Professor of Magic

Chapter 324 Chapter 204 Must Win

Chapter 324 Chapter 204 Must Win
"Of course I don't want to, but the fact is that they not only came back safely, but also successfully rescued the students of Reagan College!" Lin Yuan said without flinching. "If that's what you call stupid, I hope they'll be more stupid in the future."

Say the students are stupid?Even if the person who said this was Vice President Capaci, Lin Yuan didn't want to make any concessions.

"This time it was just a fluke! Can you guarantee that you will be so lucky every time in the future?"

"No, this is definitely not a fluke!" Lin Yuan said with certainty. "Although I don't know how the students did it, I'm sure that since they decided to do it, it proved that they were sure enough. And didn't the fact prove it? I didn't even see them Even if there is one person who looks injured, can this be a fluke?"

Vice President Capaci frowned, and wanted to continue to reprimand Lin Yuan, but thought that he had already argued with Lin Yuan for so long in the morning, and now he said no matter how much Lin Yuan said, he would definitely not listen.

And just now the teacher of Class [-], Grade [-] of Reagan College brought a few students here to express his gratitude to the students of Class [-], Grade [-] again.

After failing to see Lin Yuan, they went directly to Deputy Principal Capaci, expressed their gratitude to the students of Fenol College for their timely help, and praised the students of Class [-], Grade [-] .

In this praise, there is not only praise for their ability to come to aid without hesitation at critical moments, but more praise for their ability to handle this perfectly and properly in critical situations.

And the students of Reagan Academy even expressed their admiration for the magic level of the students in the third class of the first grade, claiming that Feynor Academy is worthy of being the number one magic academy in the mainland, and the students of Feynor Academy are higher than their Reagan Academy Too much.

This made Vice President Capaci, who had always been proud of Feynor College, very happy when he heard it, and at the same time, he couldn't help but feel that what Lin Yuan said in the morning still had some truth.

No, as soon as the students were allowed to act on their own, they made so much money for the college.

Facing the siege of thousands of monsters, the students not only survived unscathed, but also successfully rescued the students of Reagan College. Such a difficult task, not to mention first-year students, even fourth-year students may not be able to do it arrive.

"Well, I admit that the performance of the students exceeded my expectations. They are really...excellent." Vice President Capaci said. "But Lin, you still have to remember what I told you this morning, if any problem occurs to the students, I will let you know how serious the consequences are."

Lin Yuan shrugged with a relaxed expression.

Compared with the morning, Vice President Capaci's confidence in saying this sentence is obviously lacking, and his tone is not harsh at all.

It seems that the performance of the students is indeed very good, otherwise it would be impossible for such a stubborn vice president to change so much.

Hey, these guys are really fighting for me.

Lin Yuan turned his head, and was about to take Sha Luo back to the students, praise them well, and then ask about the details of the matter in detail.

He was also very curious about how the students saved the students of Reagan College from the jaws of thousands of monsters.

"Wait." Vice President Capaci called him to stop. "Lin, if you don't go with the students to today's competition, don't you plan to go with them tomorrow?"

"Not necessarily, it depends on the situation." Lin Yuan replied.

Vice President Kapaqi was taken aback for a moment, he thought that Lin Yuan would answer "yes" as a matter of course.

"What's the situation?"

"It depends on the specific content of tomorrow's game." Lin Yuan said. "As simple as today, I definitely don't need to follow. If it is too difficult, of course I have to follow. But I don't think the first grade competition will be difficult, so if there is no accident tomorrow, I will It should be possible to continue hanging out with Shaluo."

"Hey, I thought you really planned to let it go." Vice President Capaci laughed. "Since you also know that it depends on the situation, why did you decide not to follow today's game because you didn't know the content at all?"

"For the first day of the competition, the guild obviously can't arrange too difficult things, otherwise how will we arrange for the next few days."

"It makes sense to count you as a kid." Vice President Capaci nodded, and said: "By the way, Lin, there is one more thing I need to tell you. This afternoon, the President sent a message, saying that he and Sagra Magister Star will come back to look for you in two days, and I hope you will not leave the academy in the next few days. I have already written back to tell him that you have led the students to participate in this trial competition, and invite them to come here to meet you."

"Old Hawk... Ah, Your Excellency the Dean and the Grand Magister Sargeras? Where have they been these days? I haven't seen them for so long, I still miss them."

These words Lin Yuan did not adulterate at all.

