Professor of Magic

Chapter 349 Day 7 Doubt

Chapter 349 Day 7 Doubt

In the following days, Lin Yuan really felt like being raised like a pig.

Apart from meditating at the center of the Magic Eye every day, where the four elements of magic converge, and feeding his own magic power to his full, he completely let go of other things.

For example, the most important three meals a day are all settled by the old man Hawke, the great magister Sargeras and Jaipuri.

To Lin Yuan's surprise, the three of them are very skilled. Not only can they find a variety of ingredients that can be used for food in a place like the Magic Word Forest, but everyone can use these ingredients to cook for sale. Lin Yuan was also full of praise for the deliciousness.

Of course, Lin Yuan was sure of this when he saw the old man Hawk taking out various seasonings from his space ring.

But it's a pity, because Lin Yuan is at the critical moment of improving his magic power, he still has to drink a bottle of green potion every day, and he still can't eat meat, so every time he eats, he looks miserable at the old man Hawke eating and drinking He was feasting, but he could only nibble on the light wild vegetables - although the taste was very good.

But because these days, Lin Yuan focused all his energy on improving his magic power according to the requirements of old man Hawke and the others, and did not consider other things at all. In addition, he ate and slept well every day, so not only was his spirit better than when he was in the academy. It was much better, and even the body gradually adjusted to be comfortable and comfortable, far from the weakness and weakness of the first few days after drinking the black potion.

On this day, Lin Yuan finished his homework in the eyes of magic power. He felt that the magic power had risen to the upper limit of today, so he stopped meditating, and habitually let the magic power circulate in his body to examine it.

After meditating in the Magic Eye Center these days, his magic power has indeed improved significantly.

When he first entered the Magic Whisper Forest, he had only just reached the level of a sixth-level magician, but now he is much stronger than when he first came here, and he was only a little bit short of reaching the level of a seventh-level magician. Level.

If calculated according to the current speed, Lin Yuan felt that in just one more week, he could truly have the level of magic power that a seventh-level magician should have.

According to old man Hawke and the others, as long as it has the magic power of a seventh-level magician, it can meet their requirements and start to really study space transmission.

But why do you need the magic power of a seventh-level magician?Lin Yuan was puzzled. When he came out, he saw that there was only Japril in the temporary camp, so he couldn't help throwing this question to her.

"Actually, if possible, we even hope that you can have the same magic power as us, that would be much safer." Japril replied.

"How is that possible?" Lin Yuan shook his head again and again.

Just kidding, these three guys are all great magister-level figures, want to have the same magic power as them?No matter how arrogant Lin Yuan is, he still thinks it will take at least several decades.

"Of course, we also think it's impossible." Jaipur smiled, and handed Lin Yuan a bottle of green potion as usual.This bottle of potion can not only adjust Lin Yuan's physical condition, but also help him relieve the mental tension after meditation. "Later, we did some research and found that your four-system mixed magic actually doesn't need too strong magic power to support it. The most important thing is your control over this magic. But Hawke said, Lin you Very good at magic control, so that's not a problem at all."

Lin Yuan chuckled, and unceremoniously accepted Jaipurier's comment.

"Of course, although we don't require too much powerful magic power support, we have estimated that if we want to really achieve the effect we need, Lin, your previous magic power is indeed not enough. If you use your previous magic power to release this magic, I'm afraid It can only be maintained for less than 1 minute, and it is extremely unstable. The minimum requirement we calculated later is that you must have at least the magic power of a seventh-level magician."

"Give me another week, and I should be able to meet your requirements." Lin Yuan shrugged and replied confidently.

"That's good." Japril smiled, lowered her head and picked the fire to make it more vigorous.

Lin Yuan sipped the green potion while looking at Jaipur.

I don't know if it was his illusion, but he felt that as his magic power improved step by step, Jabril's demeanor was changing little by little these days.

The occasional expression on her face seemed to be nostalgic, worried and hesitant, and even fearful.

Fear?With her strength at the level of a great magister, what else can scare him?
In fact, Lin Yuan has always had a question about Japril, that is, why is she so enthusiastic about this matter?

If the old man Hawke and the great magister Sargeras were purely out of curiosity and wanted to discover new things in a new world, what about Japril?

