Professor of Magic

Chapter 326 Chapter 206 Tears are worthless

Chapter 326 Chapter 206 Tears are worthless
Seeing that the students still didn't respond, Lin Yuan feigned anger and said, "What are you doing? You just lost once, and you have become like this. Is this still my Lin Yuan's student? Let me tell you, don't think that you are now magical If you are strong, you will be strong in everything, and you will never lose. In this world, there is no one who will never lose. Even the great magister Fenor 300 years ago lost so many times in his life , As for the present... Take Mr. Dean as an example, he once told me that when he was still studying in the academy, his grades were counted backwards, and the duels he lost were countless. Look, even They have all lost so many times, what's the big deal if you lose once or twice!"

After being reprimanded by Lin Yuan, the students showed some expression on their dull faces.

"Yes, students, Mr. Lin is right. It doesn't matter if you lose today's competition. What does it matter if you lose this time in the trial competition? Anyway, we are still young, so we don't have to be afraid of failure at all. What do you say? Isn't it?" Vince yelled, raising his arms.

"I'm not afraid of your size!" Muru glared at Vince, and angrily said: "It's enough to lose once, do you still want to lose in the next game? You are willing, but I, Muru, are not willing! His grandma, I think Si President Mig did this intentionally, since the dishes are so delicious, he insisted on finding such a reason to say that we are unqualified."

In anger, Mulu didn't even use his honorific title, and called President Smig directly.

"He also made sense. How could it be so delicately prepared like ours in the wild?" Vince pointed to the dining table that hadn't been removed yet. "Look, there are tables, tablecloths, and candles, and the dishes are even served in complete order. This is not a simple filling in the trial, it's almost the same as eating dinner at home."


Feli, who had been staring at the dining table in silence since President Smig left, suddenly burst into tears.

The students were stunned, and Xiu Ni and Li Lita hurried to her side. Xiu Ni patted her on the back and comforted her: "Fei Li, don't cry, Teacher Lin said it's okay. Today's It’s no big deal if we lose the game, we’ll work harder in the future and just win a few more games.”

"It''s all me...I'm not good..." Feili twitched and said intermittently: "If...if it wasn't for me...if everyone had to prepare so delicately, we wouldn't have scored zero points .It's my fault……"

"Feili, what you said is wrong. We all support your proposal." Natasha said seriously. "If you say something wrong, it's not just you, all of us are wrong. Do you think so?" The last question turned to other students.

The other students nodded in unison.

Fasno glanced at Mulu and Vince, and then said to Feili: "Yes, Feili, although this arrangement is your proposal, none of us objected, so the responsibility should be everyone's, you don't have to Blame yourself."

"That's right, didn't I say that this arrangement must be much better than other academies." Mulu also hurriedly said. "I also said that whoever comes to see this arrangement will be surprised and then very satisfied."

"Well, Fei Li, don't forget that the preparations just now were discussed with you, so I also have a share." Vince said.

"Yes, yes, and me, I moved this table."

"I brought the tablecloth with me."

"The plate is also me..."


Although Feili's crying gradually stopped due to the comfort of her classmates, the apologetic and self-blaming expression on her face could not subside no matter how much her classmates persuaded her.

After all, this was the first time she was in charge of an activity in the class, and the first time she took on such a responsibility, but now the result turned out like this, which made her really unable to forgive herself.

Seeing that the persuasion was ineffective, the students had no choice but to turn to Lin Yuan for help.

Everyone knows that Feili seems to have a special dependence on Teacher Lin. Teacher Lin's words are always very easy to persuade her.

"Fei Li, the students have been comforting you for a long time, you should give some response." Lin Yuan opened his mouth, and the other students were taken aback.It's fine if you don't comfort her, why come up and blame her.

Ignoring the reaction of the students, Lin Yuan continued: "Look, to comfort you, they forgot everything. If you think about it carefully, the two guys Vince and Larch were very united just now. Even the words they said were exactly the same. Is this possible in normal times? And Zhuo Na just said at least a dozen words of comfort to you, a dozen words! Zhuo Na may not be able to say so many words in a day. Mulu, when you see him, you will speak in such a soft voice, usually this kid has such a loud voice that the whole academy can hear..."

The faces of the students named by Lin Yuan were a little embarrassed, and even Zhuo Na had a shy look on her face.

"...So, Fei Li, I really didn't know that your tears are so powerful. If I had known earlier, I should have collected them and taken them to Wendnor Auction House. Maybe I could sell them for a few dollars. How about a thousand gold coins?"

