Chapter 199

Chapter 197

Lealie controlled the mecha to enter the battlefield, and the low-level monsters were not as good as his enemies with the laser sword.

Even if it is a magic general, under his special electromagnetic cannon, he will be extremely injured.

Although Ma Hongjun is much more mature than before, but being the youngest among them, he is still a bit childish.

"Wow, what are you, so handsome."

Ma Hongjun's body was surrounded by flames, and the wings of flames behind him knocked a demon general into the air, gathering strength in his hands to destroy him with one blow, what a pity.

Lealie took a quick step. He manipulated the mecha to raise his arm, and the electric light on the arm converged, revealing a channel condensed by the current.


A jet of electric current shot out, directly hitting the unsuspecting demon general, and it was blown to pieces today.

Hearing Ma Hongjun's question, Leallie stopped and took a breath while controlling the mecha, "What are you talking about? This is called a mecha, hehe, haven't you seen it before. This, even an ordinary person, can use the mecha to fight Holy and strong. And mine is custom-made. The god of law can also be hurt. Hehe, handsome."

Ma Hongjun was dumbfounded, "Handsome."

Although he doesn't understand what the Holy Fa, the God of the Fa is.

On the other hand, Kelisha frowned when she saw her, "Puppet? Kenny, what are you waiting for! Come on."

When Kenny heard Ke Lisa calling him, his eyes turned abnormally, looking at Leallie, "Well, magic power, puppets, what a weird craft. Interesting."

As he spoke, his body disintegrated bit by bit, turning into countless parts and falling to the ground.

Those parts and fragments were like seeds, planted into the earth, and suddenly the fragments began to shine, and the whole earth was illuminated.

Inexplicable puppets rushed into the battlefield through the light.

Although the undead are fearless and exhausted, the berserk demons are also tireless and painless.

He is fearless, even if his limbs are broken, he still rushes desperately, even if he bites with his mouth, he will bite off a piece of the enemy.

Tang San and the others met, it was a long time ago, when they were still great soul masters, in the soul fighting arena.

Looking back at the Battle Berserker team now, that memory is inexplicably deep.

Numerous puppets flooded into the battlefield, and many of them were huge in size and even surpassed Twelve Pillars in strength.

This time, the pressure on Tang San and the others suddenly increased, and Lealie also became flustered, "I'll go, it's too much, and you actually called someone. I said, do you still have people, call someone to come up."

"Calling someone? It's a burden for them to come, you can go back first, there is an enchantment to protect the temporary safety." Ma Hongjun said.

Seeing Ma Hongjun's hard work, Le Allie's thought of retreating disappeared, "What, you look down on people, don't you? If you don't retreat, I won't either!"

Dai Mubai, who had just repelled a family member, heard it, and immediately had a good feeling, "Haha, yes, the boy tastes like me."

Dai Mubai laughed out loud, entered it again, and several of his relatives, Twelve Zhuyuan, killed evenly.

Leallie panted slightly, looked at the endless enemies, and said angrily, "It's just that there are so many people, come on, give me a shot, it will explode!"

He yelled, opened the control panel on one side, and pressed the button.

The entire mecha stopped there, and the shell magazines stored behind him scattered one by one, just when Ma Hongjun and the others were surprised.


Twelve rounds in a row, all sprayed out, fired into the air, they exploded suddenly, Ma Hongjun couldn't help complaining when he saw it, "I'll go, I'm brother, is this your broken, why did it explode in the middle?"

Leallie said disdainfully, "Tch, I didn't see it, let me show you what it means to let a hundred flowers bloom!"

As he said, the shells that had already exploded in mid-air blasted out many tiny seeds, which scattered one by one and fell to the ground.

Then nothing happened.

Ma Hongjun was speechless, "That's it?"

"Hey, don't worry, come on! Let's bloom!" Lealie yelled loudly, and those small shells that looked like seeds seemed to be growing and blooming, displaying buds.

