Sales start with being rejected

Chapter 34 Insight into people's hearts - so that customers can't refuse your manipulation

Chapter 34 Insight into people's hearts - so that customers can't refuse your manipulation technique (2)
If a salesperson is purely for selling products, customers think that your purpose is to sell your products, and they are not interested in talking with you, because customers reject you psychologically.On the contrary, if the salesperson can provide customers with suggestions that can save them money, then it will be easy to gain the trust of customers, and the atmosphere will not be so tense in the communication between the two parties.

The current market is a buyer's market, and today's consumers are more pursuing spiritual satisfaction when they consume.The more you think about customers, the more money you save for customers, or reduce customers' shopping costs, or help customers reduce shopping risks, or relieve customers' psychological pressure, the more opportunities customers will make deals with you, In this way, and only in this way, can you be invincible.

In the Midwest of the United States, there is a large commercial printing company that helps customers reduce operating costs and creates brand new value for important customers as well as for itself.

High-volume printing operations, such as the printing of catalogs or yellow pages, are often equated with general bulk buying and selling: whoever quotes the lowest wins the business.However, the printing company is very familiar with the business and business philosophy of several of its key customers, and by proposing a series of financial reform methods to them, it helps the customer reduce operating costs.During the three-month cooperation process with a client, the printing company completed the following five stages of work in sequence:
First, the customer's core business is analyzed - what products and services are provided to the customer?How to provide products and services?How to promote these products and services?How to buy print products and services?etc;
Second, the company found that: in some business interactions between the two parties, customers did not make good use of the unique advantages of flexibility and speed of printing companies, and effectively using these advantages to provide users with more services may bring customers to higher profits;
Third, for the new product development activities carried out by customers, the company provides testing and financial assistance for their R&D projects, and then the company becomes the only manufacturer that can meet the needs of the entire project;

Fourth, monitor the sales feedback brought by customers' new business and understand customer satisfaction. The company becomes the behind-the-scenes driving force for the development of customers' new business;
Fifth, this successful cooperation has strengthened the relationship between the company and customers, while expanding its business scope.

During the cooperation process, the team members of the printing company and the client worked wholeheartedly at all levels of the organization to form a very combative team, and at the same time:

(1) Make sure that the top management of the enterprise supports this cooperative relationship and let the sales staff enjoy the results of their work.Because of the many challenges involved in advancing the work, the quality of the sales force is critical and must be carefully selected, trained and formed as a working group.Those excellent personnel should be selected, they can have insight into the needs of customers, and they can keep confidential; they can analyze the commercial value of a business, and they also know how to mobilize and organize new work.

(2) Once the cooperation goal is determined with the customer, the company should do its best to devote itself wholeheartedly to the end.

(3) Reward those who make suggestions in their work and can put the ideas into practice.Working with customers in new, unconventional ways is what sets the best salespeople apart.

Therefore, when doing sales, we must do everything possible to help customers analyze problems and help customers save money from the perspective of customers.Just from your own point of view, blindly wanting to make money from customers is not enough to maintain the partnership.We must fully understand the needs of customers. Only by helping customers save money can we make money. Helping customers is helping ourselves.

Customers are greedy for cheap
Someone did this experiment:
First, the first set of experimental data was collected. The experimenters provided students with two kinds of packaged beverages in the campus cafeteria of the university. Coca-Cola packaged in cans, each priced at 3 yuan, and a local soft drink in small paper cups. , each cup is priced at 1 yuan, and then the experimenters record the students’ choices. According to the experimental statistics, 79% of the students chose the better-quality canned Coca-Cola when buying drinks for lunch.Only 2% of the students chose the glass of soda, which was cheaper but obviously inferior in quality.

The second set of experiments started. The price of canned Coca-Cola was reduced to 2 yuan per can, while the glass of soda was provided for free. In terms of economic utility, the two are completely equivalent. No matter which beverage the students choose, the The savings are all l yuan.However, the result of the choice has fundamentally changed from the previous statistics. More than 90% of people chose to drink free soft drinks instead of buying Coca-Cola with better quality.Just because of free reasons, most people give up their original emphasis on quality and accept bulk drinks instead.

Then, the price of canned Coke was adjusted to 1 yuan, and soda in paper cups was still provided for free. The economic utility is higher.

The pursuit of high quality and low price is the true psychology of consumers, and it is the nature of consumers to seek cheap.There is a saying among the sales people: What customers want is not to be cheap, but to feel that they have taken advantage; customers do not want cheap products, but to let him take advantage of them.Taking advantage is a psychological feeling. The salesperson must learn to meet the psychological needs of customers, so that customers can feel that they are taking advantage, and it is easy for customers to buy your products.

