Professor of Magic

Chapter 12 Lesson 11 Competition

Chapter 12 Lesson 11 Competition
With the experience of being a mercenary on the first day, in the next ten days, the students didn't need Lin Yuan to give more instructions, and they took the task and completed it by themselves every day.

And Lin Yuan is also experimenting with his mixed magic in different tasks every day, but unfortunately, since the last time he accidentally created the freak of ice and fire ball, his mixed magic has not made any progress.

After more than ten days like this, the number of gold coins in Vince's hands actually exceeded 100.Under the instigation of the students, Lin Yuan had no choice but to immediately apply for a mercenary regiment.

"You guys need to do one more thing." Who knew that after the 100 gold coins were handed in, the waiter didn't immediately approve them to set up a mercenary group.


"Before establishing a mercenary group, you must first prove your own strength." The waiter pointed to the mission announcement board next to him. "To complete a task with a minimum of D-level."

Lin Yuan breathed a sigh of relief.Even if the waiter didn't say anything, he was still going to take a D-level task for the students to practice, so as to meet their requirements a few days ago.

Among the mercenary missions, both F and E grade missions can be regarded as low-level missions, as long as mercenaries with a certain force foundation can complete them independently.But when it comes to D-level, it's quite different.Starting from this level of tasks, each task is truly dangerous.Generally speaking, these tasks are given to those mercenaries who already have a certain strength, and the average college students are still a lot worse.

Of course, for the mercenary group, these tasks are another matter.Tasks that cannot be handled by one person will be much easier with a group of people. This is why the mercenary union regards D-level tasks as the primary assessment of the mercenary regiment.

Lin Yuan discussed with Katyusha, and finally selected a task of "destroying evil wolves".

This task is not complicated.There is a farm less than 50 miles northwest of Windnor.Recently, a group of wind wolves suddenly appeared on the outskirts of the farm, seriously hindering the normal operation of the farm. The farmer had no choice but to issue a mission to recruit mercenaries to eliminate the wind wolves.

The wind wolf is only a first-level monster, so it is stronger than ordinary wolves. It can shoot a few wind blades out of the belt. Even if it is a herd creature, it is not a big threat.This task is relatively simple among D-level tasks, and it is suitable for students to practice.

"Mr. Lin, I object to accepting this task." Just as Lin Yuan was about to accept the task, Vince suddenly opened his mouth.

"Oh why?"

"The reward for this task is 10 gold coins, but I calculated just now that we need to spend 4 gold coins to complete this task, and we can only earn 6 gold coins in the end. It is estimated that it will take a day at least to complete this task , the efficiency is too low." After being appointed by Lin Yuan as the Minister of Finance, Vince was very serious about this aspect.

"Don't worry about making money. After everyone is proficient, it will naturally be more efficient." Lin Yuan patted Vince with a smile. "Besides, our main purpose is to allow you to exercise well. As long as you don't lose money, you can do whatever you want."

Vince opened his mouth, but in the end he didn't say much.

After more than ten days of exercise, the physical strength of the students is much better than before. Although they have gone through a bumpy 50-mile journey, they are all in good spirits when they get off the carriage. Went outside the farm to find the wolves.

"It turns out that there is such a large grassland outside Wendnuo City." Lin Yuan looked into the distance, and saw a small farm in front of him. The farm used to be full of green, and a large number of cattle and sheep were scattered on the grassland at this time. A piece of peace.

According to the information provided by the owner of the farm, the wind wolves only appear at night, and there are at least hundreds of them at a time. With the simple defense force of the farm, they are not opponents at all.

Now that he knew that the wind wolf would only appear at night, Lin Yuan was not in a hurry, and called the students together, just to test their advances these days.

Sure enough, although they haven't learned systematic magic knowledge these days, the students have become more and more proficient in using magic when completing tasks. Although they can use it to a limited extent, the power when using it is not as good as before. Same day.

"Come on, let's have a target shooting competition." Lin Yuan didn't know where to find a bunch of wooden sticks, and stuck them on the grass. "I'll treat whoever wins to dinner."

"Teacher, do you still have money for a treat?" Just as Lin Yuan finished speaking, a student suddenly shouted.

The students suddenly burst into laughter. Although Lin Yuan was working hard these days, Lin Yuan was still very poor, and the students knew it well.

