Sales start with being rejected

Chapter 37 Do a good job of detailed chapters - so that customers can not refuse your psychological

Chapter 37 Do the details well - make the customer unable to refuse your psychological attack (1)
Sales often rely on a cleverness to win. Paying attention to every detail in the sales process is the implementation and embodiment of this kind of cleverness.We must know that selling is a kind of hard work, which includes countless tedious details, so to do a good job in sales, in fact, it is necessary to do a good job in details. It can even be said that there is no sales without details.What are the details?Details are small things, detail sales is to do small things well, details determine success or failure, details determine sales, execution lies in details, sales depends on details.If you are not careful, you will lose everything.Therefore, the salesperson must bear in mind the master's advice: the details determine success or failure, and whoever sells the details well will have success.

The perfect demonstration makes customers feel excited
A successful product display can often catch the customer's attention at once, stimulate customers' desire to understand and participate, and quickly conclude a transaction.

As the saying goes: Seeing is worth hearing a hundred times.No matter how vivid the salesperson's language is, its effect is by no means as good as letting consumers see the features and performance of the product with their own eyes.Evidence is more convincing than rhetoric, so we often see display windows of dishes in front of restaurants; in terms of clothing sales, dresses, dresses, etc. must also be worn on mannequins; construction companies also display sample houses , The company that is building a house in the villa area often invites everyone to visit the site in order to achieve the goal of promotion.There is no basis for words, and if you give up any sales tools (instructions, samples, demonstration tools, etc.), of course there is absolutely no hope of success.

When a salesperson introduces a product to an unfamiliar customer, he or she must perform an effective product display—demonstration.Through the display of product functions, properties, characteristics, etc. and demonstration performances of use effects, consumers can see the benefits and benefits that can be obtained after purchasing the product.The benefits and benefits that products bring to consumers are the real motivation for consumers to buy.Consumers hope that after the salesperson orally introduces the product information, they can see it with their own eyes, or even experience the advantages and functions of the product in person, so as to deepen their understanding and memory.

Wang Jian is a salesman of a plexiglass company. Since he entered the company for several months, his results have not been very satisfactory. He thinks that he has worked hard when interviewing customers, but he has not achieved any results. He always thinks about it. Can't find the reason.

Once, when he was interviewing a client, the client asked him to hit the glass sample with a small hammer to demonstrate the performance of plexiglass in person, and he asked the client to do it.Once hammered down, the glass was not damaged at all.The customer immediately placed the order.

With this successful experience, he will always bring glass samples and a small hammer in the sales process in the future, and after introducing the performance of plexiglass to customers, he will always take a small iron After hitting the glass with a hammer a few times, the customer was convinced, and of course his orders increased.In less than half a year, his performance has been firmly in the forefront of the company.Colleagues were very surprised. When asked what his secret was, he said: "First of all, let the customer introduce his products, and then smash the glass with a small hammer. The customer will naturally be convinced by the facts and sign the order." Hey! But it's better for the customer to smash the glass himself, so the customer is more likely to believe it."

Therefore, if we want to impress customers, we must let them fully feel the attraction of the product during the demo participation, and have a strong appreciation for a certain performance.

(1) Focus on displaying the customer's focus of interest

After discovering the concentrated interests of the customers in front of you, you can focus on showing them to prove that your products can solve their problems and suit their needs.Of course, if your customers are easy-going, and the atmosphere at that time is excellent and you have plenty of time, you can show customers all aspects of the product in a leisurely manner.However, most customers will not like you taking too much of their time, so it is still necessary to display products selectively and emphatically.

(2) Let customers participate in the display process
If customers can be invited to join in the product display process and directly experience the benefits and benefits of the product, the effect will be better, which will leave a deeper impression on customers and allow customers to see the benefits of purchasing.When displaying products, you can ask customers to help you a little, or borrow other convenient and inexpensive appliances, etc. In short, find ways to let customers participate, instead of watching on the sidelines.If you sell a product that is easy to use or that people use frequently, then you can safely let customers try it, and the effect must be good.

Once, a salesman was selling franchises and he was driving a big new Cadillac.He went back to the prospective client's house to pick them up, and when everyone walked towards the car, he said, "My God, my head hurts suddenly, can I trouble you to drive?" When I arrived at the office, I thought about buying an identical car.They quickly decided to buy the franchise he was selling because the profits guaranteed would be enough to buy them a Cadillac.From the very first five seconds, the salesman has the prospect enthused about the sale.

(3) Improve customer interest with novel actions

During the product display process, the salesperson's novelty will also help to increase the interest of customers.For the special properties of commodities, novel actions often show them to the fullest.for example:
Generally, the salesperson who sells dry cleaning agent will carry a dirty cloth and spray the dry cleaning agent on it in front of the customer. Clean it, this display effect must be better than the former.

