Sales start with being rejected

Chapter 12 Responding to Customer Rejection——Success Begins with the Customer Saying "No"

Chapter 12 Responding to Customer Rejection——Success Begins with the Customer Saying "No" (7)
As the saying goes: "Do things while the iron is hot."The same goes for sales promotion.Assuming that the customer says "I'll think about it again", the salesman should immediately find a way to resolve this objection as soon as it arises.At this point you can say:
"I'm really sorry."

"What are you sorry for?"

"Please forgive me for not speaking well. My introduction must have made you unclear, otherwise you wouldn't have said 'Let me think about it'. Can you tell me what you are worried about? Let me know, please?"

In this way, it is not only serious and sincere, but also can continue the conversation.

Of course, you can also tell the customer directly:
"Don't think so, just take a look at this sample first, and then talk about it. The special feature of this product is..."

This is also to further stimulate customers' desire to purchase and guide customers to purchase step by step.Maybe the customer has grasped some key doubts in the introduction of relevant materials, and it is these doubts that make the customer unable to make up his mind.At this time, the salesman should stand in the position of the customer, proceed from his interests, and work with the customer to consider ways to eliminate doubts and solve problems.

For example, you can tell the client in a suggestive way:

"This is a very important question, shall we study it together?"


"Indeed, as you can see, this is the most important point, and this is precisely the uniqueness of this product I want to recommend to you. Previously used diet foods required dieting, which was unbearable, But it's a nutrient that you can take as much as you want while you're on your bodybuilding program, without the side effects..."

Additionally, it can be said that:
"I'm sorry, I know you're busy, but I can't come every day. I think your concern may be delivery issues! If it doesn't get in your way, let's have a closer talk!"

What to do when a customer says: "I need the consent of the head office"

Don't get too upset when you hear a client say, "I need head office approval." An experienced salesman will see that this is most likely an excuse.So, how to check whether the customer's words are true?

1.Inquire about the procedure for obtaining approval from the head office
A salesman can ask "

"If the head office agrees, how long will it take?"

"Is it enough for one person to decide, or do all directors need to agree?"

"If it's a board of directors, when do they usually meet?"

"Then can I submit a specific proposal for their reference?"

"Do you have a sample of the business plan?"

"Can I contact the decision maker?"

2.Check the facts directly

If you want to judge on the spot whether the customer’s statement “requires the consent of the head office” is true, you can directly ask the customer to call the head office. If he tries to find some excuses, it will prove that the customer is just making excuses.At this time, the salesman needs to find out the real persuasive reasons to try his best to win the business until he gets the order.

"No problem, I understand that. Get in touch with them while I'm here so I can answer any questions they might have.

Customer: "Our boss is not here, we can't be the master."

Salesman: "You might as well call your boss. Timely purchase is also helping your boss make money. If you call him in time, it shows that you care about his business and are very responsible in your work. When your boss comes back You will definitely be rewarded."

3.Let the client persuade his superiors

There was an office equipment salesman who was bold and careful.In order to close the deal, he usually takes risks and uses various methods.Once he was negotiating business with an office manager.

"What do you think of our equipment?"

"It's good, but I need the approval of the head office."

The salesman thought to himself: "This office manager wants to buy, but he is afraid that his superiors will criticize him for exceeding his authority."

In order not to ruin the deal, the salesman thought that he could use the manager's pride to eliminate his fear of the boss.So he patted the printer and said (so loudly that the whole office could hear):
"Model T Ford! Model T!"

"What do you mean T-shaped?" the manager asked.

"Nothing, the Model T Ford was the car of the past, just like your printer. But today, it's just a monster!" said the salesman.

This touched the manager deeply, and he sat there lost in thought.Two days later he called the salesman and said he wanted to replace his old one with a laser printer.

The salesman just grasped that the manager really wanted to buy it, but he was worried that his boss would blame him, so he dared to ridicule the manager's printer like that.This is a good strategy, but it should be noted that you must have full confidence in yourself and your product.

What to do when the customer says: "Put the data here first"

A salesman arrives at a company and begins to sell his laptop to the general manager of the company.The general manager just said casually: "Understood, then please leave me the relevant introduction materials first."

Obviously, the general manager had no intention of buying at all, and just made a perfunctory sentence casually.Although he didn't say he wasn't interested on the surface, but he just asked the salesman to leave the information coldly, which showed that he was not interested in it at all, and the chance of looking through the information after leaving it was very small.So when faced with this situation, how should the salesman deal with it?
Here are a few solutions you can look at:

Option One:

Salesman: "Sir, our materials are all well-designed outlines and drafts, and they are all professional terms. They must be explained and explained by the staff, and each customer must be revised according to the individual situation. It is tantamount to tailoring .So, if you don’t have time today, I’ll come over on Thursday or Friday to give you a detailed explanation. Do you think it’s better in the morning or in the afternoon?”

