Sales start with being rejected

Chapter 32: Learn to Think——Let Customers Unable to Reject Your Thinking Skills

Chapter 32: Learn to Think——Let Customers Unable to Reject Your Thinking Skills (3)
In order to grasp the intelligence of competitors in a timely and accurate manner, some enterprises will also establish a competitive intelligence system to classify the intelligence of competitors and analyze them systematically.This is of course conducive to the salesperson to quickly obtain information.

Sometimes, salespeople can also use contrasting speaking skills to persuade customers.This requires salespeople to have a considerable understanding of their products, and this understanding must conform to the living habits of most people.For example: "Although this type of car consumes a lot of fuel, it is not difficult to find out from its comparison with other cars of the same type. If you use the higher price of other cars on the fuel consumption of this car, you have already saved two dollars." Years of gas money!"

"As long as you smoke less than one cigarette a day, the money for this product will come out..."

When a lawn trimmer tried to convince a housewife, the housewife said she had to talk to her husband first.The trimmer asked her, "Ma'am, how much do you spend on grocery shopping every week?"

"About $250," she replied.

"Then do you have to discuss it with your husband every time you go to the supermarket?" the trimmer asked again.

"Of course not," she said.

"Then you're spending over $1 a year just for these odds and ends, and that's not a small expense. I noticed you said you didn't consult your husband, and we're just talking about It's a $2 decision, so I'm sure your husband won't mind you making the call, right?"

Then, the mower said while the iron was hot: "I'll mow your lawn on Wednesday, do you think it's better in the morning or in the afternoon?"

"Then it's afternoon!"

The lawn trimmer easily persuaded the resistant housewife with his "contrast" rhetoric.

In addition, using the contrast effect to make introductions can also help customers recognize the pros and cons of various products, thereby helping customers make rational choices and judgments.

Take the client's mistakes on yourself
As a salesperson, your sense of responsibility is your reputation, and your sense of responsibility determines your performance.

In the business dealings with customers, the salesperson will inevitably make some mistakes or other unexpected things, and some mistakes may be caused by the customer unilaterally or jointly by both parties. At this time, you may wish to hold a tolerant attitude, Take the initiative to take the mistakes of customers to yourself, and be brave enough to take responsibility.This is the best way to win customers.

Here is an experience of an insurance salesman named Cruise:
A customer forgot to retrieve a very important receipt after purchasing an accidental injury insurance from Cruise.When Cruise handed over the stack of materials to the client, he had already sorted out all the documents for him, which may have been missed by the client after reading it in Cruise's office.Therefore, this important document was hidden in Cruise's folder with a lot of customer information, and then shelved.

One day three months later, the client accidentally fell while traveling. When he found the insurance company to claim compensation, the insurance company asked him to provide two certificates, otherwise the compensation would not be paid, including the one he had forgotten. a receipt.

In fact, in this case, Cruise has no responsibility, and he doesn't know that the fatal document is with him.When the customer found Cruise, Cruise quickly searched for the receipt with him. He helped the client carefully recall every detail of the stored documents, but he still could not find the whereabouts of the documents.

Later, Cruise took out the folder where the customer's information was stored and searched. When the customer saw the receipt, he complained that he was irresponsible, but Cruise said sincerely: "I'm really sorry, it's my negligence at work. , did not remind you to take this important document, which almost delayed your affairs."

After this incident, Cruise not only did not lose the client, but won the trust of the client.Later, he also introduced many clients to Cruise.

As far as the matter itself is concerned, it is clear that the client was wrong. The client forgot to take away the important receipt. Cruise can explain the situation confidently. If he does this, can he be said to be wrong?But he did not do this. While looking for documents for the customer, he even took the customer's mistakes to himself.Just imagine, when the customer makes a mistake, you argue hard and make the customer speechless. Even if the customer realizes that it is his mistake, will you feel comfortable?If you are unhappy, you will not come back again. The result is that no matter how right you do it, you will lose the customer in the end, which is contrary to the ultimate goal of sales - gaining economic benefits by creating customers; Adhering to the concept of "the customer is always right", dealing with all the problems encountered by customers in an understanding way, and even taking the responsibility actively to achieve the satisfaction of every customer, is consistent with the ultimate goal of sales.

