Professor of Magic

Chapter 333 Lesson 223 Old Man Hawke's Whereabouts

Chapter 333 Lesson 223 Old Man Hawke's Whereabouts

"Hello—" Lin Yuan opened his mouth, but before he could shout out, the man had already disappeared, so he had to close his mouth helplessly.

He was still thinking about how to create an opportunity for old man Hawke to have a naked confrontation with that person, but he didn't expect old man Hawke to send him away with a few words.

"It's already gone, why are you shouting?" Old man Hawke gave Lin Yuan a look. "I haven't seen you for two months, boy, you're lucky, you even know the dark magician. I really doubt that if I don't see you in a few months, your boy can even bring one of the dragons back?"

"Hey, if you can bring the Dragon Clan back to Farinos, I might bring you one." Lin Yuan laughed.

"Okay, let's stop talking nonsense with you. This time, Sargeras and I came to you for a serious business." The old man Hawke lowered his head and thought for a while, and asked, "Lin, on the hillside behind the school, there are two Do you know a hole?"

Lin Yuan was taken aback: "There are many holes on that hillside, and the wild rabbits in the back mountain often dig there."

"Boy, stop talking nonsense, I'm talking about those two particularly smooth holes. When Sargeras and I went to see them, there was still a residual magical atmosphere in them. Sargeras said that one of them should be only you, kid." The unique four-system mixed magic is left behind, dare you say you don't know?"

"It turned out to be those two..." Lin Yuan finally realized that what the old man Hawke said was probably an experiment conducted by the two of them when Jaipuri came to him on the day of the college festival. "I know, I made one, and someone else did it."

"Others? Who is it?" The old man Hawke frowned and looked at Lin Yuan. "You kid spends most of your time in the academy, how do you know so many people?"

"It's not that I went looking for them, they came to look for me on their own initiative." Lin Yuan spread his hands and said helplessly.

This is not a lie, since he came to the mainland of Farinos, he rarely took the initiative to meet anyone.All kinds of people he met in his life this year, except those in the college, the rest were met by accident, or came to him specially for various reasons.

Like Jaipur, or the dark magician who left just now.

"They? When you made this hole, there were many people around?" Old Hawke shook his head. "That's not right. According to the observations of Sargeras and I, there are four series of magic elements left in that hole, and the magnitude of fading is exactly the same. This proves that these magic elements were gathered at the same time. If there are multiple people, it is difficult to do so." precise."

"Whoever said there are many people, it's just one person. Oh no, it's just a dwarf, her name is Jaipuri." Lin Yuan thought of another question. "By the way, she is still the first graduate of Feynor College, and she is almost [-] years old this year. By the way, she also said that her teacher at the time was the Great Magister Feynor. How is it? She is amazing, right?"

"You mean her? A dwarf?" The old man Hawke looked surprised. "If I remember correctly, there were no dwarves among the first batch of graduates of Feynor College."

Lin Yuan was also taken aback: "Aren't there many dwarf students in the college now? Why are there no dwarfs in the first batch of graduates? Could it be that the great magister Feinor discriminates against dwarves?"

"Shut up!" Old man Hawke gave Lin Yuan an angry look. "For 300 years, the dwarves were still living in the mountains in the northwest of the mainland. They didn't move out until more than 200 years ago, and gradually came into contact with us humans. When the first batch of students was recruited by Feynor College, they were still isolated from the world. , how could you come to our academy?"

"Could Jiepril be lying to me?" Lin Yuan thought about it carefully, but still couldn't believe it.

Japril has no reason to lie to him at all. What good does it do for her to say that she is the first student of Feynor College?
Besides, at the college festival that day, Lin Yuan saw her appearing at the opening ceremony. Whether it was the expression on her face or her eyes, it showed that she must have deep feelings for Feynor College, which was definitely not something that could be pretended.

"Then you suspect that I'm lying to you?" The old man Hawke stared, dissatisfied.

"Well...Of course you won't lie to me, but I you remember wrongly?" Lin Yuan carefully chose his words.

"Fart! The roster of the first graduates of the college is still kept in my office. I look through it every year. How can I remember it wrong!" Old man Hawke became furious, and shouted: "Don't think that my memory is not enough when I'm old. No, let me tell you, I even remember what color underwear you wore the day I summoned you here!"

Lin Yuan blinked and looked at old man Hawke, not knowing what to say for a while.

What do you remember badly, what do you remember the color of my underwear for?
Besides, that pair of underwear was produced by the original world. As a souvenir of the original world, Lin Yuanke kept it under the box and never used it since he went to the academy to wash it once.

"Okay, okay, you remember correctly..." Lin Yuan felt that it would be better not to argue with the old man Hawke for the time being, but if he had the chance, he still wanted to look through the roster when he returned to the academy. "Let's go back to the original question, what's wrong with Japril being alone?"

