Professor of Magic

Chapter 348 The Formation of the Sixth Day

Chapter 348 The Formation of the Sixth Day
"Lin, let him come here." The great magister Sargeras seemed to have heard the conversation here, and suddenly turned around and waved to Lin Yuan.

Lin Yuan nodded, and then walked over with Howard.

"Your Excellency Firnas, it's an honor to meet you here." Howard gave a magician's salute to the old man Hawk before he spoke. "Since you also need the magic eye here, I will leave with my subordinates and promise not to disturb you..." He glanced at the great magister Sargeras. "...and your companions."

"Who said they were going to drive you away?" The old man Hawke glared at him, pointing at Lin Yuan: "The magic eye has such a wide range of influence, do you think this kid can take up all of it by himself?"

Howard was startled, and pointed to Lin Yuan: " mean this time it's all for him?"

"Nonsense, it's not for him, I need to come here." The old man Hawk suddenly frowned, waved his hand and said: "The magic eye is about to form, you take your people to find a suitable place to stay Let’s go. By the way, go and talk to that kid, you can find any place you like, but just don’t disturb us.”

"Boy?" Howard was stunned for a moment, and he realized that the Great Magister Firnus was talking about Hank, so he nodded.After waiting for a while, seeing that the great magister Firnas had no other orders, he gave another magician salute and retreated cautiously.

Seeing Howard went back and said a few words to Hank, and then the two groups of people dispersed without staying any longer, Lin Yuan couldn't help but sighed again.

The strength of these two groups is very good, but in front of the great magister, they still can only be obedient.In addition to proving that the strength of the great magister is indeed stronger than them, it also proves that the great magister really has the supreme deterrent power in the minds of these people.

"Hawk, Sargeras, what do you think?" Japril asked suddenly.

Old Man Hawke and Grand Magister Sargeras looked at each other and nodded in unison.

"You should be right." Hawk raised his foot and tapped the ground. "The center of the magic eye should be here. I can already feel the change of the magic element."

Sargeras said: "It should be right here. Judging by the speed of changes in the surrounding magic elements, the magic eye will start to form in about half an hour. But Jaipur, how can you be sure that this place must be suitable for Lin? where?"

"This is experience." Jaipur laughed. "It's troublesome to explain, you can see for yourself in a while."

Sargeras nodded, and asked Lin Yuan to stand between the three of them, waiting quietly.

After about 10 minutes, Lin Yuan clearly felt that the magic elements in the surrounding space were flowing faster and faster.

If the magic elements filling the entire space are regarded as water flow, then the surrounding waters have now become a vortex centered on Lin Yuan and others.

And as the speed of the vortex continues to accelerate, the four series of magic elements are gradually separated from the previous mixed forms. In the end, Lin Yuan clearly felt that in the space around his body, the magic elements were divided into four distinct areas. The area, like the four leaves of a four-page fan, rotates around the center at high speed.

And when the magic elements are so highly concentrated and flow at a high speed, it is actually not too different from the situation where a magician casts magic.

Although it is not as diverse and concentrated as the magic released by the magician, but because the concentration of magic elements is high enough and pure enough, the threat it produces is not small.

Lin Yuan only felt that his body was being swept by the magic elements of the four schools in turn, as if being attacked by four magicians of different schools at the same time.

At the beginning, he could keep switching the magic shield of the corresponding attribute to deal with it.But later, the speed of switching between different magic elements became faster and faster, and he gradually couldn't keep up, so he simply got upset and activated the four-system mixed magic elements, forming a thin layer of black lacquer around his body. defensive shield.

As soon as the defensive shield was placed, the effect was immediately manifested.The turbulent flow of magic elements that had been threatening to him just now, when it touched this defensive shield, it was like a breeze blowing over a stone wall, and it couldn't be shaken at all.

Although the effect was good, Lin Yuan found that his magic power was consumed much faster than before.

If it continues at this speed, it may be difficult for him to persist for more than 10 minutes.

"Lin, try to keep meditating." Sargeras' voice suddenly came.

"Are you still meditating at this time?" Lin Yuan was startled, and then remembered that on the way here, the old man Hawke and the great magister Sargeras had been giving him special training. Do you keep meditating?

Although he hadn't done the training of meditating while maintaining the magic shield, Lin Yuan still decided to give it a try.

Taking a deep breath, closing his eyes, Lin Yuan first observed the flow of magic power in his body.

In order to maintain the magic shield used for defense, the mixed magic power in his body has been fully mobilized at this moment.But after estimation, Lin Yuan withdrew a little bit of his magic power.Facts have proved that his estimation is correct, even if part of the magic power is withdrawn, the magic shield can still withstand the impact of the turbulent flow of magic elements.

Of course, this is only the first step, the most important thing to do next.

