Professor of Magic

Chapter 325, Lesson 205, 0 points

Chapter 325 Chapter 205 Zero Points (Replenishment)
When everyone turned their heads, they saw President Smig appearing behind them, accompanied by two staff members of the Magicians Guild and Vice President Capaci.

"It smells delicious. It seems that your dinner is ready?" President Smig said with a smile. "If you are ready, take it out and let me taste it. If I am satisfied, I dare not say whether you can win this competition, but it is still very easy to win today's competition .”

"Your Excellency, President, are you here to grade our class?" Xiu Ni asked.

President Smig chuckled and nodded: "That's right, Feynor Academy is the number one magic academy on our mainland, so of course I, the president, should be the referee. And I brought two other There are only one referee in other academies."

Excitement immediately appeared on the faces of the students.

Chairman Smig's words are equivalent to saying that other people are not qualified to judge Feynor College. This is a big face for Feynor College. There is light on the face.

Vice President Capacci and Lin Yuan's expressions sank. Although President Smig's words were pleasant to hear, if they fell into the ears of people from other colleges, they would definitely feel hostility towards Feynor College. Not a good thing for the college.

"Master President, you really know how to joke." Lin Yuan laughed. "Although you are the leader of the guild, you have the highest level of magic in the guild, but this does not mean that you are also the highest in tasting food. If the students' dishes do not suit your taste, then give our class a very low grade." score, then I won’t do it.”

Vice President Capaci was taken aback for a moment, then nodded to Lin Yuan imperceptibly, expressing his appreciation to him for saying this.

President Smig was also taken aback, and then smiled and said: "Mr. Lin, you are the one who really knows how to joke. My taste is very normal, and both of them can testify." Pointing to the two staff who accompanied him The officer continued: "In addition to me, the two of them will also taste the students' crafts later. You said that my taste is strange, but you can't say that the three of us have strange tastes?"

Lin Yuan chuckled: "That's not necessarily true. If you can come with the chairman, the taste must not be too far behind."

President Smig's face changed, and he smiled again in an instant, saying: "Mr. Lin, you are wronging people. Tasting delicious food is not the same for everyone. Besides, I don't Knowing how the two of them taste, if the three of us have strange tastes like what you said, Mr. Lin, then..."

President Smig laughed, glanced at the face of Vice President Kapaqi, and continued: "...Mr. Lin, you can only admit that you are unlucky."

Lin Yuan chuckled, glanced at Vice President Capaci, and the two of them tacitly stopped talking.

Lin Yuan nodded to Feili again, and Feili waved her small hand, and the students immediately got busy.

After a while, a dining table propped up on a simple stand was erected in this small camp.

Not only were the white tablecloths spread on the dining table, but also a lit candle was placed in the middle.

The candlelight was shining brightly, sprinkled on the white tablecloth, and dyed a light beige.

If you don't care about the surrounding environment, you may think it is in a high-end restaurant at first glance.

Vince, who was in charge of serving the dishes, quickly brought out the first course.

Fei Li led President Smeg and the two staff members to prepare at the table, and then introduced: "Your Excellency, please look, this is a salmon we caught in a small lake not far from the camp. It tastes very refreshing after being smoked and is very suitable for appetizers."

President Smig looked at Fei Li unexpectedly: "Your name is..."

"Just call me Phil."

"Okay, classmate Fei Li, I'm really surprised that you still have to prepare appetizers. Then should we serve soup?" President Smig asked.

"Once you've had the appetizer, you'll know it."

President Smig laughed, nodded, and motioned to the other two, and the three began to taste the smoked salmon.

"Well, not bad!" After taking a bite, President Smig immediately praised it loudly. "This taste is really good, it's comparable to the taste of the restaurant in Finland. Fei Li, can you tell me who made this dish?"

Fei Li pointed to Zhuo Na standing aside: "It's her."

President Smig and the other two showed surprise at the same time: "It was actually made by Zhuo Na! Not bad, not bad, I didn't expect your craftsmanship to be so good."

Lin Yuan chuckled, thinking that there are still many things you can't think of.

But when he ate Zhuo Na's smoked fish for the first time, Lin Yuan's reaction was even more exaggerated than theirs, so he had no position to laugh at them.

After the appetizers were finished, vegetable soup, three different meat dishes and the same three different wild vegetables were served in turn, plus the last fruit.

