Professor of Magic

Chapter 354 The truth revealed on the 12th day

Chapter 354 The truth revealed on the 12th day
Lin Yuan couldn't help but widen his eyes from the moment Japril uttered the first word, and when he heard that Japril actually read the song so famous in the original world completely in Chinese. After the poem, he had already bounced from the ground in shock.

" are you!" Lin Yuan pointed at Jaipur, his fingers trembling for a long time, and then he stammered out the question.

But he didn't notice that when he said this sentence, he also used Chinese.

"Who am I?" The corner of Japril's mouth curled up, but the smile on the corner of her mouth was extremely bitter. "My name is Japril now, which is the dwarf you know. And 300 years ago, I had another name. I think you should have heard of it. It's Sanik Fenor."

Lin Yuan only felt his eyes go dark, and the blood in his chest surged, and he was almost fainted by the extreme shock.

Sanik Feynor!
It's not just Lin Yuan, if you ask anyone on the Farinos continent, he will tell you clearly, that's right, this is the greatest magic genius ever, and also the youngest great magister Fei The full name of Grand Magister Noel!
That is to say, what Jaipur said just now is that he is actually the Great Magister Fino who founded Fino College 300 years ago!
"This... this..." Lin Yuan pointed at Jaipur, unable to utter a complete sentence for a while.

No matter what, he couldn't take the dwarf in front of him who was only waist-high, with a playful and cute appearance, who looked like a human teenage girl, and the gnome who was famous in the entire Farinos continent 300 years ago, and is still praised by everyone. contact with the great magister.

But rationality tells you that through all the signs he discovered before, he has already determined that the great magister Feinor is the senior who traveled through.As for Jaipur, who was able to read the complete poem in Chinese just now, there is probably no other explanation except that she also traveled through time.

On the mainland of Farinos, apart from the great magister Fenor known to Lin Yuan, there is no other sign that there is a third traverser, so according to this inference, Jaipurier should indeed be Sanik . Fenol.


"But the great magister Feynor is a human man! How could he become a dwarf woman?" Lin Yuan couldn't help the shock in his heart, and almost roared: "Do you think this is playing World of Warcraft? Even if it is a World of Warcraft The world, the fuck is not switching races and genders now, okay?"

Under extreme shock, Lin Yuan even blurted out the Three Character Classic from the original world.

"World of Warcraft?" The expression on Japril's face suddenly became weird, she paused, and asked with some hesitation, "Lin, when you came here, what year was it?"

"AD?" Lin Yuan was taken aback.Originally, he was still guessing whether Japril had been with Feinor for too long, so he learned something about the original world from Feinor—after all, it was unbelievable that Japril was the great magister of Feinor.But now, seeing how naturally Jibril asked this question, Lin Yuan couldn't help but feel, I'm afraid...Jibriel is not lying.

Swallowing with difficulty, Lin Yuan thought about it for a while and replied, "[-], what?"

Japril's complexion became even weirder, and she pointed to herself: "Do you know what year I came here?"

"If what you said is true." Lin Yuan counted with his fingers. "Then you should have traveled here around the sixteenth century, right? Are you from the Qing Dynasty or the Ming Dynasty?"

Lin Yuan's complexion is also a bit unsightly. The ancient people traveled here?It may be troublesome for two people to communicate.

Unexpectedly, Japril shook her head: "You guessed wrong, when I came here, it was also in [-]."

The two stared and stared at each other for a long time, and suddenly they said ah at the same time.

"Could it be..."

"Could it be..."

Jibril waved her hand, motioning for Lin Yuan to speak first.

Lin Yuan lowered his head, thinking.

If Jibril is really the great magister of Fenol, then there is no doubt that he is a time traveler, because only in this way can he explain all the things Lin Yuan has encountered about the great magister of Fenol, such as that Old football, such as the diary that is about to rot, such as the records in Fenol College.

Even the very existence of Feynor College is a testament to this.

The question now is, since both of them crossed over in 300, why did Feinor appear in this world more than [-] years earlier than Lin Yuan?
"This...Jip...oh, should I call you Senior Fenol?"

"The name is not important. In fact, I still had a name called Xu Mingzhi in the original world, but that was more than 300 years ago, and I almost forgot." Fall silent. "Since my current body is a dwarf, you should call me Jaipur."

Lin Yuan nodded and said, "Okay, Jaipur, since you also traveled here in [-], it will be much easier for us to communicate. Can you tell me how you traveled here? "

"Is this question important?" Jiepril frowned and glanced at Lin Yuan. Seeing his serious expression, she thought about it and replied, "At that time, I was traveling with a group of companions. When I passed a suspension bridge, I accidentally fell, and then fell into the river. When I woke up, I found that I had turned into a baby. Is this baby Sanik Feynor known to many people in this continent now? .”