Finally, Feili couldn't help but burst out laughing, and raised her head to give Lin Yuan an angry look: "Mr. Lin, you are joking again, my tears are not so valuable."

Seeing that Fei Li finally laughed, Lin Yuan also laughed twice.

"Hey, since you know it's worthless, why don't you hurry up and put it away, and don't dump it casually in the future. It's worthless anyway, and it's nothing if you dump it."

Feili blushed immediately, glared at Lin Yuan angrily, and turned her head away, making it clear that she didn't want to talk to him.

But Xiu Ni and Li Lita leaned over and whispered a few words in Feili's ear, Feili couldn't hold back any longer, and looked at Lin Yuan with the two of them, giggling.

Lin Yuan touched his face, but he didn't find anything strange, which was a bit strange.

After thinking for a while, Lin Yuan gave up the idea of ​​guessing the thoughts of these little girls, and said again: "Okay, although we got zero points in the competition, these dishes are not zero points. Feili, let the students share the rest Serve all the food, I'm starving to death."

Looking at the remaining dishes on the table, Lin Yuan frowned, and waved his hand: "Muru, throw away the remaining dishes, so as not to feel unhappy seeing them."

"Okay!" Mulu agreed loudly, stepped forward, rolled up the tablecloth, and wrapped up all the leftovers.Then he chuckled, shook his right hand, and a dense flame shot out from his palm, instantly burning the tablecloth and all the leftovers inside to ashes.

Seeing his actions, several male students applauded in unison.

In fact, it's not that they can't accept failure, but it's hard for them to accept that after they have prepared so seriously, they are given zero points for an understatement.

This kind of thing, not to mention young and aggressive students like them, would not be happy for any normal person.

"Master Vice President, what do you think?" Seeing that the students were still preparing dinner, Lin Yuan came to Vice President Capaci and asked in a low voice.

Vice President Kapaqi looked up at Lin Yuan, and suddenly smiled: "Don't you know it very well, why do you want to ask me?"

Lin Yuan touched his nose, and seemed a little embarrassed.

"Well... Mr. Vice President, although I understand what's going on, I still need to ask for your opinion on how to deal with it. After all, I'm just a little teacher, and you are the Vice President. And he really knows how to deal with it. Long, I can't be the master."

"Isn't it less that you kid decides things without authorization?" Vice President Capaci gave Lin Yuan a blank look.

"The Vice President, what do you mean..."

"You can do whatever you want." Vice President Capaci sneered. "Our Feynor Academy is not a soft persimmon that can be squeezed casually, so you don't have to think so much. Besides, even if I can't do it, there is still the dean here. I would like to see who dares to do something to the dean. Sample."

Lin Yuan's heart suddenly settled down.

Just now President Smig came with two people. On the surface, he just acted as a referee for a game, and in the end he gave Class [-], Grade [-] a score of zero in a seemingly fair manner.But what he said and the meaning revealed in various actions fell into the eyes of Lin Yuan and Vice President Capaqi, but it was not so simple.

Although Lin Yuan was somewhat dissatisfied with his actions, as a teacher of Feynor College, he was not easy to react before Vice President Capaci expressed his opinion.

But now Vice President Capaci told him clearly - do whatever you want!
What does Lin Yuan want to do?
He just doesn't want to do anything.

As early as a few months ago, the old man Hawke had warned him not to get involved too much with Chairman Smig, but after these two days of contact, Lin Yuan felt that old man Hawke was really wise enough, and that he had nothing to do with Smigel. It would never do him any good to involve too much people like the president.

What if President Smig wants to take the initiative to contact him?
Just ignore him, anyway, President Smig can't really do anything to him.

Deputy Dean Capacci has said that he can't do it, and old man Hawke is still there.

No matter how powerful President Smig is, as long as he is not a great magister, there is nothing he can do to old man Hawke.

Sometimes Lin Yuan felt that he was really lucky. The first person he met when he came to this world was old man Hawke.

With the support of the old man Hawke, he rarely encounters resistance when he does many things on this continent. Even if he does, as long as the other party hears the name of Hawke Firnas, they will immediately back away.

This made Lin Yuan feel like he was pretending to be a tiger.

But a fox is a fox after all, if one day the tiger is gone, the situation of the fox may be very bad.

Only when you become a tiger yourself, will you go out and make everyone fearful.

Thinking of this, Lin Yuan left Vice President Capaci and came to Charles who was preparing dinner.

"Charles, are you interested in being my teacher?"

(End of this chapter)

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