Sales start with being rejected

Chapter 35 Insight into people's hearts - so that customers can't refuse your manipulation

Chapter 35 Insight into people's hearts - so that customers can't refuse your manipulation technique (3)
(1) The cases cited must be factual.In the sales process, if the salesperson wants to guide the customer's "herd" mentality, the cases cited must be facts. Neither use lies to fabricate customers who have purchased, nor exaggerate the purchase quantity of those old customers.Otherwise, if the case cited by the salesperson is untrue, it is likely to be exposed, and the opportunity to close the deal will be lost forever. It is impossible to get an order from the customer at all, and it will also make the customer feel cheated and fooled. Seriously affect the customer's impression of the salesperson and the company, and this bad impression may also be used by these customers to affect other more customers in various ways.Therefore, salespersons must cite actual successful cases to guide and persuade customers to "herd" mentality, otherwise they are self-defeating.

(2) As far as possible, use the old customers who have the greatest influence as the enumeration objects.Although customers have a herd mentality, if the successful examples cited by the salesperson are not convincing enough, customers will usually not be moved by it.Therefore, if the salesperson wants to successfully use the customer's herd mentality to achieve the transaction and win the order, then he should try his best to select those old customers who have great influence, are familiar with the customer, and are relatively authoritative.Otherwise, it is difficult to stimulate the herd mentality of customers.

For example, what a salesperson said to a customer can arouse the customer's herd mentality-"Many domestic electrical equipment companies of well-known brands buy these small accessories from our company, such as the ×× Group... In addition , some well-known large home appliance supermarkets and shopping malls are also supplied by us for a long time. For example, the XX supermarket with the largest sales volume in our city is known as the XX shopping mall with the safest quality..."

Obviously, after listening to the words of the salesperson, the customers will feel that they have status and grades in consumption, which will generate a pleasant feeling and sign the order quickly.

(3) Do not use this method lightly in the face of customers who are too individual.Modern society is a society that advocates individuality. While following the crowd, people also have a "rebellious" mentality.In the sales process, the salesperson will also find that some customers with individuality are dismissive of conformity and like to pursue being different.Therefore, when the salesperson finds that the customer is a very individual person, he should not use this method lightly, because it is easy to cause the customer's anti-herd mentality.Others want to buy, others are others, and have nothing to do with me.

In short, conformity is a very common social psychological and behavioral phenomenon.In the sales process, as long as the salesperson is good at using it skillfully, he can often make the customer make up his mind to sign the order, and continuously win orders for himself.Therefore, this technique is worth learning and learning from the majority of sales staff.

Customers have the psychology of believing in authority, experts or experts

If a person has a high status, prestige, and respect, then what he says and what he does will easily attract the attention of others and convince them of its correctness. The ubiquity of the "authority effect" is firstly due to people's "safety psychology", that is, people always think that authority figures are often correct role models, and obeying them will make them feel safe and increase the "insurance factor" that they will not make mistakes; secondly It is because people have a "approval psychology", that is, people always think that the requirements of authority figures are often consistent with social norms, and if they follow the requirements of authority figures, they will get recognition and praise from all aspects.

An American psychologist once conducted an experiment:
When lecturing to the students of the psychology department of a certain university, the psychologist introduced a German teacher invited from another school to the students, saying that the German teacher was a famous chemist who came back from Germany, and that he had Many famous academic researches and scientific inventions are quite famous among chemists.It is rare to invite him here, and everyone expressed a warm welcome.

In the following chemistry class, the "chemist" took out a bottle containing distilled water, and told the students that this was a chemical substance he had newly invented, and it had a special smell. Later, he asked, Some of the students present raised their hands when they smelled the smell, and most of the students raised their hands.

Such a result is surprising. Why can students smell the distilled water, which is obviously odorless?This is because people's trust and obedience to the authority make them have no doubts about the authoritative "chemist", and think that distilled water does have a smell.

In the "front of authority", people always think that the thoughts, behaviors and words of authority figures are correct. Obedience to them will make them feel safe and increase the "insurance factor" that they will not make mistakes.At the same time, people also have a "recognition psychology", that is, people always think that the requirements of authority figures are often consistent with social requirements, and as long as they follow the requirements of authority figures, they will be recognized by all parties.Under such psychological influence, people tend to regard the words and deeds of authority as orders and examples, and dare not easily disobey them.Even people with independent thinking ability will be influenced by authority involuntarily, and even do some irrational things.

