, although our villa is located in a busy area, the environment is very beautiful, away from noise and air pollution."

"Although the price of our house is 100 million yuan, you can also pay a down payment of 30 yuan first, and the rest of the money can be used for a 20-year mortgage loan from the bank."

Maybe the salesman above is too detailed when introducing the quality and cost performance of the house to the customer, but this is very necessary in the actual sales, because only if your customer understands your product in detail, can he buy it .

3.Unique wins

If the customer is quite disgusted with the sales and says: "So you are selling something?"

Of course, we can't quarrel with it, but we should find ways to surprise and win.

The owner of a store is a stubborn and conservative old man who dislikes salesmen very much.One day, a salesman selling washing powder came to the store, and before he could speak, he shouted loudly: "What are you doing here?"

The salesman was not intimidated, but said with a smile on his face: "Old man, what do you think I am here today?"

The other party replied unceremoniously:

"I know it even if you don't tell me, why don't you sell your crap to me!"

The salesman laughed and said:
"You have been smart all your life, but you were confused for a while. I am not selling to you today, but begging you to keep selling to me."

The old man froze: "What do you want me to sell you?"

The salesman replied: "I heard that you are the best at doing business in this area, and the sales volume of washing powder is the largest. Today I am here to ask you for an old sales method."

The old man has lived all his life and has never seen anyone come to ask for advice, so he felt flattered and talked about his business experience to the salesman with great interest.Until the salesman got up to leave, the man suddenly remembered something and said loudly:
"Hey, please wait a moment. I heard that your company's laundry detergent is very popular. Order me 30 boxes."

If the salesman hadn't adopted a surprise tactic and sold washing powder to the old man as soon as he opened his mouth, he would have been kicked out of the door by the other party long ago.

What to do when a client says, "Let me think about it again"

When faced with sales pitches, even those customers who do have needs, they often say things like "I'll think about it," "We won't make a sudden decision," "Let me think about it," and so on. .Know that these words are just an excuse, not a real reason for rejection.As long as the salesman finds out the real reasons for rejection and solves them creatively, there is a possibility of successful sales.

Then when the client says:
"Well, this plan looks pretty good, I'll think about it." At this time, how do you deal with it?
(End of this chapter)

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