Professor of Magic

Chapter 350 Howard's Lament on Day 8

Chapter 350 Howard's Lament on Day 8
Lin Yuan was taken aback for a moment, but he was about to miss it.

"I'm just giving you an example." Lin Yuan really wanted to say that you guessed right, I did come from the same world as that thing. "If this thing doesn't come from the new world you expected, but just another continent, wouldn't your dreams come to nothing?"

"For the two boys Hawk and Sargeras, even another continent is a novel world, isn't it?" Japril asked rhetorically.

"how about you?"

"Me?" Jibril stared at Lin Yuan for a long time, then suddenly smiled slightly: "Lin, you actually know, right?"

"What do I know?"

"You are very clear that the thing on that rock did not come from another continent at all, but indeed from another world." Japril's tone was unquestionable.

"Why are you so sure?"

The smile on Japril's face suddenly became weird, she glanced at Lin Yuan, and said with a smile: "I will tell you when the time is right."

Lin Yuan frowned and looked at her, thinking that when the study of the space channel is successful, you will travel to another world through the channel, and you don't know if you can come back.

If this is not the right time, when is it?

But since Jibril didn't intend to say anything, no matter how much Lin Yuan asked, it would be useless.

Not long after, Old Man Hawke and Grand Magister Sargeras, who went out to look for food, returned to the camp one after another. After asking about Lin Yuan's progress, they nodded at the same time to express their satisfaction.

"In this case, Lin, you should start to study the use of this magic." Old man Hawke thought for a while, waved his hand, and a portal appeared beside him. "Here, make one like this portal."

Lin Yuan observed the portal from side to side, simulated it in his heart, and then waved his hand in the same way, and an identical portal appeared next to this portal.

Although the shape and size of the two portals are the same, the color of the portal summoned by Lin Yuan is obviously darker than the one summoned by the old man Hawke, and it makes people feel as if everything will be absorbed into it when they look at it. Old Man Hawke's portal was noticeably different.

"Very good, Lin, you are indeed a genius." Seeing that Lin Yuan learned it so quickly, old man Hawke nodded with satisfaction. "But yours is obviously not stable enough, and it's not perfect. It seems that in addition to improving your magic power, you also need to practice more and try to be familiar with it."

Lin Yuan nodded.He was not very familiar with the mixed magic of the four systems. It was the first time to cast magic in the shape of a portal, and it was considered pretty good to be able to do so.

"Are you so sure that after I become a seventh-level magician, this portal is enough to send you to another world?" Lin Yuan asked suspiciously.

As for why the four-element mixed magic was able to make the stone pass through and brought back a ball of chewing gum, Lin Yuan still doesn't understand why.

If the four-system mixed magic is really so easy to use, then it will be much easier for him to face the enemy in the future, just open the portal and send them all to another world.

"Of course it won't work if you rely on it alone." Old Man Hawke pointed to Lin Yuan's portal. "Your boy's magic power is not that strong. But you don't have to worry, we have our own arrangements for this, and you will know when you go to see it."

Lin Yuan shrugged. During this summer vacation, he could say that he completely left himself to the old man Hawke and the others, and let them manipulate him.Since they said that there are other arrangements, then there are other arrangements, anyway, they will not harm him.

When the dinner was ready, Lin Yuan left old man Hawk and the others with his rice bowl, and came to the camp where the two groups of Howard and Hank were located by himself.

Because the old man Hawk was merciful and did not drive them away, and there was old man Hawk, the great magister, they felt that the fight between each other was meaningless, so they simply cooperated. A temporary camp was set up there.

During these days, the mages in these two batches chose the most suitable magic element space around the magic eye to meditate and improve.

After these days of diligent practice, Lin Yuan clearly felt that many of the magicians had improved a lot compared to when they first came.

Although Howard, a senior magister, did not gain any obvious improvement in magic power, he came to ask old man Hawke and the three of them for advice these days when he had nothing to do, and he also benefited a lot.

So these days, the relationship between Lin Yuan's group of four and the two groups of them has become more and more harmonious, so that Lin Yuan likes to go to their camp to chat with them when he has nothing to do.

"Hey, Lin, what are you having for dinner tonight?" Seeing Lin Yuan approaching, Hank greeted him first.

Lin Yuan smiled wryly and showed him his job: "Here, it's still wild vegetables."

"Still?" Hank turned his head and glanced at the direction of the old man Hawke and the others, leaned closer to Lin Yuan and said in a low voice, "Hey, let me say, Lin, have you offended His Excellency the Great Magister? Why do you eat this every day?" grow something?"

"If I really offended His Excellency, the great magister, would he use this method to torture me? Who would dare to say anything to kill me with a wave of his hand?" Lin Yuan gave him a white look, thinking that this Hank has a handsome face Rough and bold, the imagination is quite rich.