The essence of sales is to let customers have a feeling of taking advantage. Nothing can attract customers' attention and arouse their interest more than preferential, cheap and free.Sales masters can always take advantage of people's psychology, always find excuses to sell things, and make customers feel that they have taken advantage.

In order to increase sales, some salespersons launch some free experience services, or find out some free things as a gimmick to attract customers.

In a large-scale toy exhibition, C Toy Company was unfortunately arranged on the 8th floor, the most remote place in the exhibition hall. Due to the remoteness of the place, people were unwilling to go to such a high place. A few people came to take a look. On the morning of the second Monday, the person in charge of Company C threw down some unique business cards at the entrance of the exhibition. On the back of the business cards it was written, "You can pick up this business card at C Toy Company on the 8th floor." 1 toy".In just half a day, the 8th floor was surrounded by people, and this situation lasted until the end of Company C's exhibition. The popularity also brought a lot of money to Company C. Company C raised its turnover to the highest level by giving people preferential treatment. .

The reason why Company C has achieved high turnover is that it has captured the psychology of everyone wanting preferential treatment, and brought big benefits to the company with small favors.There are many salesmen, but not many salesmen really know how to grasp the psychology of customers. If you want to be a successful salesperson, you have to learn to use people's various buying psychology to achieve the purpose of sales.

In the final analysis, a discount is a means, and its essence is to exchange small benefits for big customers.Of course, while offering discounts, it is also necessary to give customers the feeling of taking advantage.

In the sales process, you should learn to use figures to explain the benefits of the product in detail. Instead of using concepts such as "saving", "cheap", "making money", and "reducing costs" to introduce products, use specific figures.For example, to tell a product that it is cheap, and how much it is cheap, you only need to do some calculations.A few clear and tangible figures are enough to impress customers.For example:
"Mr. Zhang, do the math, our loan interest rates in the first year and the second year are 3% and 2.15% lower. If you still have a balance of 320 million, we can save you money in the first year." If you put down 10 yuan, you can save 6.48 yuan in the second year, and you can save 16 yuan in two years..."

"The price of our water purifier is very cost-effective. If you calculate it, the general brand needs to change two filter elements every six months, and the charge is 5000 yuan each time, and it costs 5 yuan in 5 years; while using our machine, you It only takes 5 yuan in 1.25 years. Therefore, although the price of our machine is 6000 yuan more expensive, you still saved 3.75 yuan, right?"

A salesperson who sells Internet advertising wants a client to advertise on the Internet.The client asked him, what benefits can I get from advertising online?The salesman calculated an account for him: invest 1450 yuan in an advertisement, and generate at least 100 visits a day. Calculated for 500 days, the cost of each visitor is 3 cents.Assuming that 30 out of every 1 people makes a deal, how much money can you make every day?So, the customer signed the bill.

"Cheap" is a self-judgment made by customers after comparing similar products. Consumers not only want to take advantage, but also want to "exclusively". Salesmen can take advantage of customers' desire to monopolize cheap products and learn to satisfy customers. Demand, rather than necessarily selling products at low prices.Such as: "It just opened today, it's auspicious, and I'll sell it to you at the purchase price!" "This is the last item, and I'll sell it to you at the clearance price!" !" The cheapness is all monopolized by one person, who wouldn't be tempted by such a cheapness?

Customers have a herd mentality
Customers are often reluctant to take risks when purchasing products.Customers are generally skeptical about new products that have not been tried by others and dare not choose them lightly.And for products that everyone recognizes, they are easy to trust and like.Especially when they see people rushing to buy a certain product, they often show a very strong desire to buy and follow suit.This is a herd mentality.In sales, it is also a good choice for salespeople to use this herd mentality to promote orders if they want to facilitate customers to purchase and sign orders.

"Following the crowd" is a relatively common social psychological behavior and phenomenon, which is what people often say "following others" and "following the crowd".Everyone thinks so, so I think so, everyone does it, and I do it too.Herd mentality is very common in the consumption process.Because people generally like to "join in the fun" and when they see other people rushing to buy a certain product in groups, they will join in without hesitation.

In the sales process, salespersons can also use the customer's herd mentality to urge customers to make up their minds to buy products, so as to obtain orders.Some successful salespeople often like to use this technique to urge customers to make up their minds to sign orders when they are fighting for customers' orders.

When a salesman was promoting a product to a company, seeing that the other party was reluctant to sign the order, he said: "The government building next to your company uses our company's products. They only bought some of the following products at first. Later, they They feel that our company's products are very reliable and reliable, and have purchased some products one after another. Up to now, they have established a long-term cooperative relationship with our company for 5 years. As long as they have this need, they will contact our company, and we will also Provide them with the most satisfactory service as quickly as possible...Your company can also purchase a small part of the product first, and if you are satisfied, we can increase the weight of the contract, what do you think?"