After flashing through the various special training situations when he came here, Lin Yuan put aside all distracting thoughts and concentrated all his energy on the magic power in his body.

One part needs to control the magic elements to create a magic shield, and the other part is used to meditate to absorb the magic elements to restore the magic power.

Sounds easy, but it's actually two completely opposite things.In addition, controlling or absorbing magic elements through magic power requires very precise control. To do these two things well at the same time, the difficulty makes Lin Yuan want to tear himself in half.

Fortunately, the special training these days has worked.

For Lin Yuan now, meditation has almost become as natural as breathing, so he only mobilized that small part of magic power, and he didn't need to pay too much attention to it, and he was able to successfully enter meditation.

As soon as that small amount of magic power was activated, Lin Yuan was surprised to find that the magic power he had just consumed was completely replenished within a few breaths.

And this is not the end, because the magic elements in the surrounding space are already close to the purity of the domain, and Lin Yuan is at the center of the intersection of the four magic elements, so the effect of his meditation is far better than Generally good.

In just a short time, he found that his magic power was much stronger than before.

But later, not only was he able to easily maintain the magic shield, he was even able to open the magic shield, even the old man Hawke and the three of them shrouded in.

Looking up at the magic shield that resisted the turbulent flow of magic elements, Jaipuril threw a confident smile at the great magister Sargeras: "How is it?"

Grand Magister Sargeras and old man Hawk nodded in unison.

Of course they could feel the changes in Lin Yuan.

And this change is exactly what they want to bring Lin Yuan here.

It's just that they didn't expect that Lin Yuan's changes after being affected by the magic eye would be so great.

After about 10 minutes, Lin Yuan felt that the flow speed of the surrounding magic elements began to slow down, until finally, these magic elements seemed to return to the normal flow speed of the normal space.

It's just that different from the normal space, the magic elements are still distributed according to the four systems just now, and they don't gather together again like in the normal space.

After removing the magic shield, a large area of ​​the surrounding ground seemed to have experienced various disasters just now, scorched by fire, wet by water, residual leaves blown by wind, and dust covered by soil abounded.

Of course, Lin Yuan knew that this was the result of the turbulent flow of magic elements just now.

But he still doesn't understand why this effect occurs?There is no difference in this place either.

"Don't ask me, I don't know either." Japril shook her head. "The magic forest has been formed on the continent of Farinos for nearly 2000 years, and the magic eye was discovered by people, and it has a history of nearly 1000 years. But over the years, so many people have studied together, but still don't understand the magic eye. Why did it form, and why did it only form in the Demon Forest. I have come here to study many times, but I also don’t understand.”

If the old goblin who has lived for three hundred years doesn't understand, then of course Old Hawk and Grand Magister Sargeras won't understand either.

"It is said that this phenomenon occurs because the Magic Word Forest is the center of this continent and the center of all magic elements." Grand Magister Sargeras said uncertainly.

The other three shook their heads in unison. This statement is too unreliable.Leaving aside the unsure statement about the center of the continent, just talking about the central point of all magic elements is obviously nonsense.

The magic elements on the continent did not rotate in a fixed direction as before, but simply dispersed everywhere without a fixed direction.

"Maybe it's because of the magnetic field..." Jaipur suddenly said.

Lin Yuan was taken aback, magnetic field?This term does not belong to the Farinos continent, and the pronunciation of the word that came out of Jaipuri's mouth is also very close to his language in the original world.

How did she know about magnetic fields?
"I heard about it from the great magister Fenor." Seeing the questioning gazes of the three of them, Jiebril quickly explained. "He once said that any continent will have a magnetic field, and almost everything on the continent will be affected by the magnetic field. Since this is the case, maybe the magic element will also be affected."

Hearing that this was said by the great magister Fenor, the old man Hawke and the great magister Sargeras nodded and stopped asking.

Although Lin Yuan still had doubts, Jaipuri immediately asked him about the specific situation just now.

Lin Yuan had no choice but to answer truthfully.

"The magic power grows fast? How fast?" the old man Hawke asked.

Lin Yuan frowned, recalling the problems he discovered during that open class.There is no unified measure of magic power, and it is very inconvenient to explain.

"Probably...equivalent to the magic power I gained from meditating in the past week."

"Ha..." The old man Hawk slapped Lin Yuan on the shoulder and said excitedly: "Very good, Lin, you have improved so much in just half an hour just now, if you can meditate to the limit every day in the future, That will soon reach the level we need! Very good, very good, from today onwards, you boy will obediently meditate here for me every day, and you must feed yourself well, and I will not spare you You, did you hear that?"

Lin Yuan touched his shoulder and couldn't help but smile wryly.

Feed every day?Do you think pigs are raised?

(End of this chapter)

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