Chapter 198
Chapter 196

For the first time, Leallie and Shiyabi understood.

Don't offend women, seeing the bloody awl getting bigger and bigger in front of him, Lealie swallowed, and asked Tang San quietly, "Well, little brother, she must be a demon, she is really scary. Speak, can your protective shield block it?"

Tang San was very speechless, he just wanted to ask, who caused it, "I don't know, it should be unstoppable."

"Um." Lealie was slightly taken aback, touched his pocket in fear, and continued to ask, "Brother, do you know Mr. Chen Mo?"

Tang San was slightly taken aback, hearing the strange name that suddenly popped out of Leallie's mouth, he was also taken aback, before he could react.

Xiao Wu has already moved, controlling the divine power to restrain them, the whole person seemed to be nervous, rushed to Lealie, and shouted, "What are you talking about! Chen Mo, you know Chen Mo, where is he, where is he!"

Leallie paused, "I, I..."

He started to stutter as he spoke.

Xiao Wu became more and more anxious, "What am I, what happened to Xiao Mo. Tell me."

In the end it was Tang San who was the first to calm down, holding Xiao Wu, and it was only then that Xiao Wu slowed down and let him go.

Leallie was stunned for a moment, and just about to speak, a bloody awl had already hit the divine light shield.

"Bastard, for what you did, repent!"

The somewhat crazy Ke Lisa yelled loudly.


The divine light shield disintegrated.

Without the protection of the divine light, the demons behind her stared at her like a wolf entering a sheep's nest, showing its ferocious fangs.

Leallie and Shiyabi were so frightened that they couldn't help hugging everything. They were like lambs, helpless.

Leallie held an unknown sphere with trembling hands.

The dots of light flowing on it indicate that he is really working.

"Ah, Allie, how long will it take for the space locator." Shi Yabi said with a trembling voice.

Leallie, although he was also scared, was still calm, "I, I don't know either."

"You said it, will it be broken?"

"Damn it, don't you have a crow's mouth, okay?"

"Woo, I was wrong."

What the two of them didn't notice was that everything around them seemed to slow down.

In other words, the space froze.

A black kitten appeared in front of everyone with graceful strides. She gracefully raised her paw, and gently placed it on the blood god cone in front of her.


She yelled softly, a smile flashing in her eyes.


The seemingly invincible Blood God Cone disintegrated and disappeared into the air.

With the disintegration of the blood god cone, the surrounding space also resumed its movement. Kelisha looked at the black kitten that suddenly appeared in front of her, feeling jealous and angry at the same time.

"Damn, who are you!"

"Meow~" Youyou's playful voice came, "It doesn't matter who I am, the important thing is that the more you bully the less, isn't it unfair?"

"Fair? Haha. Let me tell you, there is no fairness in the world." Kelisha laughed angrily.

"Give it to me!"

As soon as she gave an order, the countless demon army and blood-colored family members around him rushed towards her together.



Zhu Zhuqing and the others panicked, they couldn't help but yelled.

Youyou was not afraid to stay where she was, she gracefully licked her paws, and tidied her hair, an inexplicable flash of light flashed in her pupils.

"Actually, I can also call people. Come out, my army of undead!"

(There should be bgm here)

Youyou lifted and patted the ground, and suddenly, the color of the world changed, the whole ground became fragmented, and the sky also turned into pure black.

Different from the purple-black color of the abyss, it is a pure black color without any additives. It has an original taste and a good taste.

Keke, messed up.


A green light emerged from the ground, white skeletons stretched out their big hands, and skeletons and undead appeared in front of everyone, not just human skeletons.

There are many soul beast skeletons.

She hadn't appeared before. In fact, she had been collecting the resurrected undead. After tens of thousands of years in the mainland, there would only be more or less corpses.

She hadn't completely reincarnated them into undead before, and after this period of gestation, finally her last skeleton also turned into undead.

Now, she returns with the dead.

The skeleton is like a white wave colliding with the black wave of the demons.

Immediately, the shattered skeleton hands and feet, heads, flew across, bloody flesh, and broken hands and feet of demons, also flew out as if they didn't want money.

"Bastard!" Ke Lisa slapped the handle of the throne, becoming more ferocious.

"Twelve pillars, and there are all demon generals, what are you waiting for! Come on!"

Whoever gave her an order, Yu Xiaogang turned into a black dragon and rushed out first. With a light swipe of the dragon's claws, he easily destroyed the skeletons and undead in front of him, clearing out a vacuum space.

But soon, that space was filled, maybe these low-level skeletons were fragile, but there were so many of them, and sooner, Youyou had more than these low-level undead.

"Meow~ My undead knight, protect your queen!" Youyou called softly, and her whole body turned into a cute little loli with a black painting style. Mess up, knight.

Youyou leaned back slightly, a throne piled up with white skulls supported her, the black fell into the white, appearing inexplicably harmonious.