Needless to say, old man Hawke, even the great magister Sargeras took good care of him. In addition, he has studied magic together so many times, Lin Yuan still has a deep affection for the two of them.

"When the dean was leaving, he said that he had discovered a novel magic, and he wanted to study it with Sargeras, the great magister. As for where they went, I don't know." The dean shook his head. "But since the dean said he wanted to see you, you'd better not run around these days."

Lin Yuan spread his hands: "Where can I go these days? Although I don't need to take care of the students' competitions, I am the teacher who leads the team after all."

"It's good that you know." Vice President Capaci glared at him. "However, you are always dishonest, and you might disappear at any time. It's safer to remind you first."

Seeing Sha Luo's snickering expression, Lin Yuan could only touch his nose helplessly.

It turns out that this is the image of myself in the mind of Vice President Capaci.

Angrily, she dragged Sara back to the students, and found that they had already prepared most of the dishes at this time, and only a few dishes needed to be cooked slowly, so most of them were already free.

"Afternoon?" Fasno laughed when Lin Yuan asked about the afternoon. "Ms. Lin, did you listen to what the vice president said?"

"Yes, the vice president said that you showed your power this afternoon and saved another group of students from thousands of monsters. What happened? When did you become so powerful? I don't know."

"It's all thanks to you, Mr. Lin." Vince snapped. "If you didn't teach us that water can conduct electricity, and electrolysis of water, I wouldn't have thought of these methods."

"Tch, it was Fasno who thought of it first, why are you here to grab the credit." Larch gave Vince a white look.

"I also put forward valuable opinions!" Vince argued hard.

"Okay, okay, you two stop first." Lin Yuan raised his hand to stop the usual dispute between the two. "Tell me first, what method did you use to get rid of those thousands of monsters?"

"Oh, that's it..."

After Fasno told Lin Yuan and Sha Luo what happened in the afternoon in an orderly manner, Lin Yuan didn't know what expression to use to face it.

If the matter in the afternoon is placed in the original world, anyone who has gone to junior high school can easily answer the principle.

First of all, water can conduct electricity, so the lightning that Fasno accumulated the whole body of magic power can spread to every corner of the water beach, and directly overturn all the monsters in it.

Of course, those magical beasts are only first-level and second-level magical beasts, which is why they are so easily turned over by electricity.Otherwise, if they were more advanced monsters, even if Snow's lightning hit them directly, it might not be able to do anything to them, let alone the lightning that was weakened a lot after being propagated by water.

Secondly, water will turn into hydrogen and oxygen after being shocked by electricity, and hydrogen is a flammable gas, coupled with oxygen to support combustion, as long as it touches a little spark, it will immediately turn into a flame.

And the area of ​​the water beach is so large, naturally a lot of hydrogen and oxygen are produced after being shocked by the electric shock, and if it is ignited by the fireball, it will of course explode.

Lin Yuan was not surprised that the students knew these principles, because he had explained them in the process of teaching magic in class before.What surprised him most was that the students could still think of these principles in that situation and apply them so perfectly.

Even if the students in the original world learned magic, it might not be so easy to think of this method, but these students can think of it, which shows their intelligence and wit.

"Very good, you have done a good job." The smile on Lin Yuan's face could not be concealed, not to mention that he had no intention of covering it up at all.He couldn't praise the performance of these students too much. "In such a critical situation, you can still do so beautifully, and now I am completely relieved."

"Mr. Lin, you don't mean to say... you won't be participating in the competition with us tomorrow?" Lilita frowned.

"The one who knows me is Lilita." Lin Yuan smiled. "Just now, I told the vice president that I decided whether to go with you or not depending on the difficulty of tomorrow's competition. But after hearing about your performance today, I found that my worry was completely unnecessary."

With a wave of his hand, Lin Yuan said proudly: "Students, with your abilities, the competition in the first grade is no longer difficult for you. So I can proudly announce that you don't need my company now. Yes, and the champion of this competition must belong to our Class [-], Grade [-]!"

Although Lin Yuan's brashness made the students feel a little bit sorry, they still couldn't help but cast him a blank stare.

"Tch, Mr. Lin, if you want to be lazy, just say it. Why do you say it so righteously?"

"That's right, anyway, it's not like you haven't been lazy today, and we won't blame you for being lazy for a few more days."

"That's right, Mr. Lin, just take a good rest and leave the competition to us."


"Who said that the champion of this competition must be yours?"

A voice suddenly sounded behind the students, interrupting the students' unanimous contempt for Lin Yuan.

(End of this chapter)

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