Professor of Magic

Chapter 13 Lesson 12 Magic IS MONEY

Chapter 13 Lesson 12 Magic IS MONEY
Because Zhuo Na accidentally missed a spell, Lin Yuan had already decided that Farsino would be number one before Reid came on the stage.But in just 2 minutes after Reid played, this determination was immediately overturned.

Red's magic doesn't seem to be anything out of the ordinary, the 10 most common fireball spells don't have any tricks, and the casting gap is not as short as Fasno's, but he just interrupted the wooden stick from the place marked by Lin Yuan, So the result is also the same as Fasno's full score.

This was beyond Lin Yuan's expectation. This Reid was not conspicuous at all before, but he did not expect to show his hand like this today.

"It seems that I don't know enough about the students." Lin Yuan muttered in his heart, smiled and said, "Okay, I announce that Fasno and Reid are tied for first place, and I will invite you two together for breakfast tomorrow. ' sighed again. "Hey, hiring just one person will almost make me bankrupt. I didn't expect to hire another one. You guys are really planning to let me sleep on the road."

The students burst out laughing, and even Zhuo Na, who was always cold-faced, had a smile on her face.

Lin Yuan originally thought that Zhuo Na would be a little unconvinced when she lost to Fasino, but now she doesn't seem to mind, which made him more determined to continue to understand the students' thoughts.

"No need." Red suddenly shook his head. "Teacher, I'm not as good as Fasno. I lost this time. You only need to invite him alone."

Lin Yuan was taken aback. Although he also knew that Red was inferior to Fasno from his performance in this game, but within the rules he made, Red was tied with Fasno.

"Student Reid, we all have perfect marks, but no one loses or wins." Seeing the expression on Lin Yuan's face, Fasino said.

"I don't need you to give in. If you lose, you lose." Reid suddenly turned cold, walked to the side, sat down, and looked like he didn't intend to talk to everyone anymore.

Lin Yuan couldn't help but shook his head. Although he always knew that Reid was a bit withdrawn and generally didn't communicate with other students, he didn't expect him to be so unreasonable.

Just when he was about to go over to persuade him, his shoulders were held down.

"Let me go." Katyusha pouted at the other students, beckoning Lin Yuan to appease them, and went straight to Red.

Seeing Katyusha sitting next to Reid, Lin Yuan felt relieved and turned his head to explain to the students.

"In this competition, you must know what is being compared. Yes, it is the accuracy of magic. Maybe you will say that magicians need no accuracy, that is something that archers should pay attention to. But I want to tell You guys are so wrong."

Every time Lin Yuan did something, he always explained his motivation to the students, and the students got used to it.When they heard him explaining the competition, they all gathered around and listened carefully.

"You must know that the magic power in a magician's body is limited, and every time you release a spell, it will consume a corresponding part of the magic power. If you haven't achieved your goal because your magic power is exhausted, it means that the previous magic is useless. For example, you have encountered an enemy, you need to hit him with 100 fireballs to kill him, and your magic power is enough to send out 200 fireballs, it stands to reason that you can kill him without any problem. But because your fireball skills are flying all over the sky , but only 50 hit him in the end, at this time, the enemy is not dead, but you have no magic power, so what should you do?"

"Magic crystals can be used." Vince interjected.

"Shut up! Vince. Do you think all magicians are as rich as your family? Besides, even if you use the magic crystal to replenish your magic power once, you can still only hit the opponent with 50 fireballs. Although you can barely kill the enemy, but Your magic power is also empty, what if another enemy appears at this time?"

The students were silent.

The magic education they have received since childhood is to try their best to improve their magic power, and then learn more advanced magic to become more advanced magicians.But no magic teacher has ever told them to pay attention to the accuracy of magic.Now being reminded by Lin Yuan, thinking about it, that is indeed the case.

"For another example. Magic power is like the gold coins in your pocket. As the saying goes, how much money you can do, this sentence is also true for magic. You can't buy 1 gold coins with 2 gold coin, just as It is impossible for you to release a high-level magic with the current magic power. At the same time, you can’t buy something with 50 silver coins just because you have a gold coin, and throw away the other 50 silver coins. This is a waste. For your own magic power , You must also be as stingy as you are with the gold coins in your pockets, and you must not use them indiscriminately, and you must not overspend."