There is a true story that happened in Athens.

One afternoon, two Chinese women walked into a shop specializing in tourist souvenirs.This store has a large business area, but the display of goods is very messy. There is not a single glass container in the store. Bronze sculptures and silverware, colorful vase hanging plates, and antique marble statues are all randomly placed on wooden tables. .

At that time, there was no one in the store. After two Chinese women wandered around, when they were about to walk out of the store, one of the women was probably still obsessed with a certain product, and turned to take another look—just as she turned around , the satchel on her waist hung a multicolored porcelain vase on the wooden table at the door to the ground, and it fell to pieces on the spot.If this scene occurs in other stores, there is no doubt that the store owner will insist on claiming compensation, and customers will have to fight for it, accusing the store owner of not placing the goods in the right place.But this time, when the woman was at a loss, the shop owner had already walked up to her and said, "I'm sorry! Didn't I scare you?" The woman also apologized repeatedly and asked him, "Do you want me to pay? said the owner, "you are telling me that things should be put in their proper places. Please, you are welcome to come again!"

The final outcome is this: the Chinese woman bought an ancient Greek bronze statue.Her friend probably also felt that the shopkeeper could be trusted, and bought two colorful hanging plates.Everyone is happy.

Why is there such an ending?It is because the shop owner thinks about problems from the customer's point of view. When the product breaks, the first thing he thinks of is not his own interests but the customer's feelings. He does not think it is the customer's fault, but instead criticizes himself.Taking the mistakes of customers to himself is the magic weapon for him to win customers.

It is a high-level business principle and professionalism to take the mistakes of customers to oneself.Sales staff should establish the concept of "the customer is always right", do not quarrel with the customer, take the initiative to admit their fault, and deal with it seriously no matter what the facts are, and strive to satisfy the customer.

customer is always right

The earliest source of the phrase "the customer is always right" should be the Wal-Mart that built China's first store in Honghu, Shenzhen. There is a very eye-catching slogan on its wall, and everyone who enters the store can be seen:

(1) The customer is always right;

(2) If the customer makes a mistake, please refer to the first article.

Founder Sam Walton said: "In fact, customers can fire everyone in our company. They only need to go to other places to spend money to do this." Due to Wal-Mart's influence in the industry, For a time, this sentence spread all over the country.Therefore, many companies have used similar slogans such as "customer is always right", "customer first" and "service first" in their advertising and marketing ideas, and many companies have taken it as their corporate purpose .

Someone once questioned this concept. If the customer is really wrong, should the customer be right?Isn't this a reversal of right and wrong?There is a well-known case in management that talks about the difference between the people waiting to get on the bus and the people sitting in the bus.Those waiting for the bus, because they are anxious to get on the bus, want to squeeze on a bus every time they see it, even if the bus is full, they will squeeze up desperately. screaming and cursing; what about those sitting in the car?They can't wait for the bus to stop at every stop (except the one where they got off), and they will feel dissatisfied with those who see that the bus is full and still squeeze up, and even shout at them: "What's the crowd?" Won't wait for the next shift!In fact, it's just that the characters have made some changes at different points in time, but the difference in their mentality is that big!Therefore, for the understanding of "the customer is always right", you should first change your role, and then you will find that this statement is not wrong.

One day, an old lady came to Nozstraum with a tire and asked to return it. She insisted that the tire was bought here, but the store had never sold this tire.

The salesperson explained to her very politely: "We have never sold this kind of tire in our store. You must have made a mistake."

"No." The old lady insisted, "I must have bought it here. If I am not satisfied, you will have to return it."