(4) Product display should be targeted

If there is something special about what you are selling, then your presentation should express that specialness at once.For example, if you are selling a kind of insurance glass, you should take a glass sample and a hammer with you, and hit the glass with the hammer in front of the customer. The customer will definitely have the desire to buy in surprise.When you continue to talk with him, you will find that the conversation between you is so easy to carry out, and the deal is quickly concluded.

(5) Demonstration actions must be skillful
In the process of product display, salespersons must be skilled and natural in their movements, leaving a neat and capable impression on customers, and at the same time, they will also have confidence in their own control of the product.Remember that your attitude will directly affect the customer's choice.

(6) Be calm and unhurried when displaying products
During the entire product display process, the salesperson should be calm and unhurried.Especially when there is an accident in the exhibition, don't be impatient, and don't try to explain it desperately. This will easily give customers the impression of being unreasonable, and all previous efforts will be in vain.

Once there is a problem, you may wish to show a little humor and let the customer understand that it was just an accident, so it is essential to show it again cautiously.

(7) Product display should not be superfluous

Superfluous is a common problem in the sales process. After introducing the content that should be introduced to customers, many salespersons can't restrain their inner excitement and introduce additional "functions" to customers. Cancellation of the original purchase decision.

Once a customer went to the Zhongguancun electronics market to learn about the market for laptops.The customer turned to several stores, roughly looked at the products of several brands, and finally chose a relatively large specialty store, and decided to buy laptops from them.

The salesperson enthusiastically introduced each product to the customer, and asked the customer what kind of work he mainly used this computer for, what kind of configuration and what price product he would probably need.

Customers gave detailed answers one by one.Under the enthusiastic introduction of the sales staff, the customer selected a newly launched notebook computer, and he thought that the configuration of this product best met his requirements.

Next, the customer negotiated the price with the salesperson. The customer thought that although the product had excellent performance, the price was still a bit expensive, but the salesperson said that this is a newly launched product, and of course the price is more expensive than the previous products.

The customer's decision after listening to it makes sense, and it's not that bad after thinking about it, so let's buy it.

At this time, the customer has already decided to buy this computer from the bottom of his heart, but the salesperson also said that this notebook uses real Centrino technology, it is equipped with a wireless network card, and can surf the Internet wirelessly, so this notebook is naturally better than others. Notebook products are more expensive.

The customer didn't understand what wireless Internet access means, so the salesperson explained in detail: "This wireless Internet access means that you can access the Internet without connecting a network cable. In some large companies, college campuses, or coffee shops, there will be a signal transmitting base station. This kind of notebook with wireless Internet access function can surf the Internet freely without any connecting wires." This function sounds very attractive, but customers only find out after comparing with their actual needs: this function is almost a necessity for themselves. If you can’t use it, then why do you need to spend more money to buy this kind of computer?
After much consideration, the customer canceled his original purchase decision.

The salesperson stood there with a dazed face—he still didn't understand where he went wrong?

In fact, in this example, the salesperson could have won the order, but because of his extravagance, the order was lost.For salespeople, they may think that the more functional the product is, the more customers will like it.In fact, for customers, it is enough that the functions of the product can be used, and there is no need to cover everything. Moreover, in general, the more complete the function of the product, the higher the price will naturally be.For customers, if they don't need the functions of that part of the product, they will definitely not pay for it.

In the sales process, the features and benefits of so many products have been introduced to customers. Has the service been accepted?Most people don't.Many customers are reluctant to buy because they are not sure whether they will like the product when they get home, and whether they will be duped by the rhetoric.After all, seeing is believing.So, might as well demonstrate the product to the customer.Demonstration products not only allow customers to feel and see the product in person, but also demonstrate and explain how to use the product.With the help of customers' personal experience, there will be more plans for sales success.

Farewell properly to stay behind
In principle, it will not take long to visit customers for the first time.But if the customer is interested in what you sell or expects to close a deal with you, then the time spent communicating with the customer will automatically be extended.

No matter how long it takes to communicate with the customer for the first time, and whether or not a deal has been concluded with the customer during this visit, then you should express your sincere thanks for providing the customer with this opportunity.

Under normal circumstances, there will be three basic results when visiting unfamiliar customers.

The first situation is: due to various reasons, the customer refused after only communicating with the customer for a short time.For example, the customer has no demand, has not won the trust of the customer, the customer is not interested in the product or service, the customer does not have enough time, and various other reasons.

In this case, it is impossible to reach an agreement with the client through this visit.But no matter the reason, thank the client for taking the time to give you the opportunity to meet.Such as:

"Manager Zhao, I'm very glad that you took the time to provide me with this interview opportunity. I wish you success in your work. Goodbye."

"Ms. Liu, although we can't cooperate this time, I hope to have the opportunity next time. Thank you for taking time out of your busy schedule. Thank you very much!"

"Director Wang, maybe my sales performance didn't satisfy you this time. After I go back, I will study the business well and try to win your order next time. Thank you very much for providing me with such an opportunity...'

