Sales start with being rejected

Chapter 36 Insight into people's hearts - so that customers can't refuse your manipulation

Chapter 36 Insight into people's hearts - so that customers can't refuse your manipulation technique (4)
This kind of rhetoric is undoubtedly very effective. Under its influence, customers will always make a decisive choice in order not to regret that they cannot buy it, and first take their favorite products as their own, so that they can peace of mind.

This is where Jack succeeds.

A limited amount of information does have an impact on a consumer's purchasing decision.Therefore, if the salesperson can reasonably apply this strategy to the sales process in the previous chapter, it will effectively promote sales.When the salesperson finds that the customer is very interested in a certain product, if he can guide it subtly, while explaining that the product is of reliable quality and affordable, he might as well add such a kind reminder: "This product has just been sold." One set is sold, this is probably the last set we have here, don’t miss this opportunity, if you miss it, you will have to wait until next month to come back.” When customers hear this kind of words, they are often afraid that they won’t be able to buy Under the psychological influence of the owner, make a decision quickly, buy it first and then talk about it, and don't let others preempt it.Because there are fewer opportunities to own it, and its importance to customers has increased relatively.

When Xiao Wang, a salesperson, was selling some high-end handicrafts, he was good at creating a seller's market atmosphere and aroused customers' "fear of not being able to buy" psychology. As a result, his products not only sold quickly, but also sold at high prices.

When selling products to customers, Xiao Wang never forgets to emphasize to customers: "Our company has only produced 1000 sets of products in total. Many customers ordered some before they went on the market. Now, there are not many left. This It is the last set of products issued by our company, and a small amount of other products are reserved for commemoration. I am honored to introduce this last set of products to you. You can think about whether you need it. If you really need it, give a If the price is right, I will sell the product to you. Otherwise, after passing this village, there will be no such store, and you will not be able to buy it if you want to buy it in the future..."

Some clients believed that Xiao Wang was deliberately creating a seller's market atmosphere, and did not pay much attention at first.However, Xiao Wang turned around and left, assuming that he was not worried about the buyer. As a result, those customers who were interested in buying soon realized that Xiao Wang was not playing with them. Such handicrafts may really be impossible to buy in the future. No more hesitation, quickly sign an order with him and buy the product.

In the sales process, the salesperson should also get some inspiration from it.In order to win more and more important orders, the sales staff properly create an atmosphere that makes customers "unable to buy" and give customers some "last chance to buy products", which is often more conducive to winning orders.For example, during the sales process, the salesperson can say to the customer: "There is only the last one of this product left, and there will be no stock in the short term. If you don't buy it, it will be gone." Or say: "Today is the deadline for preferential prices. Please seize the opportunity, tomorrow you will not be able to buy products at such a discounted price.” When some customers who are interested in buying but are still hesitating hear this, they often make up their minds to buy and quickly sign an order with the customer.

Now or never.In the field of sales, this method of using the psychology of "fear of not being able to buy" to promote orders is called the last chance transaction method.This sales technique is to narrow down the space and time of choice to facilitate the order.The examples mentioned above are all ingenious applications of this closing technique, from which salespeople can get a lot of inspiration.

However, when salespersons take advantage of the customer's "fear of not being able to buy" psychology to create "the last chance to make a deal", they need to pay attention to the following three issues, otherwise it will be difficult to achieve the effect of promoting the order.

1. Let the customer really feel that this is the last chance.To win an order, the salesperson should make the customer feel like it's a last-ditch buying opportunity, whether it's a one-of-a-kind product or not.Only in this way can customers be prompted to make purchase decisions as soon as possible and sign orders quickly.

2. To grasp the psychology of prospective customers.If the customer itself is not very interested in the product, it is obviously ineffective to use this technique to promote the order, because even if it is really the last chance, buying or not buying will not have much impact on him.Therefore, the salesperson can only use this last chance transaction method when the prospective customer has a strong interest in the product and is determined to win it.

3. Do not intimidate customers with words.When some salespersons use the last chance closing method to promote orders, they often like to use some language to intimidate customers, such as "If you don't buy it, you will lose it..." and so on.It's not that salespeople can't say such things, but they should say less, because if they say too much, they will easily bore customers and cause resistance.Therefore, when using the last chance transaction method, the salesperson should not intimidate the customer with words, but clearly tell the customer that there are not many opportunities to buy the product.

The last chance close is a wonderful technique in the sales process.As long as the salesperson seizes the opportunity and skillfully creates a seller's market atmosphere, making customers feel that "purchasing products is the last chance", it is often easy to guide customers to sign orders quickly.In the sales process, the salesperson must carefully understand the last chance closing method, and find out the secret of winning orders from it.