There are countless small red flowers on display, which are very beautiful, but it is a pity that no one cares on this bloody battlefield.

Not only that, the buds are blooming, just like a chrysanthemum.

There were also some sane demon generals who looked down curiously, but they hadn't seen clearly yet, an inexplicable flame swept across, and the entire battlefield turned into a raging flame, and none of the demons among them were spared.

Ma Hongjun flew into the air, looked down, "It's so beautiful."

It is indeed beautiful, each blooming flower covers several meters, and countless small flowers bloom together, covering more than one-fifth of the entire battlefield.

Everything in it turned into nothingness. Although the effect was good, it was a pity that the battlefield was huge and the number was huge. That area was quickly flooded by countless mechanical puppets. Everything in it was beautiful, like a flash in the pan, just a blink of an eye.

"Hey, quick, quick, a few more shots." Ma Hongjun urged anxiously.

The corner of Leallie's mouth twitched feebly, "You, you think it's a Chinese cabbage. It's still a few shots, and it's on the line. I made a lot of effort to get it."

"Uh, now, what should I do?"

"What else can I do, put on the weapon and cut it." Leallie said, the mech flicked both hands, and drew two sharp hand knives.

The mecha jumped up in the air and rushed into the battlefield.

In the enchantment, every second is suffering, and Shi Yabi has been holding tightly, the streamer ball, walking back and forth non-stop, "Hurry up, hurry up."

With her big belly, Bai Chenxiang looked at Ma Hongjun outside, killing all directions. Although he was a bit embarrassed, he was really handsome.

Just after Ma Hongjun hit a puppet, an ominous red light suddenly flashed in the puppet's eyes.

Ma Hongjun secretly thought that something was wrong, hurriedly got back, the puppet exploded first, and the range was tens of meters, among them, no matter the demons or the undead, they were all smashed to pieces.

Tang San and the others noticed, their hearts tightened, but they quickly reacted, shouting and reminding, "Attention everyone, the puppet will explode!"

"Fatty!" Dai Mubai fought off the two subordinates in his hand, ready to go to help.

Bai Chenxiang was stunned, and trembling all over, "Ma Hongjun..."

In the dust raised by the explosion, a flame flashed out, and Ma Hongjun walked out of the haze of the explosion step by step with a fiery red egg in his arms.

Dai Mubai hurried over to ask, "Fatty, are you alright?"

"Don't worry, heal the divine light and restore the divine light."

"Fatty, come eat a sausage..."

Ma Hongjun stared blankly at everyone, feeling slightly moved in his heart, "I'm fine, it's just Xiaofeng. Him."

It turned out that it was Huo Feng in his arms, Huo Feng had been cooperating with Ma Hongjun in fighting all the time, he turned into a protective flame around Ma Hongjun, protecting Ma Hongjun, this time, he also protected Ma Hongjun very well.

Bai Chenxiang also didn't care about the tears in the corners of his eyes rushing directly into Ma Hongjun's arms. Seeing Bai Chenxiang, Ma Hongjun immediately became nervous, "Xiangxiang, why did you come out, go back quickly."

"No, I won't go back, I want to be with you." Bai Chenxiang said stubbornly.

Ma Hongjun's eyes showed a touch of emotion, but he quickly became firm, "No, you go back quickly, take Xiaohuo with you. Let's go. Rongrong, Oscar, help me send Xiangxiang back."

Bai Chenxiang struggled, "No, no, I won't go back, I'm right here, I'm going to be with you. I..."

"Sleep, dormant light." Ning Rongrong dragged the Nine Treasure Glazed Tile Pagoda and shot a beam of divine light into Bai Chenxiang's body, which made her completely quiet.

A look of reluctance flashed in Ma Hongjun's eyes, he looked at Ning Rongrong, "Please."

Ning Rongrong nodded solemnly, "Yes."

The war goes on, everything goes on.

. . . . . .

(End of this chapter)

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