Professor of Magic

Chapter 20 Lesson 19 Genius Dissatisfaction

Chapter 20 Lesson 19 Genius Dissatisfaction

"It is said that the dragon sees the head but does not see the tail, but this old man is lucky. He neither saw the head nor the tail." Lin Yuan stayed for a while, shook his head with a smile.

From his indifference to the space ring, to his enthusiasm for magic, and finally the word "big" came out of his mouth, Lin Yuan is almost sure that this old magician is the same name as Hawk on Farinos. A great magister - Sargeras.

It's just that why he suddenly appeared here and came to ask him about magic, that's beyond Lin Yuan's control.Such a top person naturally has his reasons for acting.

Looking at the sky, Salas had already replaced Ellis, and most of his body emerged from the horizon, casting a bookless and fragmented figure on the river.Not far away, Feynor College also gradually woke up from the tranquility, and noisy human voices slowly sounded, occasionally mixed with the sound of a few explosions, which made Lin Yuan laugh.

It seems that another guy experimented with magic and failed.

After arranging his clothes a little, and wiping his face by the river, Lin Yuan started to walk towards the academy.Today is the first day of class after Mr. Dean came back. The teaching of all subjects in the college is quite strict, so it is not good to be late.

Unexpectedly, as soon as he walked to the entrance of the college, he saw a group of familiar figures there.

"Ms. Lin, you're late!" Several sharp-eyed students shouted when they saw Lin Yuan.

It turned out to be the students of Class [-], Grade [-].

Lin Yuan took a look and found that except for Katyusha, all the students had arrived without missing a single one.Even Natasha's new pet, Xiaobai, was lazily lying aside at the moment, attracting surprised looks from people passing by the college gate.

"Late?" Lin Yuan looked at the crowd wonderingly, and found that they were all well-dressed and full of energy, so he asked, "I never said that I have to get up early to gather this morning. What are you doing?"

"I'm used to it, I'm used to it." Laci Campos, who was born in a small noble family in a remote town in the Kus Empire, rubbed his head and replied with a silly smile.

"Habit? I think you are used to the breakfast in Downing Street, right?" Lin Yuan opened the pocket of his magic robe. "Look, teacher, I am so poor that I have no money to treat you to breakfast."

"We invite you!" The students suddenly said in unison.

Lin Yuan was taken aback, then laughed out loud.

"Okay, you guys have a bit of conscience, I know teacher, I don't have money for breakfast today. Okay, you guys said please, don't regret it, I want..." Lin Yuan pointed at the most famous restaurant in Downing Street with his fingers. A few breakfasts, of course, are also the most expensive.

After listening to him, the students looked at Vince with a frowning face without any abnormality on their faces.

"Teacher, you are really extravagant..." After finishing speaking, Vince nodded and took the lead towards Wendno City.

"Wait." Lin Yuan stopped them immediately. "There will be classes in a while. You will definitely be late when you go to the city and finish eating. Although I am not afraid, your credits are afraid."

"Then what should we do?" Only then did the students realize that it was no longer the time to be mercenaries the previous month, and now they had to attend classes regularly according to the college's regulations.

"Idiots, don't you know that there is something called takeaway in this world?" Lin Yun ordered a few wind magic students to come out. "You guys, go to Downing Street to buy them and bring them back to the classroom early, Vince, give them the money."

Seeing that a few students were about to leave, Lin Yuan said again: "Attention, the breakfast you bring back must be kept as it is, and it must be kept warm. At the same time, you are not allowed to be late."

The students were taken aback for a moment.Whether it is close or far from Wendno City to the academy, it is not difficult to bring it back as it is, as long as the speed is slower.But if the speed is slow, the insulation cannot be kept, and lateness is not allowed, which is a bit high.

"You are wind magicians, figure out your own way." Seeing the doubts of the students, Lin Yuan reminded.

It was only then that the wind magic students suddenly realized that this breakfast was for them to practice their magic.

"Okay, let's go, go early and come back early."

Watching the figures of several students disappear at the intersection, Lin Yuan was just about to take the rest of the students back to the classroom when a sinister voice suddenly sounded behind him.

"Mr. Lin is so leisurely. The other teachers are busy preparing for the lecture, and you are the only one who is showing Salas at the entrance of the college. Are you so sure about today's lecture?"

Lin Yuan turned around in the direction of the voice, and frowned suddenly.

He still has an impression of this person, one of the college's earth magic teachers, named Cruz Trey.When Vice President Capaci introduced Lin Yuan to other teachers, he emphasized on him.

Because, this Cruz Trey is an intermediate magister.

On the pyramid of magicians, the great magister is naturally at the top.And the next level is the Magister.

Magisters are further divided into junior high school and third grades, and intermediate magisters are considered very close to the top.Even in a large empire like the Kus Empire, the number of mid-level magisters would not exceed three digits.In Fenol Academy of Magic, apart from the dean, there are only a few people who are higher than him, including the vice-principal.

Of course, this is not a big deal. The reason why Vice President Capacchi introduced him grandly is because this Trey is only less than 40 years old this year.

For most magicians, being able to become an intermediate magister is already a very remarkable achievement. After all, there will never be more than 300 people in the entire continent who have reached this level.To achieve this achievement at only 40 years old can only be called a genius.

In other words, this Trey is a genius.

It is precisely because he is a genius that he has been somewhat dissatisfied with Lin Yuan who was personally arranged by the dean.In his opinion, Lin Yuan's magic power is not worth mentioning at all, and if it comes to real strength, it may not even be as good as some students.Why did he become a teacher in this so-called No. [-] Magic Academy in the mainland, and why did Master Yuanda value him so much.

Looking at Trey's expression, Lin Yuan immediately concluded that he was here to find fault.Although he still doesn't know what Trey is thinking, he is unwilling to give him any good looks.He only took one look at him, then turned around to call the students back to the classroom, but he ignored Trey.

Trey's face turned green with anger. For a person as proud and arrogant as him, ignoring him would be the greatest insult to him.

"Mr. Lin, since the dean is back, the college's rational freshman lecture observation will begin soon. You'd better pay more attention."

"Freshman observation? What is it?" Lin Yuan turned his head in surprise, but only saw Trey's gloating face, knowing that this must not be a good thing for him.

Seeing Lin Yuan's expression changed, Trey was even more proud.

"It's fine for freshmen to observe the lectures. I think it's okay for Mr. Lin to be so relaxed. It's just that the college competition will be held soon. I don't know how sure Mr. Lin is?"

It was only at this time that Lin Yuan realized that although he had been in Feynor Academy for more than a month, he had no understanding of it at all.If Trey hadn't mentioned it today, he wouldn't have known about these two things at all.

But when he saw Trey's disgusting villain appearance, Lin Yuan was not interested in asking him. He just nodded and walked straight to the classroom with the students.

Being ignored by Lin Yuan again, Trey was almost out of anger.

Staring at Lin Yuan's back, he sneered a few times, and said to himself: "Just be arrogant, you will lose face in the future."

(End of this chapter)

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