No matter what the reason is, regardless of whether the transaction is completed or not, you should maintain a peaceful mind and express your gratitude to the customer.This is not only a kind of respect for customers, but also a reflection of their own professional quality.

A salesman learned during an investigation that a certain wealthy man did not get along well with his neighbors and friends.He decided to pay a visit to find out.

When she entered the door, the lady didn't greet her, she just chanted scriptures in front of the Buddhist altar.The salesman sat quietly aside for half an hour before the lady came to an end.Then, without any pleasantries, the lady talked about religion to the salesman. The atmosphere was very solemn, especially the lady's face was pale.It is so gloomy that it makes people afraid to approach it.

When selling, the topic of religion is a taboo, and it must not be affirmed or denied casually, so the salesman has to listen quietly.Although he repeatedly wanted to change the subject, he suffered from no chance.

He had heard about it for nearly an hour.When the salesman listened patiently and carefully put forward his intention, the lady was still cold and asked the salesman to go out immediately.

Perhaps many people would be angry and walk away in this situation, but this salesman has taught himself not to be angry with customers.When I was about to leave gently, I remembered the very ugly face of the lady, and still said thoughtfully: "Maybe you have encountered something that doesn't go your way, but I hope you can take care of your body, and I will come back to listen to you next time, okay?" gone."

Unexpectedly, the lady was stunned for a while, and suddenly couldn't control her emotions, she said with snot and tears: "You are so kind, you don't know, although my family is rich now, but the money What's the use? My husband has a bad character and suffers from neurasthenia. Whenever something goes wrong, he takes it out on me, and even punches me when it's serious. I'm really..., but who can Can you understand it? Who would really care about me?"

The salesman watched her with gentle and kind eyes, waiting for her to calm down slowly.Later, the salesman came to listen to her whenever he was free and became her most trusted person.The several insurances that the salesman designed for her were of course sold to my wife as a matter of course.

Just imagine, if the salesman, after being coldly received by his wife, resolutely leaves angrily without maintaining his demeanor and leaving a way for the next visit, I believe those few insurance policies should still lie quietly on the salesman's door. Inside the folder!

The second situation is: After in-depth communication with the customer, an agreement is finally reached.

It is certainly something to be happy about being able to reach an agreement with a client during an initial visit.In this case, at the end of the visit, you should first confirm the focus of the conversation, especially the ordering and payment.Make a brief summary of these key points mentioned by the customer to ensure that they are clear, complete and agreed upon by the customer.Then thank the customer for providing this opportunity, thank the customer for their trust, thank the customer for their support for your work, and so on.No matter the size of the business, gratitude is a must.for example:
"Miss Chen, do you need 10 boxes of cosmetics?" After the customer confirmed, he said: "Thank you for providing me with the opportunity to visit me, and thank you very much for accepting our products."

"Mr. Wang, please confirm the content of the contract at last. If you have no comments, please sign and seal. We will perform our obligations according to the contract." After the customer confirmed, he thanked the customer: "Thank you again, Mr. Wang With your understanding and support, we will definitely provide you with the best service."

"Mr. Chen, let me confirm the delivery location and payment method with you. The delivery location is... the payment method is..." After the customer confirmed, he thanked the customer: "At last, thank you, Mr. Chen, for your trust in me. We will definitely The goods will be sent to you in time, so you can rest assured."

The third situation is: Although no agreement has been reached with the customer, the customer has an obvious purchase intention.

Under normal circumstances, for a large amount of sales business, it is rare to get an order through one-time communication, and it may require multiple visits and communication.Even if the first visit did not sign an order with the customer, this visit is also of great significance, so we should express our sincere thanks to the customer for this reception.Not only is this an affirmation of the visit, but it can also provide a good start for the next visit.

Of course, we also need to briefly review and summarize the key points of this conversation, and ask for the opinions of customers to confirm, so as to prepare for the next visit.Then, be sure to agree with the customer on the time of the next visit, which is the key to retaining customers.

For example: "Thank you Mr. Chen for your warm reception. Let's make an appointment next week to discuss the issue of ordering and payment. Do you like it?"

"Boss Xu, you mainly have objections to the delivery method and payment deadline. Are there any other problems? In that case, I will discuss it with the company leaders after I go back and give you an answer as soon as possible. In addition, next time I will modify the The final contract sample is also brought to you. Look, when will we meet again?"

"Manager Wang, thank you for taking so long to provide me with so much valuable information today. According to what you said today, I will go back and make a good supply plan, and then report to you. You see, I brought the plan over next Tuesday morning for you to review, do you think it is okay?"

In this case, we must make an appointment with the customer for the next meeting, and resolve the questions or objections raised by the customer as soon as possible, otherwise the most promising customer will be easily lost.

It should be noted that at the end of the visit, you must also pack up your own things and help the customer restore the items to their original state.For example: put the chair back in its original place, pour out the rest of the tea you drank, pour out the waste generated by your work or presentation, and so on.

(End of this chapter)

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