Customers are curious
Curiosity is the nature of human beings, and clever use of consumers' curiosity will promote the smooth development of the entire sales work.In the actual sales work, use the curiosity of customers to arouse their attention and interest, and then tell the various benefits of the product, prompting customers to make immediate purchase decisions.

A new salesman explains to the manager why the sales are poor during his first month on the job.He said, "Manager, I can lead the horse to the water, but I can't get it to drink every time."

"Let them drink water?", the sales manager was anxious, "It's not your business to make customers drink water, your task is to make them feel thirsty!"

In the dramatic scene above, the sales manager's point of view is stark.The salesperson's job is not to make the customer buy, but to spark the customer's interest so that the customer wants to know more about the product or service the salesperson is offering.

The key to successfully engaging customers in effective sales is to stimulate their curiosity.Curious customers choose to participate, not vice versa.

A sales clerk from a British leather shoe factory visited a leather shoe store in London several times and offered to meet the owner of the shoe store, but was rejected by the other party.This time he came to the shoe store again with a newspaper in his pocket, which published a message about changing the tax management method of the shoe industry. He thought the store could save a lot of money by taking advantage of this decision.

So, he said loudly to a clerk in the shoe store: "Please tell your boss that I have a way to make him rich. Not only can I greatly reduce the ordering cost, but I can also earn a lot of money."

Someone offers advice to the boss to make money, why wouldn't the boss be tempted?

After a while, the owner of the shoe store came out to meet the salesman who came from afar.

If a customer is curious or mysterious about you, your product, or something about it, you've captured their curiosity.Conversely, if they're not curious at all, you won't be able to move an inch.In other words, if you can arouse the curiosity of customers, you have the opportunity to create credit, build customer relationships, discover customer needs, provide solutions, and then obtain customer purchases.In fact, it only takes 1 minute to make customers curious, but the question is why customers are curious.

(1) Let customers judge for themselves
There are many ways to spark curiosity, but one of the easiest is to ask "Guess what happened."Almost everyone heard: Guess what happened?Immediately stop what they are doing.

We often see this kind of sales:
A salesman held an iron awl in one hand and a new pair of socks in the other.He kept yelling, "Guess, everyone: After putting the iron awl through the sock and pulling it hard to the side, will the sock rot?"

The people around hurriedly put down their work and began to talk about it, some said it would rot, some said it wouldn't.

Seeing that the time is ripe, the salesman finds someone in the crowd to try.

It is conceivable that the people who participated in the experiment would follow the method taught by the salesman, put the iron cone through the socks and then yank to one side, what would be the result.

This game is nothing more than a trap designed by the salesman to prove that socks are extremely solid.As a result, people no longer suspected that the socks were not strong, and people began to buy socks one after another.

(2) Irritant questions

Provocative questions or statements can pique a customer's curiosity.People will wonder why you ask or say that."Guess what?" is an example of a provocative question that makes people wonder: What the hell?
"Can I ask a question?" has the same effect. The person you ask will generally answer "yes", and at the same time they will automatically assume what you will ask. This is human nature.

(3) Provide only partial information or even bad news
Sometimes the salesperson spends a lot of time and takes the trouble to repeatedly state the characteristics of their company and products and the benefits they can bring to customers, but the effect is not necessarily very good.

At this time, you can do the opposite.

For example, a salesperson: "Mr. Wang, our engineer tested your system the other day and he thinks there is a serious problem."

Mr. Wang: "What's the problem?"

Would you be curious if someone told you that you were about to face serious problems?of course!
Salesperson: "By studying the system structure, we found that one of the servers may be corrupting data. Fortunately, there is a solution. Can you bring the relevant people together so that we can publicly demonstrate the problem and explain Alternative solutions."

Frankly showing family ugliness can often win the respect and trust of customers, and sometimes it can produce strange effects.

(4) Novelty things
People want to "give a glimpse" of new things.What's more, people don't want to be left out, so we can also use that to capture the curiosity of our customers.for example:
Salesperson: "Mr. Zhang, we are about to launch two new products to help those in need engage in e-commerce. Maybe it will be useful to you, would you like to take a look?"

(5) Take advantage of convergent utility

If everyone else shares a certain trend, customers are bound to jump in and generally want to know more.

For example, a salesperson: "Frankly, sir, I have solved a very important problem for many of your colleagues." This sentence is enough to make the customer curious.

Depending on the type of visit you take, you can employ different strategies for provoking curiosity.There are many ways to help you do this. As long as you can make your customers curious, you can develop more new customers, discover more needs, deliver more value, and greatly improve sales performance.

(End of this chapter)

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