Sales start with being rejected

Chapter 39 Do a good job of detailed chapters - so that customers can not refuse your psychological

Chapter 39 Do the details well - make the customer unable to refuse your psychological attack (3)
When meeting a group of people, first get a rough idea of ​​four or five names and take the time to write them down.Then meet with the next group of people, remember four or five more people, and repeat until everyone's name is written down.You can try to write their names into a sentence and keep them in your mind.For example, you are meeting with a dozen clients at a banquet at the same time.You can try to string these names together and make a jingle, which will not be easy to forget.It's not always possible to put it into a sentence, but once you know the method, it's not that difficult to remember people's names.

(3) Think about related things
How can you keep the things you want to remember in your mind?Undoubtedly, the use of associations is the most important method.

Once, Nick was eating in a restaurant. Unexpectedly, the owner of that restaurant recognized Nick after 20 years of separation.Nick, who had never noticed him before, was surprised.

He said eagerly: "We are classmates in the same school. My name is Craylo."

Nick didn't think of anything after listening to it, thinking that he had identified the wrong person, but he not only called out Nick's name, but also the name of the school.Seeing that Nick looked confused, he asked further:
"You remember Bill? And Milo?"

"Milo! One of my best friends, of course I remember him."

"Then do you remember the guy who went to school with Milo all day?"

Nick yelled: Craylo!They hugged each other tightly.This is the extraordinary role played by Lenovo.

Remembering people's names can do you a lot of good, sometimes in unexpected ways.

Kewell worked as a salesman in a chain of department stores after graduating from high school.He later became the deputy general manager of the head office. He believed that remembering other people's names and faces was very helpful to his career success, although this was not the reason why he became the deputy general manager.

Someone once asked him if he had been trained in a special memory course.He smiled and said, "It's not necessary at all. At the beginning, my memory was not as good as it is now. At that time, I carried a notebook with me. After talking with the manager of a chain store, I quickly wrote down their names. It even includes the names, ages, and other relevant information of their family members. Then in a few years, I won’t need that notebook unless someone new arrives.”

Sales depends on popularity, and if you want to have good popularity, you must first have a good memory. When you can accurately call each customer's name, you can be called a real salesman .

no one will refuse a smile
Joe Gillard, a famous salesman, said, someone has something worth $100 but can’t even sell it for $10, why, look at his expression, if you want to sell something, your facial expression is very important: it can repel people Thousands of miles can also make strangers become friends instantly.

When you first contact with a customer, a bright smile on your face can often make customers relax their guard against salesmen.Few people will reject a salesman who greets people with a smiling face. On the contrary, people will only reject a salesman with a gloomy face and a very professional appearance.

When dealing with customer objections, you must also have a smile on your face.Because the smile at this moment represents the confidence of the salesman, the confidence that he has the ability to solve the problem satisfactorily, and the confidence that he can satisfy the customer.

When refusing a customer request, there must also be a smile on the face.The smile at this moment means that the salesman agrees with the customer's point of view, but there is really nothing he can do, and he hopes the customer can understand.

When closing a deal and saying goodbye to a client, there is still a smile on your face.The smile at this moment indicates that the salesman is very grateful to the customer for the purchase and is very satisfied with the result of the negotiation.

When saying goodbye to a client without a deal, it's only natural to have a smile on your face.The smile at the moment indicated that although the salesman was a little regretful that the deal was not concluded, but the business was not a friendship, and there must be opportunities for cooperation in the future.

Some salesmen are easily controlled by emotions during the sales process.When customers express dissatisfaction with the transaction requirements and put forward new requirements, they tend to show disappointed expressions.If this kind of expression is captured by the customer, it is extremely easy to be used to control the salesman.At such a moment, the salesman might as well put a smile on his face and say "no" to the customer with a smile.Of course, you can't directly refuse the customer's request, you can say something like "I think...".