"So you should be a typical soul traveler." Lin Yuan thought for a while, and when he saw Jaipuri's small body, a flash of inspiration suddenly appeared in his mind. "Is it also related to your becoming a dwarf now?"

Japril opened her eyes wide in surprise, and nodded at Lin Yuan: "Lin, you are really smart. That's right, I thought I had found a way to break through the space barrier, so I dropped everything and found a secret place, trying to go back to the original world, but..." Jibril spread her hands, and said helplessly: "As a result, you also saw that although I succeeded in breaking through the space barrier, it was only for a moment, and finally my body It was completely destroyed, but the soul still remained, and then it actually possessed a newborn dwarf girl."

Lin Yuan looked at Jaipurier for a while, touched his nose, and said with a wry smile, "I really don't know whether to say you are lucky or unlucky."

If he was lucky, how could he have traveled here from the original world properly? It was only his soul that traveled here, and he did not keep his body intact like Lin Yuan.

What's even more tragic is that this time the soul will possess a dwarf girl, which makes him, a human man who has been working for so many years, bear it.

But if he is unlucky, he has gone through so much and is still alive.It is such an impressive achievement on the Farinos continent that today, 300 years later, everyone on the Farinos continent will be in awe when they mention the Great Magister of Fenor.

To be able to have such a wonderful life, in any case, it cannot be said that it is bad luck.

Hearing Lin Yuan's words, Jaipur also smiled wryly: "That's right, I don't know myself, so I gave up thinking about this issue a long time ago. Now all I care about is what I have been thinking about for hundreds of years. That is, go back."

Sensing the firm gaze of Jaipuri, Lin Yuan nodded.

Jibril said that only he could understand her feelings, but Lin Yuan felt that even though he was from another world like Jibril, he couldn't fully understand his feelings.

After all, Jaipur has been in this world for more than 300 years, but he has only been here for more than a year.

"In other words, you were also washed over by the water."

"You said 'also?'" Jaipur raised her eyebrows.

Lin Yuan gave a general overview of the situation he traveled through, and finally concluded: "...that is to say, both of us came to this world through the space channel in the water. Although you only have the soul to come, I am Even the body is preserved, but in the same way. In addition, although you came to this world more than 300 years earlier than me, in the original world, we both had accidents at the same time. Can I say that the two worlds The time is actually not the same?"

Japril's eyes lit up: "Lin, what do you mean..."

Lin Yuan nodded vigorously, and said: "What I mean is, maybe after we go back through the space barrier, the time in the original world has not changed at all!"

Jibril suddenly took a long breath, and then exhaled heavily.

"I... I always thought that after more than 300 years in this world, even if I went back to the previous world, things would have changed, and everyone I knew would have died. But hearing what you said now , maybe... maybe... maybe I can see them when I go back?"

"It's possible." Lin Yuan nodded affirmatively again. "But I can't guarantee it, I can only say that there is hope." Lin Yuan glanced at Jaipuri, and continued hesitantly: "But Jaipuri, you... now this body, even if you go back, you can recover." How about it?"

Jipri's eyes dimmed for a moment, and the brilliance that had just bloomed on her face disappeared instantly.

After a while, she whispered: "Even if I can't recognize them, it's enough for me to see them again and confirm that they are living well."

Although the tone was flat, Lin Yuan could hear how much sadness, confusion, confusion and helplessness were contained in these words.

Judging from the various signs that Lin Yuan knew, the great magister of Fenol, that is, Jaipur, was already doing research on returning to the original world when she was studying at Reynolds College, and the results of this research , now placed in this valley.

This kind of thinking has continued from then to now, for more than 300 years, how thick it should be accumulated.

"What if this experiment also fails?" Lin Yuan regretted after asking this sentence.

But Jibril suddenly laughed again: "If you fail, you will fail. At worst, I will die, and it will be over. But if I don't seize this opportunity, should I wait another 300 years? Then I will definitely go crazy of."

After a pause, he said again: "Lin, after I failed for the first time back then, I already discovered the problem. That's right, being able to mix the magic elements of the four systems can indeed open up space barriers, but the four systems with different attributes The magic elements are mixed together, but the space turbulence is very violent, and any object that enters the space turbulence will be divided into pieces without leaving any traces. But because I was impatient, I started directly without doing any experiments, and the result became This is what it looks like now."

"I finally came to the conclusion that there must be someone who has an affinity for the four magic elements at the same time to be able to complete my conception. So after knowing your existence, I went to find you immediately."

