Professor of Magic

Chapter 332 Chapter 222 True Face

Chapter 332 Chapter 222 True Face

Lin Yuan stared at the man with wide eyes, and couldn't help admiring him.

Regardless of good and evil, these dark magicians are worthy of admiration for their willingness to do these things in order to change their situation.

You must know that it is easy to change anything, but it is extremely difficult to change a person's view of one thing.

Presumably, they did a lot of extraordinary things in order to make the people of the Kingdom of Reagan change their attitude towards the dark magician.

"In this case, don't you already have the foundation, as long as you develop slowly in the future, why are you looking for me?" Lin Yuan pointed to himself. "You don't want me to be a teacher in your college, do you?"

"If possible, of course I would like to invite you to go." The man seemed very sorry. "But I thought it was impossible. Since you are a teacher at Feynor College and have such a good relationship with old man Hawke, you will definitely not go to other colleges. The reason I am looking for you is actually to let you Learn about dark magic, and then help those students compile a... yes, a textbook. I got the name from your "The Meaning and Promotion of Sports Events."

Lin Yuan's eyes widened even wider.

"Did I hear correctly? You asked me, a person who knows nothing about dark magic, to help you compile textbooks? Originally, he thought that this mysterious guy approached him several times for some ulterior purpose, but he didn't expect him to ... actually asked myself to help them compile textbooks!
This is too funny!
"Lin Yuan, this is not a joke." The man's voice suddenly became serious. "Although this school was run by only a thousand or so dark magicians on the mainland, our number is too small and we receive even less support, so there are many difficulties that we did not consider before. The teaching material I told you just now is the most urgent point."

Sighing again, he continued: "Although we people have a high level of dark magic, we will only be the same as before. One person can lead a few apprentices, and we don't know how to teach dozens of people by one person. But since Fei After the Great Magister Nuoer founded Fenuoer Academy, the situation on the mainland has become completely different from before. If we can only take a few apprentices by ourselves as before, we can only watch the increasing number of elemental magicians. There are more and more dark magicians, and there are fewer and fewer dark magicians until they finally disappear."

He snorted again, and said, "Otherwise, why do you think I spent so much time looking for you? But I never thought that you would learn the magic of the light department in just three days. Do you know , when Shevchenko told me the news, I wish I could come over and kill you right away!"

Lin Yuan touched his nose, feeling a little sorry.

"This...disappoints you. As for the reason, I have asked Shevchenko to tell you, that is, I don't like your secretive way of doing things. Because it makes me feel that you are planning to do something wrong. Unfavorable, so of course I don't want to read that magic book according to your idea." Lin Yuan spread his hands. "As for learning the magic of the light department, the target is my student, so I have nothing to worry about."

"The way of doing things?" The man was taken aback for a moment, murmured a few words in a low voice, then suddenly took a step back and gave Lin Yuan a courtesy.

Lin Yuan had seen this etiquette before, and it was the etiquette used by Shevchenko that night.

"Lin Yuan, thank you for your reminder. You are right. Perhaps it is because of our habitual hiding and living in hiding these years that our way of doing things has become... secretive and not upright. Without scruples, many obstacles will be added for no reason.”

Lin Yuan was stunned.When this person met him for the first time, he left a bad impression on Lin Yuan.I always feel that he is too mysterious, and there is no benefit in contacting him.

Unexpectedly, in today's conversation, he showed an atmosphere and vision that many people don't have.

Just the last paragraph of frankly admitting one's mistakes is definitely not something that ordinary people can do.

The man sighed again and said, "Perhaps this is our destiny. Even though it has been more than 1000 years since the last failure, we are still going so hard." He glanced at Lin Yuan. "Lin Yuan, I'm sorry for the rudeness just now. I hope you will help us compile the textbooks. It was just my wishful thinking. It's normal if you don't want to. In fact, now on the Farinos continent, you can use a normal attitude and There are not many people I talk to, so I should thank you for your understanding."

"Didn't you just say that things are different in Reagan's Kingdom?"

"That's different. It's a change that took place after many years of hard work. It's different from yours." The man suddenly smiled, "As a reward for your understanding, it's also a response to your criticism just now..."

The man suddenly raised his hand and lifted off the hat that had been covering his head and face.

"...I decided to start from today, at least when facing you, Lin Yuan, I must make sure to use my true face."