People are easily moved, but what moves a person is not necessarily all generous charity and huge investment.Often a warm greeting and a warm smile are enough to shed a piece of sunshine in people's hearts.

William is the top life insurance salesman in the United States, with an annual income of up to one million US dollars.The secret of his success lies in having a smiling face that clients can't resist.But that charming smiling face is not born, but a long-term practice.

William was originally a well-known professional baseball star player in the United States. When he was in his 40s, he was forced to retire due to his declining physical strength, and then went to work as a salesman for an insurance company.

He thought he should be admitted because of his popularity, but he was rejected.The personnel manager said to him: "An insurance company salesman must have a charming smiling face, but you don't have one."

Hearing what the manager said, William was not discouraged, and determined to practice smiling face hard. He laughed out loud at home hundreds of times a day, and the neighbors thought he was out of his mind because of unemployment.To avoid misunderstanding, he simply hid in the toilet and laughed.

After practicing for a while, he went to see the manager.But the manager said it still doesn't work.

William was not discouraged and continued to practice hard. He collected many photos of charming smiling faces of public figures and pasted them all over the room for observation at any time.

He also bought a large mirror at the same height as his body and placed it in the toilet just to go in and laugh three times a day.After a while, he went to see the manager again, and the manager said coldly: "It's better, but it's still not attractive enough."

William refused to admit defeat and went back to practice intensively.One day, when he was walking, he ran into the community manager, smiled naturally, and greeted the manager. The manager said: "Mr. William, you look different from the past." His words greatly boosted his confidence. Immediately ran to see the manager again, the manager said to him: "It's a bit interesting, but it's still not a smile from the heart."

Still unwilling to give up, William went back to practice hard for a while, and finally realized that "the innocent smile that comes from the heart like a baby is the most charming", and practiced that million-dollar smiling face.

Laughing adds to your face value.Girard explained his contagious smile that brought him wealth in this way: frowning requires 9 muscles, while smiling not only uses the mouth and eyes, but also uses the arms and the whole body.

Cherish the first impression you make on your customers
There is a saying in the West: "You don't get a second chance to make a good first impression."

On a hot morning in August, a professional steel salesman walked into the office of the general manager of a manufacturing company.The salesman, wearing a yesterday's shirt and wrinkled trousers, mumbled, with a cigar in his mouth, "Good morning, sir. I represent Albany Steel."

"You what?" asked the prospect. "You represent the Albany Company? Look, young man. I know some of the Albany Company leaders, and you don't represent them—you represent them wrongly. You Good morning too!"

Emerson once said, "You talk so loudly that I can't hear you at all." In other words, the impression conveyed by your appearance, voice and words, demeanor, attitude and manner contribute to Allow the prospect to picture in their minds a picture that reflects your essential character.

When you appear in front of your prospects, what type of person do they see?They capture a series of images or snapshots of you in a split second, and then they store the most important ones in their consciousness.

Some believe that the first 10 seconds of an interview determine whether it will complete or fail.It may be true that we do make quick judgments about a person based on the impression we get in the first few seconds of meeting him.If these judgments are unfavorable, all sales must first overcome the bad impression the sales professional has left on the prospect.On the other hand, a favorable impression can certainly help make a sale, and there's no need to bite the bullet and fight a bad first impression on your prospect.

Says a seasoned manager in Nebraska: "One day a guy came to visit me. He was dressed like a character from a famous old show, 'After the Morning.' Unusual sales pitch, but my mind keeps wandering. I look at his shoes, his pants, then his shirt and tie. Most of the time I wonder if this professional salesman It's all true, so why is he dressed so poorly?

"He told me he had a lot of orders, he had a lot of customers, and they bought a lot of this product. But his personal appearance showed fatally that what he said was not true. I didn't buy it in the end because I was very impressed with his Statement without confidence."

Sales professionals must create a good impression on customers.Must have a successful appearance, a successful conversation and a successful gesture.These are the little things that make a big difference -- and they all contribute to making the sales interview a success.

(End of this chapter)

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