Judging from her performance, Lin Yuan believed that she might have already possessed the strength of a great magister, so she should have had the same thoughts as the old man Hawke and the great magister Sargeras.

And judging from the various information she revealed, she should have started preparing for this matter long ago and done a lot of experiments.

But Lin Yuan knew very well that her purpose was definitely different from that of Old Hawke and the others.

Among other things, it can be seen from the different expressions on the faces of the three of them these days.

As Lin Yuan's magic power improved day by day, the old man Hawk was full of excitement, and he was always looking forward to what the other world would look like.Although the great magister Sargeras was more stable and did not yell as excitedly as the old man Hawke, the expression on his face still showed that he had the same expectation.

Only Jibril, although she also has expectations, has more complicated expressions.

"Jaibril, can you tell me something about your time at Feynor College?" Lin Yuan asked suddenly. "I was intrigued by what Feynol College was like when it first opened."

Jibril froze for a moment, looked at Lin Yuan strangely, and shook her head: "It all happened 300 years ago. I am the only classmate of my class now, and I guess no one remembers me." It exists, what else is there to say.”

"Really?" Lin Yuan frowned, hesitated, and asked again. "But before coming this time, old man Hawke and I checked the college's previous student roster. Among the first batch of graduates, there was no dwarf at all. But we also found out that among the graduates of that class, there were indeed There is a female student named Japril, but she is human. You don’t want to tell me why you changed from a human to a dwarf, right?”

Jap Lil suddenly raised her head to look at Lin Yuan, her eyes flashed.

"Lin, are you suspicious of me?"

"Yes, I was just doubting you." Lin Yuan nodded calmly. "And it's not the first day I doubt you. Ever since I received the mission you posted last winter vacation, I have been suspicious. And then you contacted me again and again, and kept reminding me of the problem of the four-system mixed magic , and now I’m even bringing in Old Man Hawke and Grand Magister Sargeras. If I have no doubts, then I’m either a newborn child or an idiot. Which one do you think I look like?”

The current situation is obvious. Jaipur needs Lin Yuan's unique four-line mixed magic to help her achieve her goal, so she will never do anything unfavorable to Lin Yuan. Lin Yuan dared to ask so straightforwardly. come out.

Jaipur stared at Lin Yuan for a while, then suddenly smiled again.

"Lin, you are right to be suspicious." Jap Lil nodded. "It is true that my name is false, and even my identity is false. But does it matter?"

"Why doesn't it matter?" Lin Yuan was stunned. "You even have fake names and identities, so how can I trust you. If you want to do this for other purposes, then how can I know what the consequences will be?"

"What kind of consequences?" Jap Lil smiled lightly. "Do you think Hawke and Sargeras are idiots? Don't you forget that both of them are great magisters. If there is something wrong with the magic we research, what serious consequences will it have? Don't they know?"

Lin Yuan was suffocated immediately, and what Japril said was right.

If Old Man Hawke, Sargeras Magister, and Jaipuril have been studying together for so long, but they don't even know what the consequences of this magic will be, then they don't have to mess around.

"Do you think the two of them don't know this?" Jibril said again. "Lin, to tell you the truth, I told them this the first day I saw them, but they didn't care at all." After saying that, he smiled again. "Lin, after all, you are not a great magister, and you don't understand the pursuit of us people at all, so there are many things you don't understand."

Lin Yuan touched his nose helplessly.

Although you can taste the pleasure of being a fox and a tiger by mixing with the great magister many times, you can also learn a lot and gain a lot of benefits.But most of the time, they are helpless in the face of the great magister.

There is no way, the level difference is too much, the realm is too far apart.

Or in other words, the generation gap is too wide.

"Lin, why did you suddenly ask this question?" Jaipuri asked.

"This... I just think that you don't seem to simply want to study magic and be interested in another world." Lin Yuan pondered for a while, and decided to answer truthfully. "The last time you brought that stone, I wondered why you were so sure that it came from another world. Although I haven't seen such a thing on the Farinos continent, But isn’t there the legendary Eastern Continent? Even, there’s an even more legendary island of gods?”

"Legend?" A sneer appeared on the corner of Japril's mouth. "Lin, didn't you always say that you came from the Eastern Continent? If this thing came from the Eastern Continent, wouldn't you have seen it? Or are you not from the Eastern Continent at all?"

(End of this chapter)

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