Professor of Magic

Chapter 347 - Day 5

Chapter 347 - Day 5
The man was taken aback by Lin Yuan's inexplicable question, and shook his head involuntarily: "Not yet..."

"Then are you out to make soy sauce now?"

"What kind of sauce... Damn, what on earth are you trying to say, kid?" The man suddenly came to his senses, and he was furious, pointing at Lin Yuan and the others: "Did you four hear what I just said? It has already been blocked, if you are sensible, turn around quickly. Otherwise..."

"Otherwise, how about it?" the old man Hawke glanced at him and asked back with interest.

When old man Hawke asked him this question, the man swallowed the rest of his words.Thinking of the fact that these three people were able to say his magician level so accurately just now, he realized that the opponent's magic power must be far superior to his own.

"Let's go, or it will be too late." Jaipur waved her little hand and took the lead to walk over.

Seeing four people passing by in front of him, that person didn't even have the thought of moving a finger.

Because just when Japril waved that delicate and white arm that looked like a child, he immediately felt that the fire magic element in the space around him was completely repelled, making him unable to connect to it at all. The ability to unleash a fireball has none.

field? !Great Magister? !
This terrifying thought passed through his mind, making him dare not move at all.

It wasn't until the four of them were gone that he felt the fire magic element return to his side again.

It was only at this time that he realized that he had let the four of them go without taking any measures just now. If the head of the group knew about it, he must have no good fruit to eat.

Thinking of this, he no longer cared about the duty of guarding here, turned around and chased Lin Yuan and the others.

"Huh?" Lin Yuan raised his eyebrows suddenly, brushed aside the weeds blocking the front, and poked his head out.

What jumped into his eyes was a rare piece of flat land in the Demon Forest, but what really attracted Lin Yuan's attention was the two groups of people who were clearly in a state of confrontation on this flat land.

Although the two groups of people were dressed differently, they were clearly divided into two groups. The group on the left was headed by a big man with a thick face holding a huge sword, and the group on the right stood in front. Magician in purple robe.

The big man should be a fighter, Lin Yuan couldn't tell his level, but the magician Lin Yuan on the right could see the mark on his chest at a glance.

Senior Magister!
Lin Yuan was suddenly surprised that a senior magister would appear here, which really surprised him.

Lin Yuan and the others caught the attention of two people, but after seeing that there were only four of them, they all withdrew their gazes and focused on each other again.

Lin Yuan touched his nose amusedly.These guys really think that a large number of people must be easy to use.

However, as if she didn't see these two groups of people, Japril looked at the open space behind them and nodded: "We came at the right time, the magic eye will be formed soon."

The three of them felt it attentively, and they really felt that the magic elements in the surrounding space seemed to be spinning and flowing in a fixed direction.

And the center of this rotation is the direction Japril is pointing at.

"Then what are you waiting for, let's go." The old man Hawk took the lead and walked in that direction.

Jaipur also nodded and followed. Only Magister Sargeras and Lin Yuan looked at each other. Magister Sargeras smiled, and Lin Yuan smiled wryly. They both followed.

From where they are to where the Magic Eye is, the route of travel happens to pass through the middle of the confrontation between the two groups of people.

Seeing that the four of them were so unavoidable and rushed over without any scruples, both groups were taken aback.

Immediately, a few people from each of the two groups ran out and stopped the old man Hawke who was walking in front.

"You guys stop..."

Before the few people finished speaking, the old man Hawk waved his hands impatiently like chasing flies away, and they were all surrounded by a water polo, let alone moving, they couldn't speak.

Water Prison Technique!
This magic that Lin Yuan had seen once before was used by the old man Hawk again, which made him involuntarily amazed.

And those two groups of people were far from being amazed.

There are not many magicians in the team headed by the big man on the left, so the reaction is not too big.The team led by the senior magister on the right couldn't help screaming in shock.

And that senior magister's face became extremely ugly.

As a senior magister, his vision is much stronger than others.

Even though he is not a water magician, he can tell at a glance that this inconspicuous old man can so easily use water prison spells on so many people at the same time, and each water prison spell is so accurate, even the size is different. They are exactly the same, which shows that his level of water magic is not just an eighth-level magician, or even a junior magister.

Intermediate water mage?Even... a high-level water mage?

Ignoring the dwarf and the young rookie, if the other old man was also a senior magister, the situation would be completely different.

Thinking of this, he took a step forward and stopped in front of old man Hawke.