"Tch, although I'm still very poor, teacher, it's okay to buy a meal." Lin Yuan said firmly. "Stop talking nonsense, all of you, step back, I'm going to announce the rules."

Among these students, the longest time of learning magic has been 13 years, and the shortest is nearly 6 years, but they have never seen such a fun magic teacher like Lin Yuan.Not only will they not teach them magic a little bit every day, but they will be taken out to run around.If it was placed in another magic academy, such a teacher would have been scolded to death long ago.

Lin Yuan inserted 100 wooden sticks one by one at a distance of about 10 meters from the students, and then burned a line in the middle of the sticks with a fireball technique.

"The rules of the game are very simple. Everyone uses level 1 magic to attack the wooden sticks, but each wooden stick can only have one chance, a total of 10 times. Every time a wooden stick is broken, it counts as one point. If it happens to be drawn from me If it is interrupted at this place, then one more point will be added, and the one with the highest score at the end wins, understand?"

"Teacher, it's not fair. We earth magicians are at a disadvantage."

This is indeed a problem. Among the four major elemental magics, each has its own strengths in high-end situations, but in the low-level magic, the offensiveness of earth magic is not as good as that of the other three systems.Even among the water, fire, and wind magics, the attack power is quite different, but it's not as obvious as the earth magic.

"Don't worry, I haven't finished talking yet." Lin Yuan chuckled. "For an earth magician, two points will be added for breaking the stake."

This time, the students had nothing to say. Although the attack power of low-level earth magic is not strong, it is not very difficult to break a wooden stake. As long as the magic power is strong enough, the attack power of the flying stones released cannot be underestimated.

Lin Yuan came over, and casually issued a wind blade, drawing a straight line on the ground.

"See it clearly. You are only allowed to attack from behind this line. If you exceed the line, it will be considered a violation and you will be disqualified. Do you understand?"


"Well, you come one by one, Natasha, you go first."

Natasha walked up with some trepidation. She was just a water-type trainee magician, and she hadn't even learned the advanced form of water-type magic—the more powerful ice-type magic. Stick is not very confident.

But when she saw Lin Yuan's encouraging eyes, she still calmed down. Although this teacher did not appear to be as wise and powerful as other magicians, for some reason, she just trusted him.

After throwing 10 water polos, although only one wooden stick was barely broken, none of the water polos still missed, and all of them hit the line marked by Lin Yuan. If her magic power is not too small, it is very possible Got full marks.

Lin Yuan nodded. Although Natasha's magic power is not high, her magic control ability is very good. When her magic power gradually increases in the future, her ability will definitely surpass many magicians who are currently higher than her.

The control power of the next few students is far inferior to that of Natasha, and the best one only hit 8 sticks, but their magic power is stronger than Natasha's, and they will break a few more sticks. root, but the final result was better than Natasha.

It wasn't until Zhuo Na came on stage that this situation changed.

With only 10 wooden sticks, she actually tried 4 kinds of first-level magic, namely Fireball, Mars, Water Ball, and Water Arrow. This not only truly demonstrated her identity as a magician with double xiu, but also showed that she has mastered both magics. has reached a certain level.

Compared with her, Fasno, who followed her on the stage, was much more low-key. The 10 most basic wind blades, 10 wooden sticks that were cut off exactly where Lin Yuan drew the line, these are the results he handed over.

After watching the performances of these two guys, Lin Yuan was secretly dumbfounded. Needless to say, Zhuo Na, even Fasino's results were not as simple as they appeared on the surface.

There is no difference in the gap between the 10 wind blades he sends out, as precise as a stopwatch.

And this gap is also shorter than all the previous students.Although this range is not large, for a magician, casting speed is also an important part.When two magicians duel, one more spell can often be used to decide the outcome.But for a magician, there is a fixed limit for each spell, the time for magic power to gather, the time for elements to concentrate, and the time for magic to release.Advanced magicians can approach this limit infinitely through long-term training and actual combat experience.But Fasno is just a young boy, and he has only been practicing magic for 10 years at most, and now he can be so close to the limit, which is no longer a genius.

Of course, for Lin Yuan who can cast two lines of magic at the same time, this is not a problem at all.

(End of this chapter)

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