Professor of Magic

Chapter 21 Lesson 20 Sudden Observation Lesson

Chapter 21 Lesson 20 Sudden Observation Lesson
Lin Yuan didn't care what Trey was thinking, he was so hungry that his chest was pressed against his back.After a few students brought breakfast to the classroom, he was not polite at all, grabbed his own portion and ate it.

Just at this time, the magic bell of the college rang.

"Damn, it's time for class." Lin Yuan and the students in the classroom who were also full of mouths stared at each other for a long time, and finally waved their hands. "Talk while eating."

"Today's lesson is mainly for you to sum up the results of this month's mission process. The most important thing is to think about your own shortcomings, so that future magic learning can be more purposeful. It's more efficient, um... this bun is cold, Lilita, I remember this was taken from you, tell me, what method did you use?"

Lilita, who was listening to Lin Yuan's speech, was taken aback, quickly put down the breakfast in her hand, and replied, "Report to the teacher, I put a wind shield in front of the hand holding the breakfast."

"Oh, this method is good, but why is it still cold?"

"I... I couldn't support it halfway..." Lilita's face was a little red.

"Can't support it?" Lin Yuan smiled and said, "Tell me, have you been using your maximum magic power to support this wind shield?"

"Yeah, can't it work?" Not only Lilita, but also several other students who went to buy breakfast also showed doubts.

"It doesn't matter if your magic power is enough to support the wind shield all the way back to the classroom, but it turned out that you didn't have one." Lin Yuan casually summoned a small wind shield in front of him. "What do you think of this wind shield?"

Most of the students shook their heads.Lilita said directly: "Teacher, this wind shield is too weak."

Lin Yuan nodded: "That's right, if the wind shield is indeed too weak during the battle, but you were not fighting just now, why do you keep using the maximum magic power to prop up the wind shield?"

The students were in a daze. The magic education they had received since childhood was to let them use as much magic power as possible. Isn't this wrong?

"Do you still remember what I told you when I was on that farm? Magic power is money, we must cherish it." Lin Yuan pointed to the wind shield in front of him. "Although this wind shield is very weak, if it is just to block the wind and prevent it from getting colder, it is enough. Since we can use less magic power to achieve this goal, it is pure waste to use the maximum magic power to support it. What's more, this waste still didn't achieve the goal in the end. You see, I can only eat cold buns now."

The students immediately roared with laughter, and Lilita couldn't help laughing too. Lin Yuan's explanation was very intuitive and easy to understand, and she immediately understood the meaning.

"Of course, the control of magic power can't be done in a day. Just like the accuracy of magic, you need to pay more attention in the future and keep practicing. But you don't need me to tell you how to do it, as In the eyes of a thousand elves, there are a thousand Ellises, each of us has a different familiarity with the use of magic, and other people's methods may not be suitable for you."

"In addition, you also need to note..."

"Tuk Tuk..."

Lin Yuan's words were interrupted by several knocks on the door.

Looking at the door, Lin Yuan was taken aback for a moment.What appeared at the door was actually a group of teachers from Feynor Academy headed by old Hawk.

Seeing Lin Yuan, the group of people at the door also froze.

At this moment, Lin Yuan was holding a bottle of fresh milk in his left hand, which was obviously produced by Downing Street, and a half-eaten bun in his right hand. The careful and deliberately exaggerated movements are more like a starving ghost than a teacher.

The eyes of a group of people stayed on Lin Yuan for a while, and then turned to the students in the classroom.

Now they are completely petrified.

It was almost carved out of the same mold as Lin Yuan, and most of the students in the classroom also had early hands and greasy mouths.Some were even chewing, their cheeks puffed up because they were interrupted by the crowd who suddenly entered the door, which looked as funny as it could be.

"Mr. Lin, are you in class?" Everyone stayed for a while, and then Vice President Kapaqi, who was following the old man Hawke, came to his senses and pointed to the students in the classroom.

"This..." Lin Yuan was somewhat embarrassed, so he could only laugh a few times and dare not answer.

"Mr. Lin, at first I thought you were well-prepared, that's why you looked relaxed. It turns out... you are ready to have dinner with the students."

Lin Yuan regained his composure, and found that the person who uttered such a sinister voice was indeed Cruz-Trey who came to provoke him in the morning.He was a little puzzled, he didn't know how he offended this guy and made him like to target himself so much.

