Professor of Magic

Chapter 336 Chapter 226 Breaking

Chapter 336 Chapter 226 Breaking (Replenishment)
"I said, if there is such a competition in the future, our class three of the first grade will not want to participate." Lin Yuan looked at President Smig's face, feeling amused.

In fact, this decision was not on his whim, nor was it revenge for President Smeg giving the students zero marks that day, but the old man Hawke made the decision the night before yesterday after hearing what happened to Class [-], Class [-], on the first day of the competition. Decide.

To Lin Yuan's surprise, Vice President Kapaqi also agreed to this stupid-sounding proposal.

Because in this way, it would be tantamount to offending President Smig, and indirectly to offending the Wizards Guild, which should not be of any benefit to Feynor Academy.

However, after a while of analysis by the old man Hawke and Vice President Capaci, Lin Yuan had no choice but to agree with them.

The reason why the Mage Guild wants to establish its prestige in the magic academy is to facilitate management and almost control these academies.

And after the great magister Fenor, the magic education system on the mainland has gradually changed from the previous apprenticeship system to the current academy system similar to the original world.

It is not an exaggeration to say that if ten people are randomly picked from the magicians on the mainland of Farinos, at least nine of them have graduated from major magic academies.And which one of the remaining people has at least attended a junior magic academy, which is also inseparable.

And because of the tradition of respecting teachers and respecting Tao that has always been passed down on the mainland of Farinos, the magicians who graduated from the academy not only have feelings for the academy they graduated from, but also have a sense of responsibility.As long as the college has something to do, these magicians generally will not refuse.

And the teacher in charge of the class like Lin Yuan is almost equal to the teacher in the eyes of the former apprentices in the eyes of the students.

In this way, the influence of the major magic academies in the magician community is growing.

And this is exactly what the Magicians Guild doesn't want to see.

Last time, Lin Yuan proposed that the college reforms implemented by President Smig and the Wizards Guild were rejected by so many colleges, which is actually a manifestation of this contradiction.

"But going on like this is not good for the Magician's Guild or our Magic Academy?" Lin Yuan couldn't help but wondered after listening to the words of Vice President Capacci.

"Yes, since it's not good for everyone, there's no need to continue." Vice President Capacci's answer surprised Lin Yuan. "Some time ago, I talked with Dean Rondo and Dean Kesuen, and everyone agreed that we will withdraw from the Magician's Guild and will not accept the management of the Magician's Guild in the future."

Lin Yuan was so shocked when he heard the words of Vice President Capaci that he didn't know what to say.

Vice President Capaci said this lightly, and even the expression on his face did not change at all, but the meaning contained in it was too great.

Three of the four major magic academies have announced their withdrawal from the Wizards Guild?For the magicians on the mainland of Farinos, this is like an earthquake!
If this thing really happens, with these three major academies taking the lead, other major magic academies will definitely follow suit.The final result is that most, or even all magic academies will withdraw from the Wizards Guild and break away from the jurisdiction of the Magicians Guild.

And in view of the current influence of the major magic academies, doing so is almost equivalent to announcing the dissolution of the Magicians Guild!

You know, the Mage Guild was established after the war between the Elemental Mage and the Dark Mage ended, and it has a history of nearly 1000 years.

Such a guild with a long history and once regarded by everyone as a behemoth is really likely to be suddenly disbanded, so how can Lin Yuan not be shocked.

After thinking about it carefully, Lin Yuan felt that the culprit might have to be traced back to the senior time traveler 300 years ago - the great magister Feinor.

If it wasn't for this guy who founded Feynor College by himself, and introduced an education method close to the original world in Feynor College, it would have brought great changes to the colleges on the entire Farinos continent, and even more so through this change. , If the influence of the major magic academies is increasing, how can the major magic academies represented by the vice president of Capacci have the idea of ​​​​withdrawing from the Magician's Guild.

After all, any powerful person does not want to be under the control of others all the time.

Because the Forest of Elves was originally just an academy for elves and had little to do with the Magicians Guild, the ideas of these three academies almost represented the wishes of the major magic academies.

And when Vice President Capaci was able to disclose this wish to Lin Yuan, it meant that the matter was almost a foregone conclusion.

"What about after quitting the Magician's Guild?" Lin Yuan couldn't help but asked again.He didn't believe that Vice President Capaci and the others simply wanted to get out of the management of the Magician's Guild.

