Sales start with being rejected

Chapter 31: Learn to Think——Let Customers Unable to Reject Your Thinking Skills

Chapter 31: Learn to Think——Let Customers Unable to Reject Your Thinking Skills (2)
It is very complicated and difficult to win the trust of customers who have never met before, and it is even more difficult to gain his trust in a very short marketing time.But you have to know that since he came to see your product, it shows that he is interested in your product, at least not bored.As long as you grasp the consensus on this point, everyone has a common goal, and everything else is negotiable.Find a breakthrough on this basis, match what he likes, echo some reasonable things he said, and express his meaning in his own language from time to time, gradually he feels that you have a common language on some issues Or have many things in common in some respects.So, he slowly got closer to you, and no longer had as many worries and distrust as he did at the beginning.At this time, you should strike while the iron is hot, introduce your products to him, and leave room for proper thinking and imagination.When he asks a question, explain to him and answer the question in the tone of an old friend and a close friend.When he still has doubts about certain aspects, he should take the initiative to introduce him in detail, and gradually eliminate all his doubts.

The trust with customers is not only the trust of customers in your products, but also the trust in yourself is more important. The most important thing in sales is to keep promises, keep promises, and do what you say.As a salesperson, you not only have to sell your products, but you also have to be able to think from the customer's point of view.

Mr. Koike, a Japanese entrepreneur, was born in poverty and worked as a salesman in a machinery company when he was 20 years old.For a period of time, he was very successful in selling machinery, and he achieved the performance of 25 customers within half a month.

But one day, he suddenly found that the machine he was selling was more expensive than the same performance machine produced by other companies.

He thought: "If I let customers know, they will definitely think that I am deceiving them, and may even have doubts about my credibility."

Feeling deeply disturbed, Xiaochi immediately took the contract and order, visited the customer one by one, explained the situation to the customer truthfully, and asked the customer to reconsider whether to continue to cooperate with him.

Such an action moved his customers greatly. Not only did no one cancel the order, but it brought him a good business reputation. Everyone believed that he was a trustworthy and honest salesman.As a result, not only did no one terminate the contract among the 25 clients, but they introduced more new clients for Xiaochi.

Gaining customer trust is a key link in the transaction, and it is also the first stage of the sales process, the beginning and the foundation of the entire process.Only when the salesperson has gained the trust of the customer can he talk about whether to make a deal or not.If the customer doesn't trust you and your product, then the transaction won't work.

Customers often feel that there are countless lies in the transaction, such as price lies and product lies. When they face the salesperson, they already have this mentality. If the salesperson continues to lie, then, What you get will be endless rejections.What a successful salesperson needs to do is to let others see your honesty and trustworthiness with naked eyes.If you become a salesperson trusted by customers, you will be loved and trusted by customers.And be able to form a close personal relationship with customers.Once this kind of personal relationship is formed, customers will naturally buy your products just for your sake.

Do what you like and impress customers
Customers buy because of their needs. If you want your customers to buy your products, you must understand his needs and be able to match them. Let him know why your products can meet his needs, so as to impress your customers. client.

Specific to different people, people's needs may vary due to social status and occupational characteristics.This requires the salesperson to know how to observe and analyze the customer, understand what his specific needs for this product are, and then tell the customer with a specific purpose that your product can exactly meet his needs.

A car salesman recommends a limousine to a client.He guides customers to look at the style of the car from different angles, so that customers can see how magnificent the car is. He invites customers to sit in the car and feel the spaciousness, comfort and luxury of the car; The order contract for this customer has a look.

In this way, they soon began to talk about the price of the car and the procedures for delivery.After a while, the customer signed a contract for a car worth nearly 120 million yuan.

Such a big deal, why did the salesman convince the customer so quickly?Because he knows that customers with such a high income generally do not drive themselves, and often have a full-time private driver; the customer himself does not know much about cars, and the focus of his needs is only two words - "style".Therefore, the salesperson only persuades the appeal of "style", and the result is a quick deal with the customer.

It is also a car, if it is an ordinary family car with a low sales price, this strategy may not be successful when selling to customers.

Because people who buy economical cars for families first pay attention to economy and practicality. In addition, according to different hobbies, they also have different requirements for appearance or additional functions.At this time, the salesperson should focus on the economical and practical features, and then according to the customer's personal characteristics, highlight a certain feature of his product, so as to impress the customer.

That is to say, when selling, the salesperson should analyze the possible needs of customers according to their different identities, backgrounds and characteristics, and then emphasize the characteristics of their products that can meet their needs, so as to effectively impress customers. , making them interested and deciding to buy.

When selling to the enterprise, the salesperson should also analyze their different needs according to the different objects they visit, so as to adopt different persuasion strategies.

For example, a salesperson visiting a boss to try to sell him some computers and software to improve their company's accounting function is likely to lack interest.Because the boss is generally most concerned about profit, and his thinking often does not directly link accounting and profit.Selling this kind of thing, the salesperson may have found the wrong person.

You need to understand what people in different departments of the company care about.If you talk to the owner of a company, what he wants is to improve the break-even point.If you talk to an executive, that person's primary concern is nothing but reducing costs.If you talk to someone in marketing or sales, they're most interested in increasing sales and the revenue that comes with it.

Say you're selling a sales training system and you're talking to a sales manager about it. Your presentation should be all about improving sales, not improving profits.Because the sales manager is not awarded by profit, but by the performance of all sales staff.

In conclusion, the key to selling a product or service to a person in a business is to ask questions about what that person does and what consequences that person is responsible for.You need to know, what is the key performance indicator of his work?What did he get paid for?What kind of results should he seek for the company?How did his superiors judge him?That is to say, your promotion should focus on the "specific" benefits that the customer can enjoy themselves, rather than some "general" benefits.