People's deep belief in authority and unconditional obedience will make authority form a powerful influence, and the use of this authority effect can influence and change people's behavior to a large extent.In real life, the "authority effect" is widely used: for example, when many businesses advertise, they hire well-known figures as image spokespersons with high salaries, or use influential agency certification to highlight their products in order to increase sales.When debating and reasoning, we often cite classics and authoritative figures as arguments to enhance our persuasiveness.Using the "authority effect" can help us achieve the purpose of guiding or changing the attitude and behavior of the other party.

In order to gain a sense of security and reduce losses, many people always like to "follow the experts", because experts rarely make mistakes, and experts will give us a more correct direction.Under the influence of the authority effect, the guiding power of experts is very large.In real life, people often like to buy various brand-name products, because it has the endorsement of stars, the certification of authoritative organizations, and the wide recognition of the society, which can bring people a great sense of security; When purchasing reference books and practice test questions, you should also choose famous publishing houses, published or recommended by famous professors and scholars, because compared with other reference materials, you will get more improvement and benefits from authority.This is the huge influence played by the authority effect in sales and consumption.Therefore, if the salesperson can skillfully use the authoritative guidance, it can greatly promote sales.

Xiao Zhang sells anti-theft doors. Once he made a phone call to make an appointment with a client, who asked Xiao Zhang to arrive at his home on time at 9:00.And bring detailed information.During the phone call, Xiao Zhang felt that the customer's requirements were relatively strict.Is - the only customer to deal with.So you need to be more comprehensive.

With a certain amount of psychological preparation, Xiao Zhang did not feel too nervous when he arrived at the client's home.When introducing products to customers, Xiao Zhang has a long-term mind and is very detailed. He also answers in a more orderly manner when customers ask questions, and writes down customers' opinions in a small notebook.This makes the customer very satisfied, and he feels that Xiao Zhang is a careful and steady person.

However, during the conversation, Xiao Zhang still found that the customer had a lot of doubts about his product and could not fully believe it. Therefore, Xiao Zhang provided the customer with a market research report on the product.Let him know the real sales volume of his products. Xiao Zhang is very confident in this point because the sales volume of security doors is really good, and he is also very convincing to customers.In addition, in order to convince customers, Xiao Zhang even presented product certification certificates, many international awards, and recommendations from authoritative experts.The customer finally cleared up his doubts and bought his product with confidence. After all, there are so many authoritative recommendations and approvals, and he has nothing to worry about.

In real life, authority will have a great influence on people's words and deeds, and authority represents the recognition of the society and the opinions of the vast majority of people. In this way, under its strong influence, people will become very obedient , and dare not challenge authority.In sales activities, using the deterrent and guiding force of authority will indeed have a great impact on people's consumption choices.

The salesperson should use this advantage correctly and reasonably, instead of greedy for profit and deceitful, in order to deceive customers, otherwise it will inevitably cause adverse consequences.

Customers have the psychology of wanting to possess rare things
Mr. Lu Xun once said such a classic passage in the article "Mr. Fujino": "Probably the rarest things are the most expensive. When the cabbage in Beijing is transported to Zhejiang, the roots of the cabbage are tied with red strings and hung upside down on the head of the fruit shop. 'Gum vegetable, aloe vera that grows wild in Fujian, is invited into the greenhouse as soon as it arrives in Beijing, and it is nicknamed 'Agave'." This reflects an eternal truth, that is, the rare is the most expensive.

From a psychological point of view, the shortage factor will have a great impact on the value of commodities.People are always afraid of losing or not getting it, and have an instinctive desire to possess rare items, which is reflected in consumption and shopping. The rarer something is, the more people want to buy it.In real life, the salesperson can use the "limited quantity" strategy. When the salesperson tells the customer that the supply of a certain product is relatively tight and there is no guarantee that it will always be in stock, the customer will be prompted to take an early purchase action.

Jack is an excellent salesman. When he sells products to customers, he can always cleverly use the principle of shortage to prompt customers to make a decision as soon as possible.

Jack has sold actual products successively. Although the customers he faces are different, he can achieve good results no matter what kind of product he sells.He always says this to clients:

"Sir, there will never be more than 10 convertible cars with this engine in the local area. Moreover, the factory no longer produces them. If you miss this opportunity, you may not be able to buy them if you want to buy them in the future."

"There are only two sets of this kind of kitchen utensils left, and you will definitely not choose the other set, because its color is bright red and it doesn't suit you, so I think this set of kitchen utensils should be yours."

"Maybe you should consider buying more. This kind of product is very popular recently, and the factory has already backlogged a lot of orders. I can't promise you that there will be more goods when I come back next time."


(End of this chapter)

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