Green flames danced in the eyes of the undead knight, and the weapon in his hand also ignited the fire of the undead. The mount under his crotch neighed, and his hooves trampled on the ground, and he rushed out.

With a huge base, the demons who were once suppressed could not breathe.

Many demons are exhausted, they are not tireless like the undead, they will be tired.

Look at the undead skeletons that seem to never be killed, look at the gloomy green ghostly candles in their eyes.

For the first time, the demons, who had never been afraid, had fear.

Kelisha's face was grim. Behind her, a family member came to her with injuries, "Your Majesty, these undead can't be killed, why don't we retreat first."

"Retreat?" Ke Lisa jumped up as if her butt was on fire when she heard it, "What are you! Retreat, don't retreat anyone, fuck me, kill him, kill them!"

"But, Queen."

He wanted to say something more, but was stopped by Kelisha, who had an ugly face and stretched out her hand to hold up an inexplicable scarlet.

The family members on one side saw it, and there was a trace of panic in their eyes.

"This, this is."

"Bloom, Bloody Flower!"

As Ke Lisa said, the scarlet in her hands faded to the surroundings and fell to the ground. Without the knowledge of the crowd, blood-colored flowers were slowly blooming under their feet.

The bloody little flower is so beautiful, but it's a pity that no one appreciates its charm on this battlefield of blood and dry bones.

At this time, the spear in the undead knight's hand pierced through the sky, like a rainbow penetrating the sun, piercing through a four-armed demon.

A splash of bright red blood gushed out, just splashing on the beautiful little flower. The red little flower did not become ruined because of the blood, but instead became more bewitching and beautiful.

A faint bright red aura spread around.

A demon who was knocked down looked at the little flower that appeared in front of him strangely. The light red aura was inhaled into his body with one breath, and his eyes changed in just a blink of an eye.

His pupils were filled with blood, his whole body twitched inexplicably, and he laughed inexplicably, becoming a little excited.

Suddenly, he felt that his broken arm was fine, and his pierced chest was fine, and the strength came from nowhere, propping him up and rushing into the battlefield again.

And it's not just tired, I don't know the pain.

Don't yet know fear, and immortality.

The light red aura spread out bit by bit, and more and more demons climbed up again, they knew no pain, no fear. . .

The originally overwhelming situation suddenly changed, which made Youyou a little at a loss, and soon her grandfather discovered the abnormal breath in the air.

It was an aura that made people crazy and insane. Their existence would be automatically purified, but it was different for others. There were more than [-] million ordinary people in Sea God Island.

They don't have divine bodies like Tang San and the others.

Qian Renxue and the others looked at each other, bit their lips lightly, and said to them, "Tang San, I will leave this to you."

As she spoke, she raised the angel sword in her hand, and a divine light radiated from her whole body.

The light faded to the surroundings, preventing the light red gas from spreading into the island.

"Angel ~ Holy Barrier!"

She chose to replace Shenguang and re-supported the Shenguang shield.

Tang San and the others were somewhat touched, "Don't worry."

As he spoke, he held the Seagod Trident in his hand, concentrated his mind, and looked at the battlefield in front of him, "It's time for us to go."

"Let's go." Dai Mubai moved lightly, his whole body making the sound of joints clicking.

Oscar was at the end, he was an ADC, he suddenly saw Leallie and Shi Yabi on the side, and said to them, "You two, go in too, the next battle is not for you to participate in."

Shi Yabi nodded slightly, and was about to pull Leallie beside him into the barrier, but Leallie stayed where he was.

He handed the set ball in his arms to Shi Yabi, and took out an inexplicable thing. If it came from time travel, after watching cartoons, you should know that this is not a magic light stick.

Do you want to become Tiga! ! ? ?

Shi Yabi was very straightforward, "Ariel, what are you doing, let's stop making trouble."

Facts have proved that Chen Mo has played a spoof again. He deliberately made the mobile armor device so secondary, but it is actually useless.

Laialie turned on the divine light wand, bah bah, it was a mecha summoner, a magic circle appeared from under his feet, lifted him up, and from it, a mecha full of magic textures and absolute steel streamer appeared there.

Leallier appeared directly in the cab.

His voice came with a smile, "I didn't make trouble, and I'm not powerless, Abby, you watch the set ball."

Shi Yabi's expression was dull, and he stared blankly at Leallie, who was manipulating the mecha, drifting away. For some reason, he felt inexplicably regretful.

He looked down on their messy mechs and outer armor, and thought that a real man should punch to the flesh.

He now realizes that he was wrong, outrageously wrong, the mecha is the charm of a real man, okay?

No matter which world it is, the trend of mechs will never decrease.

Shi Yabi made up his mind in his heart, after returning, he would buy a mecha no matter what, and one that was more handsome than Leallie.

Yes, you must be handsome.


. . . . .

 I never thought that posting and depositing manuscripts would be so painful.

(End of this chapter)

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