"Then it has been leading me to fuse the four systems of mixed magic until now?" Lin Yuan asked with a frown. "The scroll needed for that mission was basically put down by you."

Japril laughed: "Of course, it's not just the scroll, the teleportation array was also arranged by me a long time ago."

Lin Yuan's brows frowned even deeper: "The strange magic circles that appeared all over the mainland a while ago were also your masterpiece?"

"That's right." Japril shrugged. "Knowing that there is no one on this continent who can possess the four systems of mixed magic at the same time, I turned to using magic circles. In order to realize this idea, I set up many magics that can automatically absorb the surrounding magic elements all over the continent. Array, as long as they are given enough time, they can absorb enough magic elements. And these magic elements are automatically absorbed by the magic array, so there are no different attributes caused by magicians, that is to say, through them , I can achieve my goal.”

"But why did it fail again?" Lin Yuan asked.These magic circles are now obviously in the state of no one's control, otherwise they wouldn't be able to transfer some magical beasts indiscriminately.

"Failure?" Japril sneered. "No, not only did it not fail, but it was very successful. After the magic circle was set up, I found that as long as I move my fingers, I can easily gather a huge portal through the magic circles in various places, which is enough for me to pass through the space safely. barrier."

"Then how do you..."

Jibril turned her head, glanced at the hazy land in the distance illuminated by Ellis, and sighed softly: "Lin, if you are given a chance now, you can return to the original world safely, but it is possible for you to return to the original world safely." Those of your students died, are you willing or not?"

"This..." Lin Yuan pondered for a moment, then shook his head. "Of course not."

Is it possible for those lovely students to die just for their own thoughts?Lin Yuan can't do this kind of thing.

"Yeah, you don't want to, and neither do I."

Lin Yuan was taken aback: "You mean..."

"Although the magic circle can allow me to achieve my goal, I found that as long as I activate the magic circle, the magic elements on the Farinos continent will be affected, and in the end it will even affect the balance of magic elements on the entire continent. Lin, You have been with that kid Hawk for so long, you should know what consequences this will cause."

Has the balance of magic elements in the entire continent been destroyed?Lin Yuan took a deep breath, that is to say, as long as Jibril does this, the whole continent may be shrouded in a forbidden spell.

How could anyone be able to perform such terrible magic?

Lin Yuan really wanted to say that Jiebril was talking nonsense, and he would never believe it, but he knew very well that Jiebril should not have lied, and he didn't have to.

Thinking of this, Lin Yuan couldn't help but tremble a little. If Jibril had really done this at the beginning, I'm afraid that the current Farinos continent would have become riddled with holes.

Fortunately, Japril is not crazy.

"Don't look at me with such admiration. If you hadn't appeared, I really wouldn't dare to say when I would be unable to withstand the suffering and activate those magic circles." Japril smiled. "Fortunately, I have been paying attention to the Feynor Academy I founded by myself, so I have already discovered you as soon as you appeared, but you just came into this world at that time, and there are many things I am not familiar with. If I rushed to you rashly, Telling you these words, I'm afraid you will never believe me so easily as you do now."

"I believe you are not so relaxed now." Lin Yuan couldn't help but rolled his eyes.

Even though it has been affirmed by various signs that the great magister Feinor is a time-traveling senior, Lin Yuan never imagined that the famous magister Feinor in the mainland has now turned into a dwarf woman.

Jibril smiled lightly, and suddenly stretched out her small right hand: "Now that you believe it, then... fellow?"

"My countryman?" Lin Yuan also reached out to shake hands with Jaipur, and said with a wry smile, "Do you need me to have tears in my eyes now?"

"If you showed up 300 years earlier, maybe I would." Jaybril said. "Actually, I'm very envious of you being able to travel here with your body, unlike me who has to dress up as a person in this world all the time. It's tiring, really."

Lin Yuan nodded sympathetically. Compared with Jaipur, he is of course much luckier.

"No matter how tired you are in the past few hundred years, you will be liberated in a few days."

"Is it liberated?" Jaipur laughed self-deprecatingly. "Well, no matter if it succeeds or fails, it can be said to be liberated."

"You didn't tell old man Hawke about these things, did you?" Lin Yuan thought of another question.

"Of course not, otherwise I wouldn't have chosen this time to tell you." Japril shook her head, and suddenly laughed as if she remembered something. "Lin, think about it, if we succeed, and the three of us travel to the original world together, what will the two boys Hawk and Sargeras look like when they see cars and planes?"

Lin Yuan simulated in his head the situation described by Jaipur, and immediately couldn't help but burst out laughing.

"Haha, the great magister of Sargeras may be okay, old Hawk... old Hawk must not be convinced that the plane flies faster than himself, haha..."