"What's wrong with being alone?" The old man Hawk's eyes, which were originally small, stared like copper bells. "Besides you freak, have you ever seen anyone who can fuse four elemental magics at the same time?"

"I've seen it, Japril will do it."

"Nonsense, I'm talking about her!" The old man Hawke spit on Lin Yuan's face angrily. "Lin, does she have a special physique like you?"

Lin Yuan recalled it for a while, then shook his head: "Probably not."

"If not, how can she fuse all the four-level magic elements together?" Old Man Hawke asked again. "Tell you, after seeing that hole, Sargeras and I have tried it, and at most we can only rely on our own magic power to mix two kinds of magic elements together. If there are three kinds of magic elements, we can only last for 2 minutes at most. It's impossible to do that! But tell me now, this Jaipur can forcibly fuse these four magic elements together?"

"Yeah, what's the matter? It's strange?" Lin Yuan looked at the old man Hawke wonderingly, not understanding why he was so excited.

Maybe Japril's physical and mental attributes are not as special as her own, but with so many people on the Farinos continent, it's not surprising that there are one or two who are a little bit special.

Besides, Jibril is an old fairy who has lived for hundreds of years, so it is not surprising that she is a little special.

"Nonsense, of course it's strange!" The old man Hawke pointed at himself vigorously. "Lin, tell me, who am I?"

"You? You are Hawk Firnas, the dean of Fenol College, oh, and more importantly, the great magister."

"Yes, I am a great magister. However, what the two great magisters, Sargeras and I, could not do, the Jaipur you mentioned did it. Are you still surprised?"

Lin Yuan looked at the angry old man Hawke, touched his nose, and suddenly said with a smile: "I said old man Hawke, are you unwilling to admit that someone is better than you?"

"Fart! No matter how arrogant I am, Hawk, I can't think that I am number one in the world. But such a dwarf who has never heard of it before has such a strong strength, which is really strange."

The old man Hawk suddenly seemed to regain his composure, frowned and thought for a while, then said, "Lin, do you know where Sargeras and I have been during this time?"

"I heard from Vice President Capaci that you seem to have gone out to study some magic?"

"Yes, the research is on what you and that Jaybril left behind. Lin, your four-element mixed magic is very special, do you know that?"

"It's very special." Lin Yuan nodded and hesitated for a while, thinking that it's better not to tell the fact that his four-element mixed magic can travel through space.

"When Sargeras and I were studying the hole you made, we found that there were some things left in it. It seemed that we were completely unfamiliar with the Farinos continent. Later, I found out that the magic you used was somewhat similar to space magic, so I told you Sargeras followed the trail left by your magic." The old man Hawk looked up and pointed to the northwest. "Finally chased to the mountains in the southwest of the Pamir Empire. Guess what we found there?"

Lin Yuan shook his head, dissatisfied and said: "I said old man Hawke, why do you like to play tricks so much today?"

"Let me tell you, we found a dwarf village there, and we also met a dwarf."

"What's the point of meeting a dwarf in a dwarf village?" Lin Yuan muttered, and suddenly came to his senses. "Did you say that the dwarf you met was Jabril?"

"She hasn't told us her name, but after hearing what you said just now, I'm sure that she must be the Japril you mentioned." Old Man Hawke said.

Lin Yuandun was surprised. In his view, Japril's whereabouts have always been mysterious. Every time she suddenly appeared beside him, she was unexpectedly found by the old man Hawke and the great magister Sargeras. Traces of magic followed.

wrong!Lin Yuan suddenly thought that even if his magic was tracked by the two of them because of the characteristics of space magic, it shouldn't be directed at Japril.

The reason why the two of them were able to meet Jabriel might be because Jabril did it on purpose.

"You guessed right, she did lure us there on purpose," said old man Hawke.

"What did she lead you to do?"

"In order to study magic." The old man Hawke suddenly became satisfied, and replied: "Since I became a great magister, it has been a long time since I have been able to rack my brains on any magic problems. Hey, if I didn't think later I must come to you, Sargeras and I are still reluctant to leave."

"Why do you have to come to me again?" Lin Yuan asked in amazement. "What's the use of asking me for a problem that none of you can solve."

The old man Hawke didn't answer, looked at Lin Yuan up and down, frowned and said, "Lin, tell me, what is your real strength now?"

Lin Yuan was confused by old man Hawke's jumpy question, thought for a while, and replied: "Level [-] mixed magician, but as long as I have another month, I'm sure to be promoted to level [-]. "

The old man Hawke shook his head, and said something that Lin Yuan was familiar with.

"Lin, you are too weak."

(End of this chapter)

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