Looking over, he happened to see Katyusha winking at him in the crowd, and the smile in his eyes made him even more embarrassed.

"Lin, tell me, what are you doing?" Old Hawk, who had been looking at the classroom, finally spoke.

Seeing Lin Yuan ignoring him again, Trey couldn't help wanting to accuse him angrily, but when the dean suddenly spoke, he could only shut up.

"I'm in class." Lin Yuan thought about it, and raised the fresh milk in his left hand. "I'm teaching my students about the subtleties of magic usage."

"Oh? How to refine it?" Hawke looked at Lin Yuan with interest, waiting for his explanation.

Seeing Katyusha's encouraging eyes in the crowd, Trey's sneering expression, and other people's unsure of what to do, Lin Yuan smiled, held the bottle of fresh milk with his left hand, and mobilized the magic power in his body.

After a while, the bottle of fresh milk that had already cooled down boiled in the bottle. Lin Yuan reached out and lifted the cap, and a strong milky white steam came out of the bottle.

Watching Lin Yuan take a sip of the hot fresh milk, showing a satisfied expression, everyone at the door and all the students were stunned.

The people here all have certain strength in magic, so they can naturally feel that Lin Yuan condensed the magic elements of the fire system in the bottle, made a small fireball, and then controlled the fireball to spin a few times in the bottle. Turn the circle, which makes the fresh milk boil again.

The teachers at the door and the students in the classroom never thought that magic could be used for this.

"Students, I have always emphasized to you. The magic power is MONEY." Under the watchful eyes of a bunch of teachers, Lin Yuan couldn't help giving lectures while eating steamed stuffed buns, so he could only put it down and talk eloquently. "You must be as stingy with the magic power in your body as you are with the gold coins in your bag. Of course, this kind of stinginess does not mean that you don't spend it, but it makes you pay attention to saving when you spend it. First of all, you should never spend it. Flowers. For example, if a problem can be solved by a fireball, you should never consider the Sky Fire Technique, which is a great waste. Secondly, you must spend it somewhere. That is to say, since your magic power is consumed, It must achieve the goal. To put it simply, magic cannot be idle, which is the accuracy I emphasized to you on the farm."

Glancing at the teachers at the door and finding that they were also listening carefully, Lin Yuan couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief.Look at this, these people should have come here to observe some freshman lectures.But why did they choose themselves?Lin Yuan swept Trey's face, knowing that this should have something to do with him.

"In addition to the above two points, what needs to be paid attention to is the precise control of magic power. This thing must be explained in a specific magic." Lin Yuan picked up the bottle of fresh milk again, and at the same time made a move with his right hand, killing a human head. A fireball of about the size appeared in mid-air. "For example, I wanted to heat this bottle of fresh milk just now. It is obviously impossible to use such a big fireball, let alone whether the bottle can hold it. Even if it can hold it, I am afraid that the fresh milk will disappear as soon as it touches it. Then I Just eat the bottle."

The students laughed again, and the tension immediately relaxed because the dean and a group of teachers came running suddenly.

Lin Yuan raised his right hand again, and the head-sized fireball became only the size of a thumb.

"And a fireball as big as this is just right. It will neither evaporate the fresh milk nor have enough heat. This is related to the control of magic power."

"Facing different situations, we need different magic, and if there is only one magic to choose from, then input different magic power to control, and the results will be different. Now only 1 is needed..." Lin Yuan suddenly paused Stopped, turned to Hawke and asked, "Your Excellency, what is the measure of magic power?"

Hawke was also taken aback: "What weights and measures?"

"That's... when we usually buy things, those 1 pound, 1 liter, etc. are used to indicate the amount of things. What is the amount of magic power?"

The people at the door and the students were stunned again. How many times will Teacher Lin surprise them?

Hawk was also stunned for a long time before shaking his head: "There is no such thing... The magic power and attributes in each magician are different. It is impossible to determine a universal weight and measure."

"Oh?" Lin Yuan didn't think so. After the experiment last night, he clearly felt that although the properties of the two magic elements of water and fire are indeed different, they have the same elemental power.On the gravel hit by the ice and fire ball, or in the ice and fire ball, since the water and fire magic elements can touch each other in a balanced manner, it means that in that small space, the two magic elements Energy should be indistinguishable.That is to say, magic elements with different attributes can be metrically converted through this method.And the magic power in the magician's body can naturally be measured by a similar method.

(End of this chapter)

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