"That's true." Hearing Lin Yuan's answer, Hank nodded his head, glanced at Lin Yuan's bowl again, shook his head again, and held his shoulders towards the steaming cauldron in the camp, proudly Authentic: "Come, you're welcome, eat whatever you want."

Lin Yuan took a look, and found that he didn't know what was cooking in the big pot, and the soup in the pot was a little black.

After sniffing the strange smell coming out of it, Lin Yuan shook his head: "I need to practice these days, and I can only eat light food. I appreciate your kindness."

"What kind of practice can only eat light food?" Howard popped up from the side and asked curiously: "Lin, I have been a magician for so long, and I have never heard of a magician's practice, and I can only eat light food." What about this thing?"

"I don't know either. You'd better ask Old Man Hawke." Lin Yuan shrugged and said helplessly.

"Is this what the two great magisters mean?" Howard asked in surprise.


Howard turned his head, looked at Lin Yuanlai's direction, and frowned, "Since it's the intention of the two great magisters, there must be their reasons. It seems that there must be something I don't understand. If you have the opportunity, you must ask the two great magisters for advice."

This is what Lin Yuan likes about Howard more.

Although he is a senior magister, he is still like a student who has just started learning magic. He has a strong curiosity and desire to learn about magic.And he can also seize every opportunity to ask Old Man Hawke for advice without any restraint.

It is precisely because of his attitude that old man Hawke and the others usually try their best to answer his questions without reservation.

Even Japril would point him out a few times when she got excited, which made him surprised that Japril's level was really no lower than the two great magisters, but it was also very useful.

"By the way, Lin, I see that you are meditating in the very center of the magic eye these days. If I feel right, if you meditate there, you will be affected by the four magic elements at the same time. This can really improve your Magic power?" Howard asked Lin Yuan again with a puzzled expression.

Lin Yuan looked at his curious face, suddenly amused, and asked back: "Howard, since you know that Dean Hawke Firnas is here and that my surname is Lin, do you still not know who I am? Is it?"

Both Howard and Hank were taken aback, Lin Yuan's words were really a bit arrogant.

"What do you call the Great Magister, Your Excellency the Dean?" Howard pondered for a moment, then suddenly slapped his hands suddenly, and said excitedly: "I see! You must be Lin Yuan from Fenol College, right?"

"Yes, you guessed right." Lin Yuan replied with a smile.

"Haha, that's no wonder." Howard laughed. "I've read your "Mixed Magic Theory and Fundamentals", oh, why didn't I think of it a few days ago, really..." After a pause, he asked again: "Lin, what do you mean... You are now able to master the four-system mixed magic as the book says?"

Lin Yuan couldn't help giving Howard a thumbs up.

This guy is still a high-level magister after all, and his magic level is absolutely perfect, so he reacted so quickly.

"No wonder you want to meditate in the very center of the magic eye." Howard nodded, looking at Lin Yuan with envy. "Lin, I think the speed at which your magic power increases must be terrifying, right? Can you tell me how much your magic power has increased these days?"

"Why is this kind of problem again..." Lin Yuan muttered in his heart.Every time he was asked such a question, he found it difficult to answer.

"Probably... Let's put it this way, you can change from a sixth-level magician to a seventh-level magician."

As soon as Lin Yuan finished speaking, Howard immediately widened his eyes.

"This... Lin, this is terrible! It's unbelievable!"

Howard shook his head again and again, with a look of disbelief.

Of course, anyone with a little knowledge of magic would not be able to believe it.

Lin Yuan has only been here for less than a month, and he was able to jump from the level of a sixth-level magician to the level of a seventh-level magician in one fell swoop.

It would take at least half a year, or even more than a year, for an ordinary magician to cross this level.

Lin Yuan smiled slightly, thinking that this is the result of the cooperation of three guys with the highest level of magic on the continent of Farinos and the result of spending tens of thousands of gold coins to create it.

If this doesn't surprise you, the three of them, old man Hawke, still have tens of thousands of gold coins, wouldn't it be too embarrassing.

Ordinary magicians want to compare with him?Where did they find three Grand Magister-level people to do this kind of thing for him.

"It's okay, it's okay. Fortunately, the magic eye will only last for one month. If it lasts for half a year, I even suspect that Lin you will become a magister directly." Howard shook his head and sighed.

"That might be." Lin Yuan chuckled.Ignoring Howard's exclamation, he lowered his head and started eating.

Although the meditation in the afternoon had fed the magic power in his body, his stomach had become empty.

As soon as he lowered his head, he suddenly felt the ground shake, which made his hand holding the bowl tremble, and even the wild vegetables that were just about to be picked up and put into his mouth shook to the ground.

"Damn, which blind-eyed guy actually came to interrupt other people's dinner? I don't know if it's rude..." Lin Yuan raised his head angrily, but forced the rest of the sentence back.

(End of this chapter)

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