"Please stay..."

Just after he said two words, he suddenly felt that in the space around him, all the magical elements except the water system had receded like an ebb tide, leaving only the extremely pure water magic that made him feel extremely uncomfortable. element.


Unlike the half-belief and doubt in the heart of the sixth-level magician just now, as a senior magister, he judged it almost instantly.

This must be the field!

The senior magister no longer had the arrogance he had faced the big man just now, and tremblingly looked at the disheveled and disheveled "old man" walking in front, and opened his mouth to ask with difficulty: "Please...excuse me. ...You...Are you..." At this point, there was a sudden grunt, clearly swallowing foam. "...Are you the Great Magister Firnas?"

As soon as this statement came out, the audience was in an uproar.

The sixth-level magician who had just blocked the way had rushed over at this time, and was about to report the situation to the senior magister, but now when he heard the name coming out of his mouth, he rolled his eyes and fell to the ground with a bang.

He just fainted like that.

Hearing the senior magister's question, the old man Hawk turned his head and glanced at him, but didn't answer, just snorted coldly, and then walked straight to the destination.

Grand Magister Sargeras patted Lin Yuan on the shoulder and pointed to the two groups of people.

Lin Yuan understood, let the three of them go first, and stopped by himself.

"Cough—" Walking to the senior magister who was still staring at the old man Hawke's back, as if he was watching his lover leave, Lin Yuan coughed lightly, and said: " Let me introduce you. The old man you asked just now, yes, he is Hawk Firnas."


Everyone gasped in unison.

Hawk Firnas?Great Magister Firnas?He actually appeared here!
Everyone's shocked eyes were all focused on the old man Hawk's back, watching him arrive at the place where the magic eye was scheduled to be formed, and he seemed to be discussing something with another person and the dwarf, and couldn't figure it out for a while.

Lin Yuan's next sentence made their brains completely blank.

"Uh, the man next to the great magister Firnus, you should have heard of his name, called Sargeras Canley. As for the dwarf, I guess you don't know the name. But if I guessed correctly , her magic level is no lower than that of Firnas and Sargeras."

The other one turned out to be Grand Magister Kanlei?

sky!Two great magisters actually appeared together!This is incredible!
After a while, everyone gradually recovered part of their sanity, and then they remembered, what did Lin Yuan say later?That dwarf's magic level is not lower than the two great magisters?


It is a fact recognized by everyone that there are only two great magisters on the mainland of Farinos.And for so many years, no other great magister has appeared.

Even Smig, the president of the Magicians Guild, and Kesuen, the president of the Pamir Academy, who everyone thinks are the most promising, still haven't become the great magister.This dwarf who came out of nowhere turned out to be a great magister?

it is ridiculous!

But no matter what, the senior magister is very clear that the great magister Firnas should be right, and it should be fine for the other person to be the great magister Kanlei.

With the existence of these two people alone, he didn't have the guts to question Lin Yuan's words.

He just pointed to the three people over there cautiously, and asked Lin Yuan in a low voice: "Excuse me, what are the two great magisters coming here suddenly for?"

Everyone pricked up their ears at the same time.

Lin Yuan shrugged and replied with a smile, "I didn't come here for the magic eye, so what else could it be for?"

Although he knew it would be the answer, the senior magister still let out a long sigh, exchanged glances with the big man opposite, and relaxed his body at the same time.

The great magister suddenly appeared and showed that he came for the magic eye, so their fight has become meaningless.

"Hank, today's business is canceled. Let's go out and find a place to drink?" The senior magister said to the big man with a wry smile.

The big man called Hank glanced at the old man Hawke and the three of them, and also smiled wryly: "Yes, there is Your Excellency the Great Magister here, so there is no business for us. Let's go, Howard, let's go out and have a good drink."

Lin Yuan looked at the two wonderingly. These two guys looked like they were on the verge of breaking out, and they were about to fight if they disagreed. Why do they seem to have become old friends now?
"Wait a minute, I'll go and say hello to the great magister." Howard adjusted his clothes, with a sincere expression on his face, turned to Lin Yuan and said, "This... little brother, take me to meet Your Excellency the Great Magister, may I ask him a favor?"

Lin Yuan sighed in his heart.

This Howard is also a high-level magister, and he is also a figure that most people look up to and respect on the outside. Now, in front of the great magister, he still has to lower his figure like an apprentice.

(End of this chapter)

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