Professor of Magic

Chapter 337 Lesson 227 Our Life

Chapter 337 Lesson 227 Our Life

Lin Yuan is not interested in knowing what President Smig is thinking.

As for the conflict of interests between the three colleges and the Wizards Guild, Lin Yuan was also not interested in taking care of it.He promised Old Man Hawke and Vice President Capaci to do this, just for their sake, otherwise he didn't want to involve himself and Class [-], Grade [-] in this kind of thing.

Of course, it would be good to take the opportunity to take some revenge on President Smig.

After finishing this matter, he took the students of Class [-], Grade [-], and returned to Feynor College with other participating classes of Feynor College.

Because the final exam will be held in a few days, when he returned to the college, Lin Yuan simply gave the students a vacation. In addition to letting them have a good rest and relieve the fatigue from participating in the competition, he also let them control the time freely. review.

But Lin Yuan himself was not so leisurely. After leaving the academy for nearly ten days, there were a lot of things waiting for him after he came back.

For example, the summary of the results after returning from the competition, the total work of this semester, and the preparation for the upcoming final exam...

It wasn't until the afternoon of the third day after returning to the academy that he took care of these chores.


Heaving a sigh of relief, Lin Yuan leaned back and stretched comfortably.

Turning his head, he found that the light of Salas had already passed through the curtains and entered half of the bedroom.

Judging by the light, it should have been two o'clock in the afternoon.

Lin Yuan tilted his head and thought for a while, rummaged through the table, sorted out two thick stacks of manuscripts, packed them separately, put them in a bag, and walked out of his dormitory with the bags.

As soon as I went out, a heat wave came oncoming.

It was already the beginning of June, the warmth and comfort of spring had long gone, and the weather gradually entered the heat of summer.

When Lin Yuan and the students returned to the academy, it happened to catch up with a heavy rain, so they didn't feel the change of climate much.However, the past few days have been sunny, and today's temperature clearly makes people understand the power of summer.

Lin Yuan looked down at the bag, pursed his lips, and took a brave step, stepping out of the shade under the eaves, exposing himself to Salas who was at his peak.

By the time he left the academy and walked into Windnor City, he was already sweating, and by the time he entered the Searle bookstore, the sweat had soaked through the clothes on his back, sticky , very uncomfortable.

"Mr. Lin, you are here."

Seeing Lin Yuan walk into the bookstore, all the bookstore staff greeted him.

Lin Yuan has been cooperating with Boss Sear for some time, and these people are already very familiar with him.

"Hey, hello." Lin Yuan responded, looked left and right, but did not find the familiar figure. "Huh? Why isn't Vashki here?"

"She asked for leave today, saying that Kael'thas is taking the fighter rank test today, and she is going to cheer him on." Someone replied.

Fighter Rank Exam?Lin Yuan glanced at the bag in his hand, thinking that this kid has a hope of becoming a magician, why is he now going to take the fighter exam.

Shaking his head, he asked again, "Is Boss Sir there? I have something to do with him."

"Boss Searle just went out." The man replied again. "But he said he'll be back in a while, or Mr. Lin, you can wait here first."

"it is good."

Lin Yuan nodded, took the glass of cold water handed by the man, drank it all in one gulp, then motioned him not to greet him, and then wandered around in the bookstore.

Counting it, he hasn't been around the bookstore for more than two months. When he came back to discuss matters with Boss Searle, he also met him directly, and left after talking about things, without any stay at all.

This is mainly because he has been entangled in work for the past two months, and he can't get away from it at all.

Now that most of the things have been resolved, and there is nothing for him to deal with for the time being, he can wander around the bookstore leisurely.

After turning around, Lin Yuan suddenly found that the books in the bookstore were completely different from the last time he visited, which shows that the business of the Searle Bookstore is really good.

And the few novels that he had been following all the time, because he hadn't read them for two months, several new ones had already been published.Lin Yuan was overjoyed and took them all down.He was going to take it back directly in a while, so that he could lie on the bed at night and take a good look at it.

When he got the fifth book, a book next to him suddenly caught his attention.

"our life"

The title of the book is very literary, and it is considered normal, but the line next to it is what really attracts Lin Yuan.

"Tell you the unknown life of the dark magicians."

"Dark magician?" Lin Yuan frowned, thinking of the mysterious dark magician and Shevchenko.

At first, he thought that this was a book that was going to be a sensationalist, relying on so-called alternative angles to attract attention, but after reading two pages, he immediately overturned this idea.

Although Lin Yuan is not familiar with many of the things described in this book, or has never heard of them at all.But for some reason, Lin Yuan always felt that the tone of this book was very close to the tone of the mysterious dark magician who spoke to him that day.

And the thoughts revealed in it are almost the same as that person's, that is - the dark magician is also a human being, and the dark magician also has to live.