Regarding the needs of customers, as a salesman, you should also know that customers of different types of products often have different needs.

The products sold in each industry have some key points of appeal that can most impress customers. Only by following these key points can salesmen get twice the result with half the effort.For example, when customers choose goods transportation services, they are most concerned about whether the goods can reach the destination safely and accurately. Therefore, the general direction shown by the salesperson in the transportation industry to customers should be in the direction of safety and accuracy. .

Let's analyze the needs of their respective customers for several common products in life.

1.Real estate purchase needs

(1) Investment: Buying a house can preserve and increase its value.

(2) Convenience: the convenience of going to work, school and shopping.

(3) Living quality: fresh air and quiet environment.

(4) Security: Security facilities, configuration of building managers, and residents all have a certain standard.

(5) Social status: celebrities in the political and business circles live nearby, which can represent an individual's social status.

Specific to individuals, the motivation for buying a house may not be the same. For example, some people have to live in the city because of the convenience of going to work, some just want to have a house to live in and don’t care about the location, and some pursue a more tasteful home environment , some want to show status and so on.These needs are treated differently.

2.Production equipment purchase needs

(1) Productivity: The purchase of production equipment is a rational behavior, and the level of productivity is the key to purchase.

(2) Return on investment: No matter how high the productivity is, if the market demand is not so great, it will also affect the return on investment.Therefore, the level of investment return and risk is also an important indicator.

(3) Stability: The supervisors on the production line are most concerned about the stability of production equipment, because they are responsible for the daily output, and the instability of production equipment will directly affect their performance.

3.Office machine purchase demand

(1) Operability: Whether it is convenient to operate and whether a special person is needed are the key points that affect office efficiency.

(2) Size: At present, office rents are very expensive, and almost every office lacks enough space, so oversized office machines are not very popular.

(3) Rationalization of office: Office machines are designed to improve the efficiency of official business processing and promote rationalization, so efficiency and rationality are the focus of appeals for office machines.

(4) Functions, price and practicality: It is true that more functions are a benefit, but too many functions are often not used, which will only increase the cost, so that the benefit becomes a weakness.Therefore, the function should be practical, not necessarily many.

4.Toy Purchase Demand

(1) Educational: that is to have some enlightening educational.

(2) Safety: Children will not be harmed accidentally.

(3) Fun: You have to have fun to play for a long time.

Generally speaking, for more "rational" products, such as building materials, computers, measuring instruments, molds, etc., the general direction of display is whether they can fully provide consulting services and solve customer problems; while other products such as cosmetics, health food, beauty products Fitness and other products are relatively "sensual" products, and the general direction of their appeal is often to portray a hopeful vision in order to impress customers.

Only with comparison can there be identification
Many times, if you want to highlight the characteristics of your own products, you can compare them with competitors' products, and use the opponent's shortcomings to highlight your advantages.This will make customers feel more deeply.Of course, this requires understanding the characteristics and related information of the opponent's products in advance, and affirming that your own products do have advantages in this regard.

The salesperson of a sand foundry in Japan tried several times to visit the head of the purchasing section of an iron foundry, but the head of purchasing always avoided seeing him.The salesman clung on tightly, and finally got a 5-minute meeting with the section chief.

When the salesman came, he spread out a newspaper silently in front of the section chief, then took out a bag of sand from his purse and dumped it on the newspaper suddenly.The house was suddenly filled with dust, almost suffocating.The section chief coughed a few times and yelled, "What are you doing?"

The salesman said calmly: "This is the sand currently used by your foundry company. It is a sample I took from your production site to the foreman last week."

Then, he spread another newspaper on the ground, took out a bag of sand from his purse and poured it on the paper.At this time, there was no dust flying, which surprised the section chief.Then, the salesperson took out the samples of the two products and compared them and learned that the performance, hardness and appearance were completely different, which made the section chief understand at a glance.In this way, in sharp contrast, the salesman successfully persuaded the section chief to buy his product.

After such a comparison, he not only elevates himself, but also depresses his opponent, killing two birds with one stone.And the sharp contrast effect will leave a deep impression on customers.

In the sales process, salesmen will inevitably encounter competitors.As the saying goes: "Know yourself and know the enemy, and you can win a hundred battles." In order to remain invincible in the competition, salesmen must not only be familiar with their own company and their products, but also need to be familiar with their competitors.Knowing the status of competitors, the salesperson can highlight the advantages of his own products according to the weaknesses of the competitors during the sales process; and once the customer mentions the competitors' products for comparison, the salesperson can also be prepared and know how to properly Cope with it so you don't get caught off guard.

However, when making comparisons with competing products, salespeople should pay attention to seeking truth from facts and not easily criticize their competitors.Because criticizing competitors seems petty, it is easy to arouse people's resentment.Comparing with competitors' products can be done through the following four steps.First, point out some features of the product; secondly, point out the biggest advantage; thirdly, point out the weakest defect of the competitor; finally, compare it with the expensive product.

It is impossible to know the details of all competitors, products and business activities. What we need to know are only those salient factors in competitors' products and activities that may become their sales focus.It mainly includes the following aspects.

(1) Competitors' salespeople and their experience.

(2) Competitors' price and credit policies.

(3) What are the advantages and disadvantages of competing products or services.

(4) Competitor's sales strategy.

(5) Quality management, delivery date, and reliability of competitors.

(6) Resilience to competition items such as models, colors and other special specifications.

(7) The comparative status of competitors in terms of sales performance, business reputation, and financial soundness.

(8) Future development plans of competitors.

(End of this chapter)

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