After hearing this, the person in charge of that company signed a list with the salesperson after thinking for a while, and purchased a small batch of goods from their company.

When purchasing products, many people are unwilling to be "the first to eat crabs". They often buy with confidence after seeing others buy.In this regard, why don't salespeople use their herd mentality to show them that "others have already bought" and "others have trusted me"?

When a salesperson sells a product to a supplier, because it is the first time to cooperate with the agent, the agent has doubts about the product, and although he wants to purchase, he is reluctant to sign the order with the salesperson.At this time, the salesperson said to the agent: "You must know that XX company has always had strict requirements on suppliers. Our company is the supplier of XX company. After a long period of investigation, XX company finally I chose to cooperate with our company. Now, we have cooperated with this company for 5 years...Although this is the first time to cooperate with your company, I believe that we will maintain a long-term cooperative relationship in the future."

As a result, the agent signed a contract with the salesperson and purchased a batch of goods.

Timely presentation of "others have already bought" and "others have trusted me" to customers by sales staff is an effective technique to urge unfamiliar customers to trust themselves, persuade them to buy products, and sign orders.In the sales process, it is often easier for the salesperson to break through the customer's vigilance by using this technique, and finally persuade the customer to make up his mind to sign the order.

Xiao Wang is the sales manager of a virus firewall X company.The sales tasks assigned by the company this year have increased significantly compared with last year.Xiao Wang felt very stressed.Last year, Xiao Wang won several bids in the government industry. This year, the government industry's list should not be a big problem, but to complete the task, we must open up new markets.In this regard, Xiao Wang decided to open up the education industry market.

Soon, Xiao Wang learned from an agent that a well-known university was planning to upgrade and transform its network, and the virus firewall was one of them.Xiao Wang thought that the opportunity to enter the education industry market had come, so he went directly to the agent Lao Li.

However, after learning about the specific situation, Xiao Wang discovered that things were not that simple.Lao Li said that this user has very high requirements for product quality and performance, and there are already several well-known foreign virus firewall manufacturers involved in this list, and the competition is very fierce.Although Xiao Wang is very confident in his company's products, considering that the company's products have not been successful in the education industry market, it is difficult to gain the trust of users in the competition.

Sure enough, during the interview with the person in charge of the user side, the user side questioned that there are too few successful cases of Xiaowang's products in the education industry market.No matter how hard Xiao Wang tries, the users just don't trust his products.

For this matter, Xiao Wang thought for a long time, but he couldn't find a way to persuade users.When he was in distress, a customer who used X company's software called Xiao Wang to give feedback on usage information.Xiao Wang saw that the customer's feedback was good, so he was clever and came up with a solution.After Xiao Wang asked the boss for instructions, he sent the company's software to University A for trial use, and attached the contact information of previous customers.

At first, University A politely declined the trial.However, after some research and introductions from other old customers, University A finally agreed to try Company X's products.Not long after, the computer systems of some schools were infected with the Sasser virus, but the computers of University A were safe.Practice has proved that X company's computer software is very reliable in terms of service and product quality. University A decided to purchase a large number of X company's software at one time.As a result, Xiao Wang won a large order worth a lot of money.

Because Xiao Wang provided high-quality services to University A, and because of the outstanding performance of Company X's products, the relevant person in charge of University A not only trusted Company X very much, but also expressed his trust to other schools as a user at an information exchange meeting in the education industry. Highly recommend X company's products.Through the recommendation of the "witness" University A, Xiao Wang won many more orders.

When customers buy a new product or a product they don’t understand, they often have doubts and are afraid of buying the wrong product; or they are afraid of being cheated by the salesperson.At this time, no matter how the salesperson introduces and explains, it is difficult to gain their trust.At this point, once they hear that someone has used the product and it works well, they change their minds about the product and trust the product instead.

A customer wants to buy an oil fired boiler.After hearing the news, some salespeople came to introduce their company's products to customers.This makes customers feel very embarrassed, since they have never dealt with these companies before, who should they trust?
At this time, a salesperson included a list of customer contact information in his product introduction materials.Among them, one is the client's neighbor, and he is also a good neighbor.So the customer called the neighbor.

As a result, the neighbors said that the company's products were okay, and the salesperson was trustworthy.As a result, the customer trusted the salesperson and bought the company's boiler.The salesman won the order with a strong "witness."

In the sales process, the herd transaction method can alleviate customers' worries about risks, especially for new customers. Everyone buys, and I also buy, which can enhance customers' confidence.When salespeople use this method to facilitate orders, it is often easier to facilitate transactions.However, when the salesperson takes advantage of the customer's herd mentality, he should also pay attention to several issues to ensure good results.

Issues that salespeople need to pay attention to are as follows:

(End of this chapter)

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