Sales start with being rejected

Chapter 40 Do a good job of detailed chapters - so that customers can not refuse your psychological

Chapter 40 Do the details well - make the customer unable to refuse your psychological attack (4)
First impressions are very important, and it is important to make a good first impression, because you will never get a second chance.A client's first impression of you is based on appearance—your eyes, facial expressions, and so on.You can think of appearance as a surface language, as well as voice.

A person's appearance has an impact on himself, and dressing well will give people a good impression, which is equivalent to telling everyone: "This is an important person, smart, successful, and reliable. Everyone can respect, admire, and trust him. He respects himself, and we respect him."

Only when the other party agrees with you and accepts you, can you enter the other party's world smoothly, and communicate with the other party with ease, so as to manage your own affairs well, and all these acquisitions are largely related to your Appearance related.

Generally, people who leave a good impression on each other are good at communication and cooperation.And a person's appearance is one of the basic elements to leave a good impression on the other party.Just imagine, a disheveled and sloppy person and an elegant and neatly dressed person are doing the same amount of work under similar conditions. I am afraid that the former is likely to be neglected, while the latter is more likely to be treated well .Especially when working in a strange place, how to make a good first impression on others is more important.There has long been a saying in the world that "a man depends on his clothes and a horse depends on his saddle". If a person has a good set of clothes to match, it seems that his social status has been raised to a higher level, and his confidence has been enhanced psychologically and emotionally.Smart people should not blame the world for "judging people by their appearance". Everyone has eyes, and everyone has an appearance. Who doesn't look at someone with outstanding clothes?The art of dressing not only gives people a good impression, but also directly reflects a person's cultivation, temperament and sentiment. It can often reveal to others what kind of character you are before they know you or your talent. With a little effort, you will get twice the result with half the effort.

Disheveled and unkempt evokes the image of a loser.And perfect grooming and pleasant body odor can greatly improve your image.Some people never really develop a good self-care habit, which may be the hangover from a rough schooldays, or parents who set a bad example, or who don't take themselves seriously enough.These people often "fish for three days and dry the net for two days", as long as they are basically clean and no one looks down on them, they can walk out and it will be fine.If you take care of your image, good grooming habits can develop quickly.If you're born with a beard, there's nothing you can do about it, but at least you want to give the impression that you can take care of yourself.The condition of your teeth, skin, hair, nails, and your posture all indicate your level of self-esteem.

People's first impression of you is often obtained from clothing and appearance, because clothing can often express a person's identity and personality.After all, it takes a long time for the other party to understand your inner beauty, and only appearance can tell it at a glance.

Details of door-to-door sales

When you go to a client's home for a visit, you should stop a little away from the client's home, about one house away.That way, you can take advantage of the distance to your client's home for a final touch of mood or grooming.

Before knocking on the door, you'd better not hold any sales materials in your hand, because that can easily make you nervous.When you stand in front of customers with empty hands, you will naturally introduce yourself.

When making a sales call like this, you can say something like: "Hi, my name is XX, and I'm a kitchen salesman. I don't know if I'm going to interrupt you with such an abrupt visit." Or say: "Your home is beautiful. , like a beautiful garden."

At a certain point in your conversation, you might as well borrow the phone from the customer suddenly-"Can I use your phone?" This is a small trick, but your expression must be as if there is an important It's as if your date is waiting for you.

The advantage of doing this is that it can increase the good atmosphere of your conversation with customers.When customers need help from others, you must actively offer to help, even if it is just a small thing, it can have a profound impact.Although this is a very simple matter, it is easy to be ignored by the salesman and affect the transaction.

Even if the product you are selling is just an inconspicuous stone, you still have to wrap it in velvet and display it in front of customers to emphasize its characteristics and value. This is the most famous metaphor in the sales world.The significance of using this method is to convince customers that even ordinary products contain rich value.

When you sell cars or home appliances to customers, you must never knock them with your hands, but only touch them cautiously and carefully, so that customers can feel the dignity and value of the products invisibly.At the same time, in order to deepen the customer's impression of the product, its characteristics must be explained at the end when explaining the product.Another most important point is that in the final stage of negotiating a deal, you must first observe who is the decision maker of the financial revenue and expenditure in this family, especially this time, who is the key person who affects the payment of the bill, because there may be someone in the customer's family. The elderly and children, or both couples are present, so you have to observe who is the decision maker for the purchase.

Once, a salesman went to a customer's house for sales. When talking with the customer about the final stage, the customer's son came back from the outside. When he saw the product his father had chosen, he immediately denied it: "This kind of It’s too ugly and inconvenient to use, don’t want it.”

The client's son is about seventeen or eighteen years old, and the salesman knows that such a child is at the age of self-righteousness.So he found that the key to the success of this sales promotion lies in this child.

He immediately turned the steering wheel and chatted with the child, and showed him the large-scale drawings of the product for him to choose, and he immediately took a fancy to a delicate and small product.

"This one is okay." He pointed to the beautifully designed product with a small volume.

"Oh, this is indeed very beautiful, but it is not suitable for families with many people." The child nodded in agreement.

"Not as good as this one," the salesman pointed to another item of the same style but with a larger volume.

"Look, this one is more suitable for your family."

Then he said: "Look, you are already a big guy, and the rice cooked in that small pot is not enough for you alone." The child laughed embarrassedly after hearing this.

Finally he made a decision, bought the product recommended by the salesman, and the child's father happily paid the bill.

When negotiating with a couple or a group of people, if you misread the target, you will not only waste time, but also make people look down on you, so that your transaction is bound to fail.Of course, this requires you to observe patiently.First of all, the person who asked the most about the product and expressed great interest at the same time must not be.

An insurance salesman recalled one of his failed experiences like this:

"It was a Sunday, and I visited a customer. This is a family of three. The customer's son is already in high school and seems to be particularly interested in insurance. When I introduced the product to his father, he kept asking question, so I answered his questions. When the visit was over, I failed to get the order. Later I found out that the biggest mistake of that visit was that I took the person who asked the most questions—the client’s son—as the main character."

In fact, the salesman failed because he did not observe the customers. Such a child has no right to decide on such an important matter as buying insurance. He kept asking questions, but he was full of curiosity about insurance.

If you're making door-to-door sales to a young couple, take into account their current financial situation. Most young couples are a little financially strapped, but they try to hide it from outsiders.They are optimistic and want to change the status quo. If the salesman can show a sincere attitude, they will not refuse a deal.

For this kind of customers, you must show your enthusiasm and stimulate their desire to buy when you explain the products.At the same time, you might as well talk about each other's life background, future, emotions and other issues during the conversation. This kind of friendly conversation can easily prompt their impulse purchases.

However, you must consider the economic capabilities of such customers. Therefore, when making product descriptions, try not to increase the psychological burden of customers as a principle.

In short, as long as they have confidence in the product and a little stimulation, they will naturally buy it.

The most important thing about door-to-door sales is to make friends with them so that they can trust you.You must express your concern for the family, and praise and affirm the product itself, and at the same time explain that the product is inseparable from its bright future.In this way, while he was happy, the business was naturally closed.

If there are many people in your sales pitch, then you must find out who is the real customer hidden behind.If you are selling in a certain organization, if you want to quickly find their leader among a large group of people, then you have to observe the eyes of some people before speaking. Usually, many people will look at a certain person before speaking. , this person is their leader.

If this method still does not make you see clearly, you can ask some important questions to someone in the group. If this person is a leader, he will answer your questions accurately, but if not, he will Turn to the leader for assistance.

This simple observation saves time from wasting and losing deals, and by identifying who is the leader, you can make the most effective merchandising presentations.

(End of this chapter)

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