Every time they saw the dishes served and took the first bite, the three of them exclaimed, because they never thought that they could still eat such exquisite dishes here, and the students in Class [-], Grade [-] They were also very surprised by the excellent craftsmanship, which was not much better than the chefs in many restaurants.

After the three of them had tasted the wild fruit, Fei Li said apologetically, "Unfortunately, due to limited conditions, there is no way to prepare dessert after the meal. Please forgive me."

President Smig and those two looked at each other, and laughed at the same time: "This is good enough, if I didn't raise my head and see the surrounding tents, I thought I just ate in some famous restaurant It's a sumptuous dinner. Fei Li, oh no, students in Class [-], Grade [-], you really gave us too many surprises."

"Your Excellency, President, what about the scores in our class..." Fei Li asked cautiously.

The other students also pricked up their ears. They have been tossing for a long time, and they have been busy for so long, isn't it just for the final score.

President Smig wiped his mouth gracefully, then took off the napkin and put it on the table, then he met Feili's questioning gaze and said with a smile, "Zero."


The students in Class [-], Grade [-] stared wide-eyed at the same time, and couldn't believe their ears.

"Your Excellency, President, can you say it again? Did I hear you right?" Mulu questioned without even being polite.

"Yeah, did you make a mistake?" Xiu Ni also asked in surprise. "Aren't you very satisfied when you ate it just now? You still insisted that our craftsmanship is good, so why did you give us zero points?"

"That's right! Your Excellency, President, please give us a reason, otherwise we won't be convinced!"

"Yes, we need a reason!"


"Stop arguing!" Lin Yuan frowned and shouted.

The students all looked at Lin Yuan. Although they were full of grievances, they still obediently stopped questioning.

"Master President, I am sorry for the rudeness of the students." Lin Yuan said. "But you should have seen that the students have worked so hard for so long, carefully prepared for so long, and you were very satisfied with the meal, but in the end you gave them a zero. This... is not justified, right?"

"Don't worry, I'll give you a reasonable explanation." President Smig said with a smile. "The reason you want it is precisely because of what your Teacher Lin just said about 'working hard for so long' and 'preparing carefully for so long'."

The students were all taken aback.

"What do you mean?" Larch couldn't help asking.

"I admit that I am very pleased that you have done such a good job and that you have prepared so many dishes that are not limited to meat, because it shows that you are well aware that food on the red earth is not limited to food. Obtained from Warcraft."

President Smig suddenly emphasized his tone: "But you have forgotten one thing. After all, this is a trial competition. And what is the so-called trial? It is to let the students experience the wild life and prepare for the possible adventure life in the future. Get ready. Since it's a wild life, tell me, why don't you sit here and eat slowly like me?"

The unwillingness on the faces of the students subsided slightly.

President Smeg is right, not to mention real adventures, even in normal trials, because they may face the attack of monsters and other unknown dangers at any time, so it is absolutely impossible for them to eat so comfortably .

"And in the trial or adventure life, is it possible for you to spend so long and expend so much energy just to prepare a dinner?" President Smeg asked, and before the students could answer, he affirmed Continued: "No! In the real trial, there will never be such good conditions for you to spend your energy and time on eating, so the dinner you prepared today does not exist in the real trial. ...that's why I gave you zero points."

Several students opened their mouths to refute, but finally closed their mouths and became dejected.

President Smig stood up, put a smile on his face again, and said: "Although I regret to give you zero points in this competition, I am still very grateful to you for allowing me to be here as well." You can enjoy such a delicious meal. In addition, you don’t need to be discouraged. Although you scored zero points in today’s game, there are still several days of games to come. As long as you perform well enough, you can still win the championship.”

The students looked at each other, and they were not in the mood to answer President Smig's words.

First give a zero score and hit a stick hard, and then you give a few dates and it will have no effect.

After nodding to Lin Yuan and Vice President Kapaqi, President Smig led the two away.

Pouted at their backs, Lin Yuan turned around and clapped his hands vigorously: "Okay, students, don't be dejected anymore. Although President Smig gave me a zero score, I am very upset, but he finally You are right, there are still several days of competitions to come. I believe that with your strength, you will be able to win all of them, and then you will be able to recover today's points and win the championship."

(End of this chapter)

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