Chapter 56 Care
Drinking coffee in the evening, and he hasn't rested since yesterday, it should be said that he closed his eyes, he just micked in his office for a while before coming back today.

"Grandma, why don't I come and stop calling. Although they don't work all day, it's not easy. I'll do this little thing."

Mu Xin didn't make coffee, but a cup of green tea. Drinking coffee at night is better than having a cup of hot milk.

Mrs. Mo and Song Aoyu watched Mu Xin go up, and they both smiled at each other.

Mu Xin arrived outside Mo Jingyu's study, and didn't know what to do?
Would you like to knock on the door, but would it disturb him if he fell asleep?
If he is working, surely it will affect him too?
As everyone knows, Mo Jingyu in the study is also thoughtful, and has no work at all.

Mu Xin still knocked on the door, bang bang bang, hoping in her heart that she didn't disturb him.

Mo Jingyu didn't know who would come to the study to look for him at night, anyway, it couldn't be Song Aoyu, he never knocked on the door when he came in.

It can't be grandma, grandma usually talks about things during the day, it is impossible to say at night, this is her habit.

But who will it be at night? It can't be her.

Could it be Mo Ci? Why is she looking for me?
Mo Jingyu resumed his cold tone, "Enter." Then he flipped through the file, but he couldn't read it at all, always...

"I'll bring you a cup of hot milk. Don't drink coffee at night. It will affect your sleep. Also, don't stay up all night. Look, you've become a panda."

Mo Jingyu knew it was her when she walked in, because everyone's footsteps were different, so it was even more pleasant to hear her voice.

It's just that he didn't show it, and said, "Thank you."

Mo Jingyu looked at the hot milk in front of him. He didn't like to drink it, but today he suddenly wanted to drink it.

Mu Xin watched him drink, her Adam's apple moved up and down, and felt that she couldn't watch it anymore, otherwise she was afraid of doing something more absurd than the previous few times.

So I walked around in his study and found a lot of books, but I have never read them. To me, the words in these books are understandable, but the meaning of these books together is the same as heavenly scriptures.

"Mo Jingyu, have you read all these books?" It's the same as asking, how could you not have read these books.


For the first time, Mu Xin heard him say no, "But I have seen these books have been read many times?"

"Some books are because I have to read them, and some books are for..." I miss.

Why didn't you say anything, Mu Xin could only ask him, "What are you using it for?"


Favorite? It's okay, you're rich, "Oh."

Mu Xin looked at Mo Jingyu and kept staring at the cup of hot milk, why didn't he finish it? I saw him take a sip just now.

Hot? It can't be hot?
Still don't like it?
Grandma just said it was coffee, don't you really like milk?
"Do you not like milk? Grandma just wanted to ask Xiaocui to make you coffee, but I brought you milk on my own initiative. I'm sorry, I'll go back and change it."

When Mu Xin walked over, she saw Mo Jingyu picked it up and drank it in one gulp, "No, it's just hot."

"Oh, that's good, don't drink coffee at night, it will affect sleep."

Listening to Mu Xin's words, is she caring about herself? I'm secretly happy.

Mo Jingyu spat out slowly, "Yes."

(End of this chapter)

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