Reborn sweet wife, Mr. Mo, I'm back

Chapter 57 The Little Prince

Chapter 57 The Little Prince

Since Mo Jingyu also drank, don't bother him, "Then I'll go down first."

"you are tired?"


"What I mean is, if you're not sleepy, you can check here to see if there are any books you like." Mo Jingyu didn't know why, but he just hoped that she could be here.

"Really?" Mu Xin didn't expect Mo Jingyu to say that, she was really excited.


"Then I'll flip through it casually, and I'm sure I won't mess it up."

Mu Xin looked at the covers of all the books, and was not interested in the titles and content of the books, but unexpectedly there was a book in a relatively secret place, which seemed to be placed on purpose.

The little prince, really the little prince.

I finally found a book I could understand, but seeing why this book is so familiar, I seem to have seen it somewhere.

But I can't remember, and I don't know why I think I have seen this book when I saw it, especially the cover in the lower right corner is missing, why I feel more and more familiar.

But after thinking about it, how is it possible? How could Mo Jingyu buy this kind of book to read? Maybe he had it when he was a child.

But why does it feel like deja vu, "Mo Jingyu, is this little prince yours? Why do I feel like deja vu."

Mo Jingyu saw it, walked over slowly, and took the book in Mu Xin's hand, "It's not mine, this book was given to me by an old friend of mine, but unfortunately she doesn't remember it."

Seeing that Mo Jingyu's eyes were a little sad, it seems that he is really important to him, and he should be the one he likes, "Don't get me wrong, the reason I said deja vu may be because I also like this book , not that I..."

Mo Jingyu didn't let Mu Xin speak out completely, "You can watch it if you like it, but remember to put it back."

Mu Xin thinks how can he read it, although he is willing, but he doesn't want to read it anymore, because there is a saying that if the person you love shows you the things that the person you love gives him, it is telling you indirectly , I belong.

Just now Mu Xin also saw a bookmark inside: If the last person is you, it doesn't matter if you wait.

It means that Mo Jingyu is waiting for the person in his heart.

"Thank you, no need, although I like to watch, it's just good to watch what I like, and I don't have to really get it." Mu Xin felt that she was really cowardly.

After hearing her words, why did Mo Jingyu feel baffled? Didn't he ask her to read it?Why do you say that all of a sudden.

"I'm going down first, I don't want to read the book, I put it back for you."

Mu Xin walked to the place where she had just taken the book, put it back, and then picked up the cup to leave, but was grabbed by Mo Jingyu's hand.

"Mu Xin, I..."

It was the first time I heard Mo Jingyu calling his name like this, and he seemed to be a little angry inside. "Is there anything else? I'll go down first."

In fact, Mo Jingyu didn't know what to say. He just saw her expression and wanted to ask her what's wrong, but he couldn't say it when he got to his mouth, "Tomorrow is my birthday, grandma will definitely invite you, you I also know that grandma likes you, I hope you can come and stay by her side."

It turned out to be because of grandma. If you invited me, I would be very happy, even if I am not the one who will be by your side in the end.

Mu Xin didn't turn her head, because she was afraid of tears remaining, and found that as long as Mo Jingyu did something that touched her, tears would always overflow her eyes.

"Okay, I will definitely come, I'll go down first, and go to bed early."

"Well, you should rest early too."

(End of this chapter)

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