"Yeah, it would be fine if he just got angry and compete with the plane to see who can fly faster, but if he gets angry and destroys the plane, it will be a lot of fun." Japril also had a smile on her lips.

"Hey, Japril, when you return to the original world, you have to watch the two of them carefully, and don't let them get into trouble and suffer."

Jibril looked strange: "Lin, are you treating them like children again?"

Lin Yuan rolled his eyes: "In the original world, aren't they just children who don't understand anything?"

The two looked at each other and laughed at the same time.

Treating the two top magisters on the continent of Farinos as children, I am afraid that no matter who knows, they will think they are crazy.

The laughter gradually subsided, and Japril panted and asked again: "Lin, are you really not planning to go back with us? I have a hunch that this time it will be successful."

Lin Yuan thought about it, and finally shook his head.

"I don't dare to take this risk until I'm 100% sure. Do you think I'm a coward? Do you think I don't miss my relatives and friends in the original world at all?"

Jibril also shook her head: "I've lived for hundreds of years, and I don't know that different people think differently. The so-called right or wrong is not absolute, as long as it is your own decision, then I have nothing to say. But I'm 100% sure..." Jibril suddenly changed the subject. "Lin, since we can break time from this world and return to the original world, then in theory, it is also possible to break time and space from the original world and return to this world."

"Well, it's possible, aren't the two of us just examples?"

"Then tell me, if Hawke, Sargeras and I found a way to return to the Farinos continent after arriving in the original world, would you go back?"

"If you can safely pass between the two worlds, that's great." Lin Yuan spread his hands. " this possible?"


"Then let's talk about it when the time comes." Lin Yuan decisively ended the topic.

He has thought about this question countless times, and there is only one final answer - it will depend on the situation at that time.

Before he was sure enough, he couldn't make any decisions.

Japril stared at Lin Yuan's face for a while, then nodded in understanding.

"Forget it, let's not talk about this. Lin, have you ever thought about what you will do in the future if the experiment is successful and the three of us leave the Farinos continent?"

"In the future?" Lin Yuan was startled.

He really didn't think about it.

"Yes, haven't you thought about what the consequences will be if all three of us leave this time?"

"Consequences?" Lin Yuan frowned, thought for a while, and was shocked.

That's right, if the three of Jaipur are successfully sent to the original world this time, then the biggest possibility is that they will not be able to return to the Farinos continent for a long time.

And the three of them are the only three great magisters in Farinos.

They left, which means that there will be no great magister on the mainland of Farinos.

What does the absence of a great magister mean to the Farinos continent?Lin Yuan didn't dare to say that he could predict everything, but he knew very well that many bad things would definitely happen.

That's all for Jap Lil and Sargeras. The old man Hawk is a well-known great magister in the Kus Empire, and it is not an exaggeration to say that he is the treasure of the Kus Empire.

It is precisely because of the existence of old man Hawke that the Kus Empire can overwhelm all other countries on the mainland, making it difficult for other countries to directly disadvantage the Kus Empire.

If other countries know that the Kus Empire is gone, it will definitely make them feel bad.

Of course, disputes between countries have little to do with Lin Yuan.And what is directly related to him is the identity of old man Hawke's dean of Fenol College.

In addition to its own achievements, it is also a key factor for Fenol Academy to have its current status, and each dean is a great magister.

If old man Hawke left and no other great magister could be found to replace him, then the status of Feynor Academy would definitely plummet.

How could Lin Yuan, who already had a deep affection for Feynor College, accept this.

"It's impossible that Old Hawk hasn't thought about this problem." Lin Yuan couldn't help frowning and muttering to himself.

"Don't worry, of course Kid Hawk has thought about it, and he has thought about it much more than you, so you don't have to worry. I think you should think more about your own affairs."

"Myself?" Lin Yuan was stunned.

"Yes, are you going to be a teacher at Fenol Academy?" Jaipuri asked. "Although there is nothing wrong with this, I also know that you have a good relationship with those students, and you can't bear to part with them, but you have to be clear that the Farinos continent is not the original world, and you may not be able to be a teacher all the time, and just like this, I also feel like a waste of your talent."

"Then what should I do?"

Japril shrugged her small shoulders and said, "This is your own business, you want to go."

After speaking, he flew up, patted Lin Yuan on the shoulder, and continued: "Okay, I just remind you, as for what to do and how to do it, I believe you can find the answer. Go to sleep first, and It takes two days for us to adjust the magic circle. When those two boys come, you will have more work."

After finishing speaking, he flew straight to the room in the valley, and after a while, the whole valley became completely quiet.

Only Lin Yuan was left sitting on the top of the mountain.

"Am I worth it?"

(End of this chapter)

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