The students nodded in agreement, remembering the accuracy of hitting the wooden stick just now, except for a few people, most of the students blushed.

"Okay, regarding the accuracy of magic, you can't rush it for a while. What you need to do is to pay more attention in the process of learning and using it in the future. Remember, magic power is MONEY!"

In a moment of excitement, Lin Yuan accidentally moved out the English from the original world.

Seeing the blank gazes of the students, Lin Yuan laughed heartily without explaining much, and turned his head to look at Reid's situation.

I don't know what Katyusha said, a little smile appeared on Red's originally cold face at this moment, but Lin Yuan still caught a little silence from his eyes.

This made Lin Yuan very strange. On the faces of high school female students in the original world, he often saw this kind of look, but it was nothing more than the depression caused by the turmoil in adolescence.This phenomenon is only limited to girls, and it is absolutely impossible for boys. They are all as lively as monkeys, so there is no time for depression.

"Could it be homesick?" Remembering that Katyusha, like Red, also came from the Maginot Empire, maybe it was Katyusha who told Red her identity, which may have caused Red's homesickness,

Seeing that Red and Katyusha had a happy conversation, Lin Yuan ignored them and discussed with the students on the precise control of low-level magic.

After all, the time to learn magic with Hawke is too short. Although he can master low-level magic well, he is not much better than these students in terms of specific application. The reason why he can teach students so much is probably because of From his cognition that is different from this world.

After discussing intensely with the students, it got dark before I knew it.After having a casual meal under the hospitality of the farm owner, the students excitedly ran outside the farm to ambush.

According to the information provided by the farm owner, the wind wolves usually appear about two hours after dark, that is, when the people on the farm are about to sleep.Every time they appear, they don't attack the farms. They just go to the place where the cattle and sheep are kept and grab hundreds of them and run away. If people don't attack them, they don't even pay attention.

"No matter how you look at it, it looks like the Japanese devils came to mop up..." Lin Yuan only had this thought after hearing the description of the farmer.

Although I have also been a mercenary for more than ten days, it is the first time that everyone in a class has been tasked together like this time. The students are somewhat excited, and the girls are even chattering about the upcoming storm. Wolf up.

Hearing them talk about the magical power used by the wind wolf, the population of the wind wolf, and whether the fur of the wind wolf is good-looking or not, Lin Yuan couldn't help but admire the power of such creatures as women.

"Here we come!" The student in charge of releasing the wind suddenly shouted, and the noisy students immediately fell silent.

Standing up slightly, looking forward, I saw a cloud of silver-white creatures running towards us in the distance, and it has changed from out of reach to clearly visible in a moment.

So fast!

The wind wolves are worthy of being a wind-type magical beast, and their speed is much faster than that of ordinary wolves. When everyone was stunned, they had already crossed a distance of nearly 1000 meters, and they were about to rush into the area under the jurisdiction of the farm.

"Ferre, Casotto, Xiu Ni, get ready." Lin Yuan named three students who were practicing earth magic.

Seeing that they were ready, Lin Yuan nodded, and waved his right arm when the wind wolves just entered the small slope where they were lurking.

The originally flat grassland in front of the wind wolves suddenly rolled, and cracks cut the grass like blades.The few wind wolves rushing in front couldn't catch up, and rushed in, and were instantly submerged in the rolling mud.The wind wolves finally stopped, only to find that the land behind them was the same as the one in front, becoming uneven.

"Natasha, Zorna, it's your turn."

"En!" Natasha agreed vigorously, but Zhuo Na just nodded lightly, but the movements of the two were the same, and they used the second-level water-type magic rainstorm at the same time.

Above the heads of the wind wolves, a small area of ​​heavy rainfall suddenly appeared, and within a short while, the grassland that had become messy due to the ground splitting technique was drenched into a piece of mud.

(End of this chapter)

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