Option II:
Salesman: "Yes, sir, it is like this, because your time is precious, so if I tell you first, and then leave the information to you, you can focus on the key points when reading the information." Read it, it will save you more time. Don't worry, I won't take more than 10 minutes. I don't know if it's Monday night or Tuesday night, which is convenient for you?"

third solution:
Salesman: "Yes, the introducer, Ms. Zhao, specifically told me that you are an expert in this field. However, what we are going to talk about is not how to do this job, but running a business, which is very special. Before coming to our company, many people have the same idea as you, but after hearing our explanation, they will find that this is a new business, I wonder if it is convenient for you on Monday or Tuesday night?"

What to do when a customer says: "This product is not for me"

"This dress is too fashionable, how can I wear it at my age? Don't! Don't!" This is a common objection from customers. Once customers have understood their real needs, they are worried that this product will not meet their needs. demand, this objection is bound to arise.That is to say, customers raise objections to the quality, specifications, varieties, styles, packaging, etc. of your products.

But as long as customers keep asking questions, there will always be an interest in buying the product.Here are a few coping techniques:
1.Answer with "yes, but"

This is a widely used method when answering customer questions, it is very simple and very effective.Specifically: on the one hand, the salesperson agrees with the customer's opinion, and on the other hand, explains the reason for the customer's rejection and the direction of the customer's opinion.

Because most customers start from their own subjective feelings when they put forward their views on products, that is to say, they all have an emotion.This approach is effective when customers have misunderstood the product.

2.Highlight advantages and weaken disadvantages

The customer may point out the shortcomings of a certain aspect of the product, and the salesperson can emphasize the outstanding advantages of the product to weaken the shortcomings raised by the customer.This approach can be taken when the client's questions are based on facts.

When a customer raises a problem with a product, this method can be used to turn sales resistance into a purchase motivation.Using this method is actually to turn the disadvantages raised by the customer into advantages and use them as reasons for his purchase.

3.Introduce the experience of old customers
The salesperson can use the thank you letter sent to our store by the customer who has used the product to persuade the customer.Generally speaking, people are willing to listen to the opinions of onlookers.Therefore, those letters of thanks, letters praising products, etc., are teaching materials for selling products.

What to do when a customer says, "I'm happy with my current supplier"

When the customer says "I am very satisfied with the current supplier", although this sentence shows that the customer is satisfied with the various services provided by the current supplier, it does not mean that he will always be satisfied.If the salesman can let the customer continue to talk at this time, it is actually very easy to find opportunities and breakthroughs.You can send customers samples or trial orders to show customers something that proves your product's worth.

1.Analyze specific issues

Just like facing other similar excuses, the salesman should analyze the real reason behind the customer's excuse, and then find a way to solve this problem.First of all, it is necessary to understand why the customer's supplier is so satisfied with the customer, which is very helpful for the next step of coping strategy.

The common reason is that the quality of the goods supplied by the supplier to the customer not only satisfies the customer, but also provides considerate service. If the supplier has stock, it can be delivered at any time and the price is relatively reasonable.In addition, because customers and suppliers have cooperated for many years, they have special business relationships and deeper personal relationships.

Once the salesman understands these reasons, he should take the following steps:
(1) Obtain the information of the current supplier

"What do you like most about this current supplier?"

"What do you like most about them?"

"Is there anything you would like to change?"

"We have recently developed a new type of product combining the latest scientific and technological achievements. The comprehensive performance far exceeds your existing equipment. If you can give us a chance, I will be happy to demonstrate it to you."

(2) Use the aggressive method
"I'm sure you'll agree, sir, that as an entrepreneur, you should be proactive in finding solutions that will bring the highest return to your company."

(3) Make a professional answer
"Sir, when we are satisfied with the supplier, we still need another supplier as a reference to ensure that we can really get the best price, the best goods and services."

(4) Ask the customer about the selection process

"How do you measure your suppliers?"

Asking questions about standards allows customers to think about future trends, not just the present.

2.Analyze the advantages of the product "Hello, Manager Zhang, I am Xiao Zhou from the ×× newspaper. I visited your company on Wednesday morning. We agreed to finalize the advertisement today. Do you plan to do 2/1 version or 4/[-] Version?"