Lin Yuan stared in astonishment, but saw a handsome face with the typical features of the people in the middle of the Kus Empire appearing in front of him under the light of Ellis.

This face is slightly in Chinese characters, with big eyes and thick eyebrows, rough features, but sharp edges and corners, the face looks extremely firm, especially the extremely deep look in the pair of light blue eyes, which makes people feel excited.

Judging from his magical strength and demeanor, he should be around 40 years old, but the maturity and restraint brought by this youth make him look more attractive.

Coupled with his handsome and rough face, if those noble ladies in Windnor City saw it, there would be countless screams immediately.

Why does such a person always cover his head and face with a hat?Just because he is a dark magician?
Lin Yuan scanned his face back and forth several times, and had to admit that the other party was indeed more handsome than himself.So he could only touch his nose, and said helplessly, "It's a pity that you put on the hat."

The man smiled slightly, and his rough face immediately became kind.

"Before I was 20, I thought the same as you, but after I turned 20, I felt that this face was meaningless." The man looked up, as if recalling something from the past. "Now for the sake of convenience and to hide my identity, I don't want to show my face most of the time." After speaking, he pointed to his face and smiled wryly: "Because this face is too easy to attract attention."

Lin Yuan nodded involuntarily. If he keeps traveling with this appearance, he will definitely become the focus of everyone's attention wherever he goes, and there is no need to talk about hiding his tracks.

Isn't there a basic requirement for spies in the original world, that is, to look ordinary?

"Then what are you going to do now?" Lin Yuan asked again.

The man smiled and said, "We don't pin all our hopes on you alone. There are many other preparations besides you."

Lin Yuan had no choice but to touch his nose again. He was complimented by this person for a long time just now, which made him a little arrogant.

"But you are indeed our best choice. With your help, we can save a lot of time and a lot of effort."

Lin Yuan could only smile bitterly: "If you just tell me what you want me to do, maybe I will agree."

"Yes, this was my mistake. If the same thing happens again in the future, I will definitely remember what you said today, Mr. Lin."

Seeing that he wanted to leave, Lin Yuan hurriedly said, "After talking for a long time, you still haven't told me your name?"

"Name? It's just a code name." The man frowned.

"Look, you said just now that you wanted to review your actions, but now you've come to cover up with me again. It's just a name, what can I lose by telling me?"

"This..." The man hesitated for a while, frowned, and nodded: "Well, it shouldn't matter if I tell you now, my name, you may have heard it before, is..."

Lin Yuan suddenly felt that the surrounding space seemed to have changed.

This feeling is familiar.

Space magic!

He looked in the direction of the space change in astonishment, and saw a space crack open and then close, and a familiar figure appeared in front of him.

"Hey, Lin, I haven't seen you for almost two months, how are you? Are you still alive and kicking?" Old man Hawke said to Lin Yuan with his usual unscrupulous smile.

Before Lin Yuan could answer, he glanced to the side and said in surprise, "Eh? Dark magician? I haven't seen him for a long time. Not bad, I think he is at least a magister-level guy. With this level of darkness I haven't seen a magician for decades. Lin, how did you know him?"

"'s a long story." Lin Yuan glanced at the man, and found that he had put the hat back on his head, and felt very sorry in his heart.

He has always suspected that this person is the former apprentice Cuomo of the old man Hawke, and the sudden appearance of the old man Hawke here is the best opportunity for verification.

Thinking of this, Lin Yuan glared at the old man Hawke with some complaints. If he hadn't appeared so "just right", at least he would have known this guy's name.

"Where is the great magister Sargeras? Why didn't you come with you?" Lin Yuan was not very surprised by the sudden appearance of the old man Hawke. Might arrive today.

It's just that he didn't expect that he would come out by such a coincidence.

"He's chatting with your students. I heard that your kid came out alone with someone I don't know, so I ran to take a look." Old man Hawke glanced at the man again. "I didn't expect that the person you met was a dark magician. Hey, how is that guy over there, Starnuck? Is he dead?"

The man bent slightly, his voice hoarse again: "Master Xingnook is in good health recently, thank you Dean Firnas for your concern."

"It's good that you're not dead. You go back and tell him. If you have time, you can come and talk to me. I have some new discoveries recently. Maybe he is also interested in knowing."

"Yes, I will tell you."

"Well, have you finished talking about Lin Yuan? You can leave after talking."

The man bowed slightly again, and disappeared in a flash.

(End of this chapter)

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