Could it be that the person who wrote this book was really a dark magician?Or a dark magician with the same thoughts as that man?

Turning to the end of the book with this question in mind, Lin Yuan found that on the last page of the book, a few sentences at the end were specially marked in bolder and bolder characters.

"We also have relatives and friends, as well as lovers and children. We also need the sunshine and the nourishment of clear water. Putting aside our identity as dark magicians, we are just ordinary people."

"We are eager to communicate with other people, but we are always rejected with hostile eyes. We are eager to integrate into the life on this continent, but we are always pushed away with indifference. We are eager to stand in the sun, But we are always pushed back into the darkness."

"Actually, we are not scary. If you are willing to step forward, contact us, and understand us, you will find that the mysterious dark magician is not mysterious, and the evil dark magician is not evil."

"Perhaps you will think that dark magic itself is evil, so magicians who learn dark magic are also evil. Then let me tell you what dark magic looks like."

What follows is something like an ad.

"Stay tuned, the second part of "Our Lives" - "What is Dark Magic?"

Seeing this, Lin Yuan raised his head, as if he had caught some clues.

Maybe this thing has something to do with the conversation I had with that person last time.

Last time, after the mysterious dark magician was accused by himself of being too secretive and not upright, he seemed to have said that he would change his way of doing things in the future and let everyone know about dark magicians, so as to change people's perception of dark magicians. view.

Maybe this book, which doesn't look like a random fabrication or imaginary, is written by him?
Thinking of this, Lin Yuan approached the staff of the bookstore and asked, "Can you tell me, where did you get this book?"

"This one?" The staff took a look and immediately replied: "Oh, this one has been selling very well recently, and we are planning to buy more. Mr. Lin, do you ask where we bought it from? Let me think about it... ...By the way, it seems to be from a small country in the east, it seems to be called..."

"Reagan Kingdom." A voice took over.

The two turned their heads and saw Boss Seale walking in at some point.

"Mr. Lin, you are here." Boss Sear still had a smile on his face, raised his hand to signal the staff to go to work, and said to Lin Yuan: "Why are you interested in this book? This book has been selling very well recently. And according to the readers’ feedback, they are looking forward to the second book. I have already negotiated with Reagan Kingdom, and once the second book comes out, I will send it as soon as possible.”

"Kingdom of Reagan?" Hearing this answer, Lin Yuan was finally sure that his guess should be right.

And this time they actually published the book directly in the Reagan Kingdom, and did not find another place to cover it up. It seems that they have made great determination.

But this is also because although there is still prejudice against dark magicians on the current Farinos continent, it is not as loud as before.

Otherwise they are taking too much risk in doing so.

"It's the first time I read a book introducing dark magicians, and I think it's very interesting." Lin Yuan raised the book in his hand and smiled. "I flipped through it roughly, and thought it was very well written, and it made me very interested in the life of the dark magician."

"Everyone who has seen it said so, otherwise it wouldn't have sold so well, wouldn't it?" Boss Sear chuckled, stretched out his hand to Lin Yuan, and signaled to go in and talk.

Boss Searle’s small courtyard, because of the arrival of summer, is already full of flowers and plants, and even the top of the head is covered with vines, which divide the strong Salas light into small pieces of light, just enough to Used to keep cool.

The two sat down separately at the table under the vine.

As soon as he was seated, Lin Yuan handed over the bag in his hand.

Boss Seale read both manuscripts and was puzzled.

"Mr. Lin, I know this one is the final draft of the second part of "The Theory and Fundamentals of Hybrid Magic", but this one..."

"This is a book on the basics of magic theory that I, Sha Luo, and the students in our class have jointly researched." Lin Yuan replied with a smile.

"Basic book on magic theory?" Boss Searle smiled and put it down. "It's not the first time Sara has published this kind of book. Why do you want to be included this time? Oh, and there are students in your class. It's enough for the two of you to publish a book. Why do you still have anything to do with them?"

"Of course, they played a big role in the successful compilation of this book." Lin Yuan said with certainty.Then he picked up the manuscript that was obviously not valued by Boss Searle, and said sternly: "Boss Searle, I think you should read it carefully, because I am confident that this book will be even better than "Theory and Basics of Mixed Magic." "Sold well."

Boss Searle said in amazement: "This is impossible! Lin, it's not that you don't know why "The Theory and Fundamentals of Mixed Magic" sells so well, because it has the names of two great magisters on it. You say this book It will even sell better, how is that possible."

"I knew you wouldn't believe it, but I have 100% confidence. The reason is in the title of this book."

Boss Seale glanced at the manuscript, but didn't find the name on it.

"what is it call?"

"The title of the book is very long, but I guarantee that you will find it great after listening to it." Lin Yuan replied with a smile. "It's called... "A Hundred Thousand Whys About Magic."

(End of this chapter)

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