Finally, after discussion between the salesperson and the supervisor, they decided to accept "your own tires" and returned the money to her with a very good attitude. The old lady left very satisfied.

Since then, the old lady has become a loyal customer of the Nozstraum chain.

The service tenet of Nozstraum chain stores is "the customer is always right, we will do everything possible for the customer".The value of the event in this evocative story is that when the customer was indeed "wrong," Nozstraum solved the customer's problem in a new way.

From our point of view, imagine that when the customer makes a mistake, you still argue with reason and make the customer speechless. Even if the customer realizes that it is his mistake, will you feel comfortable?If you are unhappy, you will not come back again. As a result, no matter how correct you are, you will lose customers in the end, which is contrary to the ultimate goal of the mall - to gain economic benefits by creating customers.On the contrary, with the attitude of respecting customers and the concept of "the customer is always right", we deal with all the problems encountered by customers in an understanding way, and even take the responsibility to make every customer satisfied. It is consistent with the ultimate goal of the mall.Two different ideas can lead to diametrically opposite results.

First, it is not enough to just say "the customer is always right", that is for others to hear. What each employee has to do is to cooperate with the company's service strategy and how to satisfy customers.Excellent foreign companies are improving all aspects that may improve customer service. For example, IBM has three basic beliefs: respect everyone; provide the best service; pursue excellence in work.These three beliefs run through all the work norms and business activities of IBM. IBM specially selects outstanding business personnel to serve as supervisor assistants for 3 years. During the entire 3 years, they are only responsible for one job, that is, they must solve any complaints or problems from customers within 24 hours.

Another point is that even if the customer is really wrong, what needs to be done is to meet the customer's needs as much as possible.In the long run, the benefits far outweigh the costs.Because customers will spread their satisfaction and dissatisfaction everywhere, as an employee of an enterprise, if they want to develop, they must rely on the enterprise. If the enterprise is discredited, then your work will definitely be affected?Do you want to be in a company where customers spread because of satisfaction, or a company where customers spread because of dissatisfaction?
To insist on "the customer is always right", we must remember not to argue with the customer.Because no matter what you argue about, you will gain nothing.Penn Life Insurance Company established a rule: "Don't argue." The true spirit of customer service is not an argument, and people's hearts will not be changed by arguments.

There was an impulsive Irishman named O'Hare who worked as a car driver and then as a truck seller, always unsuccessfully.why?Because he is always arguing with clients.If the other party picks on his car, he immediately blushes and argues loudly.

By his own admission, O'Hare won a lot of debates verbally back then.He later said: "I keep walking out of people's offices and saying, 'I finally beat that guy once,' and I did beat him once, but I didn't sell him anything." A star salesman for a car company.How did he succeed?Here's what he says: "If I walked into a client's office right now and they said, 'What? Wilder trucks? No! I don't want you to send me a truck. I want a Jose truck.' I would say: "Dude, José's trucks are really good. You can't go wrong buying their trucks. Hosse's trucks are a good company, and the salespeople are top notch."

"This way he has nothing to say, no room for arguments. If he says Jose's car is the best, and I say yes, he just shuts up. He can't say that after I agree with him. An afternoon of 'He Sai's car is the best'. Then we will stop talking about He Sai, and I will start to introduce the advantages of Wilder."

"Back in the day, if I had heard his words, I would have turned red and white with anger. I would start to criticize He Sai's shortcomings; the more I criticize other cars as bad, the more they say it is good; The more we argue, the more the other side likes my competitor's product."

"Looking back now, I don't know how I ever worked in sales. I spent a lot of my life doing it, and now I'm keeping it secret, and it works."

As the wise Benjamin Franklin said, "If you're always talking and contradicting, you might win now and then; but it's a hollow victory, because you'll never get the other side's favor." So measure yourself: you Do you want the superficial victory, or the favor of others?Sometimes, if you can treat customer mistakes correctly, it is actually a kind of customer service.Remember an old saying in service work: "The customer is always right."

(End of this chapter)

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