Sure enough, Vice President Capacci and old man Hawke looked at each other, and replied: "Our three colleges are going to join forces to organize and form an autonomous federation of colleges in the mainland to serve the major magic colleges."

"Service?" Lin Yuan snorted. "I think it's because you don't want to be managed by the Magicians Guild, and you can manage it yourself?"

For Lin Yuan's straightforwardness, Old Man Hawke and Vice President Kapaqi didn't look angry at all. Instead, Old Man Hawke smiled: "It's much better for us to take care of it than to be taken care of by the Magicians Guild. No matter what Said, we are also a magic academy after all, we know how to deal with things in the magic academy, and we will not make random arrangements like the Magicians Guild."

Lin Yuan could only agree to this.

Just like this trial competition, in his opinion, it is simply the Wizards Guild, or the whim of President Smig. For the major magic schools, apart from being able to compete through this competition, it is actually not a big deal. No good.

The end-of-semester trials for the students were originally only for the students of their own colleges to test the learning results of this semester and to increase some experience and experience, and they did not pay much attention to grades.

Now being engaged in by the Magicians Guild like this, it has become a competition that needs to go all out, which is completely contrary to the original intention.

Moreover, the Continental Academy of Magic competition is just an individual competition. Everyone just needs to see which student is strong enough, and don't care about anything else.

But the trial competition is different.

When the major colleges choose the trial location for their students, they have to take great pains, because it can neither exceed the students' ability to make them encounter danger, nor can it be too simple so that they can't feel the difficulty.

Therefore, before each final trial, Vice President Capaci had to work overtime late to make proper arrangements to determine whether the trial location selected by each class was suitable.

In this trial competition, because there are grade groups, the level of each competition only takes into account the average level of the grade group, or even lower, so that although most of the participating classes can complete the competition, but For a class with strong strength like class three of the first grade, there is no meaning of exercise.

So Lin Yuan did not participate in the competition with the students from the beginning to the end, just to create some difficulties for the students, and at the same time let them face and deal with the problems by themselves.

Otherwise, this match would be a waste of time in his opinion.

So when Vice President Capaci put forward this suggestion, he immediately agreed.

"How is it? President Smig?" Lin Yuan couldn't help gloating when he saw President Smig whose face changed dramatically.

Ever since he knew that this guy didn't really want to carry out reforms, and he couldn't control the major magic academies, Lin Yuan didn't have a good impression of him.

Now the major colleges want to control themselves, and among the three leading colleges, Fenol College needless to say, Dean Rondo of Reynolds College has always admired Lin Yuan very much. As for Pamir College, it is not impossible to persuade them, so First of all, it can be said to be very helpful to Lin Yuan's thoughts.

"Mr. Lin, are you joking?" President Smig frowned, looking at Lin Yuan with puzzled eyes.

He had been in contact with Lin Yuan quite a lot. In his opinion, it was definitely not like this young man made such an impulsive decision out of a moment of enthusiasm.

Moreover, such a big matter as the withdrawal of the third class of the first grade from the activities held by the Magician's Guild is definitely not something that a teacher like him can decide.

Is it...

President Smig frowned even more tightly.

"I'm not joking." Lin Yuan said. "To be honest, I think the biggest task for students is to improve themselves through continuous learning. But I'm sorry, but I can't see any place where my students can improve in this competition. Smith Chairman Ge, you have watched the competitions these days, and you should know that the first-grade competition you set up is not difficult for my students, so even if they participated, they did not get any improvement at all. And this is in the In my opinion, it's a waste of time."

After finishing speaking, he frowned again: "And my students were very exhausted some time ago. I originally wanted to take advantage of this college trial to let them relax, but participating in this competition made them nervous again. For many days, it completely disrupted my plan."

Lin Yuan is just talking nonsense. Before participating in this competition, he took the students to relax for half a month. If they hadn't got enough rest, how could the students be so engrossed in this competition? .

But hearing these words in President Smeg's ears is another matter entirely.

"Ms. Lin, your decision...does Vice President Capacci know?" President Smeg thought for a while and asked again.

"Of course I know." Lin Yuan replied with a relaxed tone. "Otherwise I wouldn't have the guts to tell you."

This time, Chairman Smig's complexion really changed.

(End of this chapter)

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