"We have always advertised in the ×× newspaper, and we are quite satisfied with the current newspaper. To tell you the truth, your charge for this page is too high."

"Manager Zhang, you know that our edition fee is the standard edition fee, which is the standard in the industry, and the circulation of our newspaper is also very impressive. The target audience you put together for several advertisements on other tabloids It’s not as many as one of our newspapers, but the cost is much higher, don’t you think?”

"Well, this..."

"Don't hesitate, do you think it is a 2/1 version or a 4/[-] version?"

(After the customer is silent for 10 seconds)

"Manager Zhang, you know that there are many customers who want to make this front page. If you hesitate any longer, you will miss the day after tomorrow's page. Today is the final draft of the day after tomorrow's sample. Look, I'll go over to get the materials from you now. , or... If you are busy, you can give it to your secretary, Xiao Li, and I will pick it up, and I will send you a sample in the evening."

"Alright then, I'll take a look first."

What to do when a customer says, "I'm not buying your product"

The customer said "I'm sorry, please send another salesman from your company", "I want to buy Xiao Wang's", "I don't want to buy your company's products" and so on.At this time, the salesperson should quickly judge whether the customer has an emotional reaction to you or your company.Because some customers refuse to buy products, but they just have opinions on a certain salesman or company: maybe they don’t like you that much, maybe just because they don’t like your voice; maybe they don’t like your company because one of your company’s salesmen Members have offended him and so on.In this regard, the salesperson should treat the customer with sincerity, conduct more emotional exchanges with the customer, and strive for the customer's understanding and cooperation.

With an emotional rejection, the client usually doesn't directly say he doesn't like you or your company.Therefore, at the beginning, you should judge whether this kind of rejection is emotional rejection.Below is an example:
Salesperson: "Hi, I'm XX."

Customer: "Who?"

Salesperson: "I'm XX, we met at XX last Saturday night."

Customer: "Oh, it's you!"

Salesperson: "Can we get together tonight?"

Client: "I'm afraid not. I have something to do tonight."

Salesperson: "Oh. So, how about tomorrow night?"

Client: "No, I want to participate in chorus rehearsal."

Salesperson: "Singing? I like chorus singing too. Maybe I can go with you to chorus rehearsal."

Client: "That's impossible. The chorus won't let us take guests."

Salesperson: "What about the day after tomorrow?"

Client: "I'm sorry, I have class that night."


It can be seen that you resolve one rejection and he brings up another... After a few rounds, you should start to speculate that this is not a matter of fact or logic, it may be an emotional and relationship problem.

It will be more troublesome for a salesperson to encounter emotional rejection. A more feasible way is:

1.The conversation turns to facts and content
Steer the conversation away from relationship issues and toward facts and content.Since the conversation centers on concrete actions, negativity will be eliminated and emotional rejection avoided.

A newspaper salesman made a suggestion to a store manager to put some newspapers at each exit.

Salesperson: "As long as you put a newspaper rack at each outlet, you can sell about 300 copies a week.
Earn more than 1000 yuan. "

Manager: "You mean, people read this crap? (There's an emotional element to this manager.)"

Salesperson: "Of course I can read it. Especially those high-income earners who come to the store to buy things. I think you should put the newspaper rack here. Don't you think it's very good? Or, do you think you can put Does it move closer?"

The salesman made a few curt remarks at the end, and the manager responded neither with a refusal nor with a refusal.There can only be one result: deal!

Let's look at another example to experience how to steer the conversation away from relationship issues and toward facts and content:

Suppose you are an agent of a real estate company and you come to find a client, the purpose is to persuade her to let you sell the house on her behalf, but she does not want to find an intermediary and wants to entrust another real estate company because this company is well-run and professional , and she is also acquainted with an agent in this company, that is to say, she has chosen your competitor.You don't want to tell her that it's wrong to choose a surrogate based on friendship, but you have to direct her to focus on the facts.

Salesperson: "What do you think is most important when making a decision?"

Then move from the analogy to selling a house and ask her:

"What is the most important thing when selling a house?"

For some questions that she didn't take the initiative to say, you have to ask:
"Is the selling price important? How long does it take to sell the house, do you care?"

In this way, instead of directly dealing with emotional rejection, you make emotional relationship issues a secondary factor by making your client aware of the actual issues and their importance.

2.Using the "feel-feel-discover" method
The "feel-feel-discover" sentence pattern is a classic technique for getting rid of emotional rejection.

A salesman for a watch strap company is trying to convince a clothing store manager to sell his product.

(End of this chapter)

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