Chapter 55 He ate...

Mu Xin raised her head and saw that Mo Jingyu had dark circles under her eyes. She really should have a good rest. She looked at another plate of carrots in front of her. He heard that it was good for her eyes, so she sandwiched Mo Jingyu, "I heard Carrots are good for the eyes, look at you, you are going to become a national treasure, our family is not a zoo, although we can afford it, we don’t have national treasures either.”

Mrs. Mo and Song Aoyu both knew that Mo Jingyu hated eating carrots, and he didn't like other people serving him food. Just like what he said just now, he didn't like eating other people's saliva.

By the time Mu Xin recalled what Mo Jingyu had just said to Mo Ci, Mo Jingyu had already picked it up and ate it.

Mrs. Mo and Song Aoyu were dumbfounded. Is this the Mo Jingyu they know you?

What about the one who doesn't drink?
Seeing Mo Jingyu eat, Mu Xin remembered the scene of the two of them kissing, as if this saliva had been eaten before.

That's why I don't mind. It just so happens that his eyes hurt too, so it's normal to eat it.

But what she didn't know was that Mo Jingyu didn't like carrots, and Mrs. Mo deliberately arranged for the carrots to be placed in front of Mu Xin tonight. It was never possible to see carrots.

But the four of them didn't think about it anymore and continued to eat, while Song Aoyu could only watch them eat quietly.

In fact, he didn't eat well just now, he just did that to get rid of Mo Ci, and now he regrets it a bit.

But I can't eat it, forget it, anyway, I can come to eat and drink in the future.

But looking at the two people, Mo Jingyu and Mu Xin, they seem to be nothing, but the two of them should have something to do, the only difference is that the other party didn't express it.

Because in the past, Mo Jingyu was the last one among their brothers who should get married, and he might even never get married for the rest of his life. I didn't expect that if he didn't fall in love once, he might become the first person to get married.

Mrs. Mo looked at these two people, it would be great if they could do the same in the future.

I blame my grandson for being too boring. Although he inherited the genes of his parents' looks, why didn't he inherit the genes of hers?

Mo Jingyu's father didn't inherit her genes either, thinking back then Mo Jingyu's mother was also brought together by himself.

Otherwise, you may be a bachelor all your life.

Suddenly sighed at the dinner table, both Mo Jingyu and Mu Xin looked over, "Grandma, I just feel that this moment is really good seeing you all by my side, so I sigh, it's nothing."

After hearing Mrs. Mo's words, Mo Jingyu and Mu Xin continued to eat, and Mu Xin also felt that this moment was really good. Looking at Mo Jingyu who was opposite, eating so elegantly was beyond compare.

And looking at his flourishing beauty, he instantly felt his appetite greatly increased. Looking at the food on the dinner table, it was already delicious, but watching Mo Jingyu eat it, he felt even more delicious.

After dinner, Mo Jingyu went to the study, but Mo Ci didn't come out after entering the room, Mrs. Mo, Song Aoyu and Mu Xin were chatting in the living room.

In fact, it was Mrs. Mo and Mu Xin who were chatting, and Song Aoyu was playing games with a tablet.

Mrs. Mo didn't talk too much. Although she likes Mu Xin, the future is long and there will be more opportunities in the future.

Stand up and ask someone to make a cup of coffee for Mo Jingyu, "Xinxin, I'll call Xiao Cui and make a cup of coffee for Jing Yu. Since Xiaoci ate from outside, there is no need to wake her up. She must have already Fell asleep."

(End of this chapter)

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